use of ffx.potential.parameters.TorsionType in project ffx by mjschnie.
the class ForceFieldEnergyOpenMM method addTorsionForce.
private void addTorsionForce() {
Torsion[] torsions = super.getTorsions();
if (torsions == null || torsions.length < 1) {
int nTorsions = torsions.length;
amoebaTorsionForce = OpenMM_PeriodicTorsionForce_create();
for (int i = 0; i < nTorsions; i++) {
Torsion torsion = torsions[i];
int a1 = torsion.getAtom(0).getXyzIndex() - 1;
int a2 = torsion.getAtom(1).getXyzIndex() - 1;
int a3 = torsion.getAtom(2).getXyzIndex() - 1;
int a4 = torsion.getAtom(3).getXyzIndex() - 1;
TorsionType torsionType = torsion.torsionType;
int nTerms = torsionType.phase.length;
for (int j = 0; j < nTerms; j++) {
OpenMM_PeriodicTorsionForce_addTorsion(amoebaTorsionForce, a1, a2, a3, a4, j + 1, torsionType.phase[j] * OpenMM_RadiansPerDegree, OpenMM_KJPerKcal * torsion.units * torsionType.amplitude[j]);
OpenMM_System_addForce(system, amoebaTorsionForce);
logger.log(Level.INFO, " Added Torsions ({0})", nTorsions);
use of ffx.potential.parameters.TorsionType in project ffx by mjschnie.
the class Torsion method torsionFactory.
* Attempt to create a new Torsion based on the supplied bonds. There is no
* error checking to enforce that the bonds make up a linear series of 4
* bonded atoms.
* @param bond1 the first Bond.
* @param middleBond the middle Bond.
* @param bond3 the last Bond.
* @param forceField the ForceField parameters to apply.
* @return a new Torsion, or null.
public static Torsion torsionFactory(Bond bond1, Bond middleBond, Bond bond3, ForceField forceField) {
Atom atom1 = middleBond.getAtom(0);
Atom atom2 = middleBond.getAtom(1);
int[] c = new int[4];
c[0] = bond1.getOtherAtom(middleBond).getAtomType().atomClass;
c[1] = atom1.getAtomType().atomClass;
c[2] = atom2.getAtomType().atomClass;
c[3] = bond3.getOtherAtom(middleBond).getAtomType().atomClass;
String key = TorsionType.sortKey(c);
TorsionType torsionType = forceField.getTorsionType(key);
if (torsionType == null) {
c[0] = bond1.getOtherAtom(middleBond).getAtomType().atomClass;
c[1] = atom1.getAtomType().atomClass;
c[2] = atom2.getAtomType().atomClass;
c[3] = 0;
key = TorsionType.sortKey(c);
torsionType = forceField.getTorsionType(key);
if (torsionType == null) {
c[0] = 0;
c[1] = atom1.getAtomType().atomClass;
c[2] = atom2.getAtomType().atomClass;
c[3] = bond3.getOtherAtom(middleBond).getAtomType().atomClass;
key = TorsionType.sortKey(c);
torsionType = forceField.getTorsionType(key);
if (torsionType == null) {
c[0] = 0;
c[1] = atom1.getAtomType().atomClass;
c[2] = atom2.getAtomType().atomClass;
c[3] = 0;
key = TorsionType.sortKey(c);
torsionType = forceField.getTorsionType(key);
if (torsionType == null) {
c[0] = bond1.getOtherAtom(middleBond).getAtomType().atomClass;
c[1] = atom1.getAtomType().atomClass;
c[2] = atom2.getAtomType().atomClass;
c[3] = bond3.getOtherAtom(middleBond).getAtomType().atomClass;
key = TorsionType.sortKey(c);
logger.severe(format("No TorsionType for key: %s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n", key, bond1.toString(), middleBond.toString(), bond3.toString()));
return null;
Torsion torsion = new Torsion(bond1, middleBond, bond3);
torsion.torsionType = torsionType;
torsion.units = forceField.getDouble(ForceField.ForceFieldDouble.TORSIONUNIT, 0.5);
return torsion;
use of ffx.potential.parameters.TorsionType in project ffx by mjschnie.
the class MultiTerminus method updateBondedTerms.
private void updateBondedTerms() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(String.format("Updating bonded terms: \n"));
List<ROLS> bonds = getBondList();
for (int i = 0; i < bonds.size(); i++) {
Bond bond = (Bond) bonds.get(i);
BondType oldType = bond.bondType;
int[] c = new int[2];
c[0] = bond.atoms[0].getAtomType().atomClass;
c[1] = bond.atoms[1].getAtomType().atomClass;
String key = BondType.sortKey(c);
BondType newType = forceField.getBondType(key);
if (oldType != newType) {
sb.append(String.format(" Bond: %s --> %s \n", bond.bondType, newType));
if (newType.distance < 0.9 * oldType.distance || newType.distance > 1.1 * oldType.distance) {" Large bond distance change: %s %s, %.2f --> %.2f ", bond.atoms[0].describe(Atom.Descriptions.XyzIndex_Name), bond.atoms[1].describe(Atom.Descriptions.XyzIndex_Name), oldType.distance, newType.distance));
List<ROLS> angles = getAngleList();
for (int i = 0; i < angles.size(); i++) {
Angle angle = (Angle) angles.get(i);
AngleType oldType = angle.angleType;
if (DEBUG) {" %d ( %s %s %s ) ( %d %d %d )", i, angle.atoms[0].describe(Atom.Descriptions.XyzIndex_Name), angle.atoms[1].describe(Atom.Descriptions.XyzIndex_Name), angle.atoms[2].describe(Atom.Descriptions.XyzIndex_Name), angle.atoms[0].getAtomType().atomClass, angle.atoms[1].getAtomType().atomClass, angle.atoms[2].getAtomType().atomClass));
Angle dummy = Angle.angleFactory(angle.bonds[0], angle.bonds[1], forceField);
AngleType newType = dummy.angleType;
if (oldType != newType) {
sb.append(String.format(" Angle: %s --> %s \n", angle.angleType, dummy.angleType));
if (newType.angle[0] < 0.9 * oldType.angle[0] || newType.angle[0] > 1.1 * oldType.angle[0]) {" Large angle change: %s %s %s, %.2f --> %.2f ", angle.atoms[0].describe(Atom.Descriptions.XyzIndex_Name), angle.atoms[1].describe(Atom.Descriptions.XyzIndex_Name), angle.atoms[2].describe(Atom.Descriptions.XyzIndex_Name), oldType.angle[0], newType.angle[0]));
List<ROLS> torsions = getTorsionList();
for (int i = 0; i < torsions.size(); i++) {
Torsion tors = (Torsion) torsions.get(i);
TorsionType oldType = tors.torsionType;
Torsion dummy = Torsion.torsionFactory(tors.bonds[0], tors.bonds[1], tors.bonds[2], forceField);
TorsionType newType = dummy.torsionType;
if (oldType != newType) {
sb.append(String.format(" Torsion: %s --> %s \n", tors.torsionType, dummy.torsionType));
tors.torsionType = dummy.torsionType;
if (DEBUG) {;
use of ffx.potential.parameters.TorsionType in project ffx by mjschnie.
the class ForceFieldFilter method parseTorsion.
private void parseTorsion(String input, String[] tokens) {
if (tokens.length < 5) {
logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Invalid TORSION type:\n{0}", input);
try {
int[] atomClasses = new int[4];
atomClasses[0] = Integer.parseInt(tokens[1]);
atomClasses[1] = Integer.parseInt(tokens[2]);
atomClasses[2] = Integer.parseInt(tokens[3]);
atomClasses[3] = Integer.parseInt(tokens[4]);
int terms = (tokens.length - 5) / 3;
double[] amplitude = new double[terms];
double[] phase = new double[terms];
int[] periodicity = new int[terms];
int index = 5;
for (int i = 0; i < terms; i++) {
amplitude[i] = Double.parseDouble(tokens[index++]);
phase[i] = Double.parseDouble(tokens[index++]);
periodicity[i] = Integer.parseInt(tokens[index++]);
if (torsionScale > 0.0) {
amplitude[i] = amplitude[i] * torsionScale;
TorsionType torsionType = new TorsionType(atomClasses, amplitude, phase, periodicity);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
String message = "Exception parsing TORSION type:\n" + input + "\n";
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, message, e);