use of in project UVMS-ExchangeModule-APP by UnionVMS.
the class ExchangeEventIncomingServiceBean method processMovement.
public void processMovement(@Observes @SetMovementEvent ExchangeMessageEvent message) {
try {
final TextMessage jmsMessage = message.getJmsMessage();
final String jmsMessageID = jmsMessage.getJMSMessageID();
SetMovementReportRequest request = JAXBMarshaller.unmarshallTextMessage(jmsMessage, SetMovementReportRequest.class);"[INFO] Processing Movement : {}", request);
String username;
SetReportMovementType setRepMovType = request.getRequest();
if (MovementSourceType.MANUAL.equals(setRepMovType.getMovement().getSource())) {
// A person has created a position
username = request.getUsername();
// Send some response to Movement, if it originated from there (manual movement)
ProcessedMovementAck response = MovementModuleResponseMapper.mapProcessedMovementAck(, jmsMessageID, "Movement successfully processed");
producer.sendModuleAckMessage(jmsMessageID, MessageQueue.MOVEMENT_RESPONSE, JAXBMarshaller.marshallJaxBObjectToString(response));
} else {
// A plugin has reported a position
username = setRepMovType.getPluginType().name();
String pluginName = setRepMovType.getPluginName();
ServiceResponseType service = exchangeService.getService(pluginName);
PluginType pluginType = setRepMovType.getPluginType();
if (validate(setRepMovType, service, jmsMessage)) {
MovementBaseType baseMovement = setRepMovType.getMovement();
RawMovementType rawMovement = MovementMapper.getInstance().getMapper().map(baseMovement, RawMovementType.class);
final AssetId assetId = rawMovement.getAssetId();
if (assetId != null && assetId.getAssetIdList() != null) {
if (baseMovement.getMobileTerminalId() != null && baseMovement.getMobileTerminalId().getMobileTerminalIdList() != null) {
// TODO : Temporary - probably better to change corr id to have the same though the entire flow;
// TODO : then we can use this to send response to original caller from anywhere needed
rawMovement.setAckResponseMessageID(jmsMessageID);"[INFO] Logging received movement.");
exchangeLog.log(request, LogType.RECEIVE_MOVEMENT, ExchangeLogStatusTypeType.ISSUED, TypeRefType.MOVEMENT, JAXBMarshaller.marshallJaxBObjectToString(request), true);
forwardToRules(RulesModuleRequestMapper.createSetMovementReportRequest(, rawMovement, username), message, service);"[INFO] Finished forwarding received movement to rules module.");
} else {
log.debug("[ERROR] Validation error. Event sent to plugin {}", message);
} catch (ExchangeServiceException e) {
log.error("[ERROR] Couldn't get the Service type for the received message : {} {}", message, e);
} catch (ExchangeModelMarshallException e) {
log.error("[ERROR] Couldn't map to SetMovementReportRequest when processing movement from plugin:{} {}", message, e);
} catch (JMSException e) {
log.error("[ERROR] Failed to get response queue:{} {}", message, e);
} catch (RulesModelMapperException e) {
log.error("[ERROR] Failed to build Rules momvent request:{} {}", message, e);
} catch (ExchangeLogException e) {
log.error("[ERROR] Failed to log momvent request : {} {}", message, e);