use of edu.umass.cs.gnsserver.gnsapp.packet.SelectResponsePacket in project GNS by MobilityFirst.
the class Select method handledAllServersResponded.
// If all the servers have sent us a response we're done.
private static void handledAllServersResponded(InternalRequestHeader header, SelectResponsePacket packet, NSSelectInfo info, GNSApplicationInterface<String> replica) throws JSONException, ClientException, IOException, InternalRequestException {
// must be done before the notify below
// we're done processing this select query
Set<JSONObject> allRecords = info.getResponsesAsSet();
// Todo - clean up this use of guids further below in the group code
Set<String> guids = extractGuidsFromRecords(allRecords);
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "NS{0} guids:{1}", new Object[] { replica.getNodeID(), guids });
SelectResponsePacket response;
// If projection is null we return guids (old-style).
if (info.getProjection() == null) {
response = SelectResponsePacket.makeSuccessPacketForGuidsOnly(packet.getId(), null, -1, null, new JSONArray(guids));
// Otherwise we return a list of records.
} else {
List<JSONObject> records = filterAndMassageRecords(allRecords);
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "NS{0} record:{1}", new Object[] { replica.getNodeID(), records });
response = SelectResponsePacket.makeSuccessPacketForFullRecords(packet.getId(), null, -1, -1, null, new JSONArray(records));
// Put the result where the coordinator can see it.
QUERY_RESULT.put(packet.getNsQueryId(), response);
// and let the coordinator know the value is there
synchronized (QUERIES_IN_PROGRESS) {
// Now we update any group guid stuff
if (info.getGroupBehavior().equals(SelectGroupBehavior.GROUP_SETUP)) {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "NS{0} storing query string and other info", replica.getNodeID());
// for setup we need to squirrel away the query for later lookups
NSGroupAccess.updateQueryString(header, info.getGuid(), info.getQuery(), info.getProjection(), replica.getRequestHandler());
NSGroupAccess.updateMinRefresh(header, info.getGuid(), info.getMinRefreshInterval(), replica.getRequestHandler());
if (info.getGroupBehavior().equals(SelectGroupBehavior.GROUP_SETUP) || info.getGroupBehavior().equals(SelectGroupBehavior.GROUP_LOOKUP)) {
String guid = info.getGuid();
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "NS{0} updating group members", replica.getNodeID());
GroupAccess.addToGroup(header, guid, new ResultValue(guids), null, null, null, null, replica.getRequestHandler());
//NSGroupAccess.updateMembers(header, guid, guids, replica.getRequestHandler());
//NSGroupAccess.updateRecords(guid, processResponsesIntoJSONArray(info.getResponsesAsMap()), replica);
NSGroupAccess.updateLastUpdate(header, guid, new Date(), replica.getRequestHandler());
use of edu.umass.cs.gnsserver.gnsapp.packet.SelectResponsePacket in project GNS by MobilityFirst.
the class Select method handleSelectRequestFromNS.
* Handle a select request from the collecting NS. This is what other NSs do when they
* get a SelectRequestPacket from the NS that originally received the packet (the one that is collecting
* all the records).
* This NS looks up the records and returns them.
* @param incomingJSON
* @param app
* @throws JSONException
private static void handleSelectRequestFromNS(SelectRequestPacket request, GNSApplicationInterface<String> app) throws JSONException {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "NS {0} {1} received query {2}", new Object[] { Select.class.getSimpleName(), app.getNodeID(), request.getSummary() });
try {
// grab the records
JSONArray jsonRecords = getJSONRecordsForSelect(request, app);
jsonRecords = aclCheckFilterReturnedRecord(request, jsonRecords, request.getReader(), app);
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") SelectResponsePacket response = SelectResponsePacket.makeSuccessPacketForFullRecords(request.getId(), request.getClientAddress(), request.getCcpQueryId(), request.getNsQueryId(), app.getNodeAddress(), jsonRecords);
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "NS {0} sending back {1} record(s) in response to {2}", new Object[] { app.getNodeID(), jsonRecords.length(), request.getSummary() });
// and send them back to the originating NS
app.sendToAddress(request.getNSReturnAddress(), response.toJSONObject());
} catch (FailedDBOperationException | JSONException | IOException e) {
LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while handling select request: {0}", e);
SelectResponsePacket failResponse = SelectResponsePacket.makeFailPacket(request.getId(), request.getClientAddress(), request.getNsQueryId(), app.getNodeAddress(), e.getMessage());
try {
app.sendToAddress(request.getNSReturnAddress(), failResponse.toJSONObject());
} catch (IOException f) {
LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unable to send Failure SelectResponsePacket: {0}", f);
use of edu.umass.cs.gnsserver.gnsapp.packet.SelectResponsePacket in project GNS by MobilityFirst.
the class GNSApp method execute.
* @param request
* @param doNotReplyToClient
* @return true if the command is successfully executed
// we explicitly check type
public boolean execute(Request request, boolean doNotReplyToClient) {
boolean executed = false;
if (executeNoop(request)) {
return true;
try {
Packet.PacketType packetType = request.getRequestType() instanceof Packet.PacketType ? (Packet.PacketType) request.getRequestType() : null;
GNSConfig.getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "{0} starting execute({1}) doNotReplyToClient={2}", new Object[] { this, request.getSummary(), doNotReplyToClient });
Request prev = null;
// arun: enqueue request, dequeue before returning
if (request instanceof RequestIdentifier) {
if (enqueueCommand()) {
prev = this.outstanding.putIfAbsent(((RequestIdentifier) request).getRequestID(), request);
} else {
assert (false) : this + " should not be getting requests that do not implement " + RequestIdentifier.class;
switch(packetType) {
Select.handleSelectRequest((SelectRequestPacket) request, this);
Select.handleSelectResponse((SelectResponsePacket) request, this);
CommandHandler.handleCommandPacket((CommandPacket) request, doNotReplyToClient, this);
CommandHandler.handleCommandPacket((AdminCommandPacket) request, doNotReplyToClient, this);
assert (false) : (this + " should not be getting packets of type " + packetType + "; exiting");
GNSConfig.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, " Packet type not found: {0}", request.getSummary());
return false;
executed = true;
// arun: always clean up all created state upon exiting
if (request instanceof RequestIdentifier && prev == null) {
GNSConfig.getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "{0} finished execute({1}) -> {2}", new Object[] { this, request.getSummary(), request instanceof ClientRequest && ((ClientRequest) request).getResponse() != null ? ((ClientRequest) request).getResponse().getSummary() : null });
this.outstanding.remove(((RequestIdentifier) request).getRequestID());
} catch (JSONException | IOException | ClientException | InternalRequestException e) {
} catch (FailedDBOperationException e) {
// all database operations throw this exception, therefore we keep
// throwing this exception upwards and catch this
// here.
// A database operation error would imply that the application
// hasn't been able to successfully execute
// the request. therefore, this method returns 'false', hoping that
// whoever calls handleDecision would retry
// the request.
GNSConfig.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Error handling request: {0}", request.toString());
return executed;
use of edu.umass.cs.gnsserver.gnsapp.packet.SelectResponsePacket in project GNS by MobilityFirst.
the class Select method getMySelectedRecords.
private static SelectResponsePacket getMySelectedRecords(SelectRequestPacket request, GNSApplicationInterface<String> app) {
SelectResponsePacket response;
try {
// grab the records
JSONArray jsonRecords = getJSONRecordsForSelect(request, app);
jsonRecords = aclCheckFilterReturnedRecord(request, jsonRecords, request.getReader(), app);
response = SelectResponsePacket.makeSuccessPacketForFullRecords(request.getId(), request.getClientAddress(), request.getCcpQueryId(), request.getNsQueryId(), app.getNodeAddress(), jsonRecords);
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "NS {0} sending back {1} record(s) in response to self-select request {2}", new Object[] { app.getNodeID(), jsonRecords.length(), request.getSummary() });
} catch (FailedDBOperationException e) {
LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while handling self-select request: {0}", e.getMessage());
response = SelectResponsePacket.makeFailPacket(request.getId(), request.getClientAddress(), request.getNsQueryId(), app.getNodeAddress(), e.getMessage());
return response;