Search in sources :

Example 1 with StockUnitEao

use of in project dwoss by gg-net.

the class StockTakingOperation method fullfillDetails.

 * Takes the supplied list of refurbishIds, validates their existence in the supplied Stock or all if none supplied.
 * @param inFile  a XLS File containing the refurbishIds in the first sheet, first column.
 * @param stockId the stock, may be null
 * @return a FileJacket with the Result as XLS Report.
public FileJacket fullfillDetails(FileJacket inFile, Integer stockId) {
    SubMonitor m = monitorFactory.newSubMonitor("Inventur vervollständigen", 100);
    m.message("Datei einlesen");
    ReaderResult read = xlsToList(inFile);
    m.setWorkRemaining(read.getRefurbisIds().size() * 2 + 10);
    UniqueUnitEao uniqueUnitEao = new UniqueUnitEao(uuEm);
    StockUnitEao stockUnitEao = new StockUnitEao(stockEm);
    DossierEao dossierEao = new DossierEao(redTapeEm);
    List<Object[]> result = new ArrayList<>();
    Set<StockUnit> found = new HashSet<>();
    String stockTaking = "erfasst";
    for (String refurbishId : read.getRefurbisIds()) {
        m.worked(1, "vervollständige " + refurbishId);
        UniqueUnit uu = uniqueUnitEao.findByIdentifier(UniqueUnit.Identifier.REFURBISHED_ID, refurbishId);
        StockUnit stu = (uu == null ? null : stockUnitEao.findByUniqueUnitId(uu.getId()));
        if (stu != null)
        if (uu == null) {
            result.add(new Object[] { stockTaking, "Fehler: Gerät exitiert nicht !", refurbishId, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null });
        } else {
            String partNo = uu.getProduct().getPartNo();
            String contractorPartNo = uu.getProduct().getAdditionalPartNo(uu.getContractor());
            String name = ProductFormater.toName(uu.getProduct());
            if (stu == null) {
                result.add(new Object[] { stockTaking, "Nicht im Lager", refurbishId, partNo, uu.getSerial(), name, uu.getContractor(), null, uu.getSalesChannel(), null, null, null, contractorPartNo, null });
            } else {
                // jetzt schauen was mit st ist
                String stock = (stu.getStock() == null ? stu.getTransaction().toSimpleLine() : stu.getStock().getName());
                if (stu.getLogicTransaction() == null) {
                    result.add(new Object[] { stockTaking, "verfügbar", refurbishId, partNo, uu.getSerial(), name, uu.getContractor(), stock, uu.getSalesChannel(), null, null, null, contractorPartNo, null });
                } else {
                    Dossier dos = dossierEao.findById(stu.getLogicTransaction().getDossierId());
                    result.add(new Object[] { stockTaking, dos.isClosed() ? "abgeschlossen" : "in transfer", refurbishId, partNo, uu.getSerial(), name, uu.getContractor(), stock, uu.getSalesChannel(), dos.getCrucialDirective().getName(), dos.getCustomerId(), dos.getIdentifier(), contractorPartNo, customerService.asUiCustomer(dos.getCustomerId()).toNameCompanyLine() });
    stockTaking = "nicht erfasst";
    m.message("lade fehlende Geräte");
    List<StockUnit> openUnits = (stockId == null ? stockUnitEao.findAll() : stockUnitEao.findByStockId(stockId));
    for (StockUnit stu : openUnits) {
        m.worked(1, "vervollständige " + stu.getRefurbishId());
        UniqueUnit uu = uniqueUnitEao.findById(stu.getUniqueUnitId());
        String partNo = uu.getProduct().getPartNo();
        String contractorPartNo = uu.getProduct().getAdditionalPartNo(uu.getContractor());
        String name = ProductFormater.toName(uu.getProduct());
        // jetzt schauen was mit st ist
        String stock = (stu.getStock() == null ? stu.getTransaction().toString() : stu.getStock().getName());
        if (stu.getLogicTransaction() == null) {
            result.add(new Object[] { stockTaking, "verfügbar", uu.getRefurbishId(), partNo, uu.getSerial(), name, uu.getContractor(), stock, uu.getSalesChannel(), null, null, null, contractorPartNo, null });
        } else {
            Dossier dos = dossierEao.findById(stu.getLogicTransaction().getDossierId());
            result.add(new Object[] { stockTaking, dos.isClosed() ? "abgeschlossen" : "in transfer", uu.getRefurbishId(), partNo, uu.getSerial(), name, uu.getContractor(), stock, uu.getSalesChannel(), dos.getCrucialDirective().getName(), dos.getCustomerId(), dos.getIdentifier(), contractorPartNo, customerService.asUiCustomer(dos.getCustomerId()).toNameCompanyLine() });
    for (String error : read.getErrors()) {
        result.add(new Object[] { "Lesefehler", error, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null });
    m.message("Erzeuge Tabelle");
    CSheet sheet = new CSheet("Inventur");
    STable table = new STable();
    table.setHeadlineFormat(new CFormat(BOLD_ITALIC, BLACK, WHITE, CENTER, new CBorder(BLACK)));
    table.add(new STableColumn("Inventur", 12)).add(new STableColumn("Status", 10)).add(new STableColumn("SopoNr", 10)).add(new STableColumn("ArtikelNr", 16));
    table.add(new STableColumn("Seriennummer", 30)).add(new STableColumn("Name", 50)).add(new STableColumn("Contractor", 14)).add(new STableColumn("Lager", 25));
    table.add(new STableColumn("Verkaufskanal", 16)).add(new STableColumn("Directive", 20)).add(new STableColumn("Kid", 8)).add(new STableColumn("VorgangsId", 10));
    table.add(new STableColumn("LieferantenPartNo", 16)).add(new STableColumn("Kunde", 40));
    table.setModel(new STableModelList(result));
    CCalcDocument document = new TempCalcDocument();
    File file = LucidCalc.createWriter(LucidCalc.Backend.XLS).write(document);
    return new FileJacket("Inventur", ".xls", file);
Also used : SubMonitor(eu.ggnet.dwoss.progress.SubMonitor) FileJacket(eu.ggnet.dwoss.util.FileJacket) UniqueUnitEao( UniqueUnit( StockUnitEao( Dossier( DossierEao( StockUnit( File(

Example 2 with StockUnitEao

use of in project dwoss by gg-net.

the class SalesListingProducerOperation method generateAllSalesListing.

public FileJacket generateAllSalesListing() {
    SubMonitor m = monitorFactory.newSubMonitor("All List", 5);
    m.message("loading Units");
    List<StockUnit> stockUnits = new StockUnitEao(stockEm).findByNoLogicTransaction();
    List<UniqueUnit> uniqueUnits = new UniqueUnitEao(uuEm).findByIds(toUniqueUnitIds(stockUnits));
    m.worked(3, "preparing Units");
    List<Object[]> retailers = new ArrayList<>(stockUnits.size());
    List<Object[]> customers = new ArrayList<>(stockUnits.size());
    for (Map.Entry<UniqueUnit, StockUnit> entry : toSortedMap(uniqueUnits, stockUnits, new UniqueUnitComparator()).entrySet()) {
        UniqueUnit uu = entry.getKey();
        StockUnit su = entry.getValue();
        Product p = uu.getProduct();
        Date firstPriced = null;
        for (PriceHistory priceHistory : uu.getPriceHistory()) {
            if (firstPriced == null || firstPriced.after(priceHistory.getDate()))
                firstPriced = priceHistory.getDate();
        String source = "Automatisch";
        if (p != null && p.getFlags().contains(Product.Flag.PRICE_FIXED))
            source = "Manuell (Artikel)";
        else if (uu.getFlags().contains(UniqueUnit.Flag.PRICE_FIXED))
            source = "Manuell (Gerät)";
        Object[] row = { uu.getRefurbishId(), (p == null ? null : p.getPartNo()), (p == null ? null : p.getGroup().getNote()), (p == null ? null : p.getTradeName().getName()), (p == null ? null : p.getName()), (p == null ? null : p.getDescription()), uu.getWarranty().getName(), uu.getWarrentyValid(), UniqueUnitFormater.toSingleLineAccessories(uu), uu.getCondition().getNote(), UniqueUnitFormater.toSingleLineComment(uu), uu.getPrice(PriceType.RETAILER), uu.getPrice(PriceType.CUSTOMER), (!uu.hasPrice(PriceType.CUSTOMER) ? null : TwoDigits.roundedApply(uu.getPrice(PriceType.CUSTOMER), GlobalConfig.DEFAULT_TAX.getTax(), 0)), (su.getStock() == null ? su.getTransaction() : su.getStock().getName()), uu.getMfgDate(), uu.getInputDate(), firstPriced, source };
        if (uu.getSalesChannel() == SalesChannel.CUSTOMER && uu.hasPrice(PriceType.CUSTOMER))
        else if (uu.getSalesChannel() == SalesChannel.RETAILER && (uu.hasPrice(PriceType.CUSTOMER) || uu.hasPrice(PriceType.RETAILER)))
    m.worked(1, "creating File, Endkundengeräte: " + customers.size() + ", Händlergeräte: " + retailers.size());
    STable consumerTable = new STable();
    consumerTable.setTableFormat(new CFormat(CENTER, TOP, new CBorder(Color.GRAY, CBorder.LineStyle.THIN), true));
    consumerTable.setHeadlineFormat(new CFormat(CFormat.FontStyle.BOLD, Color.BLACK, Color.LIGHT_GRAY, CENTER, MIDDLE));
    consumerTable.add(new STableColumn("SopoNr", 12));
    consumerTable.add(new STableColumn("ArtikelNr", 15));
    consumerTable.add(new STableColumn("Warengruppe", 18));
    consumerTable.add(new STableColumn("Hersteller", 15));
    consumerTable.add(new STableColumn("Bezeichnung", 30));
    consumerTable.add(new STableColumn("Beschreibung", 60, LFT));
    consumerTable.add(new STableColumn("Garantie", 18, LFT));
    consumerTable.add(new STableColumn("Garantie bis", 18, new CFormat(Representation.SHORT_DATE)));
    consumerTable.add(new STableColumn("Zubehör", 30, LFT));
    consumerTable.add(new STableColumn("optische Bewertung", 25));
    consumerTable.add(new STableColumn("Bemerkung", 50, LFT));
    consumerTable.add(new STableColumn("Händler", 15, EURO));
    consumerTable.add(new STableColumn("Endkunde", 15, EURO));
    consumerTable.add(new STableColumn("", 15, EURO));
    consumerTable.add(new STableColumn("Lager", 18));
    consumerTable.add(new STableColumn("Mfg Datum", 18, new CFormat(Representation.SHORT_DATE)));
    consumerTable.add(new STableColumn("Aufnahme Datum", 18, new CFormat(Representation.SHORT_DATE)));
    consumerTable.add(new STableColumn("Erstmalig Bepreist", 18, new CFormat(Representation.SHORT_DATE)));
    consumerTable.add(new STableColumn("Preis Quelle", 18));
    consumerTable.setModel(new STableModelList(customers));
    STable retailerTable = new STable(consumerTable);
    retailerTable.setModel(new STableModelList(retailers));
    CCalcDocument cdoc = new TempCalcDocument();
    cdoc.add(new CSheet("Endkunde", consumerTable));
    cdoc.add(new CSheet("Händler", retailerTable));
    FileJacket fj = new FileJacket("All", ".xls", LucidCalc.createWriter(LucidCalc.Backend.XLS).write(cdoc));
    return fj;
Also used : Product( StockUnitEao( StockUnit( SubMonitor(eu.ggnet.dwoss.progress.SubMonitor) PriceHistory( UniqueUnitEao( UniqueUnit(

Example 3 with StockUnitEao

use of in project dwoss by gg-net.

the class ImageIdHandlerOperation method exportMissing.

 * Returns a FileJacket of XLS, which contains all Products with missing ImageIds.
 * <p/>
 * Acitve Filters are:
 * <ul>
 * <li>If SalesChannel is supplied, only Products, which have units in the SalesChannel.</li>
 * <li>Only Products, which don't have an image id.</li>
 * <li>Only Products, which have Unit in stock.</li>
 * </ul>
 * <p/>
 * @param salesChannel
 * @return
public FileJacket exportMissing(SalesChannel salesChannel) {
    SubMonitor m = monitorFactory.newSubMonitor("Fehlende Image Ids exportieren", 100);
    m.message("Loading Missing IDs");
    List<Integer> uniqueUnitIds = new StockUnitEao(stockEm).findByNoLogicTransactionAsUniqueUnitId();
    List<UniqueUnit> uniqueUnits = new UniqueUnitEao(uuEm).findByIds(uniqueUnitIds);
    SortedSet<Product> products = new TreeSet<>();
    for (UniqueUnit uniqueUnit : uniqueUnits) {
        if (uniqueUnit.getProduct() == null)
        if (salesChannel != null && uniqueUnit.getSalesChannel() != salesChannel)
        if (uniqueUnit.getProduct().getImageId() > 0)
    STable table = new STable();
    table.setHeadlineFormat(new CFormat(BOLD, BLACK, LIGHT_GRAY, CENTER, MIDDLE));
    table.add(new STableColumn("ArtikelNr", 15).setAction(SUtil.getBeanProperty("partNo")));
    table.add(new STableColumn("Warengruppe", 22).setAction(SUtil.getBeanProperty("")));
    table.add(new STableColumn("Hersteller", 16).setAction(SUtil.getBeanProperty("")));
    table.add(new STableColumn("Bezeichnung", 45).setAction(SUtil.getBeanProperty("name")));
    table.add(new STableColumn("Image Id", 10).setAction(SUtil.getNull()));
    table.setModel(new STableModelList(products));
    CCalcDocument doc = new TempCalcDocument("ImageIds");
    doc.add(new CSheet("ImageIds", table));
    FileJacket fj = new FileJacket("MissingImageIds", ".xls", LucidCalc.createWriter(LucidCalc.Backend.XLS).write(doc));
    return fj;
Also used : SubMonitor(eu.ggnet.dwoss.progress.SubMonitor) Product( CCalcDocument(eu.ggnet.lucidcalc.CCalcDocument) CSheet(eu.ggnet.lucidcalc.CSheet) FileJacket(eu.ggnet.dwoss.util.FileJacket) UniqueUnitEao( STableColumn(eu.ggnet.lucidcalc.STableColumn) UniqueUnit( StockUnitEao( STable(eu.ggnet.lucidcalc.STable) STableModelList(eu.ggnet.lucidcalc.STableModelList) TempCalcDocument(eu.ggnet.lucidcalc.TempCalcDocument) CFormat(eu.ggnet.lucidcalc.CFormat)

Example 4 with StockUnitEao

use of in project dwoss by gg-net.

the class PersistenceValidatorOperation method validateDatabase.

 * This Method Validate all Databases.
 * It's validate:
 * - RedTape
 * - UniqueUnit
 * - Sopo
 * - Stock
 * <p/>
 * @return a Filejacket where a xls from the JExcel api is, that contains all Errors.
public Optional<FileJacket> validateDatabase() {
    List<Vm> vms = new ArrayList<>();
    UniqueUnitEao uuEao = new UniqueUnitEao(uuEm);
    DossierEao dossierEao = new DossierEao(redTapeEm);
    LogicTransactionEao logicEao = new LogicTransactionEao(stockEm);
    StockUnitEao stockUnitEao = new StockUnitEao(stockEm);
    int uuMax = uuEao.count();
    int dossierMax = dossierEao.count();
    int logicMax = logicEao.count();
    int stockUnitMax = stockUnitEao.count();
    SubMonitor m = monitorFactory.newSubMonitor("DatenbankValidation", 100);
    // All Listen
    List<Dossier> dossiers;
    List<UniqueUnit> uniqueUnits;
    List<LogicTransaction> logicTransactions;
    List<StockUnit> stockUnits;
    m.message("Hole alle Unique Units. " + uuMax);
    uniqueUnits = uuEao.findAll();
    m.worked(10, "Hole Alle Dossiers. " + dossierMax);
    dossiers = dossierEao.findAll();
    m.worked(10, "Hole Alle LogicTransaction. " + logicMax);
    logicTransactions = logicEao.findAll();
    m.worked(10, "Hole Alle StockUnit. " + stockUnitMax);
    stockUnits = stockUnitEao.findAll();
    m.worked(10, "Validieren.");
    validateRedTape(vms, dossiers, convertUnitListToMap(uniqueUnits), m.newChild(10));
    validateUniqueUnit(vms, uniqueUnits, m.newChild(10));
    validateLogicTransaction(vms, logicTransactions, dossiers, m.newChild(10));
    // TODO: split:
    // 1. Sopo Validation <-> RedTape
    // 2. Sopo Only.
    return createFileJacket(vms);
Also used : SubMonitor(eu.ggnet.dwoss.progress.SubMonitor) LogicTransaction( LogicTransactionEao( UniqueUnitEao( UniqueUnit( StockUnitEao( DossierEao( StockUnit(

Example 5 with StockUnitEao

use of in project dwoss by gg-net.

the class LogicTransactionEmo method optionalRemoveUnits.

 * Removes StockUnits identified by UniqueUnitIds from a LogicTransaction, if it exists.
 * @param dossierId     the dossierId of the LogicTransaction
 * @param uniqueUnitIds the uniqueUnitIds
 * @return the LogicTransaction after the removal, always returns a list.
// TODO: Test
public List<StockUnit> optionalRemoveUnits(long dossierId, Collection<Integer> uniqueUnitIds) {
    if (uniqueUnitIds == null)
        throw new NullPointerException("uniqueUnitIds must not be null");
    // Null is possible
    LogicTransaction logicTransaction = new LogicTransactionEao(em).findByDossierId(dossierId);
    if (logicTransaction == null)
        return new ArrayList<>();
    List<StockUnit> stockUnits = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Integer uniqueUnitId : uniqueUnitIds) {
        // check stockunit if not in LogicTransaction.
        StockUnit unit = new StockUnitEao(em).findByUniqueUnitId(uniqueUnitId);
        if (unit == null)
        if (unit.getLogicTransaction() == null)
            throw new IllegalStateException(unit + " is not on a LogicTransaction, shoud be on " + logicTransaction);
        if (!logicTransaction.equals(unit.getLogicTransaction()))
            throw new IllegalStateException(unit + " is on a different LogicTransaction than " + logicTransaction);
    return stockUnits;
Also used : StockUnitEao( LogicTransaction( LogicTransactionEao( StockUnit(


StockUnitEao ( StockUnit ( UniqueUnitEao ( UniqueUnit ( SubMonitor (eu.ggnet.dwoss.progress.SubMonitor)9 LogicTransaction ( StockTransaction ( StockTransactionEmo ( Product ( LogicTransactionEao ( Stock ( UserInfoException (eu.ggnet.dwoss.util.UserInfoException)4 DossierEao ( ProductSpecEao ( FileJacket (eu.ggnet.dwoss.util.FileJacket)3 Test (org.junit.Test)3 PriceEngineResult (eu.ggnet.dwoss.price.engine.PriceEngineResult)2 Document ( Dossier ( ProductSpec (