Search in sources :

Example 1 with BaseValue

use of fr.jmmc.aspro.model.oi.BaseValue in project aspro by JMMC-OpenDev.

the class CalibratorInfoTableModel method addFieldValue.

 * Add the field value of the given name to table rows if not null
 * @param calInfos calibrator informations
 * @param name field name
private void addFieldValue(final CalibratorInformations calInfos, final String name) {
    final BaseValue value = calInfos.getField(name);
Also used : BaseValue(fr.jmmc.aspro.model.oi.BaseValue)

Example 2 with BaseValue

use of fr.jmmc.aspro.model.oi.BaseValue in project aspro by JMMC-OpenDev.

the class ObservationManager method defineCalibratorDiameter.

 * Update diameter parameter of uniform disk models for the given list of calibrator targets
 * using their CalibratorInformations (SearchCal) :
 * find correct diameter among UD_ for the observation instrument band
 * or using alternate diameters (in order of priority) : UD, LD, UDDK, DIA12
 * @param calibrators list of calibrator targets
 * @return true if any diameter value changed
public boolean defineCalibratorDiameter(final List<Target> calibrators) {
    boolean changed = false;
    final ObservationSetting observation = getMainObservation();
    // Find instrument band from main observation :
    FocalInstrumentMode insMode = observation.getInstrumentConfiguration().getFocalInstrumentMode();
    if (insMode == null) {
        // use the first instrument mode of the instrument:
        final Vector<String> instrumentModes = ConfigurationManager.getInstance().getInstrumentModes(observation.getInterferometerConfiguration().getName(), observation.getInstrumentConfiguration().getName());
        if (instrumentModes.isEmpty()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("The instrumentMode is empty !");
        insMode = ConfigurationManager.getInstance().getInstrumentMode(observation.getInterferometerConfiguration().getName(), observation.getInstrumentConfiguration().getName(), instrumentModes.get(0));"The instrumentMode is empty; using first instrument Mode {}", insMode.getName());
    final double lambda = insMode.getWaveLength();
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        logger.debug("lambda: {}", lambda);
    final Band band = Band.findBand(lambda);
    final SpectralBand insBand = SpectralBandUtils.findBand(band);
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        logger.debug("band: {}", band);
        logger.debug("insBand: {}", insBand);
    for (Target cal : calibrators) {
        // set disk diameter according to instrument band :
        if (!cal.getModels().isEmpty()) {
            final Model diskModel = cal.getModels().get(0);
            if (ModelDefinition.MODEL_DISK.equals(diskModel.getType())) {
                final Parameter diameterParameter = diskModel.getParameter(ModelDefinition.PARAM_DIAMETER);
                if (diameterParameter != null) {
                    // if UD_<band> diameter is missing, use other values ...
                    final Double udBand = cal.getCalibratorInfos().getUDDiameter(insBand);
                    if (udBand != null) {
                        if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
                  "Define uniform disk diameter for calibrator [" + cal.getName() + "] using diameter UD_" + insBand + " = " + udBand);
                        changed = true;
                    } else {
                        // use alternate diameter (in order of priority) :
                        final BaseValue diam = cal.getCalibratorInfos().getAlternateDiameter();
                        if (diam != null) {
                            if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
                      "Define uniform disk diameter for calibrator [" + cal.getName() + "] using diameter " + diam.getName() + " = " + diam.getValue());
                            changed = true;
                        } else {
                            if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
                      "No diameter available for calibrator [{}], set to 0.0", cal.getName());
                            changed = true;
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        logger.debug("diameter(s) changed: {}", changed);
    return changed;
Also used : SpectralBand(fr.jmmc.aspro.model.oi.SpectralBand) ObservationSetting(fr.jmmc.aspro.model.oi.ObservationSetting) BaseValue(fr.jmmc.aspro.model.oi.BaseValue) FocalInstrumentMode(fr.jmmc.aspro.model.oi.FocalInstrumentMode) Band(fr.jmmc.jmal.Band) SpectralBand(fr.jmmc.aspro.model.oi.SpectralBand) Target(fr.jmmc.aspro.model.oi.Target) Model(fr.jmmc.jmal.model.targetmodel.Model) UserModel(fr.jmmc.aspro.model.oi.UserModel) Parameter(fr.jmmc.jmal.model.targetmodel.Parameter)

Example 3 with BaseValue

use of fr.jmmc.aspro.model.oi.BaseValue in project aspro by JMMC-OpenDev.

the class SearchCalVOTableHandler method processMessage.

 * Process the given votable
 * @param votable votable to process
 * @param searchCalVersion SearchCal GUI version
 * @return true if the votable was processed i.e. contains proper SearchCal data
 * @throws IOException if an I/O exception occured
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the file is not an Observation
static boolean processMessage(final String votable, final String searchCalVersion) throws IOException {
    // use an XSLT to transform the SearchCal votable document to an Aspro 2 Observation:
    final long start = System.nanoTime();
    final String document = XslTransform.transform(votable, XSLT_FILE).trim();"VOTable transformation (XSLT) duration = {} ms.", 1e-6d * (System.nanoTime() - start));
    if (document.length() == 0) {
        logger.debug("document is empty (probably not a SearchCal VOTable)");
        return false;
    logger.debug("document:\n{}", document);
    final ObservationManager om = ObservationManager.getInstance();
    try {
        final ObservationSetting searchCalObservation = om.load(new StringReader(document));
        // check GetStar / SearchCal command:
        final String cmdName = searchCalObservation.getName();
        logger.debug("cmdName: {}", cmdName);
        if (!GET_STAR_NAME.equalsIgnoreCase(cmdName)) {
            // SearchCal case:
            final List<Target> calibrators = searchCalObservation.getTargets();
            final Target scienceTarget;
            if (calibrators.isEmpty()) {
                scienceTarget = null;
            } else {
                // first target is the science target (partial information only):
                scienceTarget = calibrators.remove(0);
                // format the target name:
                logger.debug("science target: {}", scienceTarget);
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    for (Target cal : calibrators) {
                // @note SCIENCE_DISTANCE_CHECK : filter science target if distance is less than science object detection distance preference (1 arcsec):
                for (Iterator<Target> it = calibrators.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
                    final Target cal =;
                    final BaseValue dist = cal.getCalibratorInfos().getField(CalibratorInformations.FIELD_DISTANCE);
                    if (dist != null) {
                        final double rowDistance = dist.getNumber().doubleValue();
                        // If the distance is close enough to be detected as a science object
                        if (rowDistance < SCIENCE_DETECTION_DISTANCE) {
                            if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
                      "calibrator distance is [{}] - skip this calibrator considered as science object: {} - IDS = {}", rowDistance, cal, cal.getIDS());
                            // reuse science target data to update scienceTarget object:
                            Target.merge(scienceTarget, cal);
                // Add the SearchCalGuiVersion parameter to calibrators if missing:
                final StringValue paramSearchCalVersion = new StringValue();
                for (Target cal : calibrators) {
                    if (cal.getCalibratorInfos().getParameter(CalibratorInformations.PARAMETER_SCL_GUI_VERSION) == null) {
            // Use invokeLater to avoid concurrency and ensure that
            // data model is modified and fire events using Swing EDT:
            SwingUtils.invokeEDT(new Runnable() {

                public void run() {
                    // check the number of calibrators:
                    if (calibrators.isEmpty()) {
                        MessagePane.showErrorMessage("No calibrator found in SearchCal response !");
                    if (!TargetImporter.confirmImport(calibrators.size())) {
                    // find correct diameter among UD_ for the Aspro instrument band ...
                    // or using alternate diameters (in order of priority): UD, LD, UDDK, DIA12
                    final TargetEditorDialog targetEditor = TargetEditorDialog.getTargetEditor();
                    // Prepare the data model (editable targets and user infos) :
                    final TargetEditContext editTargetCtx = (targetEditor != null) ? targetEditor.getTargetEditCtx() : om.getMainObservation().createTargetEditContext();
                    final List<Target> editTargets = editTargetCtx.getTargets();
                    final TargetUserInformations editTargetUserInfos = editTargetCtx.getTargetUserInfos();
                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        logger.debug("initial targets:");
                        for (Target t : editTargets) {
                    // Find any target (id + position) within 5 arcsecs:
                    Target currentScienceTarget = Target.matchTarget(scienceTarget, editTargets);
                    if (currentScienceTarget == null) {
              "Target '{}' not found in targets; adding it (partial information).", scienceTarget.getName());
                        currentScienceTarget = scienceTarget;
                    final String report = mergeTargets(editTargets, editTargetUserInfos, currentScienceTarget, calibrators);
                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        logger.debug("updated targets:");
                        for (Target t : editTargets) {
                    if (targetEditor != null) {
                        // refresh target editor:
                    } else {
                        // update the complete list of targets and force to update references:
                        // needed to replace old target references by the new calibrator targets:
                    if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
                    // display report message:
        } else {
            // GetStar case:
            final List<Target> targets = searchCalObservation.getTargets();
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                for (Target t : targets) {
            // Use invokeLater to avoid concurrency and ensure that
            // data model is modified and fire events using Swing EDT:
            SwingUtils.invokeEDT(new Runnable() {

                public void run() {
                    // check the number of targets:
                    if (targets.isEmpty()) {
                        MessagePane.showErrorMessage("No target found in GetStar response !");
                    if (!TargetImporter.confirmImport(targets.size())) {
                    // find correct diameter among UD_ for the Aspro instrument band ...
                    // or using alternate diameters (in order of priority): UD, LD, UDDK, DIA12
                    final TargetEditorDialog targetEditor = TargetEditorDialog.getTargetEditor();
                    // Prepare the data model (editable targets and user infos) :
                    final TargetEditContext editTargetCtx = (targetEditor != null) ? targetEditor.getTargetEditCtx() : om.getMainObservation().createTargetEditContext();
                    final List<Target> editTargets = editTargetCtx.getTargets();
                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        logger.debug("initial targets:");
                        for (Target t : editTargets) {
                    final String report = mergeTargets(editTargets, targets);
                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        logger.debug("updated targets:");
                        for (Target t : editTargets) {
                    if (targetEditor != null) {
                        // refresh target editor:
                    } else {
                        // update the complete list of targets and force to update references:
                        // needed to replace old target references by the new calibrator targets:
                    if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
                    // display report message:
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
        // Report both Observation and VOTable in a new IllegalArgumentException to get them in the feedback report:
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid generated Aspro2 Observation:\n\n" + document + "\n\nSAMP VOTable argument:\n\n" + votable, iae);
    // interpreted as SearchCal votable:
    return true;
Also used : ObservationSetting(fr.jmmc.aspro.model.oi.ObservationSetting) BaseValue(fr.jmmc.aspro.model.oi.BaseValue) ObservationManager(fr.jmmc.aspro.model.ObservationManager) Target(fr.jmmc.aspro.model.oi.Target) TargetEditContext(fr.jmmc.aspro.model.TargetEditContext) StringReader( List(java.util.List) TargetUserInformations(fr.jmmc.aspro.model.oi.TargetUserInformations) StringValue(fr.jmmc.aspro.model.oi.StringValue) TargetEditorDialog(fr.jmmc.aspro.gui.TargetEditorDialog)

Example 4 with BaseValue

use of fr.jmmc.aspro.model.oi.BaseValue in project aspro by JMMC-OpenDev.

the class CalibratorInfoTableModel method processData.

 * Fill the table data members using the given calibrator informations
 * @param calInfos calibrator informations
private void processData(final CalibratorInformations calInfos) {
    if (calInfos != null) {
        final java.util.HashSet<String> usedNames = new java.util.HashSet<String>(64);
        // First add parameters :
        for (String name : CalibratorInformations.PARAMETERS_SCL) {
            addParameterValue(calInfos, name);
        // add remaining parameters:
        for (BaseValue value : calInfos.getParameters()) {
            if (!usedNames.contains(value.getName())) {
        // Secondly add fields :
        for (String name : CalibratorInformations.FIELDS_SCL) {
            addFieldValue(calInfos, name);
        // add remaining fields:
        for (BaseValue value : calInfos.getFields()) {
            if (!usedNames.contains(value.getName())) {
Also used : BaseValue(fr.jmmc.aspro.model.oi.BaseValue)

Example 5 with BaseValue

use of fr.jmmc.aspro.model.oi.BaseValue in project aspro by JMMC-OpenDev.

the class CalibratorInfoTableModel method addParameterValue.

 * Add the parameter value of the given name to table rows if not null
 * @param calInfos calibrator informations
 * @param name parameter name
private void addParameterValue(final CalibratorInformations calInfos, final String name) {
    final BaseValue value = calInfos.getParameter(name);
Also used : BaseValue(fr.jmmc.aspro.model.oi.BaseValue)


BaseValue (fr.jmmc.aspro.model.oi.BaseValue)5 ObservationSetting (fr.jmmc.aspro.model.oi.ObservationSetting)2 Target (fr.jmmc.aspro.model.oi.Target)2 TargetEditorDialog (fr.jmmc.aspro.gui.TargetEditorDialog)1 ObservationManager (fr.jmmc.aspro.model.ObservationManager)1 TargetEditContext (fr.jmmc.aspro.model.TargetEditContext)1 FocalInstrumentMode (fr.jmmc.aspro.model.oi.FocalInstrumentMode)1 SpectralBand (fr.jmmc.aspro.model.oi.SpectralBand)1 StringValue (fr.jmmc.aspro.model.oi.StringValue)1 TargetUserInformations (fr.jmmc.aspro.model.oi.TargetUserInformations)1 UserModel (fr.jmmc.aspro.model.oi.UserModel)1 Band (fr.jmmc.jmal.Band)1 Model (fr.jmmc.jmal.model.targetmodel.Model)1 Parameter (fr.jmmc.jmal.model.targetmodel.Parameter)1 StringReader ( List (java.util.List)1