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Example 1 with elemental2.dom

use of elemental2.dom in project gwtproject by treblereel.

the class Element method scrollIntoView.

 * Scrolls this element into view.
 * <p>This method crawls up the DOM hierarchy, adjusting the scrollLeft and scrollTop properties
 * of each scrollable element to ensure that the specified element is completely in view. It
 * adjusts each scroll position by the minimum amount necessary.
public final void scrollIntoView() {
    HTMLElement e = Js.uncheckedCast(this);
    double left = e.offsetLeft, top = e.offsetTop;
    double width = e.offsetWidth, height = e.offsetHeight;
    if (e.parentNode != e.offsetParent && e.parentNode.nodeType == 1) {
        left -= Js.<HTMLElement>uncheckedCast(e.parentNode).offsetLeft;
        top -= Js.<HTMLElement>uncheckedCast(e.parentNode).offsetTop;
    elemental2.dom.Node cur = e.parentNode;
    while (cur != null && (cur.nodeType == 1)) {
        HTMLElement curEl = Js.uncheckedCast(cur);
        if (left < curEl.scrollLeft) {
            curEl.scrollLeft = left;
        if (left + width > curEl.scrollLeft + curEl.clientWidth) {
            curEl.scrollLeft = (left + width) - curEl.clientWidth;
        if (top < curEl.scrollTop) {
            curEl.scrollTop = top;
        if (top + height > curEl.scrollTop + curEl.clientHeight) {
            curEl.scrollTop = (top + height) - curEl.clientHeight;
        double offsetLeft = curEl.offsetLeft, offsetTop = curEl.offsetTop;
        if (curEl.parentNode != curEl.offsetParent && curEl.parentNode.nodeType == 1) {
            offsetLeft -= Js.<HTMLElement>uncheckedCast(curEl.parentNode).offsetLeft;
            offsetTop -= Js.<HTMLElement>uncheckedCast(curEl.parentNode).offsetTop;
        left += offsetLeft - curEl.scrollLeft;
        top += offsetTop - curEl.scrollTop;
        cur = curEl.parentNode;
Also used : HTMLElement(elemental2.dom.HTMLElement) JsOverlay(jsinterop.annotations.JsOverlay)

Example 2 with elemental2.dom

use of elemental2.dom in project gwtproject by treblereel.

the class CustomEventsTest method createCustomEvent.

private static NativeEvent createCustomEvent(String evt) {
    elemental2.dom.Event event = new Event("Event");
    event.initEvent(evt, true, false);
    return Js.uncheckedCast(event);
Also used : Event(elemental2.dom.Event) Event(elemental2.dom.Event) DomEvent(org.gwtproject.event.dom.client.DomEvent) NativeEvent(org.gwtproject.dom.client.NativeEvent)

Example 3 with elemental2.dom

use of elemental2.dom in project gwtproject by treblereel.

the class RichTextAreaImplStandard method initElement.

public void initElement() {
    // Most browsers don"t like setting designMode until slightly _after_
    // the iframe becomes attached to the DOM. Any non-zero timeout will do
    // just fine.
    RichTextAreaImplStandard _this = this;
    DomGlobal.setTimeout((ignore) -> {
        if (_this.elem != null) {
            HTMLIFrameElement iframe = Js.uncheckedCast(_this.elem);
            if (iframe.contentWindow != null) {
                ((JsPropertyMap) ((JsPropertyMap) iframe.contentWindow).get("document")).set("designMode", "On");
    }, 1.0D, new Object[0]);
Also used : HTMLIFrameElement(elemental2.dom.HTMLIFrameElement) JsPropertyMap(jsinterop.base.JsPropertyMap)

Example 4 with elemental2.dom

use of elemental2.dom in project console by hal.

the class MicroprofileHealthPreview method update.

public void update(SubsystemMetadata item) {
    ResourceAddress addressWeb = MICROPROFILE_HEALTH_TEMPLATE.resolve(statementContext);
    Operation operation = new Operation.Builder(addressWeb, CHECK).build();
    // clear the previous state and remove the DOM children to populate with new values
    dispatcher.execute(operation, result -> {
        String outcome = result.get(STATUS).asString();
        if (UP.equals(outcome)) {
        } else {
        List<ModelNode> checks = new ArrayList<>();
        ModelNode modelChecks = result.get(CHECKS);
        int max = 10;
        if (modelChecks.isDefined()) {
            checks = modelChecks.asList();
            if (checks.size() < 10) {
                max = checks.size();
        // checks may return an empty list
        if (!checks.isEmpty()) {
            // show the first 10 checks in the preview pane
            for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
                ModelNode check = checks.get(i);
                String name = check.get(NAME).asString();
                String state = check.get(STATUS).asString();
                section.appendChild(h(2, name).element());
                Map<String, String> dataMap = new HashMap<>();
                if (check.hasDefined("data")) {
                    check.get("data").asPropertyList().forEach(data -> {
                        String key = data.getName();
                        String val = data.getValue().asString();
                        dataMap.put(key, val);
                HTMLElement checkElement = checkElement(state, dataMap);
        } else {
Also used : HTMLElement(elemental2.dom.HTMLElement) ResourceAddress(org.jboss.hal.dmr.ResourceAddress) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Operation(org.jboss.hal.dmr.Operation) ModelNode(org.jboss.hal.dmr.ModelNode)

Example 5 with elemental2.dom

use of elemental2.dom in project console by hal.

the class DataTable method attach.

 * Initialized the {@link Api} instance using the {@link Options} given at constructor argument. Make sure to call this
 * method before using any of the API methods. It's safe to call the methods multiple times (the initialization will happen
 * only once).
public void attach() {
    if (api == null) { = id;
        api = Api.<T>select(HASH + id).dataTable(options);
        api.on(DRAW, CallbackUnionType.of((DrawCallback) (evt, settings) -> {
            Map<String, InlineActionHandler<T>> columnActionHandler = options.columnActionHandler;
            elemental2.dom.Element table = document.getElementById(;
            if (table != null && columnActionHandler != null && !columnActionHandler.isEmpty()) {
      "." + columnAction)).filter(htmlElements()).map(asHtmlElement()).forEach(link -> {
                    InlineActionHandler<T> columnAction = columnActionHandler.get(;
                    if (columnAction != null) {
                        bind(link, click, event -> {
                            // find enclosing tr
                            HTMLElement e = link;
                            while (e != null && e != document.body && !"tr".equalsIgnoreCase(e.tagName)) {
                                e = (HTMLElement) e.parentNode;
                            if (e != null) {
                                T[] array = api.rows(e).data().toArray();
                                if (array.length != 0) {
Also used : Element(elemental2.dom.Element) RESET(org.jboss.hal.ballroom.table.RefreshMode.RESET) HTMLElement(elemental2.dom.HTMLElement) DrawCallback(org.jboss.hal.ballroom.table.Api.DrawCallback)


HTMLElement (elemental2.dom.HTMLElement)5 Test (org.junit.Test)5 Element (elemental2.dom.Element)4 HTMLAnchorElement (elemental2.dom.HTMLAnchorElement)3 HTMLDivElement (elemental2.dom.HTMLDivElement)3 HTMLIFrameElement (elemental2.dom.HTMLIFrameElement)2 HTMLInputElement (elemental2.dom.HTMLInputElement)2 HTMLLabelElement (elemental2.dom.HTMLLabelElement)2 KeyboardEvent (elemental2.dom.KeyboardEvent)2 Strings ( SafeUri ( UriUtils ( EventBus ( DOMRect (elemental2.dom.DOMRect)1 DomGlobal.document (elemental2.dom.DomGlobal.document)1 Event (elemental2.dom.Event)1 HTMLHeadElement (elemental2.dom.HTMLHeadElement)1 HTMLLinkElement (elemental2.dom.HTMLLinkElement)1 HTMLScriptElement (elemental2.dom.HTMLScriptElement)1 HTMLUListElement (elemental2.dom.HTMLUListElement)1