use of eu.bcvsolutions.idm.core.config.domain.UuidToEntityConditionalConverter in project CzechIdMng by bcvsolutions.
the class ModelMapperConfig method modelMapper.
public ModelMapper modelMapper() {
ModelMapper modeler = new ModelMapper();
modeler.getConfiguration().setMatchingStrategy(// We want use STRICT matching strategy ... others can be ambiguous.
MatchingStrategies.STRICT).setSkipNullEnabled(// prevent to skip null property values
// Convert BaseEntity to UIID (get ID)
// FIXME: Fix EntityToUuidConditionalConverter field resolving and use conditional converter instead this.
Converter<? extends BaseEntity, UUID> entityToUuid = new EntityToUuidConverter(modeler, applicationContext);
// Convert UIID to Entity
// Conditional converter is using here, because ModelMapper contains bug with
// skipping converter if source value is null. More here
modeler.getConfiguration().getConverters().add(new UuidToEntityConditionalConverter(applicationContext));
// This converter must be set for only one purpose... workaround fixed
// error in ModelMapper.
// When is in DTO field (applicant for example) with type UUID (with
// conversion to IdmIdentity) and other UUID field (for example
// modifierId), but with same value as first field, then mapper will be
// set converted value from first field (applicant) to second field (IdmIdentity to UUID) ->
// Class cast exception will be throw.
// + Additionally this converter allows load DTO (by UUID) and put him to embedded map.
Converter<UUID, UUID> uuidToUuid = new UuidToUuidConverter(applicationContext);
modeler.createTypeMap(UUID.class, UUID.class).setConverter(uuidToUuid);
// Converter for resolve problem with 0x00 character in Postgress.
modeler.createTypeMap(String.class, String.class).setConverter(new StringToStringConverter());
// Converter OperationResult for resolve problem with 0x00 character in PostgreSQL.
modeler.createTypeMap(OperationResult.class, OperationResult.class).setConverter(new OperationResultConverter(modeler));
// Simple ConfigurationMap converter - map without template is not provided by model mapper out of box.
modeler.createTypeMap(ConfigurationMap.class, ConfigurationMap.class).setConverter(new ConfigurationMapToConfigurationMapConverter());
// Condition for property ... if is property list and dto is trimmed,
// then will be not used (set null)
// or if is property list and have parent dto, then will be to set null
// (only two levels are allowed).
Condition<Object, Object> trimListCondition = new Condition<Object, Object>() {
public boolean applies(MappingContext<Object, Object> context) {
if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(context.getDestinationType())) {
MappingContext<?, ?> parentContext = context.getParent();
MappingContext<?, ?> superContext = parentContext != null ? parentContext.getParent() : null;
if (superContext != null) {
if (parentContext != null && parentContext.getDestination() instanceof AbstractDto) {
((AbstractDto) parentContext.getDestination()).setTrimmed(true);
return false;
if (parentContext != null && parentContext.getDestination() instanceof AbstractDto && ((AbstractDto) parentContext.getDestination()).isTrimmed()) {
return false;
return true;
// entity to uuid converters will be set for all entities
entityManager.getMetamodel().getEntities().forEach(entityType -> {
if (entityType.getJavaType() == null) {
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") TypeMap typeMapEntityToUuid = modeler.createTypeMap(entityType.getJavaType(), UUID.class);
// configure default type map for entities
// this behavior must be placed in this class, not in toDto methods (getEmbedded use mapper for map entity to dto)
// identity role and backward compatibility with automatic role
TypeMap<IdmIdentityRole, IdmIdentityRoleDto> typeMapIdentityRole = modeler.getTypeMap(IdmIdentityRole.class, IdmIdentityRoleDto.class);
if (typeMapIdentityRole == null) {
modeler.createTypeMap(IdmIdentityRole.class, IdmIdentityRoleDto.class);
typeMapIdentityRole = modeler.getTypeMap(IdmIdentityRole.class, IdmIdentityRoleDto.class);
typeMapIdentityRole.addMappings(new PropertyMap<IdmIdentityRole, IdmIdentityRoleDto>() {
protected void configure() {
// concept role request and automatic role backward compatibility
TypeMap<IdmConceptRoleRequest, IdmConceptRoleRequestDto> typeMapRoleConcept = modeler.getTypeMap(IdmConceptRoleRequest.class, IdmConceptRoleRequestDto.class);
if (typeMapRoleConcept == null) {
modeler.createTypeMap(IdmConceptRoleRequest.class, IdmConceptRoleRequestDto.class);
typeMapRoleConcept = modeler.getTypeMap(IdmConceptRoleRequest.class, IdmConceptRoleRequestDto.class);
typeMapRoleConcept.addMappings(new PropertyMap<IdmConceptRoleRequest, IdmConceptRoleRequestDto>() {
protected void configure() {
return modeler;