use of in project clusterMaker2 by RBVI.
the class CyActivator method start.
public void start(BundleContext bc) {
// See if we have a graphics console or not
boolean haveGUI = true;
CySwingApplication swingAppRef = getService(bc, CySwingApplication.class);
if (swingAppRef == null) {
// if haveGUI is false, we don't want to provide any hooks to the treeview
haveGUI = false;
CyApplicationManager appRef = getService(bc, CyApplicationManager.class);
CyServiceRegistrar serviceRegistrar = getService(bc, CyServiceRegistrar.class);
CyGroupManager groupManager = getService(bc, CyGroupManager.class);
CyGroupFactory groupFactory = getService(bc, CyGroupFactory.class);
CyTableFactory tableFactory = getService(bc, CyTableFactory.class);
CyTableManager tableManager = getService(bc, CyTableManager.class);
// Create our context object. This will probably keep track of all of the
// registered clustering algorithms, settings, etc.
ClusterManagerImpl clusterManager = new ClusterManagerImpl(appRef, serviceRegistrar, groupFactory, groupManager, tableFactory, tableManager);
registerServiceListener(bc, clusterManager, "addClusterAlgorithm", "removeClusterAlgorithm", ClusterTaskFactory.class);
registerServiceListener(bc, clusterManager, "addClusterVisualizer", "removeClusterVisualizer", ClusterVizFactory.class);
registerServiceListener(bc, clusterManager, "addRankingAlgorithm", "removeRankingAlgorithm", RankFactory.class);
// Register each of our algorithms
// Attribute clusterers
registerService(bc, new AttributeClusterTaskFactory(clusterManager), ClusterTaskFactory.class, new Properties());
registerService(bc, new AutoSOMETaskFactory(clusterManager, true), ClusterTaskFactory.class, new Properties());
registerService(bc, new FeatureVectorTaskFactory(clusterManager), ClusterTaskFactory.class, new Properties());
registerService(bc, new HierarchicalTaskFactory(clusterManager), ClusterTaskFactory.class, new Properties());
registerService(bc, new KMeansTaskFactory(clusterManager), ClusterTaskFactory.class, new Properties());
registerService(bc, new KMedoidTaskFactory(clusterManager), ClusterTaskFactory.class, new Properties());
registerService(bc, new HopachPAMTaskFactory(clusterManager), ClusterTaskFactory.class, new Properties());
registerService(bc, new PAMTaskFactory(clusterManager), ClusterTaskFactory.class, new Properties());
// FIXME: FFT is seriously broken!
registerService(bc, new FFTTaskFactory(clusterManager), ClusterTaskFactory.class, new Properties());
registerService(bc, new DBSCANTaskFactory(clusterManager), ClusterTaskFactory.class, new Properties());
* Hold off on these until we get improve the performance sufficiently
* to allow them to be useful
// registerService(bc, new BicFinderTaskFactory(clusterManager),
// ClusterTaskFactory.class, new Properties());
// registerService(bc, new BiMineTaskFactory(clusterManager),
// ClusterTaskFactory.class, new Properties());
registerService(bc, new ChengChurchTaskFactory(clusterManager), ClusterTaskFactory.class, new Properties());
// Network clusterers
registerService(bc, new NetworkClusterTaskFactory(clusterManager), ClusterTaskFactory.class, new Properties());
registerService(bc, new APClusterTaskFactory(clusterManager), ClusterTaskFactory.class, new Properties());
registerService(bc, new AutoSOMETaskFactory(clusterManager, false), ClusterTaskFactory.class, new Properties());
registerService(bc, new FuzzifierTaskFactory(clusterManager), ClusterTaskFactory.class, new Properties());
registerService(bc, new GLayClusterTaskFactory(clusterManager), ClusterTaskFactory.class, new Properties());
registerService(bc, new ConnectedComponentsTaskFactory(clusterManager), ClusterTaskFactory.class, new Properties());
registerService(bc, new FCMClusterTaskFactory(clusterManager), ClusterTaskFactory.class, new Properties());
registerService(bc, new MCLClusterTaskFactory(clusterManager), ClusterTaskFactory.class, new Properties());
registerService(bc, new MCODEClusterTaskFactory(clusterManager), ClusterTaskFactory.class, new Properties());
registerService(bc, new SCPSClusterTaskFactory(clusterManager), ClusterTaskFactory.class, new Properties());
registerService(bc, new TransClustClusterTaskFactory(clusterManager), ClusterTaskFactory.class, new Properties());
// Cluster ranking
registerService(bc, new MAATaskFactory(clusterManager), RankFactory.class, new Properties());
registerService(bc, new MAMTaskFactory(clusterManager), RankFactory.class, new Properties());
registerService(bc, new PRWPTaskFactory(clusterManager), RankFactory.class, new Properties());
registerService(bc, new PRTaskFactory(clusterManager), RankFactory.class, new Properties());
registerService(bc, new HITSTaskFactory(clusterManager), RankFactory.class, new Properties());
// Filters
registerService(bc, new FilterTaskFactory(clusterManager), ClusterTaskFactory.class, new Properties());
registerService(bc, new BestNeighborFilterTaskFactory(clusterManager), ClusterTaskFactory.class, new Properties());
registerService(bc, new CuttingEdgeFilterTaskFactory(clusterManager), ClusterTaskFactory.class, new Properties());
registerService(bc, new DensityFilterTaskFactory(clusterManager), ClusterTaskFactory.class, new Properties());
registerService(bc, new HairCutFilterTaskFactory(clusterManager), ClusterTaskFactory.class, new Properties());
// registerService(bc, new UITaskFactory(clusterManager), ClusterTaskFactory.class, new Properties());
// Visualizations
registerService(bc, new NewNetworkViewFactory(clusterManager, false), ClusterVizFactory.class, new Properties());
registerService(bc, new NewNetworkViewFactory(clusterManager, true), ClusterVizFactory.class, new Properties());
registerService(bc, new HeatMapViewTaskFactory(clusterManager), ClusterVizFactory.class, new Properties());
registerService(bc, new KnnViewTaskFactory(clusterManager), ClusterVizFactory.class, new Properties());
registerService(bc, new BiclusterViewTaskFactory(clusterManager), ClusterVizFactory.class, new Properties());
registerService(bc, new TreeViewTaskFactory(clusterManager), ClusterVizFactory.class, new Properties());
registerService(bc, new CreateResultsPanelTaskFactory(clusterManager, true), ClusterVizFactory.class, new Properties());
registerService(bc, new CreateRankingPanelTaskFactory(clusterManager, true), ClusterVizFactory.class, new Properties());
registerService(bc, new DestroyResultsPanelTaskFactory(clusterManager, true), ClusterVizFactory.class, new Properties());
registerService(bc, new DestroyRankingPanelTaskFactory(clusterManager, true), ClusterVizFactory.class, new Properties());
// Dimensionality Reduction
// registerService(bc, new PCAMenuTaskFactory(clusterManager), ClusterTaskFactory.class, new Properties());
registerService(bc, new PCATaskFactory(clusterManager), ClusterTaskFactory.class, new Properties());
registerService(bc, new PCoATaskFactory(clusterManager), ClusterTaskFactory.class, new Properties());
registerService(bc, new tSNETaskFactory(clusterManager), ClusterTaskFactory.class, new Properties());
// Link Network Selections
LinkSelectionTaskFactory linkTaskFactory = new LinkSelectionTaskFactory(clusterManager);
Properties linkSelectionProps = new Properties();
linkSelectionProps.setProperty(INSERT_SEPARATOR_BEFORE, "true");
linkSelectionProps.setProperty(PREFERRED_MENU, "Apps.clusterMaker Visualizations");
linkSelectionProps.setProperty(TITLE, "Link selection across networks");
linkSelectionProps.setProperty(COMMAND, "linkSelection");
linkSelectionProps.setProperty(COMMAND_NAMESPACE, "clusterviz");
linkSelectionProps.setProperty(ENABLE_FOR, "networkAndView");
linkSelectionProps.setProperty(IN_MENU_BAR, "true");
linkSelectionProps.setProperty(MENU_GRAVITY, "100.0");
registerService(bc, linkTaskFactory, NetworkTaskFactory.class, linkSelectionProps);
// UnLink Network Selections
UnlinkSelectionTaskFactory unlinkTaskFactory = new UnlinkSelectionTaskFactory(clusterManager);
Properties unlinkSelectionProps = new Properties();
unlinkSelectionProps.setProperty(PREFERRED_MENU, "Apps.clusterMaker Visualizations");
unlinkSelectionProps.setProperty(TITLE, "Unlink selection across networks");
unlinkSelectionProps.setProperty(COMMAND, "unlinkSelection");
unlinkSelectionProps.setProperty(COMMAND_NAMESPACE, "clusterviz");
unlinkSelectionProps.setProperty(ENABLE_FOR, "networkAndView");
unlinkSelectionProps.setProperty(IN_MENU_BAR, "true");
unlinkSelectionProps.setProperty(MENU_GRAVITY, "100.0");
registerService(bc, unlinkTaskFactory, NetworkTaskFactory.class, unlinkSelectionProps);
// Commands
// These task factories provide useful commands that only make sense in the context of REST or
// the command interface
TaskFactory commandTaskFactory = new CommandTaskFactory(clusterManager, "hascluster");
Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty(COMMAND_NAMESPACE, "cluster");
props.setProperty(COMMAND, CommandTaskFactory.HASCLUSTER);
props.setProperty(COMMAND_DESCRIPTION, "Test to see if this network has a cluster of the requested type");
registerService(bc, commandTaskFactory, TaskFactory.class, props);
TaskFactory commandTaskFactory = new CommandTaskFactory(clusterManager, "getnetworkcluster");
Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty(COMMAND_NAMESPACE, "cluster");
props.setProperty(COMMAND, CommandTaskFactory.GETNETWORKCLUSTER);
props.setProperty(COMMAND_DESCRIPTION, "Get a cluster network cluster result");
registerService(bc, commandTaskFactory, TaskFactory.class, props);
TaskFactory commandTaskFactory = new CommandTaskFactory(clusterManager, "getcluster");
Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty(COMMAND_NAMESPACE, "cluster");
props.setProperty(COMMAND, CommandTaskFactory.GETCLUSTER);
props.setProperty(COMMAND_DESCRIPTION, "Get an attribute cluster result");
registerService(bc, commandTaskFactory, TaskFactory.class, props);
use of in project clusterMaker2 by RBVI.
the class TransClust method main.
* The main method for the TransClust program. Starts the program
* appropriately.
* @param args The input variables.
public static void main(String[] args) {
TransClust.args = args;
/* initialise logging */
Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("");
Handler[] handler = logger.getHandlers();
for (Handler h : handler) {
if (h instanceof ConsoleHandler) {
h.setFormatter(new ConsoleFormatter());
h.setFilter(new UniqueFilter());
/* check if no input is given */
if (args.length == 0) {
log.severe("ERROR: Please define at least an input file/directory and an " + "output file for the results. Use -help for more details or see the " + "respective documentation.\n\n");
/* print usage */
if ((args.length == 1) && ((args[0].trim().equalsIgnoreCase("-help")) || (args[0].trim().equalsIgnoreCase("--help")))) {
} else /* start with parameters from console */
try {
new Console(args);
} catch (InvalidInputFileException e) {
log.severe("ERROR: An invalid file/path name was given.");
} catch (ArgsParseException e) {
log.severe("ERROR: please see usage details!");
} catch (IOException e) {
use of in project clusterMaker2 by RBVI.
the class Console method parseArgsAndInitProgram.
* This method parses the input parameters from the console and starts the
* program with the correct parameters and in the correct mode. At this
* stage all input parameters are in this form: key value. Both key and
* value contain no spaces and if the value does, then it is bounded by
* apostrophes.
* @throws InvalidInputFileException
* @throws ArgsParseException
* @throws IOException
private void parseArgsAndInitProgram() throws InvalidInputFileException, ArgsParseException, IOException {
boolean inputAndOutputGiven = findAndReadConfigIfGivenAndSetMode();
if (TaskConfig.gui) {
/* start gui with previous set parameters */
} else if (inputAndOutputGiven && !TaskConfig.gui) {
ClusteringManagerTask manageTask = new ClusteringManagerTask();
// run without initialising new thread.;
} else {
/* either input or output is missing */
throw new ArgsParseException("Either input file/directory (-i) or output file (-o) is missing!");
use of in project clusterMaker2 by RBVI.
the class Console method findAndReadConfigIfGivenAndSetMode.
* Looks through the input variables to see if a config file is defined. If
* so all parameters are read from this config file. If some do not exist, a
* warning is given, but the program continues. It may be the case that
* these parameters are unwanted or belong to an unused implementation. It
* also looks if a mode was given and sets this, otherwise the default is
* used.
* It also checks whether input AND output files/directories are given,
* which is compulsory when starting with the console and not with the gui.
* @return boolean value if an input and an output file (both) are given.
* @throws InvalidInputFileException
* If the given config class does not end in .conf.
private boolean findAndReadConfigIfGivenAndSetMode() throws InvalidInputFileException, ArgsParseException {
boolean input = false;
boolean output = false;
String configPath = TaskConfig.DEFAULTCONFIG;
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
/* check whether an input file is given */
if (args[i].trim().equals("-i")) {
input = true;
if (args[i].trim().equals("-o")) {
output = true;
/* check for mode parameter */
if (args[i].trim().equals("-mode")) {
String value = args[i + 1].trim();
try {
int md = Integer.parseInt(value);
if (md == TaskConfig.GENERAL_TRAINING_MODE) {
TaskConfig.mode = TaskConfig.GENERAL_TRAINING_MODE;
} else if (md == TaskConfig.CLUSTERING_MODE) {
TaskConfig.mode = TaskConfig.CLUSTERING_MODE;
} else if (md == TaskConfig.COMPARISON_MODE) {
TaskConfig.mode = TaskConfig.COMPARISON_MODE;
} else if (md == TaskConfig.HIERARICHAL_MODE) {
TaskConfig.mode = TaskConfig.HIERARICHAL_MODE;
} else {
throw new ArgsParseException("The given mode is incorrect - it does not exist! " + md);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ArgsParseException("The given mode is not an interger value: " + value);
/* check for config parameter */
if (args[i].trim().equals("-config")) {
String value = args[i + 1].trim();
if (value.endsWith(".conf")) {
TaskConfig.useConfigFile = true;
TaskConfig.inputConfigPath = value;
configPath = value;
} else {
throw new InvalidInputFileException("An invalid config file was entered. The file must end with '.conf'. Please try again! Given file=" + value);
/* check for if -cf parameter is set */
if (args[i].trim().equals("-cf")) {
TaskConfig.useConfigFile = Boolean.parseBoolean(args[i + 1].trim());
if (TaskConfig.useConfigFile) {
try {
FileInputStream s = new FileInputStream(configPath);
PropertyResourceBundle configrb = new PropertyResourceBundle(s);
// log.debug("Using config file " + configPath);
} catch (MissingResourceException ex) {
TaskConfig.monitor.showMessage(TaskMonitor.Level.ERROR, "WARNING: Resources are missing in the given config file: " + TaskConfig.DEFAULTCONFIG + ", key=" + ex.getKey() + ". Either you have defined these parameters in the input, or the default values are used from the " + TaskConfig.DEFAULTCONFIG + ". Or these parameters do not interest you, because they belong to an unused implemtation.");
} catch (IOException ex) {
TaskConfig.monitor.showMessage(TaskMonitor.Level.ERROR, "ERROR: Unable to read the given config file: " + configPath);
} catch (InvalidTypeException ex) {
TaskConfig.monitor.showMessage(TaskMonitor.Level.ERROR, "ERROR: You have perhaps given an incorrect class name of an " + "implemtation. Please note that this is case sensitive.");
if (input && output)
return true;
return false;