use of in project hale by halestudio.
the class UserMigration method entityReplacement.
public Optional<EntityDefinition> entityReplacement(EntityDefinition entity, SimpleLog log) {
// use functionality from entity resolver
if (entity instanceof TypeEntityDefinition) {
EntityDefinition candidate = entity;
Type type = UserFallbackEntityResolver.resolveType((TypeEntityDefinition) entity, candidate, schemaSpace);
return Optional.ofNullable(type).map(e -> e.getDefinition());
} else if (entity instanceof PropertyEntityDefinition) {
EntityDefinition candidate = entity;
candidate = EntityCandidates.find((PropertyEntityDefinition) entity);
Property property = UserFallbackEntityResolver.resolveProperty((PropertyEntityDefinition) entity, candidate, schemaSpace);
return Optional.ofNullable(property).map(e -> e.getDefinition());
} else {
log.error("Unrecognised entity type: " + entity.getClass());
return Optional.empty();
use of in project hale by halestudio.
the class UnmigratedCell method migrate.
* Perform the migration of the original cell and return the migrated cell.
* The <code>UnmigratedCell</code> instance is not changed.
* @param additionalMappings Additional mappings of original
* {@link EntityDefinition}s to the resolved ones that should be
* considered in the migration
* @param log the log
* @return the migrated cell
public MutableCell migrate(Map<EntityDefinition, EntityDefinition> additionalMappings, SimpleLog log) {
final Map<EntityDefinition, EntityDefinition> joinedMappings = new HashMap<>(entityMappings);
AlignmentMigration migration = new AlignmentMigrationNameLookupSupport() {
public Optional<EntityDefinition> entityReplacement(EntityDefinition entity, SimpleLog log) {
return Optional.ofNullable(joinedMappings.get(entity));
public Optional<EntityDefinition> entityReplacement(String name) {
for (EntityDefinition original : joinedMappings.keySet()) {
QName entityName = original.getDefinition().getName();
if (entityName != null && entityName.getLocalPart().equals(name)) {
return Optional.of(original);
return Optional.empty();
MigrationOptions options = new MigrationOptions() {
public boolean updateTarget() {
return true;
public boolean updateSource() {
return true;
public boolean transferBase() {
return false;
return migrator.updateCell(this, migration, options, log);
use of in project hale by halestudio.
the class MergeMigrator method updateCell.
public MutableCell updateCell(Cell originalCell, AlignmentMigration migration, MigrationOptions options, SimpleLog log) {
MutableCell result = super.updateCell(originalCell, migration, options, log);
SimpleLog cellLog = SimpleLog.all(log, new CellLog(result, CELL_LOG_CATEGORY));
if (options.updateSource() && originalCell.getSource() != null) {
Entity sourceType = CellUtil.getFirstEntity(originalCell.getSource());
if (sourceType != null) {
TypeDefinition sourceDef = sourceType.getDefinition().getType();
ListMultimap<String, ParameterValue> modParams = ArrayListMultimap.create(result.getTransformationParameters());
for (String property : PROPERTY_PATH_PARAMETERS) {
updateProperties(modParams, migration, sourceDef, property, cellLog);
return result;
use of in project hale by halestudio.
the class AbstractMergeCellMigrator method mergeSources.
* Update the cell sources.
* @param sources the old sources
* @param mergeIndex the merge index
* @param originalCell the original cell
* @param migration the alignment migration (may be useful for cases where
* only entity replacement needs to be done)
* @param getCellMigrator functions that yields a cell migrator for a
* function (may be useful for cases where only entity
* replacement needs to be done)
* @param log the migration process log
* @return the merged cell or cells
protected Iterable<MutableCell> mergeSources(ListMultimap<String, ? extends Entity> sources, MergeIndex mergeIndex, Cell originalCell, AlignmentMigration migration, Function<String, CellMigrator> getCellMigrator, SimpleLog log) {
// XXX relevant here at all?
boolean transferBase = true;
if (sources.size() == 1) {
EntityDefinition source = sources.values().iterator().next().getDefinition();
List<Cell> matches = mergeIndex.getCellsForTarget(source);
List<String> storedMessages = new ArrayList<>();
boolean inaccurateMatch = false;
if (matches.isEmpty()) {
// try to find match via parent (in specific cases)
matches = findParentMatch(source, mergeIndex);
if (!matches.isEmpty()) {
inaccurateMatch = true;
// message may not be added in every case, because it may be
// a duplicate
// storedMessages.add(MessageFormat
// .format("Inaccurate match of {0} via parent entity", source));
if (!matches.isEmpty()) {
List<MutableCell> cells = new ArrayList<>();
for (Cell match : matches) {
// the original cell
if (isDirectMatch(match)) {
MigrationOptions replaceSource = new MigrationOptionsImpl(true, false, transferBase);
cells.add(getCellMigrator.apply(originalCell.getTransformationIdentifier()).updateCell(originalCell, migration, replaceSource, log));
} else // matching cell
if (isDirectMatch(originalCell)) {
MigrationOptions replaceTarget = new MigrationOptionsImpl(false, true, transferBase);
AlignmentMigration cellMigration = new AbstractMigration() {
protected Optional<EntityDefinition> findMatch(EntityDefinition entity) {
Entity target = CellUtil.getFirstEntity(originalCell.getTarget());
if (target != null) {
return Optional.ofNullable(target.getDefinition());
return Optional.empty();
MutableCell newCell = getCellMigrator.apply(match.getTransformationIdentifier()).updateCell(match, cellMigration, replaceTarget, log);
SimpleLog cellLog = SimpleLog.all(log, new CellLog(newCell, CELL_LOG_CATEGORY));
// source of original cell may have
// filters/conditions/contexts that are not applied by
// changing the target
// try to apply source contexts
Entity originalSource = CellUtil.getFirstEntity(originalCell.getSource());
applySourceContexts(newCell, originalSource, cellLog);
} else {
// otherwise, use custom logic to try to combine cells
MutableCell newCell = new DefaultCell(originalCell);
SimpleLog cellLog = SimpleLog.all(log, new CellLog(newCell, CELL_LOG_CATEGORY));
C context = newContext(originalCell);
// reset source
if (inaccurateMatch) {
cellLog.warn(MessageFormat.format("Inaccurate match of {0} via parent entity", source));
mergeSource(newCell, sources.keys().iterator().next(), source, match, originalCell, cellLog, context, migration, mergeIndex);
finalize(newCell, migration, context, cellLog);
if (!cells.isEmpty() && !storedMessages.isEmpty()) {
// add stored messages
cells.forEach(cell -> {
CellLog cLog = new CellLog(cell, CELL_LOG_CATEGORY);
storedMessages.forEach(msg -> cLog.warn(msg));
return cells;
} else {
// no match -> remove?
// rather add original + documentation
MutableCell newCell = new DefaultCell(originalCell);
SimpleLog cellLog = SimpleLog.all(log, new CellLog(newCell, CELL_LOG_CATEGORY));
cellLog.warn("No match for source {0} found, unable to associate to new source schema", source);
return Collections.singleton(newCell);
} else {
// handle each source
// collects messages in case all matches are direct matches
List<String> directMessages = new ArrayList<>();
// determine if all matches are direct
boolean allDirect = sources.entries().stream().allMatch(source -> {
List<Cell> matches = mergeIndex.getCellsForTarget(source.getValue().getDefinition());
if (matches.isEmpty()) {
directMessages.add(MessageFormat.format("No match was found for source {0}, please check how this can be compensated.", source.getValue().getDefinition()));
// if there is no match, treat it as direct match
return true;
} else {
if (matches.size() > 1) {
directMessages.add(MessageFormat.format("Multiple matches for source {0}, only one was taken into account", source.getValue().getDefinition()));
return isDirectMatch(matches.get(0));
MutableCell newCell;
if (allDirect) {
// if the matching are all Retype/Rename, replace sources of
// the original cell
MigrationOptions replaceSource = new MigrationOptionsImpl(true, false, transferBase);
newCell = getCellMigrator.apply(originalCell.getTransformationIdentifier()).updateCell(originalCell, migration, replaceSource, log);
// add messages from match check
SimpleLog cellLog = SimpleLog.all(log, new CellLog(newCell, CELL_LOG_CATEGORY));
directMessages.forEach(msg -> cellLog.warn(msg));
} else {
// handle each source separately
newCell = new DefaultCell(originalCell);
SimpleLog cellLog = SimpleLog.all(log, new CellLog(newCell, CELL_LOG_CATEGORY));
C context = newContext(originalCell);
// reset source
for (Entry<String, ? extends Entity> source : sources.entries()) {
List<Cell> matches = mergeIndex.getCellsForTarget(source.getValue().getDefinition());
if (!matches.isEmpty()) {
Cell match = matches.get(0);
mergeSource(newCell, source.getKey(), source.getValue().getDefinition(), match, originalCell, cellLog, context, migration, mergeIndex);
if (matches.size() > 1) {
// FIXME how can we deal w/ multiple matches?
cellLog.warn("Multiple matches for source {0}, only one was handled", source.getValue().getDefinition());
} else {
// no match, just not add source?
cellLog.warn("No match was found for source {0}, please check how this can be compensated.", source.getValue().getDefinition());
finalize(newCell, migration, context, cellLog);
return Collections.singleton(newCell);
use of in project hale by halestudio.
the class DefaultCellMigrator method updateCell.
public MutableCell updateCell(final Cell originalCell, final AlignmentMigration migration, final MigrationOptions options, SimpleLog log) {
MutableCell result = new DefaultCell(originalCell);
SimpleLog cellLog = SimpleLog.all(log, new CellLog(result, CELL_LOG_CATEGORY));
final AtomicBoolean replacedEntities = new AtomicBoolean(false);
EntryTransformer<String, Entity, Entity> entityTransformer = new EntryTransformer<String, Entity, Entity>() {
public Entity transformEntry(String key, Entity value) {
EntityDefinition org = value.getDefinition();
Optional<EntityDefinition> replace = migration.entityReplacement(org, cellLog);
EntityDefinition entity = replace.orElse(org);
if (!Objects.equal(entity, org)) {
if (entity instanceof PropertyEntityDefinition) {
return new DefaultProperty((PropertyEntityDefinition) entity);
} else if (entity instanceof TypeEntityDefinition) {
return new DefaultType((TypeEntityDefinition) entity);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid entity definition for creating entity");
// update source entities
if (options.updateSource() && result.getSource() != null && !result.getSource().isEmpty()) {
result.setSource(ArrayListMultimap.create(Multimaps.transformEntries(result.getSource(), entityTransformer)));
// update target entities
if (options.updateTarget() && result.getTarget() != null && !result.getTarget().isEmpty()) {
result.setTarget(ArrayListMultimap.create(Multimaps.transformEntries(result.getTarget(), entityTransformer)));
// TODO anything else?
postUpdateCell(result, options, replacedEntities.get(), cellLog);
return result;