use of edu.stanford.nlp.coref.neural.NeuralCorefModel in project CoreNLP by stanfordnlp.
the class ConvertModels method main.
* This program converts a sentiment model or an RNN parser model
* from EJML v23, used by CoreNLP 3.9.2, to a more recent version of
* EJML, such as v38. The reason for this is that the EJML v31
* update changed the serialization of SimpleMatrix in a way that
* broke all the old models, so for years we never bit the bullet of
* upgrading. This script handles the upgrade of our models which
* use SimpleMatrix. It needs to be done in two steps.
* <br>
* The first conversion turns a model into a file with lists of
* doubles in place of the SimpleMatrix objects used in ejml.
* <br>
* The second conversion turns the lists of doubles back into a new
* SentimentModel or RNN parser.
* <br>
* In between the two steps you should replace the EJML version you
* are using with 0.38, although no one is judging you if you
* aimlessly convert back and forth using the same EJML version.
* <br>
* Concrete steps:
* <br>
* <code> java edu.stanford.nlp.neural.ConvertModels -stage OLD -model SENTIMENT -input edu/stanford/nlp/models/sentiment/sentiment.ser.gz -output sentiment.INT.ser.gz</code>
* <br>
* ... update EJML library to v38 or a later
* <br>
* <code> java edu.stanford.nlp.neural.ConvertModels -stage NEW -model SENTIMENT -input sentiment.INT.ser.gz -output sentiment.38.ser.gz</code>
* <br>
* Congratulations, your old model will now work with EJML v38.
* <br>
* To upgrade an RNN model (did anyone train this themselves?) use <code>-model DVPARSER</code>
* <br>
* <code> java edu.stanford.nlp.neural.ConvertModels -stage OLD -model DVPARSER -input /u/nlp/data/lexparser/chineseRNN.e21.ser.gz -output /u/nlp/data/lexparser/chineseRNN.INT.ser.gz</code>
* <br>
* <code> java edu.stanford.nlp.neural.ConvertModels -stage NEW -model DVPARSER -input /u/nlp/data/lexparser/chineseRNN.INT.ser.gz -output /u/nlp/data/lexparser/chineseRNN.e38.ser.gz</code>
* <br>
* To upgrade a neural coref model, use <code>-model COREF</code>
* <br>
* <code> java edu.stanford.nlp.neural.ConvertModels -stage OLD -model COREF -input /scr/nlp/data/coref/models/neural/english/english-model-default.ser.gz -output /scr/nlp/data/coref/models/neural/english/english-model-default.INT.ser.gz</code>
* <br>
* <code> java edu.stanford.nlp.neural.ConvertModels -stage NEW -model COREF -input /scr/nlp/data/coref/models/neural/english/english-model-default.INT.ser.gz -output /scr/nlp/data/coref/models/neural/english/english-model-default.e39.ser.gz</code>
* <br>
* Neural coref models ship with a separate embedding file, although these are also embedded in the model itself. To upgrade this, use <code>-model EMBEDDING</code>
* <br>
* <code> java edu.stanford.nlp.neural.ConvertModels -stage OLD -model EMBEDDING -input /scr/nlp/data/coref/models/neural/english/english-embeddings.e38.ser.gz -output /scr/nlp/data/coref/models/neural/english/english-embeddings.INT.ser.gz</code>
* <br>
* <code> java edu.stanford.nlp.neural.ConvertModels -stage NEW -model EMBEDDING -input /scr/nlp/data/coref/models/neural/english/english-embeddings.INT.ser.gz -output /scr/nlp/data/coref/models/neural/english/english-embeddings.e39.ser.gz</code>
* <br>
* There is another coref model which isn't used in corenlp, but it might be in the future. To upgrade this, use <code>-model FASTCOREF</code>
* <br>
* <code> java edu.stanford.nlp.neural.ConvertModels -stage OLD -model FASTCOREF -input /scr/nlp/data/coref/models/fastneural/fast-english-model.e38.ser.gz -output /scr/nlp/data/coref/models/fastneural/fast-english-model.INT.ser.gz</code>
* <br>
* <code> java edu.stanford.nlp.neural.ConvertModels -stage NEW -model FASTCOREF -input /scr/nlp/data/coref/models/fastneural/fast-english-model.INT.ser.gz -output /scr/nlp/data/coref/models/fastneural/fast-english-model.e39.ser.gz</code>
* <br>
* @author <a>John Bauer</a>
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, NoSuchMethodException {
Properties props = StringUtils.argsToProperties(args);
final Stage stage;
try {
stage = Stage.valueOf(props.getProperty("stage").toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException | NullPointerException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Please specify -stage, either OLD or NEW");
final Model modelType;
try {
modelType = Model.valueOf(props.getProperty("model").toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException | NullPointerException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Please specify -model, either SENTIMENT, DVPARSER, EMBEDDING, COREF, FASTCOREF");
if (!props.containsKey("input")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Please specify -input");
if (!props.containsKey("output")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Please specify -output");
String inputPath = props.getProperty("input");
String outputPath = props.getProperty("output");
if (modelType == Model.SENTIMENT) {
if (stage == Stage.OLD) {
SentimentModel model = SentimentModel.loadSerialized(inputPath);
ObjectOutputStream out = IOUtils.writeStreamFromString(outputPath);
writeSentiment(model, out);
} else {
ObjectInputStream in = IOUtils.readStreamFromString(inputPath);
SentimentModel model = readSentiment(in);
} else if (modelType == Model.DVPARSER) {
if (stage == Stage.OLD) {
LexicalizedParser model = LexicalizedParser.loadModel(inputPath);
if (model.reranker == null) {
System.out.println("Nothing to do for " + inputPath);
} else {
// will barf if not successful
DVModelReranker reranker = (DVModelReranker) model.reranker;
model.reranker = null;
ObjectOutputStream out = IOUtils.writeStreamFromString(outputPath);
writeParser(model, reranker, out);
} else {
ObjectInputStream in = IOUtils.readStreamFromString(inputPath);
LexicalizedParser model = readParser(in);
} else if (modelType == Model.EMBEDDING) {
if (stage == Stage.OLD) {
Embedding embedding = ErasureUtils.uncheckedCast(IOUtils.readObjectFromURLOrClasspathOrFileSystem(inputPath));
ObjectOutputStream out = IOUtils.writeStreamFromString(outputPath);
writeEmbedding(embedding, out);
} else {
ObjectInputStream in = IOUtils.readStreamFromString(inputPath);
Embedding embedding = readEmbedding(in);
IOUtils.writeObjectToFile(embedding, outputPath);
} else if (modelType == Model.COREF) {
if (stage == Stage.OLD) {
NeuralCorefModel model = ErasureUtils.uncheckedCast(IOUtils.readObjectFromURLOrClasspathOrFileSystem(inputPath));
ObjectOutputStream out = IOUtils.writeStreamFromString(outputPath);
writeCoref(model, out);
} else {
ObjectInputStream in = IOUtils.readStreamFromString(inputPath);
NeuralCorefModel model = readCoref(in);
IOUtils.writeObjectToFile(model, outputPath);
} else if (modelType == Model.FASTCOREF) {
if (stage == Stage.OLD) {
FastNeuralCorefModel model = ErasureUtils.uncheckedCast(IOUtils.readObjectFromURLOrClasspathOrFileSystem(inputPath));
ObjectOutputStream out = IOUtils.writeStreamFromString(outputPath);
writeFastCoref(model, out);
} else {
ObjectInputStream in = IOUtils.readStreamFromString(inputPath);
FastNeuralCorefModel model = readFastCoref(in);
IOUtils.writeObjectToFile(model, outputPath);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown model type " + modelType);
use of edu.stanford.nlp.coref.neural.NeuralCorefModel in project CoreNLP by stanfordnlp.
the class ConvertModels method readCoref.
public static NeuralCorefModel readCoref(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
Function<List<List<Double>>, SimpleMatrix> f = (x) -> toMatrix(x);
SimpleMatrix antecedentMatrix = toMatrix(ErasureUtils.uncheckedCast(in.readObject()));
SimpleMatrix anaphorMatrix = toMatrix(ErasureUtils.uncheckedCast(in.readObject()));
SimpleMatrix pairFeaturesMatrix = toMatrix(ErasureUtils.uncheckedCast(in.readObject()));
SimpleMatrix pairwiseFirstLayerBias = toMatrix(ErasureUtils.uncheckedCast(in.readObject()));
List<SimpleMatrix> anaphoricityModel = CollectionUtils.transformAsList(ErasureUtils.uncheckedCast(in.readObject()), f);
List<SimpleMatrix> pairwiseModel = CollectionUtils.transformAsList(ErasureUtils.uncheckedCast(in.readObject()), f);
Map<String, List<List<Double>>> vectorsDoubles = ErasureUtils.uncheckedCast(in.readObject());
Map<String, SimpleMatrix> vectors = transformMap(vectorsDoubles, f);
Embedding embedding = new Embedding(vectors);
NeuralCorefModel model = new NeuralCorefModel(antecedentMatrix, anaphorMatrix, pairFeaturesMatrix, pairwiseFirstLayerBias, anaphoricityModel, pairwiseModel, embedding);
return model;