use of edu.wpi.first.math.kinematics.DifferentialDriveWheelSpeeds in project RapidReact2022 by pittsfordrobotics.
the class Drive method periodic.
public void periodic() {
pose = odometry.update(Rotation2d.fromDegrees(getAngle()), leftEncoder.getPosition(), rightEncoder.getPosition());
wheelSpeeds = new DifferentialDriveWheelSpeeds(getLeftVelocity(), getRightVelocity());
use of edu.wpi.first.math.kinematics.DifferentialDriveWheelSpeeds in project RobotCode2022 by Mechanical-Advantage.
the class MotionProfileCommand method execute.
// Called every time the scheduler runs while the command is scheduled.
public void execute() {
State setpoint = trajectory.sample(timer.get());
Logger.getInstance().recordOutput("Odometry/ProfileSetpoint", new double[] { setpoint.poseMeters.getX(), setpoint.poseMeters.getY(), setpoint.poseMeters.getRotation().getRadians() });
ChassisSpeeds chassisSpeeds = controller.calculate(drive.getPose(), setpoint);
DifferentialDriveWheelSpeeds wheelSpeeds = kinematics.toWheelSpeeds(chassisSpeeds);
drive.driveVelocity(wheelSpeeds.leftMetersPerSecond, wheelSpeeds.rightMetersPerSecond);
use of edu.wpi.first.math.kinematics.DifferentialDriveWheelSpeeds in project RapidReact2022 by team223.
the class AutoDrive1 method execute.
// Called every time the scheduler runs while the command is scheduled.
public void execute() {
RamseteController controller = new RamseteController();
double currentTime = (double) (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTimeMillis) / 1000;
Trajectory.State goal = trajectory.sample(currentTime);
ChassisSpeeds updatedSpeeds = controller.calculate(RobotContainer.driveSubsystem.getPosition(), goal);
DifferentialDriveWheelSpeeds wheelSpeeds = kinematics.toWheelSpeeds(updatedSpeeds);
double left = wheelSpeeds.leftMetersPerSecond;
SmartDashboard.putNumber("Target X", goal.poseMeters.getX());
SmartDashboard.putNumber("Target Y", goal.poseMeters.getY());
SmartDashboard.putNumber("Actual X", RobotContainer.driveSubsystem.getPosition().getX());
SmartDashboard.putNumber("Actual Y", RobotContainer.driveSubsystem.getPosition().getY());
double right = wheelSpeeds.rightMetersPerSecond;
double leftSpeed = RobotContainer.driveSubsystem.getLeftEncoderVelocity() * DriveSubsystem.rotToMeters / 60;
double rightSpeed = RobotContainer.driveSubsystem.getRightEncoderVelocity() * DriveSubsystem.rotToMeters / 60;
System.out.println(leftSpeed + "vs" + left);
RobotContainer.driveSubsystem.setMotors(drivePid.calculate(leftSpeed, left), drivePid.calculate(rightSpeed, right));
use of edu.wpi.first.math.kinematics.DifferentialDriveWheelSpeeds in project FRC2022 by Team2338.
the class LimelightAutoAim method execute.
public void execute() {
// we don't need this if limelight can stay on all the time
// if (++delayCounter < 12) return; // Give limelight enough time to turn on LEDs before taking snapshot
// we want the shooter to start revving up so the robot can shoot as soon as it settles
// distance zones //more accurate than rohan (TM)
double distanceFromHub = Math.abs((Constants.Shooter.UPPER_HUB_HEIGHT - Constants.Shooter.LIMELIGHT_HEIGHT) / Math.tan(Math.toRadians(Constants.Shooter.LIMELIGHT_ANGLE + Robot.limelight.getYOffset())));
if (distanceFromHub >= 200) {
// Far Shot
System.out.println("Distance - Far: " + distanceFromHub);
} else if (distanceFromHub >= 130) {
// LaunchPad shot
System.out.println("Distance - Launch: " + distanceFromHub);
} else if (distanceFromHub >= 50) {
// Ring shot
System.out.println("Distance - Ring: " + distanceFromHub);
} else {
// Fender shot
System.out.println("Distance - Fender: " + distanceFromHub);
// bot must not be moving anymore
if (!robotHasSettled) {
DifferentialDriveWheelSpeeds wheelSpeeds = Robot.drivetrain.getWheelSpeeds();
// Make sure both wheels are within tolerance of not moving
if (Math.abs(wheelSpeeds.leftMetersPerSecond) < velocityCap && Math.abs(wheelSpeeds.rightMetersPerSecond) < velocityCap) {
robotHasSettled = true;
System.out.println("AutoFire: Robot has settled");
if (robotHasSettled) {
// Note: can't combine this using else because robotHasSettled can be set to true in the above section
double offset = Robot.limelight.getXOffset();
if (targetLocked) {
// we need to check again to make sure the robot hasn't overshot the target
if (offset > -1.0 && offset < 1.0) {
if (Robot.shooter.isInTolerance()) {
// fire away!
System.out.println("Shooting - I hope it went in");
} else {
// shooter is still spinning up or just can't get to the desired speed
System.out.println("Robot is settled and locked. Flywheel not in tolerance.");
} else {
System.out.println("Offset Adjusting at: " + offset);
// need to relock
targetLocked = false;
robotHasSettled = false;
} else {
if (offset > -1.0 && offset < 1.0) {
// target is locked
Robot.drivetrain.tankDriveVolts(0, 0);
targetLocked = true;
} else if (offset < 0) {
// still not in tolerance, need to rotate
Robot.drivetrain.tankDriveVolts(-Constants.Shooter.MAX_PIVOT_VOLTS, Constants.Shooter.MAX_PIVOT_VOLTS);
targetLocked = false;
} else {
// still not in tolerance, need to rotate
Robot.drivetrain.tankDriveVolts(Constants.Shooter.MAX_PIVOT_VOLTS, -Constants.Shooter.MAX_PIVOT_VOLTS);
targetLocked = false;
use of edu.wpi.first.math.kinematics.DifferentialDriveWheelSpeeds in project RapidReact2022 by team223.
the class DrivePath method execute.
// Called every time the scheduler runs while the command is scheduled.
public void execute() {
RamseteController controller = new RamseteController();
double currentTime = (double) (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTimeMillis) / 1000;
Trajectory.State goal = trajectory.sample(currentTime);
ChassisSpeeds updatedSpeeds = controller.calculate(RobotContainer.driveSubsystem.getPosition(), goal);
DifferentialDriveWheelSpeeds wheelSpeeds = kinematics.toWheelSpeeds(updatedSpeeds);
double left = wheelSpeeds.leftMetersPerSecond;
double right = wheelSpeeds.rightMetersPerSecond;
double leftSpeed = RobotContainer.driveSubsystem.getLeftEncoderVelocity() * DriveSubsystem.rotToMeters / 60;
double rightSpeed = RobotContainer.driveSubsystem.getRightEncoderVelocity() * DriveSubsystem.rotToMeters / 60;
System.out.println(RobotContainer.driveSubsystem.getPosition().getRotation().getDegrees() + "vs " + goal.poseMeters.getRotation().getDegrees());
System.out.println("target: " + goal.poseMeters.getX() + ", " + goal.poseMeters.getY());
System.out.println("actual: " + RobotContainer.driveSubsystem.getPosition().getX() + ", " + RobotContainer.driveSubsystem.getPosition().getY());
RobotContainer.driveSubsystem.setMotors(drivePid.calculate(leftSpeed, left), drivePid.calculate(rightSpeed, -right));