use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.
the class StaticGraphMaker method createEdge.
* Create an edge for a given tuple from a relation (if neither start nor end
* node is explicitly invisible)
private boolean createEdge(final boolean hidePrivate, final boolean hideMeta, AlloyRelation rel, AlloyTuple tuple, boolean bidirectional, Color magicColor) {
// An edge will be drawn from A to D, with the label "R [B, C]"
if ((hidePrivate && tuple.getStart().getType().isPrivate) || (hideMeta && tuple.getStart().getType().isMeta) || !view.nodeVisible(tuple.getStart(), instance))
return false;
if ((hidePrivate && tuple.getEnd().getType().isPrivate) || (hideMeta && tuple.getEnd().getType().isMeta) || !view.nodeVisible(tuple.getEnd(), instance))
return false;
GraphNode start = createNode(hidePrivate, hideMeta, tuple.getStart());
GraphNode end = createNode(hidePrivate, hideMeta, tuple.getEnd());
if (start == null || end == null)
return false;
boolean layoutBack = view.layoutBack.resolve(rel);
String label = view.label.get(rel);
if (tuple.getArity() > 2) {
StringBuilder moreLabel = new StringBuilder();
List<AlloyAtom> atoms = tuple.getAtoms();
for (int i = 1; i < atoms.size() - 1; i++) {
if (i > 1)
moreLabel.append(", ");
moreLabel.append(atomname(atoms.get(i), false));
if (label.length() == 0) {
/* label=moreLabel.toString(); */
} else {
label = label + (" [" + moreLabel + "]");
DotDirection dir = bidirectional ? DotDirection.BOTH : (layoutBack ? DotDirection.BACK : DotDirection.FORWARD);
DotStyle style = view.edgeStyle.resolve(rel);
DotColor color = view.edgeColor.resolve(rel);
int weight = view.weight.get(rel);
GraphEdge e = new GraphEdge((layoutBack ? end : start), (layoutBack ? start : end), tuple, label, rel);
if (color == DotColor.MAGIC && magicColor != null)
e.set(dir != DotDirection.FORWARD, dir != DotDirection.BACK);
e.set(weight < 1 ? 1 : (weight > 100 ? 10000 : 100 * weight));
edges.put(e, tuple);
return true;
use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.
the class StaticGraphMaker method createNode.
* Return the node for a specific AlloyAtom (create it if it doesn't exist yet).
* @return null if the atom is explicitly marked as "Don't Show".
private GraphNode createNode(final boolean hidePrivate, final boolean hideMeta, final AlloyAtom atom) {
GraphNode node = atom2node.get(atom);
if (node != null)
return node;
if ((hidePrivate && atom.getType().isPrivate) || (hideMeta && atom.getType().isMeta) || !view.nodeVisible(atom, instance))
return null;
// Make the node
DotColor color = view.nodeColor(atom, instance);
DotStyle style = view.nodeStyle(atom, instance);
DotShape shape = view.shape(atom, instance);
String label = atomname(atom, false);
node = new GraphNode(graph, atom, label).set(shape).set(color.getColor(view.getNodePalette())).set(style);
// Get the label based on the sets and relations
String setsLabel = "";
boolean showLabelByDefault = view.showAsLabel.get(null);
for (AlloySet set : instance.atom2sets(atom)) {
String x = view.label.get(set);
if (x.length() == 0)
Boolean showLabel = view.showAsLabel.get(set);
if ((showLabel == null && showLabelByDefault) || (showLabel != null && showLabel.booleanValue()))
setsLabel += ((setsLabel.length() > 0 ? ", " : "") + x);
if (setsLabel.length() > 0) {
Set<String> list = attribs.get(node);
if (list == null)
attribs.put(node, list = new TreeSet<String>());
list.add("(" + setsLabel + ")");
nodes.put(node, atom);
atom2node.put(atom, node);
return node;
use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.
the class StaticGraphMaker method produceGraph.
* Produces a single Graph from the given Instance and View and choice of
* Projection
public static JPanel produceGraph(AlloyInstance instance, VizState view, AlloyProjection proj) throws ErrorFatal {
view = new VizState(view);
if (proj == null)
proj = new AlloyProjection();
Graph graph = new Graph(view.getFontSize() / 12.0D);
new StaticGraphMaker(graph, instance, view, proj);
if (graph.nodes.size() == 0)
new GraphNode(graph, "", "Due to your theme settings, every atom is hidden.", "Please click Theme and adjust your settings.");
return new GraphViewer(graph);
use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.
the class StaticGraphMaker method edgesAsAttribute.
* Attach tuple values as attributes to existing nodes.
private void edgesAsAttribute(AlloyRelation rel) {
// If this relation wants to be shown as an attribute,
// then generate the annotations and attach them to each tuple's
// starting node.
// Eg.
// If (A,B) and (A,C) are both in the relation F,
// then the A node would have a line that says "F: B, C"
// Eg.
// If (A,B,C) and (A,D,E) are both in the relation F,
// then the A node would have a line that says "F: B->C, D->E"
// Eg.
// If (A,B,C) and (A,D,E) are both in the relation F, and B belongs to
// sets SET1 and SET2,
// and SET1's "show in relational attribute" is on,
// and SET2's "show in relational attribute" is on,
// then the A node would have a line that says "F: B (SET1, SET2)->C,
// D->E"
Map<GraphNode, String> map = new LinkedHashMap<GraphNode, String>();
for (AlloyTuple tuple : instance.relation2tuples(rel)) {
GraphNode start = atom2node.get(tuple.getStart());
if (start == null)
// null means the node won't be shown, so we can't
// show any attributes
String attr = "";
List<AlloyAtom> atoms = tuple.getAtoms();
for (int i = 1; i < atoms.size(); i++) {
if (i > 1)
attr += "->";
attr += atomname(atoms.get(i), true);
if (attr.length() == 0)
String oldattr = map.get(start);
if (oldattr != null && oldattr.length() > 0)
attr = oldattr + ", " + attr;
if (attr.length() > 0)
map.put(start, attr);
for (Map.Entry<GraphNode, String> e : map.entrySet()) {
GraphNode node = e.getKey();
Set<String> list = attribs.get(node);
if (list == null)
attribs.put(node, list = new TreeSet<String>());
String attr = e.getValue();
if (view.label.get(rel).length() > 0)
attr = view.label.get(rel) + ": " + attr;