use of edu.snu.mist.common.graph.MISTEdge in project mist by snuspl.
the class MISTQueryImpl method getAvroOperatorDag.
public Tuple<List<AvroVertex>, List<Edge>> getAvroOperatorDag() {
final LogicalDagOptimizer logicalDagOptimizer = new LogicalDagOptimizer(dag);
final DAG<MISTStream, MISTEdge> optimizedDag = logicalDagOptimizer.getOptimizedDAG();
final Queue<MISTStream> queue = new LinkedList<>();
final List<MISTStream> vertices = new ArrayList<>();
final List<Edge> edges = new ArrayList<>();
// Put all vertices into a queue
final Iterator<MISTStream> iterator = GraphUtils.topologicalSort(optimizedDag);
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
final MISTStream vertex =;
// Visit each vertex and serialize its edges
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
final MISTStream vertex = queue.remove();
final int fromIndex = vertices.indexOf(vertex);
final Map<MISTStream, MISTEdge> neighbors = optimizedDag.getEdges(vertex);
for (final Map.Entry<MISTStream, MISTEdge> neighbor : neighbors.entrySet()) {
final int toIndex = vertices.indexOf(neighbor.getKey());
final MISTEdge edgeInfo = neighbor.getValue();
final Edge.Builder edgeBuilder = Edge.newBuilder().setFrom(fromIndex).setTo(toIndex).setDirection(edgeInfo.getDirection()).setBranchIndex(edgeInfo.getIndex());
final Set<MISTStream> rootVertices = optimizedDag.getRootVertices();
// Serialize each vertex via avro.
final List<AvroVertex> serializedVertices = new ArrayList<>();
for (final MISTStream vertex : vertices) {
final AvroVertex.Builder vertexBuilder = AvroVertex.newBuilder();
// Set vertex type
if (rootVertices.contains(vertex)) {
// this is a source
} else if (optimizedDag.getEdges(vertex).size() == 0) {
// this is a sink
} else {
return new Tuple<>(serializedVertices, edges);
use of edu.snu.mist.common.graph.MISTEdge in project mist by snuspl.
the class DefaultDagGeneratorImpl method dfsCreation.
private void dfsCreation(final ExecutionVertex parent, final MISTEdge parentEdge, final ConfigVertex currVertex, final Map<ConfigVertex, ExecutionVertex> created, final DAG<ConfigVertex, MISTEdge> configDag, final ExecutionDag executionDag, final URL[] urls, final ClassLoader classLoader) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
final ExecutionVertex currExecutionVertex;
final DAG<ExecutionVertex, MISTEdge> dag = executionDag.getDag();
if (created.get(currVertex) == null) {
currExecutionVertex = executionVertexGenerator.generate(currVertex, urls, classLoader);
created.put(currVertex, currExecutionVertex);
// do dfs creation
for (final Map.Entry<ConfigVertex, MISTEdge> edges : configDag.getEdges(currVertex).entrySet()) {
final ConfigVertex childVertex = edges.getKey();
final MISTEdge edge = edges.getValue();
dfsCreation(currExecutionVertex, edge, childVertex, created, configDag, executionDag, urls, classLoader);
} else {
currExecutionVertex = created.get(currVertex);
dag.addEdge(parent, currExecutionVertex, parentEdge);
use of edu.snu.mist.common.graph.MISTEdge in project mist by snuspl.
the class DefaultDagGeneratorImpl method generate.
* This generates the logical and physical plan from the avro operator chain dag.
* Note that the avro operator chain dag is already partitioned,
* so we need to rewind the partition to generate the logical dag.
* @param configDag the tuple of queryId and avro operator chain dag
* @return the logical and execution dag
public ExecutionDag generate(final DAG<ConfigVertex, MISTEdge> configDag, final List<String> jarFilePaths) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
// For execution dag
final ExecutionDag executionDag = new ExecutionDag(new AdjacentListConcurrentMapDAG<>());
// Get a class loader
final URL[] urls = SerializeUtils.getJarFileURLs(jarFilePaths);
final ClassLoader classLoader = classLoaderProvider.newInstance(urls);
final Map<ConfigVertex, ExecutionVertex> created = new HashMap<>(configDag.numberOfVertices());
for (final ConfigVertex source : configDag.getRootVertices()) {
final ExecutionVertex currExecutionVertex = executionVertexGenerator.generate(source, urls, classLoader);
created.put(source, currExecutionVertex);
// do dfs creation
for (final Map.Entry<ConfigVertex, MISTEdge> edges : configDag.getEdges(source).entrySet()) {
final ConfigVertex childVertex = edges.getKey();
final MISTEdge edge = edges.getValue();
dfsCreation(currExecutionVertex, edge, childVertex, created, configDag, executionDag, urls, classLoader);
return executionDag;
use of edu.snu.mist.common.graph.MISTEdge in project mist by snuspl.
the class NonBlockingQueueSourceOutputEmitter method processAllEvent.
public int processAllEvent() {
int numProcessedEvent = 0;
MistEvent event = queue.poll();
while (event != null) {
for (final Map.Entry<ExecutionVertex, MISTEdge> entry : nextOperators.entrySet()) {
process(event, entry.getValue().getDirection(), (PhysicalOperator) entry.getKey());
numProcessedEvent += 1;
event = queue.poll();
return numProcessedEvent;
use of edu.snu.mist.common.graph.MISTEdge in project mist by snuspl.
the class OperatorOutputEmitter method emitCheckpoint.
public void emitCheckpoint(final MistCheckpointEvent checkpoint) {
// Checkpoint is not changed, so we just forward it to the next operator chains.
for (final Map.Entry<ExecutionVertex, MISTEdge> nextQuery : nextOperators.entrySet()) {
final Direction direction = nextQuery.getValue().getDirection();
sendCheckpoint(checkpoint, direction, nextQuery.getKey());