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Example 1 with UserInfo

use of in project OA4MP by ncsa.

the class OA2ReadyServlet method doIt.

protected void doIt(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Throwable {
    if (request.getParameterMap().containsKey(OA2Constants.ERROR)) {
        throw new OA2RedirectableError(request.getParameter(OA2Constants.ERROR), request.getParameter(OA2Constants.ERROR_DESCRIPTION), request.getParameter(OA2Constants.STATE));
    // Get the cert itself. The server itself does a redirect using the callback to this servlet
    // (so it is the portal that actually is invoking this method after the authorization
    // step.) The token and verifier are peeled off and used
    // to complete the request.
    info("2.a. Getting token and verifier.");
    String token = request.getParameter(CONST(ClientEnvironment.TOKEN));
    String state = request.getParameter(OA2Constants.STATE);
    if (token == null) {
        warn("2.a. The token is " + (token == null ? "null" : token) + ".");
        GeneralException ge = new GeneralException("Error: This servlet requires parameters for the token and possibly verifier.");
        request.setAttribute("exception", ge);
        JSPUtil.fwd(request, response, getCE().getErrorPagePath());
    info("2.a Token found.");
    AuthorizationGrant grant = new AuthorizationGrantImpl(URI.create(token));
    info("2.a. Getting the cert(s) from the service");
    String identifier = clearCookie(request, response);
    OA2Asset asset = null;
    if (identifier == null) {
        asset = (OA2Asset) getCE().getAssetStore().getByToken(BasicIdentifier.newID(token));
        if (asset != null) {
            identifier = asset.getIdentifierString();
    AssetResponse assetResponse = null;
    OA2MPService oa2MPService = (OA2MPService) getOA4MPService();
    UserInfo ui = null;
    boolean getCerts = ((OA2ClientEnvironment) getCE()).getScopes().contains(OA2Scopes.SCOPE_MYPROXY);
    if (identifier == null) {
        // Since this is a demo servlet, we don't blow up if there is no identifier found, just can't save anything.
        String msg = "Error: no cookie found. Cannot save certificates";
        debug("No cookie found");
        // if(asset == null) asset = new OA2Asset(BasicIdentifier.newID())
        ATResponse2 atResponse2 = oa2MPService.getAccessToken(asset, grant);
        ui = oa2MPService.getUserInfo(atResponse2.getAccessToken().toString());
        if (getCerts) {
            assetResponse = oa2MPService.getCert(asset, atResponse2);
    } else {
        asset = (OA2Asset) getCE().getAssetStore().get(identifier);
        if (asset.getState() == null || !asset.getState().equals(state)) {
            // Just a note: This is most likely to arise when the server's authorize-init.jsp has been
            // changed or replaced and the hidden field for the state (passed to the form, then passed back
            // and therefore not stored on the server anyplace) is missing.
            warn("The expected state from the server was \"" + asset.getState() + "\", but instead \"" + state + "\" was returned. Transaction aborted.");
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error: The state returned by the server is invalid.");
        ATResponse2 atResponse2 = oa2MPService.getAccessToken(asset, grant);
        // ui = oa2MPService.getUserInfo(atResponse2.getAccessToken().getToken());
        ui = oa2MPService.getUserInfo(identifier);
        if (getCerts) {
            assetResponse = oa2MPService.getCert(asset, atResponse2);
    // The general case is to do the call with the identifier if you want the asset store managed.
    // assetResponse = getOA4MPService().getCert(token, null, BasicIdentifier.newID(identifier));
    // The work in this call
    // Again, we take the first returned cert to peel off some information to display. This
    // just proves we got a response.
    info("2.b. Done! Displaying success page.");
    if (getCerts) {
        if (assetResponse.getX509Certificates() == null) {
            request.setAttribute("certSubject", "(no cert returned)");
        } else {
            X509Certificate cert = assetResponse.getX509Certificates()[0];
            // Rest of this is putting up something for the user to see
            request.setAttribute("certSubject", cert.getSubjectDN());
            request.setAttribute("cert", CertUtil.toPEM(assetResponse.getX509Certificates()));
            request.setAttribute("username", assetResponse.getUsername());
            // FIX OAUTH-216. Note that this is displayed on the client's success page.
            if (asset.getPrivateKey() != null) {
                request.setAttribute("privateKey", KeyUtil.toPKCS1PEM(asset.getPrivateKey()));
            } else {
                request.setAttribute("privateKey", "(none)");
    } else {
        request.setAttribute("certSubject", "(no cert requested)");
    if (ui != null) {
        String output = JSONUtils.valueToString(ui.toJSon(), 4, 2);
        request.setAttribute("userinfo", output);
    } else {
        request.setAttribute("userinfo", "no user info returned.");
    // Fix in cases where the server request passes through Apache before going to Tomcat.
    String contextPath = request.getContextPath();
    if (!contextPath.endsWith("/")) {
        contextPath = contextPath + "/";
    request.setAttribute("action", contextPath);
    info("2.a. Completely finished with delegation.");
    JSPUtil.fwd(request, response, getCE().getSuccessPagePath());
Also used : GeneralException( OA2RedirectableError( AuthorizationGrantImpl( AssetResponse(edu.uiuc.ncsa.myproxy.oa4mp.client.AssetResponse) UserInfo( X509Certificate( ATResponse2( OA2MPService(edu.uiuc.ncsa.oa4mp.oauth2.client.OA2MPService) AuthorizationGrant( OA2Asset(edu.uiuc.ncsa.oa4mp.oauth2.client.OA2Asset)

Example 2 with UserInfo

use of in project OA4MP by ncsa.

the class LDAPSSLSocketFactory method main.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
        DebugUtil.dbg(LDAPSSLSocketFactory.class, System.getProperty("java.home") + "/lib/security/cacerts");
        // System.setProperty("", "ssl");
        JSONObject json = JSONObject.fromObject(ldap);
        LDAPConfiguration ldapConfiguration = LDAPConfigurationUtil.fromJSON(json);
        LDAPClaimsSource x = new LDAPClaimsSource(ldapConfiguration, null);
        UserInfo userInfo = new UserInfo();
        userInfo.getMap().putAll(x.simpleSearch(x.context, "", ldapConfiguration.getSearchAttributes()));
    } catch (Throwable t) {
Also used : JSONObject(net.sf.json.JSONObject) UserInfo( LDAPConfiguration(

Example 3 with UserInfo

use of in project OA4MP by ncsa.

the class LDAPClaimsSource method main.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
        String rawLdap = "{\"ldap\":{\"failOnError\":\"false\"," + "\"address\":\"\"," + "\"port\":636," + "\"enabled\":\"true\"," + "\"authorizationType\":\"none\"," + "\"searchName\":\"eppn\"," + "\"searchAttributes\":[{" + "\"name\":\"mail\"," + "\"returnAsList\":false," + "\"returnName\":\"mail\"}," + "{\"name\":\"cn\"," + "\"returnAsList\":false," + "\"returnName\":\"name\"}," + "{\"name\":\"memberOf\"," + "\"returnAsList\":false," + "\"isGroup\":true," + "\"returnName\":\"isMemberOf\"}]," + "\"searchBase\":\"ou=People,dc=ncsa,dc=illinois,dc=edu\"," + "\"contextName\":\"\"," + "\"ssl\":{\"tlsVersion\":\"TLS\",\"useJavaTrustStore\":true}}}";
        String rawLdap2 = "{\"ldap\": {\n" + "  \"address\": \"\",\n" + "  \"port\": 636,\n" + "  \"enabled\": true,\n" + "  \"authorizationType\": \"simple\",\n" + "  \"failOnError\": false,\n" + "  \"notifyOnFail\": false,\n" + "  \"password\": \"Eavjofoop4gikpecUzbooljorUryikwu\",\n" + "  \"principal\": \"uid=oa4mp_user,ou=system,o=ImPACT,dc=cilogon,dc=org\",\n" + "  \"searchAttributes\":   [\n" + "        {\n" + "      \"name\": \"isMemberOf\",\n" + "      \"returnAsList\": true,\n" + "      \"returnName\": \"isMemberOf\"\n" + "    },\n" + "        {\n" + "      \"name\": \"employeeNumber\",\n" + "      \"returnAsList\": false,\n" + "      \"returnName\": \"employeeNumber\"\n" + "    }\n" + "  ],\n" + "  \"searchBase\": \"ou=people,o=ImPACT,dc=cilogon,dc=org\",\n" + "  \"searchName\": \"username\",\n" + "  \"contextName\": \"\",\n" + "  \"ssl\":   {\n" + "    \"keystore\": {},\n" + "    \"useJavaTrustStore\": true,\n" + "    \"password\": \"changeit\",\n" + "    \"type\": \"jks\"\n" + "  }\n" + "}}";
        ServiceTransaction st = new ServiceTransaction(BasicIdentifier.newID("foo"));
        JSONObject json = JSONObject.fromObject(rawLdap);
        LDAPConfiguration cfg = LDAPConfigurationUtil.fromJSON(json);
        LDAPClaimsSource claimsSource = new LDAPClaimsSource(cfg, null);
        UserInfo ui = new UserInfo();
        ui.getMap().put("username", "");
        ui.getMap().put("eppn", "");
        UserInfo ui2 = claimsSource.process(ui, st);
        System.out.println("Result of LDAP query:");
    // getGid(cfg, "lsst_users");
    } catch (Throwable t) {
Also used : JSONObject(net.sf.json.JSONObject) ServiceTransaction( UserInfo( LDAPConfiguration(

Example 4 with UserInfo

use of in project OA4MP by ncsa.

the class OA2TestCommands method getuserinfo.

public void getuserinfo(InputLine inputLine) throws Exception {
    if (showHelp(inputLine)) {
    UserInfo userInfo = getOA2S().getUserInfo(dummyAsset.getIdentifier().toString());
    say("user info:");
    for (String key : userInfo.getMap().keySet()) {
        say("          " + key + " = " + userInfo.getMap().get(key));
Also used : UserInfo(

Example 5 with UserInfo

use of in project OA4MP by ncsa.

the class OA2MPService method getUserInfo.

public UserInfo getUserInfo(String identifier) {
    OA2Asset asset = getAsset2(identifier);
    if (asset == null || asset.getAccessToken() == null)
        return null;
    UIRequest uiRequest = new UIRequest(asset.getAccessToken());
    DS2 ds2 = (DS2) getEnvironment().getDelegationService();
    UIResponse resp = ds2.getUserInfo(uiRequest);
    JSONObject json = JSONObject.fromObject(resp.getRawJSON());
    UserInfo ui = new UserInfo();
    // return everything, even specialized fields.
    // UserInfo ui = (UserInfo) JSONObject.toBean(json, UserInfo.class);
    return ui;
Also used : DS2( JSONObject(net.sf.json.JSONObject) UserInfo(


UserInfo ( JSONObject (net.sf.json.JSONObject)3 LDAPConfiguration ( AssetResponse (edu.uiuc.ncsa.myproxy.oa4mp.client.AssetResponse)1 OA2Asset (edu.uiuc.ncsa.oa4mp.oauth2.client.OA2Asset)1 OA2MPService (edu.uiuc.ncsa.oa4mp.oauth2.client.OA2MPService)1 GeneralException ( ServiceTransaction ( AuthorizationGrant ( AuthorizationGrantImpl ( OA2RedirectableError ( ATResponse2 ( DS2 ( X509Certificate (