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Example 1 with Partition

use of fr.lirmm.graphik.util.Partition in project graal by graphik-team.

the class IDCompilation method getUnification.

public LinkedList<Partition<Term>> getUnification(Atom father, Atom son) {
    LinkedList<Partition<Term>> res = new LinkedList<Partition<Term>>();
    Predicate predB = son.getPredicate();
    Predicate predH = father.getPredicate();
    List<IDCondition> conds = getConditions(predB, predH);
    for (IDCondition cond : conds) {
        Partition<Term> unif = cond.generateUnification(son.getTerms(), father.getTerms());
        if (unif != null) {
    return res;
Also used : Partition(fr.lirmm.graphik.util.Partition) Term(fr.lirmm.graphik.graal.api.core.Term) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) Predicate(fr.lirmm.graphik.graal.api.core.Predicate)

Example 2 with Partition

use of fr.lirmm.graphik.util.Partition in project graal by graphik-team.

the class IDConditionImpl method generateUnification.

 * Return the partition that unify the term of head with the term of body
 * according to this. This method returns null the unification is not
 * possible (two constants in the same partition class)
public Partition<Term> generateUnification(List<Term> body, List<Term> head) {
    Partition<Term> res = new Partition<Term>();
    Term[] map = new Term[body.size()];
    // put together term of body that must be unify according to this
    for (int i = 0; i < condBody.length; ++i) {
        Term t = body.get(i);
        if (map[condBody[i]] == null) {
            map[condBody[i]] = t;
        } else {
            res.add(map[condBody[i]], t);
    // according this
    for (int i = 0; i < condHead.length; i++) {
        Term t = head.get(i);
        res.add(map[condHead[i]], t);
    // check validity (does not contains two different constants)
    for (ArrayList<Term> classs : res) {
        Term cst = null;
        for (Term t : classs) {
            if (t.isConstant()) {
                if (cst == null)
                    cst = t;
                else if (!cst.equals(t))
                    return null;
    return res;
Also used : Partition(fr.lirmm.graphik.util.Partition) Term(fr.lirmm.graphik.graal.api.core.Term)

Example 3 with Partition

use of fr.lirmm.graphik.util.Partition in project graal by graphik-team.

the class UnifierUtils method getSinglePieceUnifiersAHR.

 * Returns the list of all single-piece unifier between the given query and
 * the given atomic-head rule cannot work with IDCompilation ( have to
 * conserve the fact that an atom of the query can only been associated by a
 * single unification with an atom of the head
 * <br/>
 * AHR: Atomic Header Rule
 * @param q
 *            the query that we want unify
 * @param r
 *            the atomic-head rule that we want unify
 * @return the ArrayList of all single-piece unifier between the query of
 *         the receiving object and R an atomic-head rule
public static LinkedList<QueryUnifier> getSinglePieceUnifiersAHR(ConjunctiveQuery q, AtomicHeadRule r, RulesCompilation compilation) {
    LinkedList<Atom> unifiableAtoms = getUnifiableAtoms(q, r, compilation);
    LinkedList<QueryUnifier> unifiers = new LinkedList<QueryUnifier>();
    Iterator<Atom> i = unifiableAtoms.iterator();
    while (i.hasNext()) {
        InMemoryAtomSet p = new LinkedListAtomSet();
        Rule tmpRule = getSafeCopy(r);
        AtomicHeadRule copy = new AtomicHeadRule(tmpRule.getBody(), tmpRule.getHead().iterator().next());
        Atom toUnif =;
        Partition<Term> partition = new Partition<Term>(toUnif.getTerms(), copy.getHead().getAtom().getTerms());
        // compute separating variable
        LinkedList<Term> sep = AtomSetUtils.sep(p, q.getAtomSet());
        // compute sticky variable
        LinkedList<Term> sticky = TermPartitionUtils.getStickyVariable(partition, sep, copy);
        InMemoryAtomSet pBar = AtomSetUtils.minus(q.getAtomSet(), p);
        while (partition != null && !sticky.isEmpty()) {
            CloseableIteratorWithoutException<Atom> ia = pBar.iterator();
            while (partition != null && ia.hasNext()) {
                Atom a =;
                Iterator<Term> ix = sticky.iterator();
                while (partition != null && ix.hasNext()) {
                    Term x =;
                    // all the atoms of Q/P which contain x must be add to P
                    if (a.getTerms().contains(x)) {
                        // isMappable
                        if (compilation.isMappable(a.getPredicate(), copy.getHead().getAtom().getPredicate())) {
                            Partition<Term> part = partition.join(new Partition<Term>(a.getTerms(), copy.getHead().getAtom().getTerms()));
                            if (TermPartitionUtils.isAdmissible(part, copy)) {
                                partition = part;
                            } else
                                partition = null;
                        } else
                            partition = null;
            if (partition != null) {
                sep = AtomSetUtils.sep(p, q.getAtomSet());
                pBar = AtomSetUtils.minus(q.getAtomSet(), p);
                sticky = TermPartitionUtils.getStickyVariable(partition, sep, copy);
        if (partition != null) {
            QueryUnifier u = new QueryUnifier(p, partition, copy, q);
    return unifiers;
Also used : Partition(fr.lirmm.graphik.util.Partition) LinkedListAtomSet(fr.lirmm.graphik.graal.core.atomset.LinkedListAtomSet) Term(fr.lirmm.graphik.graal.api.core.Term) Atom(fr.lirmm.graphik.graal.api.core.Atom) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) InMemoryAtomSet(fr.lirmm.graphik.graal.api.core.InMemoryAtomSet) Rule(fr.lirmm.graphik.graal.api.core.Rule)

Example 4 with Partition

use of fr.lirmm.graphik.util.Partition in project graal by graphik-team.

the class UnifierUtils method getSinglePieceUnifiersNAHR.

// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
public static List<QueryUnifier> getSinglePieceUnifiersNAHR(ConjunctiveQuery q, Rule r, RulesCompilation compilation) {
    LinkedList<QueryUnifier> u = new LinkedList<QueryUnifier>();
    Rule ruleCopy = getSafeCopy(r);
    HashMap<Atom, LinkedList<Partition<Term>>> possibleUnification = new HashMap<Atom, LinkedList<Partition<Term>>>();
    // compute possible unification between atoms of Q and head(R)
    CloseableIteratorWithoutException<Atom> it = q.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        Atom a =;
        CloseableIteratorWithoutException<Atom> it2 = ruleCopy.getHead().iterator();
        while (it2.hasNext()) {
            Atom b =;
            if (compilation.isMappable(a.getPredicate(), b.getPredicate())) {
                Collection<Partition<Term>> unification = compilation.getUnification(a, b);
                for (Partition<Term> partition : unification) {
                    if (TermPartitionUtils.isAdmissible(partition, ruleCopy)) {
                        if (possibleUnification.get(a) == null)
                            possibleUnification.put(a, new LinkedList<Partition<Term>>());
    LinkedList<Atom> atoms = getUnifiableAtoms(q, r, compilation);
    for (Atom a : atoms) {
        LinkedList<Partition<Term>> partitionList = possibleUnification.get(a);
        if (partitionList != null) {
            Iterator<Partition<Term>> i = partitionList.iterator();
            while (i.hasNext()) {
                Partition<Term> unif =;
                InMemoryAtomSet p = new LinkedListAtomSet();
                u.addAll(extend(p, unif, possibleUnification, q, ruleCopy));
    return u;
Also used : Partition(fr.lirmm.graphik.util.Partition) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedListAtomSet(fr.lirmm.graphik.graal.core.atomset.LinkedListAtomSet) Term(fr.lirmm.graphik.graal.api.core.Term) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) Atom(fr.lirmm.graphik.graal.api.core.Atom) InMemoryAtomSet(fr.lirmm.graphik.graal.api.core.InMemoryAtomSet) Rule(fr.lirmm.graphik.graal.api.core.Rule)

Example 5 with Partition

use of fr.lirmm.graphik.util.Partition in project graal by graphik-team.

the class UnifierUtils method preUnifier.

private static LinkedList<Partition<Term>> preUnifier(InMemoryAtomSet p, Rule r, HashMap<Atom, LinkedList<Partition<Term>>> possibleUnification) {
    LinkedList<Partition<Term>> res = new LinkedList<Partition<Term>>();
    CloseableIteratorWithoutException<Atom> it = p.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        Atom a =;
        if (possibleUnification.get(a) != null)
            for (Partition<Term> ua : possibleUnification.get(a)) {
                InMemoryAtomSet fa = new LinkedListAtomSet();
                InMemoryAtomSet aBar = null;
                aBar = AtomSetUtils.minus(p, fa);
                if (!aBar.iterator().hasNext())
                else {
                    Partition<Term> part;
                    for (Partition<Term> u : preUnifier(aBar, r, possibleUnification)) {
                        part = ua.join(u);
                        if (part != null && TermPartitionUtils.isAdmissible(part, r)) {
            return res;
    return res;
Also used : Partition(fr.lirmm.graphik.util.Partition) InMemoryAtomSet(fr.lirmm.graphik.graal.api.core.InMemoryAtomSet) LinkedListAtomSet(fr.lirmm.graphik.graal.core.atomset.LinkedListAtomSet) Term(fr.lirmm.graphik.graal.api.core.Term) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) Atom(fr.lirmm.graphik.graal.api.core.Atom)


Term (fr.lirmm.graphik.graal.api.core.Term)5 Partition (fr.lirmm.graphik.util.Partition)5 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)4 Atom (fr.lirmm.graphik.graal.api.core.Atom)3 InMemoryAtomSet (fr.lirmm.graphik.graal.api.core.InMemoryAtomSet)3 LinkedListAtomSet (fr.lirmm.graphik.graal.core.atomset.LinkedListAtomSet)3 Rule (fr.lirmm.graphik.graal.api.core.Rule)2 Predicate (fr.lirmm.graphik.graal.api.core.Predicate)1 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1