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Example 1 with MssException

use of fi.laverca.mss.MssException in project laverca by laverca.

the class ClientBase method initializeTask.

 * Initializes a FutureTask for polling for the signature via StatusRequests.
 * This is used by {@link #call(MssRequest, ResponseHandler)}.
 * @param req     The request object to send
 * @param sigResp A response to the original signature request
 * @param handler A response handler for receiving asynch responses.
 * @return A FutureTask wrapping the StatusRequest poll logic
 * @throws IOException if an HTTP communication error occurs or if the service returns a SOAP Fault
protected FutureTask<Resp> initializeTask(final Req req, final MSSSignatureResp sigResp, final ResponseHandler<Req, Resp> handler) throws IOException {
    Callable<Resp> callable = new Callable<Resp>() {

        public Resp call() throws Exception {
            long timeout = ClientBase.this.timeout;
            long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
            // Note that the transaction generally times out at the server at 180 s
            long deadline = now + timeout;
            Resp resp = null;
            ProgressUpdate update = new ProgressUpdate(timeout, now);
            MSSStatusResp statResp = null;
            long waitPeriod = ClientBase.this.initialWait;
            while (true) {
                // Sleep for the rest of the interval
                long timeToWait = waitPeriod - (System.currentTimeMillis() - now);
                if (timeToWait > 0)
                now = System.currentTimeMillis();
                waitPeriod = ClientBase.this.subsequentWait;
                if (now > deadline) {
                    log.trace("Timed out");
                    handler.onError(req, new MssException("Timed out"));
                MSSStatusReq statReq = null;
                try {
                    statReq = ClientBase.this.mssClient.createStatusRequest(sigResp, req.sigReq.getAPInfo().getAPTransID());
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    log.trace("Failed creating status request", t);
                    handler.onError(req, t);
                try {
                    log.trace("Sending statReq");
                    statResp = ClientBase.this.mssClient.send(statReq);
                    log.trace("Got statResp");
                    resp = ClientBase.this.createResp(req.sigReq, sigResp, statResp);
                    boolean done = isDone(resp);
                    boolean batchSignDone = resp.isBatchSignatureComplete();
                    long statusCode = parseStatus(statResp.getStatus());
                    if (StatusCodes.OUTSTANDING_TRANSACTION.equals(statusCode) || !batchSignDone) {
                        log.trace("Got an outstanding Status Response. Continuing to wait for a final answer.");
                        handler.onOutstandingProgress(req, update);
                    } else if (done) {
              "Got a final Status Response. Ending the wait.");
                        handler.onResponse(req, resp);
                    } else {
                        log.warn("Got an abnormal Status Response. (" + statusCode + ") Ending the wait.");
                        MssException fe = new MssException("Abnormal status code " + statusCode);
                        handler.onError(req, fe);
                } catch (AxisFault af) {
                    log.trace("Got SOAP fault", af);
                    handler.onError(req, af);
                } catch (IOException ioe) {
                    log.trace("Got IOException", ioe);
                    throw ioe;
            return resp;
    return new FutureTask<Resp>(callable);
Also used : AxisFault(org.apache.axis.AxisFault) MssException(fi.laverca.mss.MssException) IOException( Callable(java.util.concurrent.Callable) MSSStatusReq(fi.laverca.jaxb.mss.MSSStatusReq) MSSStatusResp(fi.laverca.jaxb.mss.MSSStatusResp) FutureTask(java.util.concurrent.FutureTask) MSSSignatureResp(fi.laverca.jaxb.mss.MSSSignatureResp) MSSReceiptResp(fi.laverca.jaxb.mss.MSSReceiptResp) MSSStatusResp(fi.laverca.jaxb.mss.MSSStatusResp)

Example 2 with MssException

use of fi.laverca.mss.MssException in project laverca by laverca.

the class CmsSignature method getSignerCerts.

 * Read the certificates used to sign a PKCS7 SignedData.
 * @param sd PKCS7 SignedData
 * @return List of X509 certificates
 * @throws MssException if no certificate or signer info is found from the data
public static List<X509Certificate> getSignerCerts(final SignedData sd) throws MssException {
    // 0. Setup.
    if (sd == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("null input");
    List<X509Certificate> signerCerts = new ArrayList<X509Certificate>();
    // 1. Read PKCS7.Certificates to get all possible certs.
    log.debug("Read all certs");
    List<X509Certificate> certs = readCerts(sd);
    if (certs.isEmpty()) {
        throw new MssException("PKCS7 SignedData certificates not found");
    // 2. Read PKCS7.SignerInfo to get all signers.
    log.debug("Read SignerInfo");
    List<SignerInfo> signerInfos = readSignerInfos(sd);
    if (signerInfos.isEmpty()) {
        throw new MssException("PKCS7 SignedData signerInfo not found");
    // 3. Verify that signerInfo cert details match the cert on hand
    log.debug("Matching cert and SignerInfo details");
    for (SignerInfo si : signerInfos) {
        for (X509Certificate c : certs) {
            String siIssuer = readIssuer(si);
            String siSerial = readSerial(si);
            String cIssuer = c.getIssuerDN().toString();
            String cSerial = c.getSerialNumber().toString();
            if (dnsEqual(siIssuer, cIssuer) && siSerial.equals(cSerial)) {
                log.debug("Cert does match signerInfo");
                log.debug("SignerInfo   issuer:serial = " + siIssuer + ":" + siSerial);
                log.debug("Certificates issuer:serial = " + cIssuer + ":" + cSerial);
            } else {
                log.debug("Cert does not match signerInfo");
                log.debug("SignerInfo   issuer:serial = " + siIssuer + ":" + siSerial);
                log.debug("Certificates issuer:serial = " + cIssuer + ":" + cSerial);
    // 4. Return the list.
    log.debug("Returning " + signerCerts.size() + " certs");
    return signerCerts;
Also used : SignerInfo(org.bouncycastle.asn1.pkcs.SignerInfo) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) MssException(fi.laverca.mss.MssException) X509Certificate(

Example 3 with MssException

use of fi.laverca.mss.MssException in project laverca by laverca.

the class CmsSignature method getSignerCert.

 * Look up the certificate of the signer of this signature.
 * <p>Note that this only looks up the <b>first signer</b>. In MSSP signatures,
 * there is only one, but in a general Pkcs7 case, there can be several.
 * @return X509 signer certificate
 * @throws MssException if the amount of signer certificates found is not equal to one
public X509Certificate getSignerCert() throws MssException {
    List<X509Certificate> allSignerCerts = getSignerCerts(this._sd);
    int certsFound = allSignerCerts.size();
    if (certsFound < 1) {
        throw new MssException("Signer cert not found.");
    } else if (certsFound > 1) {
        throw new MssException("Expected a single signer cert but found " + certsFound + ".");
    return allSignerCerts.get(0);
Also used : MssException(fi.laverca.mss.MssException) X509Certificate(


MssException (fi.laverca.mss.MssException)3 X509Certificate ( MSSReceiptResp (fi.laverca.jaxb.mss.MSSReceiptResp)1 MSSSignatureResp (fi.laverca.jaxb.mss.MSSSignatureResp)1 MSSStatusReq (fi.laverca.jaxb.mss.MSSStatusReq)1 MSSStatusResp (fi.laverca.jaxb.mss.MSSStatusResp)1 IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 Callable (java.util.concurrent.Callable)1 FutureTask (java.util.concurrent.FutureTask)1 AxisFault (org.apache.axis.AxisFault)1 SignerInfo (org.bouncycastle.asn1.pkcs.SignerInfo)1