use of edu.neu.ccs.pyramid.multilabel_classification.cbm.CBM in project pyramid by cheng-li.
the class KLDivergence method kl_conditional.
// empirical KL
public static double kl_conditional(MultiLabelClassifier.AssignmentProbEstimator multiLabelClassifier, MultiLabelClfDataSet dataSet) {
Map<MultiLabel, Integer> q_z = new HashMap<MultiLabel, Integer>();
Map<MultiLabel, HashMap<MultiLabel, Integer>> q_yz = new HashMap<MultiLabel, HashMap<MultiLabel, Integer>>();
// get overall empirical distribution
for (int i = 0; i < dataSet.getNumDataPoints(); ++i) {
MultiLabel z = new MultiLabel(dataSet.getRow(i));
MultiLabel y = dataSet.getMultiLabels()[i];
if (q_z.containsKey(z)) {
q_z.put(z, q_z.get(z) + 1);
} else {
q_z.put(z, 1);
if (!q_yz.containsKey(z)) {
q_yz.put(z, new HashMap<MultiLabel, Integer>());
if (q_yz.get(z).containsKey(y)) {
q_yz.get(z).put(y, q_yz.get(z).get(y) + 1);
} else {
q_yz.get(z).put(y, 1);
// compute kl divergence
double kl = 0.0;
for (Map.Entry<MultiLabel, Integer> e1 : q_z.entrySet()) {
double kl_y = 0.0;
for (Map.Entry<MultiLabel, Integer> e2 : q_yz.get(e1.getKey()).entrySet()) {
double empirical_prob_yz = (double) e2.getValue() / (double) e1.getValue();
double log_estimated_prob_yz = multiLabelClassifier.predictLogAssignmentProb(e1.getKey().toVector(dataSet.getNumFeatures()), e2.getKey());
kl_y += empirical_prob_yz * (Math.log(empirical_prob_yz) - log_estimated_prob_yz);
double empirical_prob_z = (double) e1.getValue() / (double) dataSet.getNumDataPoints();
kl += empirical_prob_z * kl_y;
// Printing information if needed
int occur_threshold = 10;
double marginal_threshold = 0.01;
for (Map.Entry<MultiLabel, Integer> e1 : q_z.entrySet()) {
double[] marginals1 = new double[dataSet.getNumFeatures()];
for (Map.Entry<MultiLabel, Integer> e2 : q_yz.get(e1.getKey()).entrySet()) {
double estimated_prob_yz = multiLabelClassifier.predictAssignmentProb(e1.getKey().toVector(dataSet.getNumFeatures()), e2.getKey());
double empirical_prob_yz = (double) e2.getValue() / (double) e1.getValue();
if (e1.getValue() >= occur_threshold) {
System.out.println("#z:" + e1.getValue() + ",z=" + e1.getKey().toStringWithExtLabels(dataSet.getLabelTranslator()) + "->{" + e2.getKey().toStringWithExtLabels(dataSet.getLabelTranslator()) + "},#y:" + e2.getValue() + ",p_y|z_empirical:" + empirical_prob_yz + ",p_y|z_estimated:" + estimated_prob_yz);
for (int i = 0; i < dataSet.getNumFeatures(); i++) {
if (e2.getKey().matchClass(i)) {
marginals1[i] += e2.getValue();
if (e1.getValue() >= occur_threshold) {
double estimated_prob_zz = multiLabelClassifier.predictAssignmentProb(e1.getKey().toVector(dataSet.getNumFeatures()), e1.getKey());
System.out.println("p(y=z|z)=" + estimated_prob_zz);
CBM cbm = (CBM) multiLabelClassifier;
// List<MultiLabel> sampled = cbm.samples(e1.getKey().toVector(dataSet.getNumFeatures()), 10);
// for (int i = 0; i < sampled.size(); ++i) {
// double prob = multiLabelClassifier.predictAssignmentProb(e1.getKey().toVector(dataSet.getNumFeatures()), sampled.get(i));
// System.out.println(sampled.get(i).toStringWithExtLabels(dataSet.getLabelTranslator()) + ":" + prob);
// }
System.out.println("p_y|z_estimated marginals are: ");
double[] marginals = cbm.predictClassProbs(e1.getKey().toVector(dataSet.getNumFeatures()));
int[] order = ArgSort.argSortDescending(marginals);
for (int i = 0; i < order.length; ++i) {
if (marginals[order[i]] > marginal_threshold) {
System.out.println(dataSet.getLabelTranslator().toExtLabel(order[i]) + ":" + marginals[order[i]]);
System.out.println("p_y|z_empirical marginals are: ");
for (int i = 0; i < dataSet.getNumFeatures(); i++) {
marginals1[i] /= (double) e1.getValue();
int[] order1 = ArgSort.argSortDescending(marginals1);
for (int i = 0; i < order1.length; ++i) {
if (marginals1[order1[i]] > marginal_threshold) {
System.out.println(dataSet.getLabelTranslator().toExtLabel(order1[i]) + ":" + marginals1[order1[i]]);
System.out.println("LRs for each label:");
CBM cbm = (CBM) multiLabelClassifier;
Classifier.ProbabilityEstimator[] estimators = cbm.getBinaryClassifiers()[0];
for (int i = 0; i < estimators.length; i++) {
System.out.println("LR:" + dataSet.getLabelTranslator().toExtLabel(i));
LogisticRegression lr = (LogisticRegression) estimators[i];
Vector weight_vec = lr.getWeights().getWeightsWithoutBiasForClass(1);
double[] weights = new double[weight_vec.size()];
for (int j = 0; j < weight_vec.size(); j++) {
weights[j] = weight_vec.get(j);
System.out.println("bias:" + lr.getWeights().getBiasForClass(1));
int[] order2 = ArgSort.argSortDescending(weights);
for (int j = 0; j < order2.length; ++j) {
System.out.println(dataSet.getLabelTranslator().toExtLabel(order2[j]) + ":" + weights[order2[j]]);
return kl;