use of in project cogcomp-nlp by CogComp.
the class LabeledDepFeatureGenerator method getLabeledEdgeFeatures.
public FeatureVectorBuffer getLabeledEdgeFeatures(int head, int dep, DepInst sent, String deprel) {
FeatureVectorBuffer feat = featureVectorBufferFromFeature(getLabeledEdgeFeatureSet(head, dep, sent, deprel));
feat.shift((int) Math.pow(2, 0));
return feat;
use of in project cogcomp-nlp by CogComp.
the class LabeledChuLiuEdmondsDecoder method predictLabel.
private String predictLabel(int head, int node, DepInst ins, WeightVector weight) {
if (head == -1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid arc, head must be positive!");
String rel = null;
float max = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
String keyPOS = ins.strPos[head] + " " + ins.strPos[node];
Set<String> candidates = new HashSet<>();
if (deprelDict.get(keyPOS) != null)
if (candidates.size() == 1)
return candidates.iterator().next();
else if (candidates.isEmpty()) {
if (keyPOS.contains("."))
return "P";
for (String candidate : candidates) {
FeatureVectorBuffer edgefv = depfeat.getLabeledEdgeFeatures(head, node, ins, candidate);
float decision = weight.dotProduct(edgefv.toFeatureVector(false));
if (decision > max) {
rel = candidate;
max = decision;
return rel;
use of in project cogcomp-nlp by CogComp.
the class CommaSequenceFeatureGenerator method getFeatureVector.
* This function returns a feature vector \Phi(x,y) based on an instance-structure pair.
* @return Feature Vector \Phi(x,y), where x is the input instance and y is the output structure
public IFeatureVector getFeatureVector(IInstance x, IStructure y) {
// lexicon should have been completely built while reading the problem instances itself
assert !lexicon.isAllowNewFeatures();
CommaSequence commaSequence = (CommaSequence) x;
CommaLabelSequence commaLabelSequence = (CommaLabelSequence) y;
FeatureVectorBuffer fv = new FeatureVectorBuffer();
int len = commaSequence.sortedCommas.size();
* for(Comma comma : commaSequence.sortedCommas){ FeatureVector lbjFeatureVector =
* lbjExtractor.classify(comma); for(int i=0; i<lbjFeatureVector.featuresSize(); i++){
* String emittedFeatureString = lbjFeatureVector.getFeature(i).toString();
* lexicon.addFeature(emittedFeatureString);
* fv.addFeature(lexicon.getFeatureId(emittedFeatureString), 1); } }
* String startLabel = commaLabelSequence.commaLabels.get(0);
* lexicon.addFeature(startLabel); fv.addFeature(lexicon.getFeatureId(startLabel), 1);
* for(int i=1; i<commaLabelSequence.commaLabels.size(); i++){ String previousLabel =
* commaLabelSequence.commaLabels.get(i-1); String currentLabel =
* commaLabelSequence.commaLabels.get(i); String transitionFeatureString = previousLabel +
* "---" + currentLabel; lexicon.addFeature(transitionFeatureString);
* fv.addFeature(lexicon.getFeatureId(transitionFeatureString), 1); }
int[] tags = commaLabelSequence.labelIds;
IFeatureVector[] baseFeatures = commaSequence.baseFeatures;
int numOfEmissionFeatures = lexicon.getNumOfFeature();
int numOfLabels = lexicon.getNumOfLabels();
// add emission features.....
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
fv.addFeature(baseFeatures[i], numOfEmissionFeatures * tags[i]);
// add prior feature
int emissionOffset = numOfEmissionFeatures * numOfLabels;
fv.addFeature(emissionOffset + tags[0], 1.0f);
// add transition features
int priorEmissionOffset = emissionOffset + numOfLabels;
// calculate transition features
for (int i = 1; i < len; i++) {
fv.addFeature(priorEmissionOffset + (// TODO can't allow label-id of 0
tags[i - 1] * // product will be 0
numOfLabels + tags[i]), 1.0f);
return fv.toFeatureVector();
use of in project cogcomp-nlp by CogComp.
the class LabeledChuLiuEdmondsDecoder method getLossAugmentedBestStructure.
public IStructure getLossAugmentedBestStructure(WeightVector weight, IInstance ins, IStructure goldStructure) throws Exception {
DepInst sent = (DepInst) ins;
DepStruct gold = goldStructure != null ? (DepStruct) goldStructure : null;
// edgeScore[i][j] score of edge from head i to modifier j
// i (head) varies from 0..n, while j (token idx) varies over 1..n
double[][] edgeScore = new double[sent.size() + 1][sent.size() + 1];
String[][] edgeLabel = new String[sent.size() + 1][sent.size() + 1];
initEdge(edgeScore, edgeLabel);
for (int head = 0; head <= sent.size(); head++) {
for (int j = 1; j <= sent.size(); j++) {
if (head == j) {
edgeScore[head][j] = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
String deprel = predictLabel(head, j, sent, weight);
edgeLabel[head][j] = deprel;
FeatureVectorBuffer edgefv = depfeat.getCombineEdgeFeatures(head, j, sent, deprel);
// edge from head i to modifier j
edgeScore[head][j] = weight.dotProduct(edgefv.toFeatureVector(false));
if (gold != null) {
if (// incur loss
gold.heads[j] != head || !deprel.equals(gold.deprels[j]))
edgeScore[head][j] += 1.0f;
return LabeledChuLiuEdmonds(edgeScore, edgeLabel);
use of in project cogcomp-nlp by CogComp.
the class LabeledDepFeatureGenerator method featureVectorBufferFromFeature.
private FeatureVectorBuffer featureVectorBufferFromFeature(Set<Feature> features) {
Map<String, Float> featureMap = new HashMap<>();
for (Feature f : features) {
if (lm.containFeature(f.getName()))
featureMap.put(f.getName(), f.getValue());
SparseFeatureVector sfv = (SparseFeatureVector) lm.convertToFeatureVector(featureMap);
return new FeatureVectorBuffer(sfv);