use of ffx.crystal.Resolution in project ffx by mjschnie.
the class MTZFilter method getReflectionList.
* {@inheritDoc}
public ReflectionList getReflectionList(File mtzFile, CompositeConfiguration properties) {
ByteOrder byteOrder = ByteOrder.nativeOrder();
FileInputStream fileInputStream;
DataInputStream dataInputStream;
try {
fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(mtzFile);
dataInputStream = new DataInputStream(fileInputStream);
byte[] headerOffset = new byte[4];
byte[] bytes = new byte[80];
int offset = 0;
// Eat "MTZ" title., offset, 4);
String mtzstr = new String(bytes);
// Header offset., offset, 4);
// Machine stamp., offset, 4);
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes);
int stamp = byteBuffer.order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN).getInt();
String stampstr = Integer.toHexString(stamp);
switch(stampstr.charAt(0)) {
case '1':
case '3':
if (byteOrder.equals(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN)) {
byteOrder = ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN;
case '4':
if (byteOrder.equals(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN)) {
byteOrder = ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN;
byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(headerOffset);
int headerOffsetI = byteBuffer.order(byteOrder).getInt();
// skip to header and parse
dataInputStream.skipBytes((headerOffsetI - 4) * 4);
for (Boolean parsing = true; parsing;, offset, 80)) {
mtzstr = new String(bytes);
parsing = parseHeader(mtzstr);
} catch (EOFException e) {
String message = " MTZ end of file reached.";
logger.log(Level.WARNING, message, e);
return null;
} catch (IOException e) {
String message = " MTZ IO exception.";
logger.log(Level.WARNING, message, e);
return null;
// column identifiers
foString = sigFoString = rFreeString = null;
if (properties != null) {
foString = properties.getString("fostring", null);
sigFoString = properties.getString("sigfostring", null);
rFreeString = properties.getString("rfreestring", null);
h = k = l = fo = sigFo = rFree = -1;
fPlus = sigFPlus = fMinus = sigFMinus = rFreePlus = rFreeMinus = -1;
fc = phiC = -1;
boolean print = false;
if (fo < 0 && fPlus < 0 && sigFo < 0 && sigFPlus < 0 && fc < 0 && phiC < 0) {" The MTZ header contains insufficient information to generate the reflection list.");" For non-default column labels set fostring/sigfostring in the properties file.");
return null;
Column column;
if (fo > 0) {
column = (Column) columns.get(fo);
} else if (fPlus > 0) {
column = (Column) columns.get(fPlus);
} else {
column = (Column) columns.get(fc);
Dataset dataSet = (Dataset) dataSets.get( - dsetOffset);
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(format("\n Reading %s\n\n", mtzFile.getName()));
sb.append(format(" Setting up reflection list based on MTZ file.\n"));
sb.append(format(" Space group number: %d (name: %s)\n", spaceGroupNum, SpaceGroup.spaceGroupNames[spaceGroupNum - 1]));
sb.append(format(" Resolution: %8.3f\n", 0.999999 * resHigh));
sb.append(format(" Cell: %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f\n", dataSet.cell[0], dataSet.cell[1], dataSet.cell[2], dataSet.cell[3], dataSet.cell[4], dataSet.cell[5]));;
Crystal crystal = new Crystal(dataSet.cell[0], dataSet.cell[1], dataSet.cell[2], dataSet.cell[3], dataSet.cell[4], dataSet.cell[5], SpaceGroup.spaceGroupNames[spaceGroupNum - 1]);
double sampling = 0.6;
if (properties != null) {
sampling = properties.getDouble("sampling", 0.6);
Resolution resolution = new Resolution(0.999999 * resHigh, sampling);
return new ReflectionList(crystal, resolution, properties);
use of ffx.crystal.Resolution in project ffx by mjschnie.
the class CrystalReciprocalSpaceTest method test1N7SPermanent.
* Test of permanent method, of class CrystalReciprocalSpace.
public void test1N7SPermanent() {
String filename = "ffx/xray/structures/1N7S.pdb";
int index = filename.lastIndexOf(".");
String name = filename.substring(0, index);
// load the structure
ClassLoader cl = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
File structure = new File(cl.getResource(filename).getPath());
PotentialsUtils potutil = new PotentialsUtils();
MolecularAssembly mola =;
CompositeConfiguration properties = mola.getProperties();
Crystal crystal = new Crystal(39.767, 51.750, 132.938, 90.00, 90.00, 90.00, "P212121");
Resolution resolution = new Resolution(1.45);
ReflectionList reflectionList = new ReflectionList(crystal, resolution);
DiffractionRefinementData refinementData = new DiffractionRefinementData(properties, reflectionList);
mola.finalize(true, mola.getForceField());
ForceFieldEnergy energy = mola.getPotentialEnergy();
List<Atom> atomList = mola.getAtomList();
Atom[] atomArray = atomList.toArray(new Atom[atomList.size()]);
// set up FFT and run it
ParallelTeam parallelTeam = new ParallelTeam();
CrystalReciprocalSpace crs = new CrystalReciprocalSpace(reflectionList, atomArray, parallelTeam, parallelTeam);
// tests
ComplexNumber b = new ComplexNumber(-828.584, -922.704);
HKL hkl = reflectionList.getHKL(1, 1, 4);
ComplexNumber a = refinementData.getFc(hkl.index());
System.out.println("1 1 4: " + a.toString() + " | " + b.toString() + " | " + a.divides(b).toString());
assertEquals("1 1 4 reflection should be correct", -753.4722104328416,, 0.0001);
assertEquals("1 1 4 reflection should be correct", -1012.1341308707799,, 0.0001);;;
hkl = reflectionList.getHKL(2, 1, 10);
a = refinementData.getFc(hkl.index());
System.out.println("2 1 10: " + a.toString() + " | " + b.toString() + " | " + a.divides(b).toString());
assertEquals("2 1 10 reflection should be correct", -69.39660884054359,, 0.0001);
assertEquals("2 1 10 reflection should be correct", -412.0147625765328,, 0.0001);
use of ffx.crystal.Resolution in project ffx by mjschnie.
the class CIFFilter method getReflectionList.
* {@inheritDoc}
public ReflectionList getReflectionList(File cifFile, CompositeConfiguration properties) {
try {
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(cifFile));
String string;
while ((string = br.readLine()) != null) {
// Reached reflections, break.
if (string.startsWith("_refln.")) {
String[] strArray = string.split("\\s+");
if (strArray[0].startsWith("_reflns") || strArray[0].startsWith("_cell") || strArray[0].startsWith("_symmetry")) {
String[] cifArray = strArray[0].split("\\.+");
switch(Header.toHeader(cifArray[1])) {
case d_resolution_high:
resHigh = Double.parseDouble(strArray[1]);
case number_all:
nAll = Integer.parseInt(strArray[1]);
case number_obs:
nObs = Integer.parseInt(strArray[1]);
case length_a:
cell[0] = Double.parseDouble(strArray[1]);
case length_b:
cell[1] = Double.parseDouble(strArray[1]);
case length_c:
cell[2] = Double.parseDouble(strArray[1]);
case angle_alpha:
cell[3] = Double.parseDouble(strArray[1]);
case angle_beta:
cell[4] = Double.parseDouble(strArray[1]);
case angle_gamma:
cell[5] = Double.parseDouble(strArray[1]);
case Int_Tables_number:
spacegroupNum = Integer.parseInt(strArray[1]);
case space_group_name_H_M:
String[] spacegroupNameArray = string.split("'+");
if (spacegroupNameArray.length > 1) {
spacegroupName = spacegroupNameArray[1];
} else if (strArray.length > 1) {
spacegroupName = strArray[1];
} catch (IOException e) {
String message = " CIF IO Exception.";
logger.log(Level.WARNING, message, e);
return null;
if (spacegroupNum < 0 && spacegroupName != null) {
spacegroupNum = SpaceGroup.spaceGroupNumber(SpaceGroup.pdb2ShortName(spacegroupName));
if (spacegroupNum < 0 || resHigh < 0 || cell[0] < 0) {" The CIF header contains insufficient information to generate the reflection list.");
return null;
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(String.format("\nOpening %s\n", cifFile.getName()));
sb.append(String.format("setting up Reflection List based on CIF:\n"));
sb.append(String.format(" spacegroup #: %d (name: %s)\n", spacegroupNum, SpaceGroup.spaceGroupNames[spacegroupNum - 1]));
sb.append(String.format(" resolution: %8.3f\n", 0.999999 * resHigh));
sb.append(String.format(" cell: %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f\n", cell[0], cell[1], cell[2], cell[3], cell[4], cell[5]));
sb.append(String.format("\n CIF # HKL (observed): %d\n", nObs));
sb.append(String.format(" CIF # HKL (all): %d\n", nAll));;
Crystal crystal = new Crystal(cell[0], cell[1], cell[2], cell[3], cell[4], cell[5], SpaceGroup.spaceGroupNames[spacegroupNum - 1]);
double sampling = 1.0 / 1.5;
if (properties != null) {
sampling = properties.getDouble("sampling", 1.0 / 1.5);
Resolution resolution = new Resolution(0.999999 * resHigh, sampling);
ReflectionList reflectionlist = new ReflectionList(crystal, resolution, properties);
return reflectionlist;
use of ffx.crystal.Resolution in project ffx by mjschnie.
the class CNSFilter method getReflectionList.
* {@inheritDoc}
public ReflectionList getReflectionList(File cnsFile, CompositeConfiguration properties) {
try {
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(cnsFile));
String string;
while ((string = br.readLine()) != null) {
String[] strArray = string.split("\\s+");
if (strArray[0].equalsIgnoreCase("{")) {
if (strArray[1].toLowerCase().startsWith("sg=")) {
spaceGroupName = strArray[1].substring(3);
cell[0] = parseDouble(strArray[2].substring(2));
cell[1] = parseDouble(strArray[3].substring(2));
cell[2] = parseDouble(strArray[4].substring(2));
cell[3] = parseDouble(strArray[5].substring(6));
cell[4] = parseDouble(strArray[6].substring(5));
cell[5] = parseDouble(strArray[7].substring(6));
} else if (strArray[0].equalsIgnoreCase("CRYST1")) {
cell[0] = parseDouble(strArray[1]);
cell[1] = parseDouble(strArray[2]);
cell[2] = parseDouble(strArray[3]);
cell[3] = parseDouble(strArray[4]);
cell[4] = parseDouble(strArray[5]);
cell[5] = parseDouble(strArray[6]);
spaceGroupName = SpaceGroup.pdb2ShortName(string.substring(55, 65));
} else if (strArray[0].toLowerCase().startsWith("inde")) {
} catch (IOException e) {
String message = " CNS IO Exception.";
logger.log(Level.WARNING, message, e);
return null;
Resolution resolution = null;
if (properties != null) {
resolution = Resolution.checkProperties(properties);
resHigh = resolution.resolution;
if (spaceGroupName != null) {
spaceGroupNum = SpaceGroup.spaceGroupNumber(spaceGroupName);
if (spaceGroupNum < 0 || cell[0] < 0 || resolution == null) {" The CNS file contains insufficient information to generate the reflection list.");
return null;
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(format("\n Opening %s\n", cnsFile.getName()));
sb.append(format(" Setting up Reflection List based on CNS:\n"));
sb.append(format(" Spacegroup #: %d (name: %s)\n", spaceGroupNum, SpaceGroup.spaceGroupNames[spaceGroupNum - 1]));
sb.append(format(" Resolution: %8.3f\n", resHigh));
sb.append(format(" Cell: %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f\n", cell[0], cell[1], cell[2], cell[3], cell[4], cell[5]));;
Crystal crystal = new Crystal(cell[0], cell[1], cell[2], cell[3], cell[4], cell[5], SpaceGroup.spaceGroupNames[spaceGroupNum - 1]);
ReflectionList reflectionlist = new ReflectionList(crystal, resolution, properties);
return reflectionlist;
use of ffx.crystal.Resolution in project ffx by mjschnie.
the class CrystalReciprocalSpaceTest method test1NSFPermanent.
public void test1NSFPermanent() {
String filename = "ffx/xray/structures/1NSF.pdb";
int index = filename.lastIndexOf(".");
String name = filename.substring(0, index);
// load the structure
ClassLoader cl = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
File structure = new File(cl.getResource(filename).getPath());
// load any properties associated with it
CompositeConfiguration properties = Keyword.loadProperties(structure);
Crystal crystal = new Crystal(115.996, 115.996, 44.13, 90.0, 90.0, 120.0, "P6");
Resolution resolution = new Resolution(1.89631);
ReflectionList reflectionList = new ReflectionList(crystal, resolution);
DiffractionRefinementData refinementData = new DiffractionRefinementData(properties, reflectionList);
ForceFieldFilter forceFieldFilter = new ForceFieldFilter(properties);
ForceField forceField = forceFieldFilter.parse();
// associate molecular assembly with the structure, set up forcefield
MolecularAssembly molecularAssembly = new MolecularAssembly(name);
PDBFilter pdbFile = new PDBFilter(structure, molecularAssembly, forceField, properties);
molecularAssembly.finalize(true, forceField);
ForceFieldEnergy energy = ForceFieldEnergy.energyFactory(molecularAssembly, pdbFile.getCoordRestraints());
List<Atom> atomList = molecularAssembly.getAtomList();
Atom[] atomArray = atomList.toArray(new Atom[atomList.size()]);
// set up FFT and run it
ParallelTeam parallelTeam = new ParallelTeam();
CrystalReciprocalSpace crs = new CrystalReciprocalSpace(reflectionList, atomArray, parallelTeam, parallelTeam);
// tests
ComplexNumber b = new ComplexNumber(-496.999, 431.817);
HKL hkl = reflectionList.getHKL(1, 9, 4);
ComplexNumber a = refinementData.getFc(hkl.index());
System.out.println("1 9 4: " + a.toString() + " | " + b.toString() + " | " + a.divides(b).toString());
assertEquals("1 9 4 reflection should be correct", -493.7799429881329,, 0.0001);
assertEquals("1 9 4 reflection should be correct", 460.7022632345927,, 0.0001);;;
hkl = reflectionList.getHKL(5, 26, 8);
a = refinementData.getFc(hkl.index());
System.out.println("5 26 8: " + a.toString() + " | " + b.toString() + " | " + a.divides(b).toString());
assertEquals("5 26 8 reflection should be correct", -123.05535567943377,, 0.0001);
assertEquals("5 26 8 reflection should be correct", -74.59007322382718,, 0.0001);