use of edu.stanford.nlp.naturalli.ClauseSplitterSearchProblem in project CoreNLP by stanfordnlp.
the class ClauseSplitter method train.
* Train a clause searcher factory. That is, train a classifier for which arcs should be
* new clauses.
* @param trainingData The training data. This is a stream of triples of:
* <ol>
* <li>The sentence containing a known extraction.</li>
* <li>The span of the subject in the sentence, as a token span.</li>
* <li>The span of the object in the sentence, as a token span.</li>
* </ol>
* @param modelPath The path to save the model to. This is useful for {@link ClauseSplitter#load(String)}.
* @param trainingDataDump The path to save the training data, as a set of labeled featurized datums.
* @param featurizer The featurizer to use for this classifier.
* @return A factory for creating searchers from a given dependency tree.
static ClauseSplitter train(Stream<Pair<CoreMap, Collection<Pair<Span, Span>>>> trainingData, Optional<File> modelPath, Optional<File> trainingDataDump, Featurizer featurizer) {
// Parse options
LinearClassifierFactory<ClauseClassifierLabel, String> factory = new LinearClassifierFactory<>();
// Generally useful objects
OpenIE openie = new OpenIE(PropertiesUtils.asProperties("splitter.nomodel", "true", "optimizefor", "GENERAL"));
WeightedDataset<ClauseClassifierLabel, String> dataset = new WeightedDataset<>();
AtomicInteger numExamplesProcessed = new AtomicInteger(0);
final Optional<PrintWriter> datasetDumpWriter = -> {
try {
return new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new GZIPOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(trainingDataDump.get()))));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeIOException(e);
// Step 1: Loop over data
forceTrack("Training inference");
trainingData.forEach(rawExample -> {
CoreMap sentence = rawExample.first;
Collection<Pair<Span, Span>> spans = rawExample.second;
List<CoreLabel> tokens = sentence.get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class);
SemanticGraph tree = sentence.get(SemanticGraphCoreAnnotations.EnhancedDependenciesAnnotation.class);
ClauseSplitterSearchProblem problem = new ClauseSplitterSearchProblem(tree, true); -> {
List<Counter<String>> features = fragmentAndScore.second;
SentenceFragment fragment = fragmentAndScore.third.get();
Set<RelationTriple> extractions = new HashSet<>(openie.relationsInFragments(openie.entailmentsFromClause(fragment)));
Trilean correct = Trilean.FALSE;
RELATION_TRIPLE_LOOP: for (RelationTriple extraction : extractions) {
Span subjectGuess = Span.fromValues(extraction.subject.get(0).index() - 1, extraction.subject.get(extraction.subject.size() - 1).index());
Span objectGuess = Span.fromValues(extraction.object.get(0).index() - 1, extraction.object.get(extraction.object.size() - 1).index());
for (Pair<Span, Span> candidateGold : spans) {
Span subjectSpan = candidateGold.first;
Span objectSpan = candidateGold.second;
if ((subjectGuess.equals(subjectSpan) && objectGuess.equals(objectSpan)) || (subjectGuess.equals(objectSpan) && objectGuess.equals(subjectSpan))) {
correct = Trilean.TRUE;
} else if (Util.nerOverlap(tokens, subjectSpan, subjectGuess) && Util.nerOverlap(tokens, objectSpan, objectGuess) || Util.nerOverlap(tokens, subjectSpan, objectGuess) && Util.nerOverlap(tokens, objectSpan, subjectGuess)) {
if (!correct.isTrue()) {
correct = Trilean.TRUE;
} else {
if (!correct.isTrue()) {
correct = Trilean.UNKNOWN;
if (!features.isEmpty()) {
List<Pair<Counter<String>, ClauseClassifierLabel>> decisionsToAddAsDatums = new ArrayList<>();
if (correct.isTrue()) {
for (int i = 0; i < features.size(); ++i) {
if (i == features.size() - 1) {
decisionsToAddAsDatums.add(Pair.makePair(features.get(i), ClauseClassifierLabel.CLAUSE_SPLIT));
} else {
decisionsToAddAsDatums.add(Pair.makePair(features.get(i), ClauseClassifierLabel.CLAUSE_INTERM));
} else if (correct.isFalse()) {
decisionsToAddAsDatums.add(Pair.makePair(features.get(features.size() - 1), ClauseClassifierLabel.NOT_A_CLAUSE));
} else if (correct.isUnknown()) {
boolean isSimpleSplit = false;
for (Counter<String> feats : features) {
if (featurizer.isSimpleSplit(feats)) {
isSimpleSplit = true;
if (isSimpleSplit) {
for (int i = 0; i < features.size(); ++i) {
if (i == features.size() - 1) {
decisionsToAddAsDatums.add(Pair.makePair(features.get(i), ClauseClassifierLabel.CLAUSE_SPLIT));
} else {
decisionsToAddAsDatums.add(Pair.makePair(features.get(i), ClauseClassifierLabel.CLAUSE_INTERM));
for (Pair<Counter<String>, ClauseClassifierLabel> decision : decisionsToAddAsDatums) {
RVFDatum<ClauseClassifierLabel, String> datum = new RVFDatum<>(decision.first);
if (datasetDumpWriter.isPresent()) {
datasetDumpWriter.get().println(decision.second + "\t" + StringUtils.join(decision.first.entrySet().stream().map(entry -> entry.getKey() + "->" + entry.getValue()), ";"));
return true;
}, new LinearClassifier<>(new ClassicCounter<>()), Collections.emptyMap(), featurizer, 10000);
if (numExamplesProcessed.incrementAndGet() % 100 == 0) {
log("processed " + numExamplesProcessed + " training sentences: " + dataset.size() + " datums");
endTrack("Training inference");
// Close the file
if (datasetDumpWriter.isPresent()) {
// Step 2: Train classifier
Classifier<ClauseClassifierLabel, String> fullClassifier = factory.trainClassifier(dataset);
if (modelPath.isPresent()) {
Pair<Classifier<ClauseClassifierLabel, String>, Featurizer> toSave = Pair.makePair(fullClassifier, featurizer);
try {
IOUtils.writeObjectToFile(toSave, modelPath.get());
log("SUCCESS: wrote model to " + modelPath.get().getPath());
} catch (IOException e) {
log("ERROR: failed to save model to path: " + modelPath.get().getPath());
// Step 3: Check accuracy of classifier
forceTrack("Training accuracy");
Util.dumpAccuracy(fullClassifier, dataset);
endTrack("Training accuracy");
int numFolds = 5;
forceTrack(numFolds + " fold cross-validation");
for (int fold = 0; fold < numFolds; ++fold) {
forceTrack("Fold " + (fold + 1));
Pair<GeneralDataset<ClauseClassifierLabel, String>, GeneralDataset<ClauseClassifierLabel, String>> foldData = dataset.splitOutFold(fold, numFolds);
Classifier<ClauseClassifierLabel, String> classifier = factory.trainClassifier(foldData.first);
Util.dumpAccuracy(classifier, foldData.second);
endTrack("Fold " + (fold + 1));
endTrack(numFolds + " fold cross-validation");
// Step 5: return factory
return (tree, truth) -> new ClauseSplitterSearchProblem(tree, truth, Optional.of(fullClassifier), Optional.of(featurizer));