use of edu.rit.pj.IntegerSchedule in project ffx by mjschnie.
the class ParticleMeshEwaldCart method ligandElec.
* 3.) Aperiodic ligand electrostatics.
* A.) Real space with an Ewald coefficient of 0.0 (no reciprocal space).
* B.) Polarization scaled as in Step 2 by (1 - lambda).
private double ligandElec() {
for (int i = 0; i < nAtoms; i++) {
use[i] = atoms[i].applyLambda();
* Scale the permanent vacuum electrostatics. The softcore alpha is not
* necessary (nothing in vacuum to collide with).
doPermanentRealSpace = true;
permanentScale = 1.0 - lPowPerm;
dEdLSign = -1.0;
double lAlphaBack = lAlpha;
double dlAlphaBack = dlAlpha;
double d2lAlphaBack = d2lAlpha;
lAlpha = 0.0;
dlAlpha = 0.0;
d2lAlpha = 0.0;
* If we are past the end of the polarization lambda window, then only
* the condensed phase is necessary.
if (lambda <= polLambdaEnd) {
doPolarization = true;
polarizationScale = 1.0 - lPowPol;
} else {
doPolarization = false;
polarizationScale = 0.0;
* Save the current real space PME parameters.
double offBack = off;
double aewaldBack = aewald;
off = Double.MAX_VALUE;
aewald = 0.0;
setEwaldParameters(off, aewald);
* Save the current parallelization schedule.
IntegerSchedule permanentScheduleBack = permanentSchedule;
IntegerSchedule ewaldScheduleBack = realSpaceSchedule;
Range[] rangesBack = realSpaceRanges;
permanentSchedule = vaporPermanentSchedule;
realSpaceSchedule = vaporEwaldSchedule;
realSpaceRanges = vacuumRanges;
* Use vacuum crystal / vacuum neighborLists.
Crystal crystalBack = crystal;
int nSymmBack = nSymm;
int[][][] listsBack = neighborLists;
neighborLists = vaporLists;
crystal = vaporCrystal;
nSymm = 1;
* Turn off GK if in use.
boolean gkBack = generalizedKirkwoodTerm;
* Turn off Pre-conditioned conjugate gradient SCF solver.
SCFAlgorithm scfBack = scfAlgorithm;
scfAlgorithm = SCFAlgorithm.SOR;
if (doLigandGKElec) {
generalizedKirkwoodTerm = true;
generalizedKirkwood.setLambdaFunction(polarizationScale, dEdLSign * dlPowPol, dEdLSign * d2lPowPol);
} else {
generalizedKirkwoodTerm = false;
double energy = computeEnergy(false);
* Revert to the saved parameters.
off = offBack;
aewald = aewaldBack;
setEwaldParameters(off, aewald);
neighborLists = listsBack;
crystal = crystalBack;
nSymm = nSymmBack;
permanentSchedule = permanentScheduleBack;
realSpaceSchedule = ewaldScheduleBack;
realSpaceRanges = rangesBack;
lAlpha = lAlphaBack;
dlAlpha = dlAlphaBack;
d2lAlpha = d2lAlphaBack;
generalizedKirkwoodTerm = gkBack;
scfAlgorithm = scfBack;
fill(use, true);
return energy;
use of edu.rit.pj.IntegerSchedule in project ffx by mjschnie.
the class ParticleMeshEwaldQI method ligandElec.
* 3.) Ligand in vapor A.) Real space with an Ewald coefficient of 0.0 (no
* reciprocal space). B.) Polarization scaled as in Step 2 by (1 - lambda).
private double ligandElec() {
for (int i = 0; i < nAtoms; i++) {
use[i] = atoms[i].applyLambda();
* Scale the permanent vacuum electrostatics. The softcore alpha is not
* necessary (nothing in vacuum to collide with).
doPermanentRealSpace = true;
permanentScale = 1.0 - lPowPerm;
dEdLSign = -1.0;
double lAlphaBack = lAlpha;
double dlAlphaBack = dlAlpha;
double d2lAlphaBack = d2lAlpha;
lAlpha = 0.0;
dlAlpha = 0.0;
d2lAlpha = 0.0;
* If we are past the end of the polarization lambda window, then only
* the condensed phase is necessary.
if (lambda <= polLambdaEnd) {
doPolarization = true;
polarizationScale = 1.0 - lPowPol;
} else {
doPolarization = false;
polarizationScale = 0.0;
* Save the current real space PME parameters.
double offBack = off;
double aewaldBack = aewald;
off = Double.MAX_VALUE;
aewald = 0.0;
setEwaldParameters(off, aewald);
* Save the current parallelization schedule.
IntegerSchedule permanentScheduleBack = permanentSchedule;
IntegerSchedule ewaldScheduleBack = realSpaceSchedule;
Range[] rangesBack = realSpaceRanges;
permanentSchedule = vaporPermanentSchedule;
realSpaceSchedule = vaporEwaldSchedule;
realSpaceRanges = vacuumRanges;
* Use vacuum crystal / vacuum neighborLists.
Crystal crystalBack = crystal;
int nSymmBack = nSymm;
int[][][] listsBack = neighborLists;
neighborLists = vaporLists;
crystal = vaporCrystal;
nSymm = 1;
for (LambdaFactors lf : lambdaFactors) {
* Turn off GK if it is in use, unless it's being used as the decoupling
* target. If so, set its parameters and lambda (derivative) factors.
boolean gkBack = generalizedKirkwoodTerm;
if (doLigandGKElec) {
generalizedKirkwoodTerm = true;
// TODO Decide whether to send LambdaFactors into generalizedKirkwood.
generalizedKirkwood.setLambdaFunction(polarizationScale, dEdLSign * dlPowPol, dEdLSign * d2lPowPol);
} else {
generalizedKirkwoodTerm = false;
double energy = computeEnergy(false);
* Revert to the saved parameters.
off = offBack;
aewald = aewaldBack;
setEwaldParameters(off, aewald);
neighborLists = listsBack;
crystal = crystalBack;
nSymm = nSymmBack;
permanentSchedule = permanentScheduleBack;
realSpaceSchedule = ewaldScheduleBack;
realSpaceRanges = rangesBack;
lAlpha = lAlphaBack;
dlAlpha = dlAlphaBack;
d2lAlpha = d2lAlphaBack;
generalizedKirkwoodTerm = gkBack;
for (LambdaFactors lf : lambdaFactors) {
fill(use, true);
return energy;