Search in sources :

Example 11 with GeometryProperty

use of eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.geometry.GeometryProperty in project hale by halestudio.

the class JDBCInstanceWriter method setStatementParameter.

 * Set a prepared statement parameter value.
 * @param statement the prepared statement
 * @param index the parameter index
 * @param value the value, not <code>null</code>
 * @param propertyDef the associated property definition
 * @param sqlType the SQL type
 * @param reporter the reporter
 * @param conn Connection (currently used for geometry conversion for oracle
 *            database
 * @throws SQLException if setting the parameter fails
private void setStatementParameter(PreparedStatement statement, int index, Object value, PropertyDefinition propertyDef, int sqlType, IOReporter reporter, Connection conn) throws SQLException {
    if (propertyDef.getPropertyType().getConstraint(GeometryType.class).isGeometry()) {
        // is a geometry column
        // get the geometry advisor
        @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") GeometryAdvisor advisor = propertyDef.getPropertyType().getConstraint(GeometryAdvisorConstraint.class).getAdvisor();
        if (advisor != null) {
            // use the advisor to convert the geometry
            if (value instanceof GeometryProperty<?>) {
                // XXX JTS geometry conversion needed beforehand?
                try {
                    value = advisor.convertGeometry((GeometryProperty<?>) value, propertyDef.getPropertyType(), conn);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    reporter.error(new IOMessageImpl("Something went wrong during conversion", e));
            } else {
                reporter.error(new IOMessageImpl("Geometry value is not of type GeometryProperty and could thus not be converted for the database", null));
    SQLArray arrayInfo = propertyDef.getPropertyType().getConstraint(SQLArray.class);
    if (arrayInfo.isArray()) {
        // is an array column
        Object[] values;
        if (value.getClass().isArray()) {
            values = (Object[]) value;
        } else {
            values = new Object[] { value };
        // FIXME for multi-dimensional arrays, make sure internal structures
        // are arrays?
        // use SQL array as value
        Array array = conn.createArrayOf(arrayInfo.getElementTypeName(), values);
        value = array;
    // FIXME collect arrays to allow them to be freed after the
    // statement is executed?
    // TODO handling of other types?
    // set the value
    statement.setObject(index, value, sqlType);
Also used : Array(java.sql.Array) SQLArray( GeometryType(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.model.constraint.type.GeometryType) GeometryProperty(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.geometry.GeometryProperty) GeometryAdvisorConstraint( IOMessageImpl( IOProviderConfigurationException( SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) IOException( SQLArray(

Example 12 with GeometryProperty

use of eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.geometry.GeometryProperty in project hale by halestudio.

the class JacksonMapper method streamWriteGeoJSONInstance.

 * Writes a single instance as GeoJSON.
 * @param instance the instance to write
 * @param config the default geometry config
 * @param reporter the reporter
 * @throws IOException if writing the instance fails
private void streamWriteGeoJSONInstance(Instance instance, GeoJSONConfig config, IOReporter reporter) throws IOException {
    jsonGen.writeStringField("type", "Feature");
    PropertyEntityDefinition geomProperty = config.getDefaultGeometry(instance.getDefinition());
    GeometryFinder geomFinder = new GeometryFinder(null);
    // check whether a geometry property is set
    if (geomProperty != null) {
        // find all occurrences of the property
        Collection<Object> values = AlignmentUtil.getValues(instance, geomProperty, false);
        // find all geometries below any value (the values themselves might
        // be geometries)
        InstanceTraverser traverser = new DepthFirstInstanceTraverser(true);
        for (Object value : values) traverser.traverse(value, geomFinder);
    Collection<GeometryProperty<?>> geometries = geomFinder.getGeometries();
    if (!geometries.isEmpty()) {
        // XXX It would be better to put CRS to each geometry.
        // This is currently not possible because geotools doesn't support
        // this.
        GeometryProperty<?> geomProp = geometries.iterator().next();
        if (geomProp.getCRSDefinition() != null) {
            jsonGen.writeRawValue(new FeatureJSON().toString(geomProp.getCRSDefinition().getCRS()));
    if (geometries.isEmpty())
    else if (geometries.size() == 1)
    else {
        jsonGen.writeStringField("type", "GeometryCollection");
        for (GeometryProperty<?> geom : geometries) streamWriteGeometryValue(geom.getGeometry());
    jsonGen.writeStringField("_type", instance.getDefinition().getName().getLocalPart());
    streamWriteProperties(instance, reporter);
Also used : InstanceTraverser(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.helper.InstanceTraverser) DepthFirstInstanceTraverser(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.helper.DepthFirstInstanceTraverser) GeometryProperty(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.geometry.GeometryProperty) FeatureJSON(org.geotools.geojson.feature.FeatureJSON) PropertyEntityDefinition(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.align.model.impl.PropertyEntityDefinition) GeometryFinder(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.geometry.GeometryFinder) DepthFirstInstanceTraverser(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.helper.DepthFirstInstanceTraverser)

Example 13 with GeometryProperty

use of eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.geometry.GeometryProperty in project hale by halestudio.

the class StreamGmlWriterTest method fillFeatureTest.

 * Create a feature, fill it with values, write it as GML, validate the GML
 * and load the GML file again to compare the loaded values with the ones
 * that were written
 * @param elementName the element name of the feature type to use, if
 *            <code>null</code> a random element will be used
 * @param targetSchema the schema to use, the first element will be used for
 *            the type of the feature
 * @param values the values to set on the feature
 * @param testName the name of the test
 * @param srsName the SRS name
 * @param skipValueTest if the check for equality shall be skipped
 * @param expectWriteFail if the GML writing is expected to fail
 * @param windingOrderParam winding order parameter or <code>null</code>
 * @return the validation report or the GML writing report if writing
 *         expected to fail
 * @throws Exception if any error occurs
private IOReport fillFeatureTest(String elementName, URI targetSchema, Map<List<QName>, Object> values, String testName, String srsName, boolean skipValueTest, boolean expectWriteFail, EnumWindingOrderTypes windingOrderParam) throws Exception {
    // load the sample schema
    XmlSchemaReader reader = new XmlSchemaReader();
    reader.setSource(new DefaultInputSupplier(targetSchema));
    IOReport schemaReport = reader.execute(null);
    XmlIndex schema = reader.getSchema();
    XmlElement element = null;
    if (elementName == null) {
        element = schema.getElements().values().iterator().next();
        if (element == null) {
            // $NON-NLS-1$
            fail("No element found in the schema");
    } else {
        for (XmlElement candidate : schema.getElements().values()) {
            if (candidate.getName().getLocalPart().equals(elementName)) {
                element = candidate;
        if (element == null) {
            // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
            fail("Element " + elementName + " not found in the schema");
    if (element == null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException();
    // create feature
    MutableInstance feature = new DefaultInstance(element.getType(), null);
    // set some values
    for (Entry<List<QName>, Object> entry : values.entrySet()) {
        MutableGroup parent = feature;
        List<QName> properties = entry.getKey();
        for (int i = 0; i < properties.size() - 1; i++) {
            QName propertyName = properties.get(i);
            DefinitionGroup def = parent.getDefinition();
            Object[] vals = parent.getProperty(propertyName);
            if (vals != null && vals.length > 0) {
                Object value = vals[0];
                if (value instanceof MutableGroup) {
                    parent = (MutableGroup) value;
                } else {
                    MutableGroup child;
                    ChildDefinition<?> childDef = def.getChild(propertyName);
                    if (childDef.asProperty() != null || value != null) {
                        // create instance
                        child = new DefaultInstance(childDef.asProperty().getPropertyType(), null);
                    } else {
                        // create group
                        child = new DefaultGroup(childDef.asGroup());
                    if (value != null) {
                        // wrap value
                        ((MutableInstance) child).setValue(value);
                    parent = child;
        parent.addProperty(properties.get(properties.size() - 1), entry.getValue());
    InstanceCollection instances = new DefaultInstanceCollection(Collections.singleton(feature));
    // write to file
    InstanceWriter writer = new GmlInstanceWriter();
    if (windingOrderParam != null) {
        writer.setParameter(GeoInstanceWriter.PARAM_UNIFY_WINDING_ORDER, Value.of(windingOrderParam));
    DefaultSchemaSpace schemaSpace = new DefaultSchemaSpace();
    // $NON-NLS-1$
    File outFile = File.createTempFile(testName, ".gml");
    writer.setTarget(new FileIOSupplier(outFile));
    if (windingOrderParam != null && windingOrderParam == EnumWindingOrderTypes.counterClockwise) {
        assertTrue(writer.getParameter(GeoInstanceWriter.PARAM_UNIFY_WINDING_ORDER).as(EnumWindingOrderTypes.class) == EnumWindingOrderTypes.counterClockwise);
    // new LogProgressIndicator());
    IOReport report = writer.execute(null);
    if (expectWriteFail) {
        assertFalse("Writing the GML output should not be successful", report.isSuccess());
        return report;
    } else {
        assertTrue("Writing the GML output not successful", report.isSuccess());
    List<? extends Locatable> validationSchemas = writer.getValidationSchemas();
    // if (!DEL_TEMP_FILES && Desktop.isDesktopSupported()) {
    // Desktop.getDesktop().open(outFile);
    // }
    IOReport valReport = validate(outFile.toURI(), validationSchemas);
    // load file
    InstanceCollection loaded = loadGML(outFile.toURI(), schema);
    ResourceIterator<Instance> it = loaded.iterator();
    try {
        if (!skipValueTest) {
            Instance l =;
            // test values
            for (Entry<List<QName>, Object> entry : values.entrySet()) {
                // XXX conversion?
                Object expected = entry.getValue();
                // String propertyPath = Joiner.on('.').join(Collections2.transform(entry.getKey(), new Function<QName, String>() {
                // @Override
                // public String apply(QName input) {
                // return input.toString();
                // }
                // }));
                // Collection<Object> propValues = PropertyResolver.getValues(
                // l, propertyPath, true);
                // assertEquals(1, propValues.size());
                // Object value = propValues.iterator().next();
                Collection<GeometryProperty<?>> geoms = GeometryUtil.getAllGeometries(l);
                assertEquals(1, geoms.size());
                Object value = geoms.iterator().next().getGeometry();
                if (expected instanceof Geometry && value instanceof Geometry) {
                    if (windingOrderParam == null || windingOrderParam == EnumWindingOrderTypes.noChanges) {
                        matchGeometries((Geometry) expected, (Geometry) value);
                    // Winding Order Test.
                    if (windingOrderParam != null) {
                        if (windingOrderParam == EnumWindingOrderTypes.counterClockwise) {
                            assertTrue(((Geometry) expected).getNumGeometries() == ((Geometry) value).getNumGeometries());
                            assertTrue(WindingOrder.isCounterClockwise((Geometry) value));
                        } else if (windingOrderParam == EnumWindingOrderTypes.clockwise) {
                            assertFalse(WindingOrder.isCounterClockwise((Geometry) value));
                        } else {
                            assertTrue(WindingOrder.isCounterClockwise((Geometry) value) == WindingOrder.isCounterClockwise((Geometry) expected));
                    } else {
                        // TODO check winding order is CCW
                        if (value instanceof Polygon || value instanceof MultiPolygon)
                            assertTrue(WindingOrder.isCounterClockwise((Geometry) value));
                } else {
                    assertEquals(expected.toString(), value.toString());
    } finally {
    if (DEL_TEMP_FILES) {
    return valReport;
Also used : GmlInstanceWriter( GeoInstanceWriter( InstanceWriter( MutableInstance(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.model.MutableInstance) DefaultInstance(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.model.impl.DefaultInstance) Instance(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.model.Instance) IOReport( DefaultInstanceCollection(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.model.impl.DefaultInstanceCollection) DefinitionGroup(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.model.DefinitionGroup) XmlSchemaReader( DefaultInstance(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.model.impl.DefaultInstance) List(java.util.List) MultiPolygon(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.MultiPolygon) Polygon(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Polygon) GeometryProperty(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.geometry.GeometryProperty) DefaultInputSupplier( QName(javax.xml.namespace.QName) DefaultInstanceCollection(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.model.impl.DefaultInstanceCollection) InstanceCollection(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.model.InstanceCollection) DefaultGroup(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.model.impl.DefaultGroup) DefaultSchemaSpace(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.model.impl.DefaultSchemaSpace) XmlIndex( MutableGroup(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.model.MutableGroup) Point(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point) MultiPoint(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.MultiPoint) Geometry(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry) MultiPolygon(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.MultiPolygon) MutableInstance(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.model.MutableInstance) XmlElement( FileIOSupplier( GmlInstanceWriter( File(

Example 14 with GeometryProperty

use of eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.geometry.GeometryProperty in project hale by halestudio.

the class StreamGmlHelper method parseInstance.

 * Parses an instance with the given type from the given XML stream reader.
 * @param reader the XML stream reader, the current event must be the start
 *            element of the instance
 * @param type the definition of the instance type
 * @param indexInStream the index of the instance in the stream or
 *            <code>null</code>
 * @param strict if associating elements with properties should be done
 *            strictly according to the schema, otherwise a fall-back is
 *            used trying to populate values also on invalid property paths
 * @param srsDimension the dimension of the instance or <code>null</code>
 * @param crsProvider CRS provider in case no CRS is specified, may be
 *            <code>null</code>
 * @param parentType the type of the topmost instance
 * @param propertyPath the property path down from the topmost instance, may
 *            be <code>null</code>
 * @param allowNull if a <code>null</code> result is allowed
 * @param ignoreNamespaces if parsing of the XML instances should allow
 *            types and properties with namespaces that differ from those
 *            defined in the schema
 * @param ioProvider the I/O Provider to get value
 * @param crs The <code>CRSDefinition</code> to use for geometries
 * @return the parsed instance, may be <code>null</code> if allowNull is
 *         <code>true</code>
 * @throws XMLStreamException if parsing the instance failed
public static Instance parseInstance(XMLStreamReader reader, TypeDefinition type, Integer indexInStream, boolean strict, Integer srsDimension, CRSProvider crsProvider, TypeDefinition parentType, List<QName> propertyPath, boolean allowNull, boolean ignoreNamespaces, IOProvider ioProvider, CRSDefinition crs) throws XMLStreamException {
    checkState(reader.getEventType() == XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT);
    if (propertyPath == null) {
        propertyPath = Collections.emptyList();
    if (srsDimension == null) {
        String dim = reader.getAttributeValue(null, "srsDimension");
        if (dim != null)
            srsDimension = Integer.parseInt(dim);
    // extract additional settings from I/O provider
    boolean suppressParsingGeometry = ioProvider.getParameter(StreamGmlReader.PARAM_SUPPRESS_PARSE_GEOMETRY).as(Boolean.class, false);
    MutableInstance instance;
    if (indexInStream == null) {
        // not necessary to associate data set
        instance = new DefaultInstance(type, null);
    } else {
        instance = new StreamGmlInstance(type, indexInStream);
    // If the current instance has an srsName attribute, try to resolve the
    // corresponding CRS and pass it down the hierarchy and use it for
    // nested geometries that don't have their own srsName.
    CRSDefinition lastCrs = crs;
    String srsName = reader.getAttributeValue(null, "srsName");
    if (srsName != null) {
        lastCrs = CodeDefinition.tryResolve(srsName);
        if (lastCrs == null && crsProvider != null) {
            // In case the srsName value could not be resolved to a CRS, try
            // to resolve the CRS via the crsProvider.
            CRSDefinition unresolvedCrs = new CodeDefinition(srsName);
            CRSDefinition resolvedCrs = crsProvider.getCRS(parentType, propertyPath, unresolvedCrs);
            // unresolvedCrs unchanged
            if (resolvedCrs != null && !resolvedCrs.equals(unresolvedCrs)) {
                lastCrs = resolvedCrs;
    // If the provided CRS could not be resolved, it will be ignored
    // here silently, so that use cases that don't need the CRS will not
    // fail.
    boolean mixed = type.getConstraint(XmlMixedFlag.class).isEnabled();
    if (!mixed) {
        // mixed types are treated special (see else)
        // check if xsi:nil attribute is there and set to true
        String nilString = reader.getAttributeValue(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_INSTANCE_NS_URI, "nil");
        boolean isNil = nilString != null && "true".equalsIgnoreCase(nilString);
        // instance properties
        parseProperties(reader, instance, strict, srsDimension, crsProvider, lastCrs, parentType, propertyPath, false, ignoreNamespaces, ioProvider);
        // nil instance w/o properties
        if (allowNull && isNil && Iterables.isEmpty(instance.getPropertyNames())) {
        // no value should be created
				 * XXX returning null here then results in problems during
				 * adding other properties to the parent group, as mandatory
				 * elements are expected to appear, and it will warn about
				 * possible invalid data loaded
        // return null;
        // instance value
        if (!hasElements(type)) {
				 * Value can only be determined if there are no documents,
				 * because otherwise elements have already been processed in
				 * parseProperties and we are already past END_ELEMENT.
            if (type.getConstraint(HasValueFlag.class).isEnabled()) {
                // try to get text value
                String value = reader.getElementText();
                if (!isNil && value != null) {
                    instance.setValue(convertSimple(type, value));
    } else {
			 * XXX For a mixed type currently ignore elements and parse only
			 * attributes and text.
        // instance properties (attributes only)
        parseProperties(reader, instance, strict, srsDimension, crsProvider, lastCrs, parentType, propertyPath, true, ignoreNamespaces, ioProvider);
        // combined text
        String value = readText(reader);
        if (value != null) {
            instance.setValue(convertSimple(type, value));
    // augmented value XXX should this be an else if?
    if (!suppressParsingGeometry && type.getConstraint(AugmentedValueFlag.class).isEnabled()) {
        // add geometry as a GeometryProperty value where applicable
        GeometryFactory geomFactory = type.getConstraint(GeometryFactory.class);
        Object geomValue = null;
        // the default value for the srsDimension
        int defaultValue = 2;
        try {
            if (srsDimension != null) {
                geomValue = geomFactory.createGeometry(instance, srsDimension, ioProvider);
            } else {
                // srsDimension is not set
                geomValue = geomFactory.createGeometry(instance, defaultValue, ioProvider);
        } catch (Exception e) {
				 * Catch IllegalArgumentException that e.g. occurs if a linear
				 * ring has to few points. NullPointerExceptions may occur
				 * because an internal geometry could not be created.
				 * XXX a problem is that these messages will not appear in the
				 * report
            log.error("Error creating geometry", e);
        if (geomValue != null && crsProvider != null && propertyPath != null) {
            // check if CRS are set, and if not, try determining them using
            // the CRS provider
            Collection<?> values;
            if (geomValue instanceof Collection) {
                values = (Collection<?>) geomValue;
            } else {
                values = Collections.singleton(geomValue);
            List<Object> resultVals = new ArrayList<Object>();
            for (Object value : values) {
                if (value instanceof Geometry || (value instanceof GeometryProperty<?> && ((GeometryProperty<?>) value).getCRSDefinition() == null)) {
                    // try to resolve value of srsName attribute
                    CRSDefinition geometryCrs = crsProvider.getCRS(parentType, propertyPath, lastCrs);
                    if (geometryCrs != null) {
                        Geometry geom = (value instanceof Geometry) ? ((Geometry) value) : (((GeometryProperty<?>) value).getGeometry());
                        resultVals.add(new DefaultGeometryProperty<Geometry>(geometryCrs, geom));
            if (resultVals.size() == 1) {
                geomValue = resultVals.get(0);
            } else {
                geomValue = resultVals;
        if (geomValue != null) {
    return instance;
Also used : DefaultGeometryProperty(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.geometry.DefaultGeometryProperty) GeometryProperty(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.geometry.GeometryProperty) GeometryFactory( CRSDefinition(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.geometry.CRSDefinition) HasValueFlag(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.model.constraint.type.HasValueFlag) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) XMLStreamException( Geometry(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry) CodeDefinition(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.geometry.impl.CodeDefinition) XmlMixedFlag( DefaultInstance(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.model.impl.DefaultInstance) MutableInstance(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.model.MutableInstance) Collection(java.util.Collection)

Example 15 with GeometryProperty

use of eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.geometry.GeometryProperty in project hale by halestudio.

the class AbstractInstancePainter method createWaypoint.

 * Create a way-point for an instance
 * @param instance the instance
 * @param instanceService the instance service
 * @return the created way-point or <code>null</code> if
protected InstanceWaypoint createWaypoint(Instance instance, InstanceService instanceService) {
    // retrieve instance reference
    // ,
    InstanceReference ref = instanceService.getReference(instance);
    // getDataSet());
    BoundingBox bb = null;
    List<GeometryProperty<?>> geometries = new ArrayList<GeometryProperty<?>>(DefaultGeometryUtil.getDefaultGeometries(instance));
    ListIterator<GeometryProperty<?>> it = geometries.listIterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        GeometryProperty<?> prop =;
        // check if geometry is valid for display in map
        CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = (prop.getCRSDefinition() == null) ? (null) : (prop.getCRSDefinition().getCRS());
        if (crs == null) {
            // no CRS, can't display in map
            // remove from list
        } else {
            Geometry geometry = prop.getGeometry();
            // determine geometry bounding box
            BoundingBox geometryBB = BoundingBox.compute(geometry);
            if (geometryBB == null) {
                // no valid bounding box for geometry
            } else {
                try {
                    // get converter to way-point CRS
                    CRSConverter conv = CRSConverter.getConverter(crs, getWaypointCRS());
                    // convert BB to way-point SRS
                    geometryBB = conv.convert(geometryBB);
                    // add to instance bounding box
                    if (bb == null) {
                        bb = new BoundingBox(geometryBB);
                    } else {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    log.error("Error converting instance bounding box to waypoint bounding box", e);
                    // ignore geometry
    if (bb == null || geometries.isEmpty()) {
        // don't create way-point w/o geometries
        return null;
    // use bounding box center as GEO position
    Point3D center = bb.getCenter();
    GeoPosition pos = new GeoPosition(center.getX(), center.getY(), GenericWaypoint.COMMON_EPSG);
    // buffer bounding box if x or y dimension empty
    if (bb.getMinX() == bb.getMaxX()) {
        bb.setMinX(bb.getMinX() - BUFFER_VALUE);
        bb.setMaxX(bb.getMaxX() + BUFFER_VALUE);
    if (bb.getMinY() == bb.getMaxY()) {
        bb.setMinY(bb.getMinY() - BUFFER_VALUE);
        bb.setMaxY(bb.getMaxY() + BUFFER_VALUE);
    // set dummy z range (otherwise the RTree can't deal correctly with it)
    String name = findInstanceName(instance);
    // create the way-point
    // XXX in abstract method?
    InstanceWaypoint wp = new InstanceWaypoint(pos, bb, ref, geometries, instance.getDefinition(), name);
    // each way-point must have its own marker, as the marker stores the
    // marker areas
    return wp;
Also used : GeometryProperty(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.geometry.GeometryProperty) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) InvocationTargetException(java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException) Geometry(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry) CRSConverter(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.ui.views.styledmap.util.CRSConverter) PseudoInstanceReference(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.model.impl.PseudoInstanceReference) InstanceReference(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.model.InstanceReference) Point3D(de.fhg.igd.geom.Point3D) BoundingBox(de.fhg.igd.geom.BoundingBox) GeoPosition(org.jdesktop.swingx.mapviewer.GeoPosition) CoordinateReferenceSystem(


GeometryProperty (eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.geometry.GeometryProperty)25 Geometry (com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry)17 DefaultGeometryProperty (eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.geometry.DefaultGeometryProperty)11 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)11 GeometryFinder (eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.geometry.GeometryFinder)8 Instance (eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.model.Instance)8 CRSDefinition (eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.geometry.CRSDefinition)8 DepthFirstInstanceTraverser (eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.helper.DepthFirstInstanceTraverser)7 InstanceTraverser (eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.helper.InstanceTraverser)7 Polygon (com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Polygon)5 TransformationException (eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.align.transformation.function.TransformationException)5 InstanceCollection (eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.model.InstanceCollection)4 Collection (java.util.Collection)4 LinearRing (com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LinearRing)3 MultiPolygon (com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.MultiPolygon)3 Point (com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point)3 PropertyValue (eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.align.transformation.function.PropertyValue)3 GeometryNotSupportedException ( QName (javax.xml.namespace.QName)3 CoordinateReferenceSystem (