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Example 1 with Ag

use of in project ITSTools by lip6.

the class CTLSimplifier method evalInInitial.

 * This function is an implementation of the Initial states simplification strategy proposed in Section 3
 * of the paper : Simplification of CTL Formulae for Efficient Model Checking of Petri Nets
 * Published at IC PetriNets'2018
 * By Bonneland, et al. of Jiri Srba's group working on Tapaal.
private static int evalInInitial(BooleanExpression predicate) {
    if (predicate instanceof True) {
        return 1;
    } else if (predicate instanceof False) {
        return -1;
    } else if (predicate instanceof Comparison) {
        if (PropertySimplifier.evalInInitialState(predicate)) {
            return 1;
        } else {
            return -1;
    } else if (predicate instanceof EX || predicate instanceof AX) {
        return 0;
    } else if (predicate instanceof Not) {
        Not n = (Not) predicate;
        return -evalInInitial(n.getValue());
    } else if (predicate instanceof And) {
        And and = (And) predicate;
        int l = evalInInitial(and.getLeft());
        int r = evalInInitial(and.getRight());
        if (l == -1 || r == -1) {
            return -1;
        } else if (l == 1 && r == 1) {
            return 1;
        } else {
            return 0;
    } else if (predicate instanceof Or) {
        Or or = (Or) predicate;
        int l = evalInInitial(or.getLeft());
        int r = evalInInitial(or.getRight());
        if (l == 1 || r == 1) {
            return 1;
        } else if (l == -1 && r == -1) {
            return -1;
        } else {
            return 0;
    } else if (predicate instanceof EG) {
        EG op = (EG) predicate;
        if (evalInInitial(op.getProp()) == -1) {
            return -1;
        } else {
            return 0;
    } else if (predicate instanceof AG) {
        AG op = (AG) predicate;
        if (evalInInitial(op.getProp()) == -1) {
            return -1;
        } else {
            return 0;
    } else if (predicate instanceof EF) {
        EF op = (EF) predicate;
        if (evalInInitial(op.getProp()) == 1) {
            return 1;
        } else {
            return 0;
    } else if (predicate instanceof AF) {
        AF op = (AF) predicate;
        if (evalInInitial(op.getProp()) == 1) {
            return 1;
        } else {
            return 0;
    } else if (predicate instanceof AU) {
        AU op = (AU) predicate;
        int evalr = evalInInitial(op.getRight());
        if (evalr == 1) {
            return 1;
        } else if (evalr == -1) {
            if (evalInInitial(op.getLeft()) == -1) {
                return -1;
        return 0;
    } else if (predicate instanceof EU) {
        EU op = (EU) predicate;
        int evalr = evalInInitial(op.getRight());
        if (evalr == 1) {
            return 1;
        } else if (evalr == -1) {
            if (evalInInitial(op.getLeft()) == -1) {
                return -1;
        return 0;
    Logger.getLogger("").warning("Unexpected operator in CTL formula :" + predicate);
    return 0;
Also used : EF( EG( Or( AF( AG( True( False( EU( Not( EX( AU( Comparison( And( AX(

Example 2 with Ag

use of in project ITSTools by lip6.

the class CTLSimplifier method simplify.

private static void simplify(BooleanExpression predicate) {
    if (predicate instanceof And) {
        And and = (And) predicate;
        // AG f * AG g -> AG f* g
        if (and.getLeft() instanceof AG && and.getRight() instanceof AG) {
            AG ag = GalFactory.eINSTANCE.createAG();
            ag.setProp(GF2.and(((AG) and.getLeft()).getProp(), ((AG) and.getRight()).getProp()));
            EcoreUtil.replace(predicate, ag);
    } else if (predicate instanceof Or) {
        Or or = (Or) predicate;
        // EF f + EF g -> EF f + g
        if (or.getLeft() instanceof EF && or.getRight() instanceof EF) {
            EF ef = GalFactory.eINSTANCE.createEF();
            ef.setProp(GF2.or(((EF) or.getLeft()).getProp(), ((EF) or.getRight()).getProp()));
            EcoreUtil.replace(predicate, ef);
    } else if (predicate instanceof AG) {
        AG ag = (AG) predicate;
        if (ag.getProp() instanceof False || ag.getProp() instanceof True) {
            // AG false = false,
            // AG true = ! EF ! true = ! EF false = ! false = true
            EcoreUtil.replace(predicate, ag.getProp());
        } else if (ag.getProp() instanceof AG) {
            // AG AG f -> AG f
            ag.setProp(((AG) ag.getProp()).getProp());
        } else if (ag.getProp() instanceof EG) {
            // AG EG f -> AG f
            ag.setProp(((EG) ag.getProp()).getProp());
        } else if (ag.getProp() instanceof AF) {
            if (((AF) ag.getProp()).getProp() instanceof AG) {
                // AG AF AG f -> AF AG f
                EcoreUtil.replace(predicate, ag.getProp());
            } else if (((AF) ag.getProp()).getProp() instanceof EF) {
                EF ef = (EF) ((AF) ag.getProp()).getProp();
                // AG AF EF AG EF f -> AF EF AG EF f
                if (ef.getProp() instanceof AG && ((AG) ef.getProp()).getProp() instanceof EF) {
                    EcoreUtil.replace(predicate, ag.getProp());
        } else if (ag.getProp() instanceof EF && ((EF) ag.getProp()).getProp() instanceof AG && ((AG) ((EF) ag.getProp()).getProp()).getProp() instanceof EF) {
            // AG EF AG EF f -> EF AG EF f
            EcoreUtil.replace(predicate, ag.getProp());
    } else if (predicate instanceof EF) {
        EF ef = (EF) predicate;
        if (ef.getProp() instanceof False || ef.getProp() instanceof True) {
            // EF false = false ; EF true = true
            EcoreUtil.replace(predicate, ef.getProp());
        } else if (ef.getProp() instanceof EF) {
            // EF EF f -> EF f
            ef.setProp(((EF) ef.getProp()).getProp());
        } else if (ef.getProp() instanceof AF) {
            // EF AF f -> EF f
            ef.setProp(((AF) ef.getProp()).getProp());
        } else if (ef.getProp() instanceof EU) {
            // EF E f U g -> EF g
            EcoreUtil.replace(ef.getProp(), ((EU) ef.getProp()).getRight());
        } else if (ef.getProp() instanceof AU) {
            // EF A f U g -> EF g
            EcoreUtil.replace(ef.getProp(), ((AU) ef.getProp()).getRight());
        } else if (ef.getProp() instanceof EG) {
            if (((EG) ef.getProp()).getProp() instanceof EF) {
                // EF EG EF f -> EG EF f
                EcoreUtil.replace(predicate, ef.getProp());
            } else if (((EG) ef.getProp()).getProp() instanceof AG) {
                AG ag = (AG) ((EG) ef.getProp()).getProp();
                // EF EG AG EF AG f -> EG AG EF AG f
                if (ag.getProp() instanceof EF && ((EF) ag.getProp()).getProp() instanceof AG) {
                    EcoreUtil.replace(predicate, ef.getProp());
        } else if (ef.getProp() instanceof AG && ((AG) ef.getProp()).getProp() instanceof EF && ((EF) ((AG) ef.getProp()).getProp()).getProp() instanceof AG) {
            // EF AG EF AG f -> AG EF AG f
            EcoreUtil.replace(predicate, ef.getProp());
    } else if (predicate instanceof EG) {
        EG eg = (EG) predicate;
        if (eg.getProp() instanceof False) {
            // EG false = false
            EcoreUtil.replace(predicate, eg.getProp());
        } else if (eg.getProp() instanceof EG) {
            // EG EG f -> EG f
            eg.setProp(((EG) eg.getProp()).getProp());
        } else if (eg.getProp() instanceof AF && ((AF) eg.getProp()).getProp() instanceof EG) {
            // EG AF EG f -> AF EG f
            EcoreUtil.replace(predicate, eg.getProp());
        } else if (eg.getProp() instanceof EF && ((EF) eg.getProp()).getProp() instanceof EG) {
            // EG EF EG f -> EF EG f
            EcoreUtil.replace(predicate, eg.getProp());
        } else if (eg.getProp() instanceof AF && ((AF) eg.getProp()).getProp() instanceof EF && ((EF) ((AF) eg.getProp()).getProp()).getProp() instanceof EG) {
            // EG AF EF EG f -> AF EF EG f
            EcoreUtil.replace(predicate, eg.getProp());
    } else if (predicate instanceof AF) {
        AF af = (AF) predicate;
        if (af.getProp() instanceof False || af.getProp() instanceof True) {
            // AF false = false ; AF true = true
            EcoreUtil.replace(predicate, af.getProp());
        } else if (af.getProp() instanceof AF) {
            // AF AF f -> AF f
            af.setProp(((AF) af.getProp()).getProp());
        } else if (af.getProp() instanceof EF) {
            // AF EF f -> EF f
            EcoreUtil.replace(predicate, af.getProp());
        } else if (af.getProp() instanceof AU) {
            // AF A f U g  -> AF g
            af.setProp(((AU) af.getProp()).getRight());
        } else if (af.getProp() instanceof EG && ((EG) af.getProp()).getProp() instanceof AF) {
            // AF EG AF f -> EG AF f
            EcoreUtil.replace(predicate, af.getProp());
        } else if (af.getProp() instanceof EF && ((EF) af.getProp()).getProp() instanceof EG) {
            // AF AG AF f -> AG AF f
            EcoreUtil.replace(predicate, af.getProp());
        } else if (af.getProp() instanceof EG && ((EG) af.getProp()).getProp() instanceof AG && ((AG) ((EG) af.getProp()).getProp()).getProp() instanceof AF) {
            // AF EG AG AF f -> EG AG AF f
            EcoreUtil.replace(predicate, af.getProp());
    } else if (predicate instanceof AX) {
        AX ax = (AX) predicate;
        if (ax.getProp() instanceof True) {
            // AX true = ! EX !true = ! EX false = ! false = true
            EcoreUtil.replace(predicate, ax.getProp());
    } else if (predicate instanceof EX) {
        EX ax = (EX) predicate;
        if (ax.getProp() instanceof False) {
            // EX false = false
            EcoreUtil.replace(predicate, ax.getProp());
    } else if (predicate instanceof EU) {
        EU eu = (EU) predicate;
        if (eu.getRight() instanceof False || eu.getRight() instanceof True) {
            // E ( p U false ) = false
            // E ( p U true ) = true
            EcoreUtil.replace(predicate, eu.getRight());
        } else if (eu.getLeft() instanceof True) {
            // E (true U p) = EF p
            EF ef = GalFactory.eINSTANCE.createEF();
            EcoreUtil.replace(predicate, ef);
        } else if (eu.getLeft() instanceof False) {
            // E ( false U p) = p
            EcoreUtil.replace(predicate, eu.getRight());
    } else if (predicate instanceof AU) {
        AU eu = (AU) predicate;
        if (eu.getRight() instanceof False || eu.getRight() instanceof True) {
            // A ( p U false ) = false
            // A ( p U true ) = true
            EcoreUtil.replace(predicate, eu.getRight());
        } else if (eu.getLeft() instanceof True) {
            // A (true U p) = AF p
            AF ef = GalFactory.eINSTANCE.createAF();
            EcoreUtil.replace(predicate, ef);
        } else if (eu.getLeft() instanceof False) {
            // A ( false U p) = p
            EcoreUtil.replace(predicate, eu.getRight());
    } else {
        for (EObject o : predicate.eContents()) {
            if (o instanceof BooleanExpression) {
                simplify((BooleanExpression) o);
Also used : EF( EG( Or( AF( AG( True( False( EU( BooleanExpression( EX( AU( And( AX( EObject(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject)

Example 3 with Ag

use of in project ITSTools by lip6.

the class LTLSimplifier method simplify.

private static void simplify(BooleanExpression predicate) {
    if (predicate == null) {
        // this should not happen ?
    } else if (predicate instanceof And) {
        And and = (And) predicate;
    } else if (predicate instanceof Or) {
        Or or = (Or) predicate;
    } else if (predicate instanceof LTLGlobally) {
        LTLGlobally ag = (LTLGlobally) predicate;
        if (ag.getProp() instanceof False || ag.getProp() instanceof True) {
            // G false = false,
            // G true =  true
            EcoreUtil.replace(predicate, ag.getProp());
    } else if (predicate instanceof LTLFuture) {
        LTLFuture ef = (LTLFuture) predicate;
        if (ef.getProp() instanceof False || ef.getProp() instanceof True) {
            // F false = false ; F true = true
            EcoreUtil.replace(predicate, ef.getProp());
    } else if (predicate instanceof LTLNext) {
        LTLNext ef = (LTLNext) predicate;
        if (ef.getProp() instanceof False || ef.getProp() instanceof True) {
            // X false = false ; X true = true
            EcoreUtil.replace(predicate, ef.getProp());
    } else if (predicate instanceof LTLUntil) {
        LTLUntil ef = (LTLUntil) predicate;
        if (ef.getRight() instanceof True || ef.getRight() instanceof False) {
            // a U False = False ; a U True = True
            EcoreUtil.replace(predicate, ef.getRight());
        } else if (ef.getLeft() instanceof True) {
            // True U a = F a
            LTLFuture fut = GalFactory.eINSTANCE.createLTLFuture();
            EcoreUtil.replace(predicate, fut);
        } else if (ef.getLeft() instanceof False) {
            // False U a = a
            EcoreUtil.replace(predicate, ef.getRight());
    } else {
        for (EObject o : predicate.eContents()) {
            if (o instanceof BooleanExpression) {
                simplify((BooleanExpression) o);
Also used : LTLFuture( BooleanExpression( Or( LTLNext( LTLGlobally( And( EObject(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) True( False( LTLUntil(

Example 4 with Ag

use of in project ITSTools by lip6.

the class MccTranslator method toGal.

private BooleanExpression toGal(Expression expr, EList<Variable> variables) {
    if (expr == null) {
        return null;
    } else if (expr instanceof BinOp) {
        BinOp bin = (BinOp) expr;
        switch(bin.getOp()) {
            case GEQ:
            case GT:
            case EQ:
            case NEQ:
            case LEQ:
            case LT:
                    // int expression children
                    IntExpression il = toGalInt(bin.left, variables);
                    IntExpression ir = toGalInt(bin.right, variables);
                    return GF2.createComparison(il, toComparisonOp(bin.getOp()), ir);
            case NOT:
                    return GF2.not(toGal(bin.left, variables));
            // unary CTL temporal operators
            case EF:
                    EF ef = GalFactory.eINSTANCE.createEF();
                    ef.setProp(toGal(bin.left, variables));
                    return ef;
            case AF:
                    AF ef = GalFactory.eINSTANCE.createAF();
                    ef.setProp(toGal(bin.left, variables));
                    return ef;
            case EG:
                    EG ef = GalFactory.eINSTANCE.createEG();
                    ef.setProp(toGal(bin.left, variables));
                    return ef;
            case AG:
                    AG ef = GalFactory.eINSTANCE.createAG();
                    ef.setProp(toGal(bin.left, variables));
                    return ef;
            case EX:
                    EX ef = GalFactory.eINSTANCE.createEX();
                    ef.setProp(toGal(bin.left, variables));
                    return ef;
            case AX:
                    AX ef = GalFactory.eINSTANCE.createAX();
                    ef.setProp(toGal(bin.left, variables));
                    return ef;
            // unary LTL temporal operators
            case F:
                    LTLFuture ef = GalFactory.eINSTANCE.createLTLFuture();
                    ef.setProp(toGal(bin.left, variables));
                    return ef;
            case X:
                    LTLNext ef = GalFactory.eINSTANCE.createLTLNext();
                    ef.setProp(toGal(bin.left, variables));
                    return ef;
            case G:
                    LTLGlobally ef = GalFactory.eINSTANCE.createLTLGlobally();
                    ef.setProp(toGal(bin.left, variables));
                    return ef;
            // binary CTL/LTL until
            case EU:
                    EU ef = GalFactory.eINSTANCE.createEU();
                    ef.setLeft(toGal(bin.left, variables));
                    ef.setRight(toGal(bin.right, variables));
                    return ef;
            case AU:
                    AU ef = GalFactory.eINSTANCE.createAU();
                    ef.setLeft(toGal(bin.left, variables));
                    ef.setRight(toGal(bin.right, variables));
                    return ef;
            case U:
                    LTLUntil ef = GalFactory.eINSTANCE.createLTLUntil();
                    ef.setLeft(toGal(bin.left, variables));
                    ef.setRight(toGal(bin.right, variables));
                    return ef;
    } else if (expr instanceof NaryOp) {
        NaryOp nop = (NaryOp) expr;
        List<BooleanExpression> resc = new ArrayList<>();
        expr.forEachChild(e -> resc.add(toGal(e, variables)));
        BooleanExpression sum = resc.get(0);
        for (int i = 1; i < resc.size(); i++) {
            if (nop.getOp() == Op.AND) {
                sum = GF2.and(sum, resc.get(i));
            } else if (nop.getOp() == Op.OR) {
                sum = GF2.or(sum, resc.get(i));
        return sum;
    } else if (expr.getOp() == Op.BOOLCONST) {
        if (expr.getValue() == 1) {
            return GalFactory.eINSTANCE.createTrue();
        } else {
            return GalFactory.eINSTANCE.createFalse();
    } else if (expr.getOp() == Op.APREF) {
        return toGal(((AtomicPropRef) expr).getAp().getExpression(), variables);
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
Also used : LTLFuture( EF( EG( AF( AG( AtomicPropRef( BinaryIntExpression( IntExpression( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) LTLUntil( EU( BooleanExpression( EX( LTLNext( LTLGlobally( AU( AX( BinOp( NaryOp(

Example 5 with Ag

use of in project ITSTools by lip6.

the class GALSolver method checkInInitial.

 * Structural analysis and reduction : test in initial state.
 * @param specWithProps spec which will be modified : trivial properties will be removed
 * @param doneProps
public static int checkInInitial(Specification specWithProps, DoneProperties doneProps, boolean isSafe) {
    List<Property> props = new ArrayList<Property>(specWithProps.getProperties());
    int done = 0;
    Simplifier.deepEquals = false;
    // iterate down so indexes are consistent
    for (int i = props.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        Property propp = props.get(i);
        if (doneProps.containsKey(propp.getName())) {
        if (isSafe) {
            for (TreeIterator<EObject> ti = propp.getBody().eAllContents(); ti.hasNext(); ) {
                EObject obj =;
                if (obj instanceof Comparison) {
                    Comparison cmp = (Comparison) obj;
                    if (cmp.getLeft() instanceof Reference && cmp.getRight() instanceof Constant) {
                        int val = ((Constant) cmp.getRight()).getValue();
                        if ((val > 1 && (cmp.getOperator() == ComparisonOperators.LE || cmp.getOperator() == ComparisonOperators.LT)) || (val == 1 && cmp.getOperator() == ComparisonOperators.LE)) {
                            EcoreUtil.replace(cmp, GalFactory.eINSTANCE.createTrue());
                        } else if (val > 1 || (val == 1 && cmp.getOperator() == ComparisonOperators.GT)) {
                            EcoreUtil.replace(cmp, GalFactory.eINSTANCE.createFalse());
                    } else if (cmp.getRight() instanceof Reference && cmp.getLeft() instanceof Constant) {
                        int val = ((Constant) cmp.getLeft()).getValue();
                        if ((val > 1 && (cmp.getOperator() == ComparisonOperators.GE || cmp.getOperator() == ComparisonOperators.GT)) || (val == 1 && cmp.getOperator() == ComparisonOperators.GE)) {
                            EcoreUtil.replace(cmp, GalFactory.eINSTANCE.createTrue());
                        } else if (val > 1 || (val == 1 && cmp.getOperator() == ComparisonOperators.LT)) {
                            EcoreUtil.replace(cmp, GalFactory.eINSTANCE.createFalse());
        LogicProp prop = propp.getBody();
        String tech = "TOPOLOGICAL INITIAL_STATE";
        boolean solved = false;
        // output verdict
        if (prop instanceof ReachableProp || prop instanceof InvariantProp) {
            if (((SafetyProp) prop).getPredicate() instanceof True) {
                // positive forms : EF True , AG True <=>True
                doneProps.put(propp.getName(), true, tech);
                solved = true;
            } else if (((SafetyProp) prop).getPredicate() instanceof False) {
                // positive forms : EF False , AG False <=> False
                doneProps.put(propp.getName(), false, tech);
                solved = true;
        } else if (prop instanceof NeverProp) {
            if (((SafetyProp) prop).getPredicate() instanceof True) {
                // negative form : ! EF P = AG ! P, so ! EF True <=> False
                doneProps.put(propp.getName(), false, tech);
                solved = true;
            } else if (((SafetyProp) prop).getPredicate() instanceof False) {
                // negative form : ! EF P = AG ! P, so ! EF False <=> True
                doneProps.put(propp.getName(), true, tech);
                solved = true;
        } else if (prop instanceof LTLProp) {
            LTLProp ltl = (LTLProp) prop;
            if (ltl.getPredicate() instanceof True) {
                // positive forms : EF True , AG True <=>True
                doneProps.put(propp.getName(), true, tech);
                solved = true;
            } else if (ltl.getPredicate() instanceof False) {
                // positive forms : EF False , AG False <=> False
                doneProps.put(propp.getName(), false, tech);
                solved = true;
        } else if (prop instanceof CTLProp) {
            CTLProp ltl = (CTLProp) prop;
            if (ltl.getPredicate() instanceof True) {
                // positive forms : EF True , AG True <=>True
                doneProps.put(propp.getName(), true, tech);
                solved = true;
            } else if (ltl.getPredicate() instanceof False) {
                // positive forms : EF False , AG False <=> False
                doneProps.put(propp.getName(), false, tech);
                solved = true;
        } else if (prop instanceof BoundsProp) {
            BoundsProp bp = (BoundsProp) prop;
            if (bp.getTarget() instanceof Constant) {
                doneProps.put(propp.getName(), ((Constant) bp.getTarget()).getValue(), tech);
                solved = true;
        if (solved) {
            // discard property
    Simplifier.deepEquals = true;
    return done;
Also used : LTLProp( Reference( Constant( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) True( BoundsProp( False( ReachableProp( CTLProp( Comparison( EObject(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) SafetyProp( LogicProp( NeverProp( InvariantProp( Property(


AF ( AG ( AU ( AX ( EF ( EG ( EU ( EX ( False ( True ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 And ( BooleanExpression ( Or ( EObject (org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject)3 CTLProp ( Comparison ( LTLFuture ( LTLGlobally ( LTLNext (