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Example 11 with Fault

use of in project AMASE by loonwerks.

the class AddFaultsToNodeVisitor method gatherFaults.

 * Method gathers fault statements within this agree node and begins processing.
 * Creates FaultASTBuilder object, creates faults for each fault stmt, populates
 * asym maps, separates asym/sym faults for separate processing, and returns
 * processed faults.
 * @param globalLustreNodes List of Nodes
 * @param node              This agree node
 * @param isTop             flag to determine if this is the top node of the
 *                          program.
 * @return list of faults associated with the fault stmts in this node.
public List<Fault> gatherFaults(List<Node> globalLustreNodes, AgreeNode node, boolean isTop) {
    List<SpecStatement> specs = SafetyUtil.collapseAnnexes(SafetyUtil.getSafetyAnnexes(node, isTop));
    List<Fault> faults = new ArrayList<>();
    // reset fault count for the new Agree Node
    // Before looping through spec statements, separate out the asymmetric multiple
    // faults on a single output with the sym/asym single faults on a single output.
    // 1. Collect all fault statements and put into list.
    // Do not collect any that are disabled.
    // 2. Separate out multiple asym faults on one output and single faults on one
    // output.
    // 3. Perform necessary processing on each of these lists.
    List<FaultStatement> allFaultStmts = new ArrayList<FaultStatement>();
    for (SpecStatement s : specs) {
        if (s instanceof FaultStatement) {
            if (!isDisabled((FaultStatement) s)) {
                allFaultStmts.add((FaultStatement) s);
    List<FaultStatement> remainderFS = new ArrayList<FaultStatement>();
    Map<String, List<FaultStatement>> multipleAsymFS = new HashMap<String, List<FaultStatement>>();
    separateFaultStmts(allFaultStmts, remainderFS, multipleAsymFS);
    // processes these stmts, creates faults, and creates associated comm nodes.
    for (String output : multipleAsymFS.keySet()) {
        if (multipleAsymFS.get(output).size() == 1) {
        AsymFaultASTBuilder asymBuilder = new AsymFaultASTBuilder(globalLustreNodes, node);
        List<Fault> safetyFaults = asymBuilder.processFaults(multipleAsymFS.get(output));
        mapAsymCompOutputToCommNodeIn = asymBuilder.getMapAsymCompOutputToCommNodeIn();
        mapCommNodeToInputs = asymBuilder.getMapCommNodeToInputs();
        mapCommNodeOutputToConnections = asymBuilder.getMapCommNodeOutputToConnections();
        mapSenderToReceiver = asymBuilder.getMapSenderToReceiver();
        mapCompNameToCommNodes = asymBuilder.getMapCompNameToCommNodes();
        // Create local mapAsymFaultToCompName
        if (node.compInst instanceof ComponentInstance) {
            ComponentInstance comp = node.compInst;
            String name = comp.getName();
            for (Fault safetyFault : safetyFaults) {
                mapAsymFaultToCompName.put(safetyFault, name);
                // Create mapping from fault to associated commNodes.
                // Use mapping from fault to comp name, then map from comp name to
                // comm nodes.
                mapAsymFaultToCommNodes.put(safetyFault, mapCompNameToCommNodes.get(name));
    // Now process all the rest of the fault stmts.
    for (SpecStatement s : remainderFS) {
        if (s instanceof FaultStatement) {
            FaultStatement fs = (FaultStatement) s;
            FaultASTBuilder builder = new FaultASTBuilder(globalLustreNodes, node);
            // Process fault determines if we have a
            // symmetric or asymmetric fault and builds it accordingly.
            Fault safetyFault = builder.processFault(fs);
            // to main lustre node.
            if (isAsymmetric(fs)) {
                mapAsymCompOutputToCommNodeIn = builder.getMapAsymCompOutputToCommNodeIn();
                mapCommNodeToInputs = builder.getMapCommNodeToInputs();
                mapCommNodeOutputToConnections = builder.getMapCommNodeOutputToConnections();
                mapSenderToReceiver = builder.getMapSenderToReceiver();
                mapCompNameToCommNodes = builder.getMapCompNameToCommNodes();
                // Create local mapAsymFaultToCompName
                if (node.compInst instanceof ComponentInstance) {
                    ComponentInstance comp = node.compInst;
                    String name = comp.getName();
                    mapAsymFaultToCompName.put(safetyFault, name);
                    // Create mapping from fault to associated commNodes.
                    // Use mapping from fault to comp name, then map from comp name to
                    // comm nodes.
                    mapAsymFaultToCommNodes.put(safetyFault, mapCompNameToCommNodes.get(name));
    return faults;
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) HWFaultASTBuilder( FaultASTBuilder( AsymFaultASTBuilder( SpecStatement( HWFault( BaseFault( Fault( FaultStatement( HWFaultStatement( AsymFaultASTBuilder( ComponentInstance(org.osate.aadl2.instance.ComponentInstance) List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) EList(org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList)

Example 12 with Fault

use of in project AMASE by loonwerks.

the class AddFaultsToNodeVisitor method visit.

// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
public AgreeNode visit(AgreeNode node) {
    Map<String, List<Pair>> parentFaultyVarsExpr = faultyVarsExpr;
    boolean isTop = (node == this.topNode);
    // Gather non-hardware (dependent) faults
    List<Fault> faults = gatherFaults(globalLustreNodes, node, isTop);
    // Gather HW faults
    List<HWFault> hwFaults = gatherHWFaults(globalLustreNodes, node, isTop);
    // Rename var names in faults: fault_varName
    faults = renameFaultEqs(faults);
    if (faultMap.containsKey(node.compInst) || hwfaultMap.containsKey(node.compInst)) {
        throw new SafetyException("Node: " + + " has been visited twice.");
    faultMap.put(node.compInst, faults);
    hwfaultMap.put(node.compInst, hwFaults);
    faultyVarsExpr = gatherFaultyOutputs(faults, node);
    // this will traverse through the child nodes
    node = super.visit(node);
    AgreeNodeBuilder nb = new AgreeNodeBuilder(node);
    // Change this nodes flag to reflect fault tree generation or not.
    if (AddFaultsToAgree.getIsGenMCS()) {
    // If asymmetric, only add fault triggers to agree node.
    for (Fault f : faults) {
        if ((f.propType == null) || (f.propType.getPty() instanceof symmetric)) {
            addFaultInputs(f, nb);
            addFaultLocalEqsAndAsserts(f, nb);
        } else {
            addFaultInputs(f, nb);
    addHWFaultInputs(hwFaults, nb);
    addNominalVars(node, nb);
    addFaultNodeEqs(faults, nb);
    if (isTop) {
        topNodeVisit(nb, node);
    node =;
    faultyVarsExpr = parentFaultyVarsExpr;
    // for asymmetric faults.
    if (!this.mapSenderToReceiver.isEmpty() && isTop) {
        SafetyNodeBuilder sb = changeTopNodeAsymConnections(nb, node);
    } else {
        return node;
Also used : SafetyNodeBuilder( List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) EList(org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList) HWFault( BaseFault( Fault( SafetyException( AgreeNodeBuilder(com.rockwellcollins.atc.agree.analysis.ast.AgreeNodeBuilder) HWFault(

Example 13 with Fault

use of in project AMASE by loonwerks.

the class AddFaultsToNodeVisitor method getSrcFaultExprList.

 * Method collect the list of expressions for the source faults in the
 * propagations whose target fault is the current fault.
 * @param f          Fault in question (base fault)
 * @param faultExprs List of all fault expressions.
public void getSrcFaultExprList(BaseFault f, List<Expr> faultExprs) {
    for (SafetyPropagation propagation : propagations) {
        if (propagation.destFault.equals(f)) {
            if (propagation.srcFault instanceof HWFault) {
                // use the triggering event for HW fault in the src fault expr, so to get the
                // effect
                // from both hw dependent and hw independent faults
                String interfaceVarId = addPathDelimiters(((HWFault) propagation.srcFault).path, this.createFaultNodeTriggerId(((HWFault) propagation.srcFault).id));
                faultExprs.add(new IdExpr(interfaceVarId));
            } else if (propagation.srcFault instanceof Fault) {
                String base = addPathDelimiters(((Fault) propagation.srcFault).path, ((Fault) propagation.srcFault).id);
                faultExprs.add(new IdExpr(this.createFaultIndependentActiveId(base)));
Also used : IdExpr(jkind.lustre.IdExpr) SafetyPropagation( HWFault( BaseFault( Fault( HWFault(

Example 14 with Fault

use of in project AMASE by loonwerks.

the class AddFaultsToNodeVisitor method addNominalVars.

 * Creates fault nominal input to the lustre node. Only add this if there is at
 * least one symmetric fault defined for this node. If only asymmetric, then
 * fault nominal does not exist in the agree node, only in comm nodes.
 * @param node Agree node with these faults.
 * @param nb   NodeBuilder will have nominal vars added to locals.
public void addNominalVars(AgreeNode node, AgreeNodeBuilder nb) {
    List<String> inputIdList = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (Map.Entry<String, List<Pair>> faultyVarsExprEntry : faultyVarsExpr.entrySet()) {
        // get the specific output
        String outputId = faultyVarsExprEntry.getKey();
        List<Pair> faultPairs = faultyVarsExprEntry.getValue();
        boolean onlyAsym = true;
        Fault f = null;
        // for list of fault pairs associated with the specific output
        for (Pair p : faultPairs) {
            if (!isAsymmetric(p.f)) {
                onlyAsym = false;
            f = p.f;
            // if the current fault is not asymmetric, add the nominal output id to the node input list
            if (!onlyAsym) {
                AgreeVar out = findVar(node.outputs, (outputId));
                if (out == null) {
                    new SafetyException("A fault defined for " + + " has a connection" + " that is not a valid output for this component." + " Valid connections include {" + node.outputs + "}");
                } else {
                    // we only add to the input list once for the nominal var for each output
                    if (!inputIdList.contains(outputId)) {
                        nb.addInput(new AgreeVar(createNominalId((outputId)), out.type, out.reference));
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) EList(org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList) HWFault( BaseFault( Fault( SafetyException( Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) AgreeVar(com.rockwellcollins.atc.agree.analysis.ast.AgreeVar)


BaseFault ( Fault ( HWFault ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)10 IdExpr (jkind.lustre.IdExpr)6 AgreeNode (com.rockwellcollins.atc.agree.analysis.ast.AgreeNode)4 AgreeVar (com.rockwellcollins.atc.agree.analysis.ast.AgreeVar)4 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)4 List (java.util.List)4 ArrayAccessExpr (jkind.lustre.ArrayAccessExpr)4 BinaryExpr (jkind.lustre.BinaryExpr)4 BoolExpr (jkind.lustre.BoolExpr)4 Expr (jkind.lustre.Expr)4 IfThenElseExpr (jkind.lustre.IfThenElseExpr)4 IntExpr (jkind.lustre.IntExpr)4 NodeCallExpr (jkind.lustre.NodeCallExpr)4 RecordAccessExpr (jkind.lustre.RecordAccessExpr)4 UnaryExpr (jkind.lustre.UnaryExpr)4 EList (org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList)4 AgreeStatement (com.rockwellcollins.atc.agree.analysis.ast.AgreeStatement)3