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Example 1 with Triple

use of edu.stanford.nlp.util.Triple in project CoreNLP by stanfordnlp.

the class SplittingGrammarExtractor method mergeStates.

public void mergeStates() {
    if (op.trainOptions.splitRecombineRate <= 0.0) {
    // we go through the machinery to sum up the temporary betas,
    // counting the total mass
    TwoDimensionalMap<String, String, double[][]> tempUnaryBetas = new TwoDimensionalMap<>();
    ThreeDimensionalMap<String, String, String, double[][][]> tempBinaryBetas = new ThreeDimensionalMap<>();
    Map<String, double[]> totalStateMass = Generics.newHashMap();
    recalculateTemporaryBetas(false, totalStateMass, tempUnaryBetas, tempBinaryBetas);
    // Next, for each tree we count the effect of merging its
    // annotations.  We only consider the most recently split
    // annotations as candidates for merging.
    Map<String, double[]> deltaAnnotations = Generics.newHashMap();
    for (Tree tree : trees) {
        countMergeEffects(tree, totalStateMass, deltaAnnotations);
    // Now we have a map of the (approximate) likelihood loss from
    // merging each state.  We merge the ones that provide the least
    // benefit, up to the splitRecombineRate
    List<Triple<String, Integer, Double>> sortedDeltas = new ArrayList<>();
    for (String state : deltaAnnotations.keySet()) {
        double[] scores = deltaAnnotations.get(state);
        for (int i = 0; i < scores.length; ++i) {
            sortedDeltas.add(new Triple<>(state, i * 2, scores[i]));
    Collections.sort(sortedDeltas, new Comparator<Triple<String, Integer, Double>>() {

        public int compare(Triple<String, Integer, Double> first, Triple<String, Integer, Double> second) {
            // "backwards", sorting from high to low.
            return, first.third());

        public boolean equals(Object o) {
            return o == this;
    // for (Triple<String, Integer, Double> delta : sortedDeltas) {
    //   System.out.println(delta.first() + "-" + delta.second() + ": " + delta.third());
    // }
    // System.out.println("-------------");
    // Only merge a fraction of the splits based on what the user
    // originally asked for
    int splitsToMerge = (int) (sortedDeltas.size() * op.trainOptions.splitRecombineRate);
    splitsToMerge = Math.max(0, splitsToMerge);
    splitsToMerge = Math.min(sortedDeltas.size() - 1, splitsToMerge);
    sortedDeltas = sortedDeltas.subList(0, splitsToMerge);
    Map<String, int[]> mergeCorrespondence = buildMergeCorrespondence(sortedDeltas);
    for (Triple<String, Integer, Double> delta : sortedDeltas) {
        stateSplitCounts.decrementCount(delta.first(), 1);
Also used : ThreeDimensionalMap(edu.stanford.nlp.util.ThreeDimensionalMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) MutableDouble(edu.stanford.nlp.util.MutableDouble) Triple(edu.stanford.nlp.util.Triple) Tree(edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Tree) TwoDimensionalMap(edu.stanford.nlp.util.TwoDimensionalMap)

Example 2 with Triple

use of edu.stanford.nlp.util.Triple in project CoreNLP by stanfordnlp.

the class ApplyPatternsMulti method call.

public Pair<TwoDimensionalCounter<Pair<String, String>, E>, CollectionValuedMap<E, Triple<String, Integer, Integer>>> call() throws Exception {
    //CollectionValuedMap<String, Integer> tokensMatchedPattern = new CollectionValuedMap<String, Integer>();
    CollectionValuedMap<E, Triple<String, Integer, Integer>> matchedTokensByPat = new CollectionValuedMap<>();
    TwoDimensionalCounter<Pair<String, String>, E> allFreq = new TwoDimensionalCounter<>();
    for (String sentid : sentids) {
        List<CoreLabel> sent = sents.get(sentid).getTokens();
        //FIND_ALL is faster than FIND_NONOVERLAP
        Iterable<SequenceMatchResult<CoreMap>> matched = multiPatternMatcher.find(sent, SequenceMatcher.FindType.FIND_ALL);
        for (SequenceMatchResult<CoreMap> m : matched) {
            int s = m.start("$term");
            int e = m.end("$term");
            E matchedPat = patterns.get(m.pattern());
            matchedTokensByPat.add(matchedPat, new Triple<>(sentid, s, e));
            String phrase = "";
            String phraseLemma = "";
            boolean useWordNotLabeled = false;
            boolean doNotUse = false;
            //find if the neighboring words are labeled - if so - club them together
            if (constVars.clubNeighboringLabeledWords) {
                for (int i = s - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                    if (!sent.get(i).get(constVars.getAnswerClass().get(label)).equals(label)) {
                        s = i + 1;
                for (int i = e; i < sent.size(); i++) {
                    if (!sent.get(i).get(constVars.getAnswerClass().get(label)).equals(label)) {
                        e = i;
            //to make sure we discard phrases with stopwords in between, but include the ones in which stop words were removed at the ends if removeStopWordsFromSelectedPhrases is true
            boolean[] addedindices = new boolean[e - s];
            Arrays.fill(addedindices, false);
            for (int i = s; i < e; i++) {
                CoreLabel l = sent.get(i);
                l.set(PatternsAnnotations.MatchedPattern.class, true);
                if (!l.containsKey(PatternsAnnotations.MatchedPatterns.class))
                    l.set(PatternsAnnotations.MatchedPatterns.class, new HashSet<>());
                // }
                for (Entry<Class, Object> ig : constVars.getIgnoreWordswithClassesDuringSelection().get(label).entrySet()) {
                    if (l.containsKey(ig.getKey()) && l.get(ig.getKey()).equals(ig.getValue())) {
                        doNotUse = true;
                boolean containsStop = containsStopWord(l, constVars.getCommonEngWords(), PatternFactory.ignoreWordRegex);
                if (removePhrasesWithStopWords && containsStop) {
                    doNotUse = true;
                } else {
                    if (!containsStop || !removeStopWordsFromSelectedPhrases) {
                        if (label == null || l.get(constVars.getAnswerClass().get(label)) == null || !l.get(constVars.getAnswerClass().get(label)).equals(label.toString())) {
                            useWordNotLabeled = true;
                        phrase += " " + l.word();
                        phraseLemma += " " + l.lemma();
                        addedindices[i - s] = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < addedindices.length; i++) {
                if (i > 0 && i < addedindices.length - 1 && addedindices[i - 1] == true && addedindices[i] == false && addedindices[i + 1] == true) {
                    doNotUse = true;
            if (!doNotUse && useWordNotLabeled) {
                phrase = phrase.trim();
                phraseLemma = phraseLemma.trim();
                allFreq.incrementCount(new Pair<>(phrase, phraseLemma), matchedPat, 1.0);
    //      for (SurfacePattern pat : patterns.keySet()) {
    //        String patternStr = pat.toString();
    //        TokenSequencePattern p = TokenSequencePattern.compile(constVars.env.get(label), patternStr);
    //        if (pat == null || p == null)
    //          throw new RuntimeException("why is the pattern " + pat + " null?");
    //        TokenSequenceMatcher m = p.getMatcher(sent);
    //        while (m.find()) {
    //          int s = m.start("$term");
    //          int e = m.end("$term");
    //          String phrase = "";
    //          String phraseLemma = "";
    //          boolean useWordNotLabeled = false;
    //          boolean doNotUse = false;
    //          for (int i = s; i < e; i++) {
    //            CoreLabel l = sent.get(i);
    //            l.set(PatternsAnnotations.MatchedPattern.class, true);
    //            if (restrictToMatched) {
    //              tokensMatchedPattern.add(sentid, i);
    //            }
    //            for (Entry<Class, Object> ig : constVars.ignoreWordswithClassesDuringSelection.get(label).entrySet()) {
    //              if (l.containsKey(ig.getKey()) && l.get(ig.getKey()).equals(ig.getValue())) {
    //                doNotUse = true;
    //              }
    //            }
    //            boolean containsStop = containsStopWord(l, constVars.getCommonEngWords(), constVars.ignoreWordRegex, ignoreWords);
    //            if (removePhrasesWithStopWords && containsStop) {
    //              doNotUse = true;
    //            } else {
    //              if (!containsStop || !removeStopWordsFromSelectedPhrases) {
    //                if (label == null || l.get(constVars.answerClass.get(label)) == null || !l.get(constVars.answerClass.get(label)).equals(label.toString())) {
    //                  useWordNotLabeled = true;
    //                }
    //                phrase += " " + l.word();
    //                phraseLemma += " " + l.lemma();
    //              }
    //            }
    //          }
    //          if (!doNotUse && useWordNotLabeled) {
    //            phrase = phrase.trim();
    //            phraseLemma = phraseLemma.trim();
    //            allFreq.incrementCount(new Pair<String, String>(phrase, phraseLemma), pat, 1.0);
    //          }
    //        }
    //      }
    return new Pair<>(allFreq, matchedTokensByPat);
Also used : CollectionValuedMap(edu.stanford.nlp.util.CollectionValuedMap) SequenceMatchResult(edu.stanford.nlp.ling.tokensregex.SequenceMatchResult) Pair(edu.stanford.nlp.util.Pair) TwoDimensionalCounter(edu.stanford.nlp.stats.TwoDimensionalCounter) Triple(edu.stanford.nlp.util.Triple) CoreLabel(edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel) CoreMap(edu.stanford.nlp.util.CoreMap)

Example 3 with Triple

use of edu.stanford.nlp.util.Triple in project CoreNLP by stanfordnlp.

the class ChineseSimWordAvgDepGrammar method getMap.

public Map<Pair<Integer, String>, List<Triple<Integer, String, Double>>> getMap(String filename) {
    Map<Pair<Integer, String>, List<Triple<Integer, String, Double>>> hashMap = Generics.newHashMap();
    try {
        BufferedReader wordMapBReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(filename), "UTF-8"));
        String wordMapLine;
        Pattern linePattern = Pattern.compile("sim\\((.+)/(.+):(.+)/(.+)\\)=(.+)");
        while ((wordMapLine = wordMapBReader.readLine()) != null) {
            Matcher m = linePattern.matcher(wordMapLine);
            if (!m.matches()) {
      "Ill-formed line in similar word map file: " + wordMapLine);
            Pair<Integer, String> iTW = new Pair<>(wordIndex.addToIndex(,;
            double score = Double.parseDouble(;
            List<Triple<Integer, String, Double>> tripleList = hashMap.get(iTW);
            if (tripleList == null) {
                tripleList = new ArrayList<>();
                hashMap.put(iTW, tripleList);
            tripleList.add(new Triple<>(wordIndex.addToIndex(,, score));
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Problem reading similar words file!");
    return hashMap;
Also used : Pattern(java.util.regex.Pattern) InputStreamReader( Matcher(java.util.regex.Matcher) IOException( FileInputStream( Triple(edu.stanford.nlp.util.Triple) BufferedReader( Pair(edu.stanford.nlp.util.Pair)

Example 4 with Triple

use of edu.stanford.nlp.util.Triple in project CoreNLP by stanfordnlp.

the class PerceptronModel method trainBatch.

   * Trains a batch of trees and returns the following: a list of
   * Update objects, the number of transitions correct, and the number
   * of transitions wrong.
   * <br>
   * If the model is trained with multiple threads, it is expected
   * that a valid MulticoreWrapper is passed in which does the
   * processing.  In that case, the processing is done on all of the
   * trees without updating any weights, which allows the results for
   * multithreaded training to be reproduced.
private Triple<List<Update>, Integer, Integer> trainBatch(List<Integer> indices, List<Tree> binarizedTrees, List<List<Transition>> transitionLists, List<Update> updates, Oracle oracle, MulticoreWrapper<Integer, Pair<Integer, Integer>> wrapper) {
    int numCorrect = 0;
    int numWrong = 0;
    if (op.trainOptions.trainingThreads == 1) {
        for (Integer index : indices) {
            Pair<Integer, Integer> count = trainTree(index, binarizedTrees, transitionLists, updates, oracle);
            numCorrect += count.first;
            numWrong += count.second;
    } else {
        for (Integer index : indices) {
        while (wrapper.peek()) {
            Pair<Integer, Integer> result = wrapper.poll();
            numCorrect += result.first;
            numWrong += result.second;
    return new Triple<>(updates, numCorrect, numWrong);
Also used : Triple(edu.stanford.nlp.util.Triple) ParserConstraint(edu.stanford.nlp.parser.common.ParserConstraint)

Example 5 with Triple

use of edu.stanford.nlp.util.Triple in project CoreNLP by stanfordnlp.

the class CRFClassifierITest method runCRFTest.

private static void runCRFTest(CRFClassifier<CoreLabel> crf) {
    for (int i = 0; i < testTexts.length; i++) {
        String[] testText = testTexts[i];
        assertEquals(i + ": Wrong array size in test", 7, testText.length);
        // System.err.println("length of string is " + testText[0].length());
        String out;
        out = crf.classifyToString(testText[0]);
        assertEquals(i + ": CRF buggy on classifyToString", testText[1], out);
        out = crf.classifyWithInlineXML(testText[0]);
        assertEquals(i + ": CRF buggy on classifyWithInlineXML", testText[2], out);
        out = crf.classifyToString(testText[0], "xml", false).replaceAll("\r", "");
        assertEquals(i + ": CRF buggy on classifyToString(xml, false)", testText[3], out);
        out = crf.classifyToString(testText[0], "xml", true);
        assertEquals(i + ": CRF buggy on classifyToString(xml, true)", testText[4], out);
        out = crf.classifyToString(testText[0], "slashTags", false).replaceAll("\r", "");
        // System.out.println("Gold:  |" + testText[5] + "|");
        // System.out.println("Guess: |" + out + "|");
        assertEquals(i + ": CRF buggy on classifyToString(slashTags, false)", testText[5], out);
        out = crf.classifyToString(testText[0], "inlineXML", false).replaceAll("\r", "");
        assertEquals(i + ": CRF buggy on classifyToString(inlineXML, false)", testText[6], out);
        List<Triple<String, Integer, Integer>> trip = crf.classifyToCharacterOffsets(testText[0]);
        // I couldn't work out how to avoid a type warning in the next line, sigh [cdm 2009]
        assertEquals(i + ": CRF buggy on classifyToCharacterOffsets", Arrays.asList(testTrip[i]), trip);
        if (i == 0) {
            // cdm 2013: I forget exactly what this was but something about the reduplicated period at the end of Jr.?
            Triple<String, Integer, Integer> x = trip.get(trip.size() - 1);
            assertEquals("CRF buggy on classifyToCharacterOffsets abbreviation period", 'r', testText[0].charAt(x.third() - 1));
        if (i == 3) {
            // check that tokens have okay offsets
            List<List<CoreLabel>> doc = crf.classify(testText[0]);
            assertEquals("Wrong number of sentences", 1, doc.size());
            List<CoreLabel> tokens = doc.get(0);
            assertEquals("Wrong number of tokens", offsets.length, tokens.size());
            for (int j = 0, sz = tokens.size(); j < sz; j++) {
                CoreLabel token = tokens.get(j);
                assertEquals("Wrong begin offset", offsets[j][0], (int) token.get(CoreAnnotations.CharacterOffsetBeginAnnotation.class));
                assertEquals("Wrong end offset", offsets[j][1], (int) token.get(CoreAnnotations.CharacterOffsetEndAnnotation.class));
Also used : Triple(edu.stanford.nlp.util.Triple) CoreLabel(edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel) CoreAnnotations(edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List)


Triple (edu.stanford.nlp.util.Triple)12 CoreLabel (edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel)4 Pair (edu.stanford.nlp.util.Pair)3 TwoDimensionalCounter (edu.stanford.nlp.stats.TwoDimensionalCounter)2 Tree (edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Tree)2 CollectionValuedMap (edu.stanford.nlp.util.CollectionValuedMap)2 PrintWriter ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 List (java.util.List)2 TransducerGraph (edu.stanford.nlp.fsm.TransducerGraph)1 Language ( RuntimeIOException ( CoreAnnotations (edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations)1 HasWord (edu.stanford.nlp.ling.HasWord)1 Label (edu.stanford.nlp.ling.Label)1 TaggedWord (edu.stanford.nlp.ling.TaggedWord)1 SequenceMatchResult (edu.stanford.nlp.ling.tokensregex.SequenceMatchResult)1 TokenSequenceMatcher (edu.stanford.nlp.ling.tokensregex.TokenSequenceMatcher)1 TokenSequencePattern (edu.stanford.nlp.ling.tokensregex.TokenSequencePattern)1 ParserConstraint (edu.stanford.nlp.parser.common.ParserConstraint)1