use of edu.snu.mist.common.graph.AdjacentListDAG in project mist by snuspl.
the class DefaultConfigDagGeneratorImpl method generateWithCheckpointedStates.
public DAG<ConfigVertex, MISTEdge> generateWithCheckpointedStates(final AvroDag avroDag, final QueryCheckpoint checkpointedState) {
final List<ConfigVertex> deserializedVertices = new ArrayList<>(avroDag.getAvroVertices().size());
final DAG<ConfigVertex, MISTEdge> configDag = new AdjacentListDAG<>();
final List<AvroVertex> avroVertices = avroDag.getAvroVertices();
if (checkpointedState == null) {
// Fetch configurations from avro vertex dag
for (final AvroVertex avroVertex : avroVertices) {
final ExecutionVertex.Type type = getVertexType(avroVertex);
// Create a config vertex
final ConfigVertex configVertex = new ConfigVertex(avroVertex.getVertexId(), type, avroVertex.getConfiguration());
} else {
// There are checkpointed states -> generate vertices with internal states.
final int numVertices = avroVertices.size();
final Map<String, StateWithTimestamp> queryState = checkpointedState.getQueryState();
// This can be guaranteed because Java List semantic always guarantees the order among elements.
for (final AvroVertex avroVertex : avroVertices) {
final StateWithTimestamp vertexStateWithTimestamp = queryState.get(avroVertex.getVertexId());
final ExecutionVertex.Type type = getVertexType(avroVertex);
// Create a config vertex with checkpointed states.
final ConfigVertex configVertex = new ConfigVertex(Long.toString(configVertexId.getAndIncrement()), type, avroVertex.getConfiguration(), vertexStateWithTimestamp.getVertexState(), vertexStateWithTimestamp.getCheckpointTimestamp());
// Add edge info to the config dag
for (final Edge edge : avroDag.getEdges()) {
final int srcIndex = edge.getFrom();
final int dstIndex = edge.getTo();
// Add edge to the config dag
final ConfigVertex deserializedSrcVertex = deserializedVertices.get(srcIndex);
final ConfigVertex deserializedDstVertex = deserializedVertices.get(dstIndex);
configDag.addEdge(deserializedSrcVertex, deserializedDstVertex, new MISTEdge(edge.getDirection(), edge.getBranchIndex()));
return configDag;
use of edu.snu.mist.common.graph.AdjacentListDAG in project mist by snuspl.
the class MergeAwareQueryRemoverTest method generateSimpleDag.
* Generate a simple query that has the following structure: src -> operator chain -> sink.
* @param source source
* @param physicalOperator operator chain
* @param sink sink
* @return dag
private Tuple<DAG<ConfigVertex, MISTEdge>, ExecutionDag> generateSimpleDag(final TestSource source, final PhysicalOperator physicalOperator, final PhysicalSink<String> sink, final ConfigVertex srcVertex, final ConfigVertex ocVertex, final ConfigVertex sinkVertex) throws IOException {
// Create DAG
final DAG<ConfigVertex, MISTEdge> dag = new AdjacentListDAG<>();
dag.addEdge(srcVertex, ocVertex, new MISTEdge(Direction.LEFT));
dag.addEdge(ocVertex, sinkVertex, new MISTEdge(Direction.LEFT));
final DAG<ExecutionVertex, MISTEdge> newDag = new AdjacentListDAG<>();
newDag.addEdge(source, physicalOperator, new MISTEdge(Direction.LEFT));
newDag.addEdge(physicalOperator, sink, new MISTEdge(Direction.LEFT));
final ExecutionDag executionDag = new ExecutionDag(newDag);
return new Tuple<>(dag, executionDag);
use of edu.snu.mist.common.graph.AdjacentListDAG in project mist by snuspl.
the class OperatorChainDagGenerator method generateOperatorChainDAG.
* Generate OperatorChain DAG according to the logic described above.
* @return the OperatorChain DAG
* The chain is represented as a list and AvroVertexSerializable can be serialized by avro
public DAG<List<MISTStream>, MISTEdge> generateOperatorChainDAG() {
final DAG<OperatorChain, MISTEdge> chainDag = new AdjacentListDAG<>();
final Map<MISTStream, OperatorChain> vertexChainMap = new HashMap<>();
// from the root operators which are following sources.
for (final MISTStream source : optimizedDag.getRootVertices()) {
final Map<MISTStream, MISTEdge> rootEdges = optimizedDag.getEdges(source);
// This chaining group is a wrapper for List, for equality check
final OperatorChain srcChain = new OperatorChain();
// Partition Source
vertexChainMap.put(source, srcChain);
for (final Map.Entry<MISTStream, MISTEdge> entry : rootEdges.entrySet()) {
final MISTStream nextVertex = entry.getKey();
final MISTEdge edge = entry.getValue();
final OperatorChain nextChain = getOperatorChain(nextVertex, vertexChainMap, chainDag);
chainDag.addEdge(srcChain, nextChain, edge);
chainingInDfsOrder(nextChain, nextVertex, chainDag, vertexChainMap);
// Convert to List<AvroVertexSerializable> for AvroOperatorChainDag
final DAG<List<MISTStream>, MISTEdge> result = new AdjacentListDAG<>();
final Queue<OperatorChain> queue = new LinkedList<>();
final Iterator<OperatorChain> iterator = GraphUtils.topologicalSort(chainDag);
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
final OperatorChain queryPartition =;
for (final OperatorChain operatorChain : queue) {
final Map<OperatorChain, MISTEdge> edges = chainDag.getEdges(operatorChain);
for (final Map.Entry<OperatorChain, MISTEdge> edge : edges.entrySet()) {
result.addEdge(operatorChain.chain, edge.getKey().chain, edge.getValue());
return result;
use of edu.snu.mist.common.graph.AdjacentListDAG in project mist by snuspl.
the class QueryManagerTest method testSubmitComplexQueryHelper.
private void testSubmitComplexQueryHelper(final Configuration conf) throws Exception {
final String queryId = "testQuery";
final List<String> inputs = Arrays.asList("mist is a cloud of tiny water droplets suspended in the atmosphere", "a mist rose out of the river", "the peaks were shrouded in mist");
// Expected results
final List<Map<String, Integer>> intermediateResult = getIntermediateResult(inputs);
final List<String> expectedSink1Output = -> input.toString()).collect(Collectors.toList());
final List<Integer> expectedSink2Output =;
// Number of expected outputs
final CountDownLatch countDownAllOutputs = new CountDownLatch(intermediateResult.size() * 2);
// Create the execution DAG of the query
final ExecutionDag executionDag = new ExecutionDag(new AdjacentListDAG<>());
// Create source
final TestDataGenerator dataGenerator = new TestDataGenerator(inputs);
final EventGenerator eventGenerator = new PunctuatedEventGenerator(null, input -> false, null, 0, null, null);
final PhysicalSource src = new PhysicalSourceImpl("testSource", new HashMap<>(), dataGenerator, eventGenerator);
final Injector injector = Tang.Factory.getTang().newInjector(conf);
// Create sinks
final List<String> sink1Result = new LinkedList<>();
final List<Integer> sink2Result = new LinkedList<>();
final PhysicalSink sink1 = new PhysicalSinkImpl<>("sink1", null, new TestWithCountDownSink<String>(sink1Result, countDownAllOutputs));
final PhysicalSink sink2 = new PhysicalSinkImpl<>("sink2", null, new TestWithCountDownSink<Integer>(sink2Result, countDownAllOutputs));
// Fake operator chain dag of QueryManager
final AvroDag fakeAvroDag = new AvroDag();
// fakeAvroDag.setSuperGroupId("testGroup");
// Construct execution dag
constructExecutionDag(executionDag, src, sink1, sink2);
// Create mock DagGenerator. It returns the above execution dag
final ConfigDagGenerator configDagGenerator = mock(ConfigDagGenerator.class);
final DAG<ConfigVertex, MISTEdge> configDag = mock(DAG.class);
final DagGenerator dagGenerator = mock(DagGenerator.class);
// when(dagGenerator.generate(configDag, tuple.getValue().getJarFilePaths())).thenReturn(executionDag);
// Build QueryManager
final QueryManager queryManager = queryManagerBuild(fakeAvroDag, configDagGenerator, dagGenerator, injector);
// Wait until all of the outputs are generated
// Check the outputs
Assert.assertEquals(expectedSink1Output, sink1Result);
Assert.assertEquals(expectedSink2Output, sink2Result);
// Delete plan directory and plans