use of edu.umd.cloud9.collection.DocnoMapping in project Cloud9 by lintool.
the class IT method testForwardIndex.
private void testForwardIndex() throws Exception {
Configuration conf = IntegrationUtils.getBespinConfiguration();
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
String index = tmpPrefix + "-findex.dat";
String[] args = new String[] { "hadoop jar", IntegrationUtils.getJar("target", "cloud9"), edu.umd.cloud9.collection.trec.TrecForwardIndexBuilder.class.getCanonicalName(), "-collection=" + collectionPath, "-index=" + index, "-docnoMapping=" + mappingFile };
IntegrationUtils.exec(Joiner.on(" ").join(args));
TrecForwardIndex findex = new TrecForwardIndex();
findex.loadIndex(new Path(index), new Path(mappingFile), fs);
assertTrue(findex.getDocument(1).getContent().contains("Newspapers in the Former Yugoslav Republic"));
assertTrue(findex.getDocument("FBIS3-1").getContent().contains("Newspapers in the Former Yugoslav Republic"));
assertEquals(1, findex.getFirstDocno());
assertEquals(472525, findex.getLastDocno());
use of edu.umd.cloud9.collection.DocnoMapping in project Cloud9 by lintool.
the class ClueWebDriver method run.
public int run(String[] args) throws Exception {
if (args.length < 6) {
return -1;
Configuration conf = getConf();
String inputArg = DriverUtil.argValue(args, DriverUtil.CL_INPUT);
final String inputBase = inputArg.endsWith("/") ? inputArg : inputArg + "/";
String outputArg = DriverUtil.argValue(args, DriverUtil.CL_OUTPUT);
final String outputBase = outputArg.endsWith("/") ? outputArg : outputArg + "/";
final String docnoMapping = DriverUtil.argValue(args, DriverUtil.CL_DOCNO_MAPPING);
final int fromSegment = Integer.parseInt(DriverUtil.argValue(args, DriverUtil.CL_BEGIN_SEGMENT));
final int toSegment = Integer.parseInt(DriverUtil.argValue(args, DriverUtil.CL_END_SEGMENT));
final boolean includeInternalLinks = DriverUtil.argExists(args, DriverUtil.CL_INCLUDE_INTERNAL_LINKS);
final boolean computeAnchorWeights = DriverUtil.argExists(args, DriverUtil.CL_COMPUTE_WEIGHTS);
final String normalizer = DriverUtil.argValue(args, DriverUtil.CL_NORMALIZER);
conf.setInt("Cloud9.Mappers", 2000);
conf.setInt("Cloud9.Reducers", DriverUtil.DEFAULT_REDUCERS);
conf.set("Cloud9.DocnoMappingFile", docnoMapping);
conf.setBoolean("Cloud9.IncludeInternalLinks", includeInternalLinks);
conf.set("Cloud9.AnchorTextNormalizer", normalizer);
// Extract link information for each segment separately
for (int i = fromSegment; i <= toSegment; i++) {
String inputPath = inputBase + "en." + (i == 10 ? "10" : ("0" + i));
String outputPath = outputBase + DriverUtil.OUTPUT_EXTRACT_LINKS + "/en." + (i == 10 ? "10" : ("0" + i));
conf.set("Cloud9.InputPath", inputPath);
conf.set("Cloud9.OutputPath", outputPath);
int r = new ClueExtractLinks(conf).run();
if (r != 0) {
return -1;
// Construct the reverse web graph (i.e., collect incoming link
// information)
String inputPath = "";
for (int i = fromSegment; i < toSegment; i++) {
inputPath += outputBase + DriverUtil.OUTPUT_EXTRACT_LINKS + "/en.0" + i + "/,";
if (toSegment == 10) {
inputPath += outputBase + DriverUtil.OUTPUT_EXTRACT_LINKS + "/en.10/";
} else {
inputPath += outputBase + DriverUtil.OUTPUT_EXTRACT_LINKS + "/en.0" + toSegment + "/";
String outputPath = outputBase + DriverUtil.OUTPUT_REVERSE_WEBGRAPH + "/";
conf.set("Cloud9.InputPath", inputPath);
conf.set("Cloud9.OutputPath", outputPath);
conf.setInt("Cloud9.Mappers", 1);
conf.setInt("Cloud9.Reducers", DriverUtil.DEFAULT_REDUCERS * (toSegment - fromSegment + 1));
int r = new BuildReverseWebGraph(conf).run();
if (r != 0) {
return -1;
// Construct the web graph
inputPath = outputBase + DriverUtil.OUTPUT_REVERSE_WEBGRAPH + "/";
outputPath = outputBase + DriverUtil.OUTPUT_WEBGRAPH + "/";
conf.set("Cloud9.InputPath", inputPath);
conf.set("Cloud9.OutputPath", outputPath);
conf.setInt("Cloud9.Mappers", 1);
conf.setInt("Cloud9.Reducers", DriverUtil.DEFAULT_REDUCERS * (toSegment - fromSegment + 1));
r = new BuildWebGraph(conf).run();
if (r != 0) {
return -1;
if (computeAnchorWeights) {
// Propagating domain names in order to compute anchor weights
inputPath = outputBase + DriverUtil.OUTPUT_WEBGRAPH + "/";
outputPath = outputBase + DriverUtil.OUTPUT_HOST_NAMES + "/";
conf.set("Cloud9.InputPath", inputPath);
conf.set("Cloud9.OutputPath", outputPath);
conf.setInt("Cloud9.Mappers", 1);
conf.setInt("Cloud9.Reducers", DriverUtil.DEFAULT_REDUCERS * (toSegment - fromSegment + 1));
r = new CollectHostnames(conf).run();
if (r != 0) {
return -1;
// Compute the weights
inputPath = outputBase + DriverUtil.OUTPUT_REVERSE_WEBGRAPH + "/," + outputBase + DriverUtil.OUTPUT_HOST_NAMES + "/";
outputPath = outputBase + DriverUtil.OUTPUT_WEGIHTED_REVERSE_WEBGRAPH + "/";
conf.set("Cloud9.InputPath", inputPath);
conf.set("Cloud9.OutputPath", outputPath);
conf.setInt("Cloud9.Mappers", 1);
conf.setInt("Cloud9.Reducers", DriverUtil.DEFAULT_REDUCERS * (toSegment - fromSegment + 1));
r = new ComputeWeight(conf).run();
if (r != 0) {
return -1;
return 0;