use of freemarker.core.LibraryLoad in project freemarker by apache.
the class MistakenlyPublicImportAPIsTest method testImportCopying.
public void testImportCopying() throws IOException, TemplateException {
Configuration cfg = new Configuration(Configuration.VERSION_2_3_22);
StringTemplateLoader tl = new StringTemplateLoader();
tl.putTemplate("imp1", "<#macro m>1</#macro>");
tl.putTemplate("imp2", "<#assign x = 2><#macro m>${x}</#macro>");
Template t1 = new Template(null, "<#import 'imp1' as i1><#import 'imp2' as i2>", cfg);
List<LibraryLoad> imports = t1.getImports();
assertEquals(2, imports.size());
Template t2 = new Template(null, "<@i1.m/><@i2.m/>", cfg);
for (LibraryLoad libLoad : imports) {
try {
t2.process(null, NullWriter.INSTANCE);
} catch (InvalidReferenceException e) {
// Apparenly, it has never worked like this...
assertEquals("i1", e.getBlamedExpressionString());
// It works this way, though it has nothing to do with the problematic API-s:
Environment env = t1.createProcessingEnvironment(null, NullWriter.INSTANCE);
TemplateModel i1 = env.getVariable("i1");
assertThat(i1, instanceOf(Namespace.class));
TemplateModel i2 = env.getVariable("i2");
assertThat(i2, instanceOf(Namespace.class));
Template t2 = new Template(null, "<@i1.m/>", cfg);
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
env = t2.createProcessingEnvironment(null, sw);
env.setVariable("i1", i1);
assertEquals("1", sw.toString());
Template t2 = new Template(null, "<@i2.m/>", cfg);
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
env = t2.createProcessingEnvironment(null, sw);
env.setVariable("i2", i2);
try {
assertEquals("2", sw.toString());
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// Expected on 2.3.x, because it won't find the namespace for the macro
// [2.4] Fix this "bug"