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Example 1 with ErrorListHelperModel

use of edu.usf.cutr.gtfsrtvalidator.lib.model.helper.ErrorListHelperModel in project gtfs-realtime-validator by CUTR-at-USF.

the class TestUtils method assertResults.

 * Asserts that for a given map of rules to expected number of warnings/errors (expected) and
 * error/warning results (results), there should be a certain number of errors warnings for each rule.  There should
 * be 0 errors/warnings for all other rules not included in the map.  In expected, the key is the
 * ValidationRule, and the value is the number of expected warnings/errors for that rule.
 * @param expected      A map of the ValidationRules to the number of expected warnings/errors for each rule.  If a ValidationRule isn't included in this map, it is expected that there are 0 errors/warnings for that rule.
 * @param results       list of errors or warnings output from validation
public static void assertResults(@NotNull Map<ValidationRule, Integer> expected, @NotNull List<ErrorListHelperModel> results) {
    if (expected == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("expected cannot be null - it must be a list of expected errors or warnings");
    if (results == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("results cannot be null - it must be a list of actual errors or warnings");
    // We need to create a map of actual results to actual count, so we can loop through
    Map<ValidationRule, Integer> actual = new HashMap<>();
     * First, confirm that all actual count for all rules in results match the expected count
    for (ErrorListHelperModel error : results) {
        // Save the actual count to a map for quick access in the next FOR loop
        ValidationRule rule = error.getErrorMessage().getValidationRule();
        Integer actualCount = error.getOccurrenceList().size();
        actual.put(rule, actualCount);
        // Get the expected count for this rule
        Integer expectedCount = expected.get(rule);
        if (expectedCount != null) {
            // Make sure we have expected number of errors/warnings
            assertEquals(expectedCount, actualCount);
        } else {
            // Make sure there aren't any errors/warnings for this rule, as it wasn't in the expected HashMap
            assertEquals(0, actualCount.intValue());
     * Second, make sure that all expected counts for all rules in expected match the actual count.  We need this loop
     * to make sure that there isn't an expected rule in expected that's not included in results.
    for (Map.Entry<ValidationRule, Integer> entry : expected.entrySet()) {
        ValidationRule rule = entry.getKey();
        Integer expectedCount = entry.getValue();
        // Get the actual count for this rule
        Integer actualCount = actual.get(rule);
        if (actualCount != null) {
            // Make sure we have expected number of errors/warnings for this rule
            assertEquals(actualCount, expectedCount);
        } else {
            // We're expecting errors/warnings for a rule that wasn't included in the actual results
            fail("Expected " + expectedCount + " occurrences for " + rule.getErrorId() + " but found 0 occurrences in actual results");
Also used : ErrorListHelperModel(edu.usf.cutr.gtfsrtvalidator.lib.model.helper.ErrorListHelperModel) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ValidationRule(edu.usf.cutr.gtfsrtvalidator.lib.model.ValidationRule)

Example 2 with ErrorListHelperModel

use of edu.usf.cutr.gtfsrtvalidator.lib.model.helper.ErrorListHelperModel in project gtfs-realtime-validator by CUTR-at-USF.

the class VehicleValidator method validate.

public List<ErrorListHelperModel> validate(long currentTimeMillis, GtfsDaoImpl gtfsData, GtfsMetadata gtfsMetadata, GtfsRealtime.FeedMessage feedMessage, GtfsRealtime.FeedMessage previousFeedMessage, GtfsRealtime.FeedMessage combinedFeedMessage) {
    List<GtfsRealtime.FeedEntity> entityList = feedMessage.getEntityList();
    List<OccurrenceModel> e026List = new ArrayList<>();
    List<OccurrenceModel> e027List = new ArrayList<>();
    List<OccurrenceModel> e028List = new ArrayList<>();
    List<OccurrenceModel> e029List = new ArrayList<>();
    List<OccurrenceModel> w002List = new ArrayList<>();
    List<OccurrenceModel> w004List = new ArrayList<>();
    List<OccurrenceModel> e052List = new ArrayList<>();
    HashSet<String> vehicleIds = new HashSet<>(entityList.size());
    for (GtfsRealtime.FeedEntity entity : entityList) {
        if (entity.hasTripUpdate()) {
            GtfsRealtime.TripUpdate tripUpdate = entity.getTripUpdate();
            if (StringUtils.isEmpty(tripUpdate.getVehicle().getId())) {
                // W002 - vehicle_id not populated
                RuleUtils.addOccurrence(W002, getTripId(entity, tripUpdate), w002List, _log);
        if (entity.hasVehicle()) {
            GtfsRealtime.VehiclePosition v = entity.getVehicle();
            if (StringUtils.isEmpty(v.getVehicle().getId())) {
                // W002 - vehicle_id not populated
                RuleUtils.addOccurrence(W002, "entity ID " + entity.getId(), w002List, _log);
            } else {
                if (vehicleIds.contains(v.getVehicle().getId())) {
                    // E052 - is not unique
                    RuleUtils.addOccurrence(E052, "entity ID " + entity.getId() + " has " + v.getVehicle().getId(), e052List, _log);
                } else {
            if (v.hasPosition() && v.getPosition().hasSpeed()) {
                if (v.getPosition().getSpeed() > MAX_REALISTIC_SPEED_METERS_PER_SECOND || v.getPosition().getSpeed() < 0f) {
                    // W004 - vehicle speed is unrealistic
                    String prefix = getVehicleId(entity, v) + " speed of " + v.getPosition().getSpeed() + " m/s (" + String.format("%.2f", GtfsUtils.toMilesPerHour(v.getPosition().getSpeed())) + " mph)";
                    RuleUtils.addOccurrence(W004, prefix, w004List, _log);
            if (v.hasPosition()) {
                GtfsRealtime.Position position = v.getPosition();
                String id = getVehicleId(entity, v);
                if (!position.hasLatitude() || !position.hasLongitude()) {
                    // E026 - Invalid vehicle position - missing lat/long
                    RuleUtils.addOccurrence(E026, id + " position is missing lat/long", e026List, _log);
                } else if (!GtfsUtils.isPositionValid(position)) {
                    // E026 - Invalid vehicle position - invalid lat/long
                    RuleUtils.addOccurrence(E026, id + " has latitude/longitude of (" + position.getLatitude() + "," + position.getLongitude() + ")", e026List, _log);
                } else {
                    // Position is valid - check E028, if it lies within the agency bounds, using shapes.txt if it exists
                    boolean insideBounds = checkE028(entity, gtfsMetadata, e028List);
                    if (insideBounds) {
                        // Position is within agency bounds - check E029, if it lies within the trip bounds using shapes.txt
                        checkE029(entityList, entity, gtfsMetadata, e029List);
                if (!GtfsUtils.isBearingValid(position)) {
                    // E027 - Invalid vehicle bearing
                    RuleUtils.addOccurrence(E027, id + " has bearing of " + position.getBearing(), e027List, _log);
    List<ErrorListHelperModel> errors = new ArrayList<>();
    if (!e026List.isEmpty()) {
        errors.add(new ErrorListHelperModel(new MessageLogModel(E026), e026List));
    if (!e027List.isEmpty()) {
        errors.add(new ErrorListHelperModel(new MessageLogModel(E027), e027List));
    if (!e028List.isEmpty()) {
        errors.add(new ErrorListHelperModel(new MessageLogModel(E028), e028List));
    if (!e029List.isEmpty()) {
        errors.add(new ErrorListHelperModel(new MessageLogModel(E029), e029List));
    if (!w002List.isEmpty()) {
        errors.add(new ErrorListHelperModel(new MessageLogModel(W002), w002List));
    if (!w004List.isEmpty()) {
        errors.add(new ErrorListHelperModel(new MessageLogModel(W004), w004List));
    if (!e052List.isEmpty()) {
        errors.add(new ErrorListHelperModel(new MessageLogModel(E052), e052List));
    return errors;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) OccurrenceModel(edu.usf.cutr.gtfsrtvalidator.lib.model.OccurrenceModel) GtfsRealtime( ErrorListHelperModel(edu.usf.cutr.gtfsrtvalidator.lib.model.helper.ErrorListHelperModel) MessageLogModel(edu.usf.cutr.gtfsrtvalidator.lib.model.MessageLogModel) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 3 with ErrorListHelperModel

use of edu.usf.cutr.gtfsrtvalidator.lib.model.helper.ErrorListHelperModel in project gtfs-realtime-validator by CUTR-at-USF.

the class StopValidator method validate.

public List<ErrorListHelperModel> validate(long currentTimeMillis, GtfsDaoImpl gtfsData, GtfsMetadata gtfsMetadata, GtfsRealtime.FeedMessage feedMessage, GtfsRealtime.FeedMessage previousFeedMessage, GtfsRealtime.FeedMessage combinedFeedMessage) {
    List<OccurrenceModel> e011List = new ArrayList<>();
    List<OccurrenceModel> e015List = new ArrayList<>();
    List<GtfsRealtime.FeedEntity> allEntities = feedMessage.getEntityList();
    // Checks all of the RT feeds entities and checks if matching stop_ids are available in the GTFS feed
    for (GtfsRealtime.FeedEntity entity : allEntities) {
        String entityId = entity.getId();
        if (entity.hasTripUpdate()) {
            GtfsRealtime.TripUpdate tripUpdate = entity.getTripUpdate();
            List<GtfsRealtime.TripUpdate.StopTimeUpdate> stopTimeUpdateList = tripUpdate.getStopTimeUpdateList();
            for (GtfsRealtime.TripUpdate.StopTimeUpdate stopTimeUpdate : stopTimeUpdateList) {
                if (stopTimeUpdate.hasStopId()) {
                    String prefix = "trip_id " + tripUpdate.getTrip().getTripId() + " stop_id " + stopTimeUpdate.getStopId();
                    if (!gtfsMetadata.getStopIds().contains(stopTimeUpdate.getStopId())) {
                        // E011 - All stop_ids referenced in GTFS-rt feed must appear in the GTFS feed
                        RuleUtils.addOccurrence(E011, prefix, e011List, _log);
                    Integer locationType = gtfsMetadata.getStopToLocationTypeMap().get(stopTimeUpdate.getStopId());
                    if (locationType != null && locationType != 0) {
                        // E015 - All stop_ids referenced in GTFS-rt feeds must have the location_type = 0
                        RuleUtils.addOccurrence(E015, prefix, e015List, _log);
        if (entity.hasVehicle()) {
            GtfsRealtime.VehiclePosition v = entity.getVehicle();
            if (v.hasStopId()) {
                if (!gtfsMetadata.getStopIds().contains(v.getStopId())) {
                    // E011 - All stop_ids referenced in GTFS-rt feed must appear in the GTFS feed
                    String prefix = (v.hasVehicle() && v.getVehicle().hasId() ? "vehicle_id " + v.getVehicle().getId() + " " : "") + "stop_id " + v.getStopId();
                    RuleUtils.addOccurrence(E011, prefix, e011List, _log);
                Integer locationType = gtfsMetadata.getStopToLocationTypeMap().get(v.getStopId());
                if (locationType != null && locationType != 0) {
                    // E015 - All stop_ids referenced in GTFS-rt feeds must have the location_type = 0
                    String prefix = (v.hasVehicle() && v.getVehicle().hasId() ? "vehicle_id " + v.getVehicle().getId() + " " : "") + "stop_id " + v.getStopId();
                    RuleUtils.addOccurrence(E015, prefix, e015List, _log);
        if (entity.hasAlert()) {
            List<GtfsRealtime.EntitySelector> informedEntityList = entity.getAlert().getInformedEntityList();
            for (GtfsRealtime.EntitySelector entitySelector : informedEntityList) {
                if (entitySelector.hasStopId()) {
                    String prefix = "alert entity ID " + entityId + " stop_id " + entitySelector.getStopId();
                    if (!gtfsMetadata.getStopIds().contains(entitySelector.getStopId())) {
                        // E011 - All stop_ids referenced in GTFS-rt feed must appear in the GTFS feed
                        RuleUtils.addOccurrence(E011, prefix, e011List, _log);
                    Integer locationType = gtfsMetadata.getStopToLocationTypeMap().get(entitySelector.getStopId());
                    if (locationType != null && locationType != 0) {
                        // E015 - All stop_ids referenced in GTFS-rt feeds must have the location_type = 0
                        RuleUtils.addOccurrence(E015, prefix, e015List, _log);
    List<ErrorListHelperModel> errors = new ArrayList<>();
    if (!e011List.isEmpty()) {
        errors.add(new ErrorListHelperModel(new MessageLogModel(E011), e011List));
    if (!e015List.isEmpty()) {
        errors.add(new ErrorListHelperModel(new MessageLogModel(E015), e015List));
    return errors;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) OccurrenceModel(edu.usf.cutr.gtfsrtvalidator.lib.model.OccurrenceModel) GtfsRealtime( ErrorListHelperModel(edu.usf.cutr.gtfsrtvalidator.lib.model.helper.ErrorListHelperModel) MessageLogModel(edu.usf.cutr.gtfsrtvalidator.lib.model.MessageLogModel)

Example 4 with ErrorListHelperModel

use of edu.usf.cutr.gtfsrtvalidator.lib.model.helper.ErrorListHelperModel in project gtfs-realtime-validator by CUTR-at-USF.

the class TripDescriptorValidator method validate.

public List<ErrorListHelperModel> validate(long currentTimeMillis, GtfsDaoImpl gtfsData, GtfsMetadata gtfsMetadata, GtfsRealtime.FeedMessage feedMessage, GtfsRealtime.FeedMessage previousFeedMessage, GtfsRealtime.FeedMessage combinedFeedMessage) {
    List<OccurrenceModel> errorListE003 = new ArrayList<>();
    List<OccurrenceModel> errorListE004 = new ArrayList<>();
    List<OccurrenceModel> errorListE016 = new ArrayList<>();
    List<OccurrenceModel> errorListE020 = new ArrayList<>();
    List<OccurrenceModel> errorListE021 = new ArrayList<>();
    List<OccurrenceModel> errorListE023 = new ArrayList<>();
    List<OccurrenceModel> errorListE024 = new ArrayList<>();
    List<OccurrenceModel> errorListE030 = new ArrayList<>();
    List<OccurrenceModel> errorListE031 = new ArrayList<>();
    List<OccurrenceModel> errorListE032 = new ArrayList<>();
    List<OccurrenceModel> errorListE033 = new ArrayList<>();
    List<OccurrenceModel> errorListE034 = new ArrayList<>();
    List<OccurrenceModel> errorListE035 = new ArrayList<>();
    List<OccurrenceModel> errorListW006 = new ArrayList<>();
    List<OccurrenceModel> errorListW009 = new ArrayList<>();
    // Check the route_id values against the values from the GTFS feed
    for (GtfsRealtime.FeedEntity entity : feedMessage.getEntityList()) {
        if (entity.hasTripUpdate()) {
            GtfsRealtime.TripUpdate tripUpdate = entity.getTripUpdate();
            if (!tripUpdate.getTrip().hasTripId()) {
                checkW006(entity, tripUpdate.getTrip(), errorListW006);
            } else {
                String tripId = tripUpdate.getTrip().getTripId();
                Trip trip = gtfsMetadata.getTrips().get(tripId);
                if (trip == null) {
                    if (!GtfsUtils.isAddedTrip(tripUpdate.getTrip())) {
                        // Trip isn't in GTFS data and isn't an ADDED trip - E003
                        RuleUtils.addOccurrence(E003, GtfsUtils.getTripId(entity, tripUpdate), errorListE003, _log);
                } else {
                    if (GtfsUtils.isAddedTrip(tripUpdate.getTrip())) {
                        // Trip is in GTFS data and is an ADDED trip - E016
                        RuleUtils.addOccurrence(E016, GtfsUtils.getTripId(entity, tripUpdate), errorListE016, _log);
                    if (tripUpdate.getTrip().hasStartTime()) {
                        checkE023(tripUpdate, tripUpdate.getTrip(), gtfsMetadata, errorListE023);
            if (tripUpdate.getTrip().hasStartTime()) {
                checkE020(tripUpdate, tripUpdate.getTrip(), errorListE020);
            checkE021(tripUpdate, tripUpdate.getTrip(), errorListE021);
            checkE004(tripUpdate, tripUpdate.getTrip(), gtfsMetadata, errorListE004);
            checkE024(tripUpdate, tripUpdate.getTrip(), gtfsMetadata, errorListE024);
            checkE035(entity, tripUpdate.getTrip(), gtfsMetadata, errorListE035);
            boolean foundW009 = false;
            List<GtfsRealtime.TripUpdate.StopTimeUpdate> stopTimeUpdateList = tripUpdate.getStopTimeUpdateList();
            for (GtfsRealtime.TripUpdate.StopTimeUpdate stopTimeUpdate : stopTimeUpdateList) {
                // Only flag one occurrence of W009 for stop_time_update per trip to avoid flooding the database
                if (!foundW009) {
                    checkW009(entity, stopTimeUpdate, errorListW009);
                    if (!errorListW009.isEmpty()) {
                        foundW009 = true;
            if (tripUpdate.hasTrip()) {
                checkW009(entity, tripUpdate.getTrip(), errorListW009);
        if (entity.hasVehicle() && entity.getVehicle().hasTrip()) {
            GtfsRealtime.TripDescriptor trip = entity.getVehicle().getTrip();
            if (!trip.hasTripId()) {
                checkW006(entity, trip, errorListW006);
            } else {
                String tripId = trip.getTripId();
                if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(tripId)) {
                    Trip gtfsTrip = gtfsMetadata.getTrips().get(tripId);
                    if (gtfsTrip == null) {
                        if (!GtfsUtils.isAddedTrip(trip)) {
                            // E003 - Trip isn't in GTFS data and isn't an ADDED trip
                            RuleUtils.addOccurrence(E003, "vehicle_id " + entity.getVehicle().getVehicle().getId() + " trip_id " + tripId, errorListE003, _log);
                    } else {
                        if (GtfsUtils.isAddedTrip(trip)) {
                            // E016 - Trip is in GTFS data and is an ADDED trip
                            RuleUtils.addOccurrence(E016, "vehicle_id " + entity.getVehicle().getVehicle().getId() + " trip_id " + tripId, errorListE016, _log);
                        if (trip.hasStartTime()) {
                            checkE023(entity.getVehicle(), trip, gtfsMetadata, errorListE023);
            if (trip.hasStartTime()) {
                checkE020(entity.getVehicle(), trip, errorListE020);
            checkE004(entity.getVehicle(), trip, gtfsMetadata, errorListE004);
            checkE021(entity.getVehicle(), trip, errorListE021);
            checkE024(entity.getVehicle(), trip, gtfsMetadata, errorListE024);
            checkE035(entity, trip, gtfsMetadata, errorListE035);
            checkW009(entity, trip, errorListW009);
        if (entity.hasAlert()) {
            GtfsRealtime.Alert alert = entity.getAlert();
            List<GtfsRealtime.EntitySelector> entitySelectors = alert.getInformedEntityList();
            if (entitySelectors != null && entitySelectors.size() > 0) {
                for (GtfsRealtime.EntitySelector entitySelector : entitySelectors) {
                    checkE033(entity, entitySelector, errorListE033);
                    checkE034(entity, entitySelector, gtfsMetadata, errorListE034);
                    checkE035(entity, entitySelector.getTrip(), gtfsMetadata, errorListE035);
                    if (entitySelector.hasRouteId() && entitySelector.hasTrip()) {
                        checkE030(entity, entitySelector, gtfsMetadata, errorListE030);
                        checkE031(entity, entitySelector, errorListE031);
                    if (entitySelector.hasTrip()) {
                        checkW006(entity, entitySelector.getTrip(), errorListW006);
                        checkW009(entity, entitySelector.getTrip(), errorListW009);
            } else {
                // E032 - Alert does not have an informed_entity
                RuleUtils.addOccurrence(E032, "alert ID " + entity.getId() + " does not have an informed_entity", errorListE032, _log);
    List<ErrorListHelperModel> errors = new ArrayList<>();
    if (!errorListE003.isEmpty()) {
        errors.add(new ErrorListHelperModel(new MessageLogModel(E003), errorListE003));
    if (!errorListE004.isEmpty()) {
        errors.add(new ErrorListHelperModel(new MessageLogModel(E004), errorListE004));
    if (!errorListE016.isEmpty()) {
        errors.add(new ErrorListHelperModel(new MessageLogModel(E016), errorListE016));
    if (!errorListE020.isEmpty()) {
        errors.add(new ErrorListHelperModel(new MessageLogModel(E020), errorListE020));
    if (!errorListE021.isEmpty()) {
        errors.add(new ErrorListHelperModel(new MessageLogModel(E021), errorListE021));
    if (!errorListE023.isEmpty()) {
        errors.add(new ErrorListHelperModel(new MessageLogModel(E023), errorListE023));
    if (!errorListE024.isEmpty()) {
        errors.add(new ErrorListHelperModel(new MessageLogModel(E024), errorListE024));
    if (!errorListE030.isEmpty()) {
        errors.add(new ErrorListHelperModel(new MessageLogModel(E030), errorListE030));
    if (!errorListE031.isEmpty()) {
        errors.add(new ErrorListHelperModel(new MessageLogModel(E031), errorListE031));
    if (!errorListE032.isEmpty()) {
        errors.add(new ErrorListHelperModel(new MessageLogModel(E032), errorListE032));
    if (!errorListE033.isEmpty()) {
        errors.add(new ErrorListHelperModel(new MessageLogModel(E033), errorListE033));
    if (!errorListE034.isEmpty()) {
        errors.add(new ErrorListHelperModel(new MessageLogModel(E034), errorListE034));
    if (!errorListE035.isEmpty()) {
        errors.add(new ErrorListHelperModel(new MessageLogModel(E035), errorListE035));
    if (!errorListW006.isEmpty()) {
        errors.add(new ErrorListHelperModel(new MessageLogModel(W006), errorListW006));
    if (!errorListW009.isEmpty()) {
        errors.add(new ErrorListHelperModel(new MessageLogModel(W009), errorListW009));
    return errors;
Also used : Trip(org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.Trip) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) OccurrenceModel(edu.usf.cutr.gtfsrtvalidator.lib.model.OccurrenceModel) GtfsRealtime( ErrorListHelperModel(edu.usf.cutr.gtfsrtvalidator.lib.model.helper.ErrorListHelperModel) MessageLogModel(edu.usf.cutr.gtfsrtvalidator.lib.model.MessageLogModel)

Example 5 with ErrorListHelperModel

use of edu.usf.cutr.gtfsrtvalidator.lib.model.helper.ErrorListHelperModel in project gtfs-realtime-validator by CUTR-at-USF.

the class BatchTest method testBatchProcessing.

public void testBatchProcessing() throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {
    // Run batch validation on the bundled USF Bull Runner GTFS and GTFS-realtime data
    BatchProcessor.Builder builder = new BatchProcessor.Builder("src/test/resources/", "src/test/resources/");
    BatchProcessor processor =;
    // Read in validation results for GTFS-realtime bullrunner-vehicle-positions file
    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    ErrorListHelperModel[] allErrorLists = mapper.readValue(new File("src/test/resources/bullrunner-vehicle-positions" + BatchProcessor.RESULTS_FILE_EXTENSION), ErrorListHelperModel[].class);
    // We should have 3 warnings - W001, W006, and W009, with 10 occurrences each.
    // If running on Travis we may have another warning, W008, due to timestamp being older than 65 seconds
    assertTrue(allErrorLists.length == 3 || allErrorLists.length == 4);
    for (ErrorListHelperModel model : allErrorLists) {
        switch(model.getErrorMessage().getValidationRule().getErrorId()) {
            case "W001":
                assertEquals(10, model.getOccurrenceList().size());
            case "W006":
                assertEquals(10, model.getOccurrenceList().size());
            case "W008":
                assertEquals(1, model.getOccurrenceList().size());
            case "W009":
                assertEquals(10, model.getOccurrenceList().size());
Also used : ErrorListHelperModel(edu.usf.cutr.gtfsrtvalidator.lib.model.helper.ErrorListHelperModel) BatchProcessor(edu.usf.cutr.gtfsrtvalidator.lib.batch.BatchProcessor) File( ObjectMapper(com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper) Test(org.junit.Test)


ErrorListHelperModel (edu.usf.cutr.gtfsrtvalidator.lib.model.helper.ErrorListHelperModel)19 MessageLogModel (edu.usf.cutr.gtfsrtvalidator.lib.model.MessageLogModel)14 OccurrenceModel (edu.usf.cutr.gtfsrtvalidator.lib.model.OccurrenceModel)14 GtfsRealtime ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)9 ValidationRule (edu.usf.cutr.gtfsrtvalidator.lib.model.ValidationRule)6 Test (org.junit.Test)6 ObjectMapper (com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper)2 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2 List (java.util.List)2 SerializationFeature (com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializationFeature)1 InvalidProtocolBufferException ( TextFormat ( BatchProcessor (edu.usf.cutr.gtfsrtvalidator.lib.batch.BatchProcessor)1 FeedMessageTest (edu.usf.cutr.gtfsrtvalidator.lib.test.FeedMessageTest)1 GtfsUtils (edu.usf.cutr.gtfsrtvalidator.lib.util.GtfsUtils)1 SortUtils (edu.usf.cutr.gtfsrtvalidator.lib.util.SortUtils)1 TimestampUtils (edu.usf.cutr.gtfsrtvalidator.lib.util.TimestampUtils)1 TimestampUtils.getElapsedTime (edu.usf.cutr.gtfsrtvalidator.lib.util.TimestampUtils.getElapsedTime)1 TimestampUtils.getElapsedTimeString (edu.usf.cutr.gtfsrtvalidator.lib.util.TimestampUtils.getElapsedTimeString)1