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Example 1 with Job

use of fr.inria.jtravis.entities.Job in project repairnator by Spirals-Team.

the class InspectJobs method run.

public void run() {
    LOGGER.debug("Start running inspect Jobs...");
    if (sleepTime == -1) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Sleep time has to be set before running this.");
    while (!shouldStop) {
        List<Job> jobList = JobHelper.getJobList();
        if (jobList != null) {
  "Retrieved " + jobList.size() + " jobs");
            for (Job job : jobList) {
                if (this.rtScanner.isRepositoryInteresting(job.getRepositoryId())) {
        if (this.rtScanner.getInspectBuilds().maxSubmittedBuildsReached() || jobList == null) {
            LOGGER.debug("Max number of submitted builds reached. Sleep for " + sleepTime + " seconds.");
            try {
                Thread.sleep(sleepTime * 1000);
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    }"This will now stop.");
Also used : Job(fr.inria.jtravis.entities.Job)

Example 2 with Job

use of fr.inria.jtravis.entities.Job in project repairnator by Spirals-Team.

the class RTScanner method submitBuildToExecution.

public void submitBuildToExecution(Build build) {
    boolean failing = false;
    List<Job> jobs = build.getJobs();
    if (jobs != null) {
        for (Job job : jobs) {
            Log jobLog = job.getLog();
            if (jobLog != null && jobLog.getTestsInformation() != null && (jobLog.getTestsInformation().getErrored() >= 0 || jobLog.getTestsInformation().getFailing() >= 0)) {
                failing = true;
    if (failing) {"Failing or erroring tests has been found in build (id: " + build.getId() + ")");
    } else {"No failing or erroring test has been found in build (id: " + build.getId() + ")");
Also used : Log(fr.inria.jtravis.entities.Log) Job(fr.inria.jtravis.entities.Job)

Example 3 with Job

use of fr.inria.jtravis.entities.Job in project repairnator by Spirals-Team.

the class RTScanner method isRepositoryInteresting.

public boolean isRepositoryInteresting(int repositoryId) {
    if (this.blackListedRepository.contains(repositoryId)) {
        // LOGGER.debug("Repo already blacklisted (id: "+repositoryId+")");
        return false;
    if (this.whiteListedRepository.contains(repositoryId)) {
        // LOGGER.debug("Repo already whitelisted (id: "+repositoryId+")");
        return true;
    if (this.tempBlackList.containsKey(repositoryId)) {
        if (this.tempBlackList.get(repositoryId).after(new Date())) {
            return false;
        } else {
    Repository repository = RepositoryHelper.getRepositoryFromId(repositoryId);
    if (repository != null) {
        Build masterBuild = BuildHelper.getLastSuccessfulBuildFromMaster(repository, false, 5);
        if (masterBuild == null) {
            this.addInTempBlackList(repository, "No successful build found.");
            return false;
        } else {
            if (masterBuild.getConfig().getLanguage() == null || !masterBuild.getConfig().getLanguage().equals("java")) {
                this.addInBlacklistRepository(repository, BlacklistedSerializer.Reason.OTHER_LANGUAGE, masterBuild.getConfig().getLanguage());
                return false;
            if (masterBuild.getBuildTool() == BuildTool.GRADLE) {
                this.addInBlacklistRepository(repository, BlacklistedSerializer.Reason.USE_GRADLE, "");
                return false;
            } else if (masterBuild.getBuildTool() == BuildTool.UNKNOWN) {
                this.addInBlacklistRepository(repository, BlacklistedSerializer.Reason.UNKNOWN_BUILD_TOOL, "");
                return false;
            if (!masterBuild.getJobs().isEmpty()) {
                Job firstJob = masterBuild.getJobs().get(0);
                Log jobLog = firstJob.getLog();
                if (jobLog.getTestsInformation() != null && jobLog.getTestsInformation().getRunning() > 0) {
          "Tests has been found in repository " + repository.getSlug() + " (id: " + repositoryId + ") build (id: " + masterBuild.getId() + "). The repo is now whitelisted.");
                    return true;
                } else {
                    this.addInTempBlackList(repository, "No test found");
            } else {
      "No job found in repository " + repository.getSlug() + " (id: " + repositoryId + ") build (id: " + masterBuild.getId() + "). It is not considered right now.");
    } else {"Repository not found with the following id: " + repositoryId + " it will be temporary blacklisted");
        Date expirationDate = new Date(new Date().toInstant().plusSeconds(DURATION_IN_TEMP_BLACKLIST).toEpochMilli());
        this.tempBlackList.put(repositoryId, expirationDate);
    return false;
Also used : Repository(fr.inria.jtravis.entities.Repository) Log(fr.inria.jtravis.entities.Log) Build(fr.inria.jtravis.entities.Build) Job(fr.inria.jtravis.entities.Job) Date(java.util.Date)


Job (fr.inria.jtravis.entities.Job)3 Log (fr.inria.jtravis.entities.Log)2 Build (fr.inria.jtravis.entities.Build)1 Repository (fr.inria.jtravis.entities.Repository)1 Date (java.util.Date)1