use of gaiasky.scenegraph.particle.IParticleRecord in project gaiasky by langurmonkey.
the class StarGroup method update.
public void update(ITimeFrameProvider time, final Vector3b parentTransform, ICamera camera, float opacity) {
// Fade node visibility
if (active.length > 0) {
// Delta years
currDeltaYears = AstroUtils.getMsSince(time.getTime(), epochJd) * Nature.MS_TO_Y;
super.update(time, parentTransform, camera, opacity);
// Update close stars
for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(proximity.updating.length, pointData.size()); i++) {
if (filter(active[i]) && isVisible(active[i])) {
IParticleRecord closeStar = pointData.get(active[i]);
proximity.set(i, active[i], closeStar, camera, currDeltaYears);
// Model distance
if (i == 0) {
modelDist = 172.4643429 * closeStar.radius();
use of gaiasky.scenegraph.particle.IParticleRecord in project gaiasky by langurmonkey.
the class StarGroup method getAbsolutePosition.
public Vector3d getAbsolutePosition(String name, Vector3d aux) {
if (index.containsKey(name)) {
int idx = index.get(name);
IParticleRecord sb = pointData.get(idx);
fetchPosition(sb, null, aux, currDeltaYears);
return aux;
} else {
return null;
use of gaiasky.scenegraph.particle.IParticleRecord in project gaiasky by langurmonkey.
the class StarGroup method renderStarLabel.
private void renderStarLabel(int idx, Vector3d starPosition, float thOverFactor, ExtSpriteBatch batch, ExtShaderProgram shader, FontRenderSystem sys, RenderingContext rc, ICamera camera) {
boolean forceLabel = forceLabelStars.contains(idx);
IParticleRecord star = pointData.get(idx);
starPosition = fetchPosition(star, cPosD, starPosition, currDeltaYears);
double distToCamera = starPosition.len();
float radius = (float) getRadius(idx);
if (forceLabel) {
radius = Math.max(radius, 1e4f);
float viewAngle = (float) (((radius / distToCamera) / camera.getFovFactor()) * * 1.5f);
if (forceLabel || viewAngle >= thOverFactor && camera.isVisible(viewAngle, starPosition, distToCamera) && distToCamera > radius * 100) {
textPosition(camera, starPosition, distToCamera, radius);
shader.setUniformf("u_viewAngle", viewAngle);
shader.setUniformf("u_viewAnglePow", 1f);
shader.setUniformf("u_thOverFactor", thOverFactor);
shader.setUniformf("u_thOverFactorScl", camera.getFovFactor());
// Override object color
shader.setUniform4fv("u_color", textColour(star.names()[0]), 0, 4);
double textSize = FastMath.tanh(viewAngle) * distToCamera * 1e5d;
float alpha = Math.min((float) FastMath.atan(textSize / distToCamera), 1.e-3f);
textSize = (float) FastMath.tan(alpha) * distToCamera * 0.5f;
render3DLabel(batch, shader, sys.fontDistanceField, camera, rc, star.names()[0], starPosition, distToCamera, textScale() * camera.getFovFactor(), textSize * camera.getFovFactor(), forceLabel);
use of gaiasky.scenegraph.particle.IParticleRecord in project gaiasky by langurmonkey.
the class StarGroup method updateMetadata.
* Updates the additional information array, to use for sorting.
* In stars, we need to take into account the proper motion and the brightness.
* @param time The current time frame provider
* @param camera The camera
public void updateMetadata(ITimeFrameProvider time, ICamera camera) {
Vector3d camPos = camera.getPos().tov3d(D34.get());
double deltaYears = AstroUtils.getMsSince(time.getTime(), epochJd) * Nature.MS_TO_Y;
if (pointData != null) {
int n = pointData.size();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
IParticleRecord d = pointData.get(i);
// Pm
Vector3d dx = D32.get().set(d.pmx(), d.pmy(), d.pmz()).scl(deltaYears);
// Pos
Vector3d x = D31.get().set(d.x(), d.y(), d.z()).add(dx);
metadata[i] = filter(i) ? (-(((d.size() * Constants.STAR_SIZE_FACTOR) / camPos.dst(x)) / camera.getFovFactor()) * : Double.MAX_VALUE;
use of gaiasky.scenegraph.particle.IParticleRecord in project gaiasky by langurmonkey.
the class StarGroup method render.
* Proper motion rendering
public void render(LineRenderSystem renderer, ICamera camera, float alpha) {
alpha *= GaiaSky.instance.sgr.alphas[ComponentTypes.ComponentType.VelocityVectors.ordinal()];
float thPointTimesFovFactor = (float) * camera.getFovFactor();
int n = (int) getMaxProperMotionLines();
for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
IParticleRecord star = pointData.get(active[i]);
float radius = (float) (getSize(active[i]) * Constants.STAR_SIZE_FACTOR);
// Position
Vector3d lPos = fetchPosition(star, cPosD, D31.get(), currDeltaYears);
// Proper motion
Vector3d pm = D32.get().set(star.pmx(), star.pmy(), star.pmz()).scl(currDeltaYears);
// Rest of attributes
float distToCamera = (float) lPos.len();
float viewAngle = ((radius / distToCamera) / camera.getFovFactor()) *;
if (viewAngle >= thPointTimesFovFactor / Settings.settings.scene.properMotion.number && (star.pmx() != 0 || star.pmy() != 0 || star.pmz() != 0)) {
Vector3d p1 = D31.get().set(star.x() + pm.x, star.y() + pm.y, star.z() + pm.z).sub(camera.getPos());
Vector3d ppm = D32.get().set(star.pmx(), star.pmy(), star.pmz()).scl(Settings.settings.scene.properMotion.length);
double p1p2len = ppm.len();
Vector3d p2 = D33.get().set(ppm).add(p1);
// Maximum speed in km/s, to normalize
float maxSpeedKms = 100;
float r, g, b;
switch(Settings.settings.scene.properMotion.colorMode) {
case 0:
// Normalize, each component is in [-1:1], map to [0:1] and to a color channel
r = (float) (ppm.x + 1d) / 2f;
g = (float) (ppm.y + 1d) / 2f;
b = (float) (ppm.z + 1d) / 2f;
case 1:
ppm.set(star.pmx(), star.pmy(), star.pmz());
// Units/year to Km/s
ppm.scl(Constants.U_TO_KM / Nature.Y_TO_S);
double len = MathUtilsd.clamp(ppm.len(), 0d, maxSpeedKms) / maxSpeedKms;
ColorUtils.colormap_long_rainbow((float) (1 - len), rgba);
r = rgba[0];
g = rgba[1];
b = rgba[2];
case 2:
// HAS RADIAL VELOCITY - blue: stars with RV, red: stars without RV
if (star.radvel() != 0) {
r = ColorUtils.gBlue[0] + 0.2f;
g = ColorUtils.gBlue[1] + 0.4f;
b = ColorUtils.gBlue[2] + 0.4f;
} else {
r = ColorUtils.gRed[0] + 0.4f;
g = ColorUtils.gRed[1] + 0.2f;
b = ColorUtils.gRed[2] + 0.2f;
case 3:
// REDSHIFT from Sun - blue: -100 Km/s, red: 100 Km/s
float rav = star.radvel();
if (rav != 0) {
// rv in [0:1]
float rv = ((MathUtilsd.clamp(rav, -maxSpeedKms, maxSpeedKms) / maxSpeedKms) + 1) / 2;
ColorUtils.colormap_blue_white_red(rv, rgba);
r = rgba[0];
g = rgba[1];
b = rgba[2];
} else {
r = g = b = 1;
case 4:
// REDSHIFT from Camera - blue: -100 Km/s, red: 100 Km/s
if (ppm.len2() != 0) {
ppm.set(star.pmx(), star.pmy(), star.pmz());
// Units/year to Km/s
ppm.scl(Constants.U_TO_KM / Nature.Y_TO_S);
Vector3d camStar = D34.get().set(p1);
double pr =;
double projection = ((MathUtilsd.clamp(pr, -(double) maxSpeedKms, maxSpeedKms) / (double) maxSpeedKms) + 1) / 2;
ColorUtils.colormap_blue_white_red((float) projection, rgba);
r = rgba[0];
g = rgba[1];
b = rgba[2];
} else {
r = g = b = 1;
case 5:
r = ColorUtils.gBlue[0] + 0.2f;
g = ColorUtils.gBlue[1] + 0.4f;
b = ColorUtils.gBlue[2] + 0.4f;
// Clamp
r = MathUtilsd.clamp(r, 0, 1);
g = MathUtilsd.clamp(g, 0, 1);
b = MathUtilsd.clamp(b, 0, 1);
renderer.addLine(this, p1.x, p1.y, p1.z, p2.x, p2.y, p2.z, r, g, b, alpha * this.opacity);
if (Settings.settings.scene.properMotion.arrowHeads) {
// Add Arrow cap
Vector3d p3 = D32.get().set(ppm).nor().scl(p1p2len * .86).add(p1);
p3.rotate(p2, 30);
renderer.addLine(this, p3.x, p3.y, p3.z, p2.x, p2.y, p2.z, r, g, b, alpha * this.opacity);
p3.rotate(p2, -60);
renderer.addLine(this, p3.x, p3.y, p3.z, p2.x, p2.y, p2.z, r, g, b, alpha * this.opacity);