use of edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Twist2d in project 2022-RapidReact by Spartronics4915.
the class RobotStateEstimator method run.
public void run() {
if (DriverStation.getInstance().isDisabled())
double ts = Timer.getFPGATimestamp();
final RobotStateMap.State last = mEncoderStateMap.getLatestState();
* There are two ways to measure current velocity:
* Method 1, integrationVelocity
* Look at the distance traveled since last measurement, consider
* current gyro heading rather than our stored state
* Divide by delta time to produce a velocity. Note that
* 254's implementation doesn't include time computations explicitly.
* In method 1, the implicit time is the time between samples which relates
* to the looper time interval. Thus: leftDelta is measured in
* meters/loopinterval. To the degree that the loop interval isn't a
* constant the result will be noisy. OTH: we can interpret this
* velocity as also a distance traveled since last loop.
final Twist2d iVal;
synchronized (this) {
final double leftDist = mDrive.getLeftMotor().getEncoder().getPosition();
final double rightDist = mDrive.getRightMotor().getEncoder().getPosition();
final double leftDelta = leftDist - mLeftPrevDist;
final double rightDelta = rightDist - mRightPrevDist;
final Rotation2d heading = mDrive.getIMUHeading();
mLeftPrevDist = leftDist;
mRightPrevDist = rightDist;
iVal = mKinematics.forwardKinematics(last.pose.getRotation(), leftDelta, rightDelta, heading);
if (mBestEstimatorSource == EstimatorSource.Fused) {
var ekfPose = mEKF.update(mCameraStateMap.getLatestFieldToVehicle(), leftDist, rightDist, heading.getRadians() - mPrevHeading, ts);
mPrevHeading = heading.getRadians();
mFusedStateMap.addObservations(ts, ekfPose);
* integrateForward: given a last state and a current velocity,
* estimate a new state (P2 = P1 + dPdt * dt)
Pose2d nextP = mKinematics.integrateForwardKinematics(last.pose, iVal);
/* record the new state estimate */
mEncoderStateMap.addObservations(ts, nextP);
if (mBestEstimatorSource == EstimatorSource.VisionResetEncoderOdometry) {
nextP = mKinematics.integrateForwardKinematics(mVisionResetEncoderStateMap.getLatestFieldToVehicle(), iVal);
mVisionResetEncoderStateMap.addObservations(ts, nextP);
// We convert meters/loopinterval and radians/loopinterval to meters/sec and
// radians/sec
final double loopintervalToSeconds = 1 / (ts - last.timestamp);
final Twist2d normalizedIVal = new Twist2d(iVal.dx * loopintervalToSeconds, iVal.dy * loopintervalToSeconds, iVal.dtheta * loopintervalToSeconds);
if (mSLAMCamera != null) {
try {
// Sometimes (for unknown reasons) the native code can't send odometry info.
// We throw a Java exception when this happens, but we'd like to ignore that
// exception in this situation.
} catch (CameraJNIException e) {
use of edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Twist2d in project RobotCode2022 by Mechanical-Advantage.
the class GeomUtil method interpolate.
* Interpolates between two poses based on the scale factor t. For example, t=0 would result in
* the first pose, t=1 would result in the last pose, and t=0.5 would result in a pose which is
* exactly halfway between the two poses. Values of t less than zero return the first pose, and
* values of t greater than 1 return the last pose.
* @param lhs The left hand side, or first pose to use for interpolation
* @param rhs The right hand side, or last pose to use for interpolation
* @param t The scale factor, 0 <= t <= 1
* @return The pose which represents the interpolation. For t <= 0, the "lhs" parameter is
* returned directly. For t >= 1, the "rhs" parameter is returned directly.
public static Pose2d interpolate(Pose2d lhs, Pose2d rhs, double t) {
if (t <= 0) {
return lhs;
} else if (t >= 1) {
return rhs;
Twist2d twist = lhs.log(rhs);
Twist2d scaled = new Twist2d(twist.dx * t, twist.dy * t, twist.dtheta * t);
return lhs.exp(scaled);
use of edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Twist2d in project BearSwerve by 6391-Ursuline-Bearbotics.
the class QuadSwerveSim method update.
* Steps the module simulation forward by one discrete step.
* @param dtSeconds size of the discrete step to take
public void update(double dtSeconds) {
// global origin
Pose2d fieldRF = new Pose2d();
Transform2d fieldToRobot = new Transform2d(fieldRF, m_curPose);
// Calculate each module's new position, and step it through simulation.
for (int idx = 0; idx < NUM_MODULES; idx++) {
Pose2d tmp = fieldRF.transformBy(fieldToRobot);
Pose2d modPose = tmp.transformBy(m_robotToModule.get(idx));
// Force on frame from wheel motive forces (along-tread)
ArrayList<ForceAtPose2d> wheelMotiveForces = new ArrayList<ForceAtPose2d>(NUM_MODULES);
for (int idx = 0; idx < NUM_MODULES; idx++) {
// Friction Model
Force2d preFricNetForce = new Force2d();
wheelMotiveForces.forEach((ForceAtPose2d mf) -> {
// Add up all the forces that friction gets a chance to fight against
// TODO - make a generic "external force" input?
Force2d sidekickForce = new Force2d(0, 0);
// calculate force on the robot, "pre friction" (pf)
ForceAtPose2d pfRobotForce = new ForceAtPose2d(preFricNetForce, m_curPose);
// Calculate the forces from cross-tread friction at each module
ArrayList<ForceAtPose2d> xtreadFricFrc = new ArrayList<ForceAtPose2d>(NUM_MODULES);
for (int idx = 0; idx < NUM_MODULES; idx++) {
SwerveModuleSim mod = m_modules.get(idx);
// Assume force evenly applied to all modules.
double ffrac = 1.0 / NUM_MODULES;
Force2d pfModForce = pfRobotForce.getForceInRefFrame(mod.getPose()).times(ffrac);
xtreadFricFrc.add(mod.getCrossTreadFricForce(pfModForce, dtSeconds));
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Combine forces in free-body diagram
// Using all the above force components, do Sum of Forces
Force2d forceOnRobotCenter = preFricNetForce;
xtreadFricFrc.forEach((ForceAtPose2d f) -> {
ForceAtPose2d netForce = new ForceAtPose2d(forceOnRobotCenter, m_curPose);
Force2d robotForceInFieldRefFrame = netForce.getForceInRefFrame(fieldRF);
// Sum of Torques
double netTorque = 0;
for (int idx = 0; idx < NUM_MODULES; idx++) {
netTorque += wheelMotiveForces.get(idx).getTorque(m_curPose);
netTorque += xtreadFricFrc.get(idx).getTorque(m_curPose);
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Apply Newton's 2nd law to get motion from forces
// a = F/m in field frame
Vector2d accel = robotForceInFieldRefFrame.times(1 / m_robotMasskg).getVector2d();
// Trapezoidal integration
Vector2d velocity = new Vector2d(m_velPrev.x + (accel.x + m_accelPrev.x) / 2 * dtSeconds, m_velPrev.y + (accel.y + m_accelPrev.y) / 2 * dtSeconds);
// Trapezoidal integration
Translation2d posChange = new Translation2d((velocity.x + m_velPrev.x) / 2 * dtSeconds, (velocity.y + m_velPrev.y) / 2 * dtSeconds);
// Twist needs to be relative to robot reference frame
posChange = posChange.rotateBy(m_curPose.getRotation().unaryMinus());
m_velPrev = velocity;
m_accelPrev = accel;
// alpha = T/I in field frame
double rotAccel = netTorque / m_robotMOI;
double rotVel = m_rotVelPrev + (rotAccel + m_rotAccelPrev) / 2 * dtSeconds;
double rotPosChange = (rotVel + m_rotVelPrev) / 2 * dtSeconds;
m_rotVelPrev = rotVel;
m_rotAccelPrev = rotAccel;
Twist2d motionThisLoop = new Twist2d(posChange.getX(), posChange.getY(), rotPosChange);
m_curPose = m_curPose.exp(motionThisLoop);
use of edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Twist2d in project rapid-react-robot by wando-advanced-robotics.
the class Odometry method update.
public Pose2d update(Rotation2d gyroAngle, double leftDist, double rightDist) {
double deltaLeft = leftDist - prevLeftDistance;
double deltaRight = rightDist - prevRightDistance;
prevLeftDistance = leftDist;
prevRightDistance = rightDist;
double averageDeltaDist = (deltaLeft + deltaRight) / 2.0;
var angle =;
var newPosition = position.exp(new Twist2d(averageDeltaDist, 0.0, angle.minus(previousAngle).getRadians()));
previousAngle = angle;
position = new Pose2d(newPosition.getTranslation(), angle);
return position;
use of edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Twist2d in project rapid-react-robot by wando-advanced-robotics.
the class Odometry method getTransformation.
public Translation2d getTransformation(Rotation2d updateAngle, double leftDist, double rightDist) {
double deltaLeft = leftDist - prevLeftDistance;
double deltaRight = rightDist - prevRightDistance;
prevLeftDistance = leftDist;
prevRightDistance = rightDist;
double averageDeltaDist = (deltaLeft + deltaRight) / 2.0;
var angle =;
var newPosition = position.exp(new Twist2d(averageDeltaDist, 0.0, angle.minus(previousAngle).getRadians()));
previousAngle = angle;
return newPosition.getTranslation();