use of fromwsdl.handler.common.BaseSOAPHandler in project metro-jax-ws by eclipse-ee4j.
the class BindingTester method testBindingInstances.
* get the binding object on dispatch object
// public void testDispatch1() throws Exception {
// Dispatch dispatch = createDispatchForSource(
// new QName("urn:test", "TestServicePort"));
// assertNotNull("dispatch object is null", dispatch);
// Binding binding = dispatch.getBinding();
// assertNotNull("binding object should not be null", binding);
// List handlers = binding.getHandlerChain();
// assertNotNull("handler list should not be null", handlers);
// assertTrue("There should be no handlers in list", handlers.size() == 0);
// }
* Used for testing of handlers shared between bindings.
public void testBindingInstances() throws Exception {
TestService_Service service = getService();
TestService stub1 = getTestStub(service);
TestService stub2 = getTestStub(service);
// make some calls
Binding b1 = ((BindingProvider) stub1).getBinding();
Binding b2 = ((BindingProvider) stub2).getBinding();
List<Handler> chain = b1.getHandlerChain();
// get a soap handler from the chain. doesn't matter which one
BaseSOAPHandler handler = null;
for (Handler h : chain) {
if (h instanceof BaseSOAPHandler) {
handler = (BaseSOAPHandler) h;
assertTrue("handler should be in 'ready' state", handler.isAvailable());
b2.setHandlerChain(new ArrayList<Handler>());
assertTrue("handler should be in 'ready' state", handler.isAvailable());
use of fromwsdl.handler.common.BaseSOAPHandler in project metro-jax-ws by eclipse-ee4j.
the class EndToEndTester method testResponsePropertyDispatch.
* Sets a property on the (client side) response handler context
* and verifies that the client sees it in the response context.
* This version uses a dispatch client rather than proxy.
public void testResponsePropertyDispatch() throws Exception {
HandlerTracker tracker = HandlerTracker.getClientInstance();
Dispatch<Object> dispatch = getDispatchJAXB(testPortQName);
// tell the server handlers not to do anything
ReportService reportStub = getReportStub(getService());
// add handler
String myHandlerName = "MyDispatchHandler";
BaseSOAPHandler propAddingHandler = new BaseSOAPHandler();
propAddingHandler.setName(CLIENT_PREFIX + myHandlerName);
List<Handler> newHandlers = new ArrayList<Handler>();
// tell the client handlers what to do
tracker.setHandlerAction(CLIENT_PREFIX + myHandlerName, HA_ADD_USER_PROPERTY_INBOUND);
int x = 1;
TestInt request = new TestInt();
TestIntResponse response = (TestIntResponse) dispatch.invoke(request);
assertEquals("did not get proper response", x, response.getIntout());
Map context = dispatch.getResponseContext();
Object testValue = context.get(USER_HANDLER_PROPERTY_NAME);
assertNotNull("did not receive property in response context", testValue);
String testValueString = (String) testValue;
assertTrue("property value incorrect. expected ", testValueString.equals(USER_PROPERTY_HANDLER_SET));
use of fromwsdl.handler.common.BaseSOAPHandler in project metro-jax-ws by eclipse-ee4j.
the class EndToEndTester method testRequestPropertyDispatch.
* Sets a property on the request context with dispatch
* and verifies that the property exists in the handler.
* Also adds a handler to add 1 to the messages just to
* make sure handlers are being invoked.
public void testRequestPropertyDispatch() throws Exception {
HandlerTracker tracker = HandlerTracker.getClientInstance();
Dispatch<Object> dispatch = getDispatchJAXB(testPortQName);
// tell the server handlers not to do anything
ReportService reportStub = getReportStub(getService());
// add handlers
String myHandlerName = "MyDispatchHandler";
BaseSOAPHandler propCheckingHandler = new BaseSOAPHandler();
propCheckingHandler.setName(CLIENT_PREFIX + myHandlerName);
String otherHandlerName = "MyOtherHandler";
BaseSOAPHandler numberAddingHandler = new BaseSOAPHandler();
numberAddingHandler.setName(CLIENT_PREFIX + otherHandlerName);
List<Handler> newHandlers = new ArrayList<Handler>();
// add the property
// tell the client handlers what to do
tracker.setHandlerAction(CLIENT_PREFIX + myHandlerName, HA_CHECK_FOR_USER_PROPERTY_OUTBOUND);
tracker.setHandlerAction(CLIENT_PREFIX + otherHandlerName, HA_ADD_ONE);
// make the call (will get exception if handler doesn't see property)
int x = 1;
// for the number adding handler
int diff = 2;
TestInt request = new TestInt();
TestIntResponse response = (TestIntResponse) dispatch.invoke(request);
assertEquals("did not get proper response", x + diff, response.getIntout());