use of gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d in project gaiasky by langurmonkey.
the class RecursiveGrid method initialize.
public void initialize() {
transformName = Settings.settings.scene.visibility.get(ComponentType.Galactic.toString()) ? "galacticToEquatorial" : (Settings.settings.scene.visibility.get(ComponentType.Ecliptic.toString()) ? "eclipticToEquatorial" : null);
coordinateSystem = new Matrix4();
coordinateSystemd = new Matrix4d();
mat4daux = new Matrix4d();
scalingFading = new Pair<>(0d, 0d);
nf = NumberFormatFactory.getFormatter("0.###E0");
cc = Settings.settings.scene.visibility.get(ComponentType.Galactic.toString()) ? ccGal : (Settings.settings.scene.visibility.get(ComponentType.Ecliptic.toString()) ? ccEcl : ccEq);
labelcolor = cc;
label = true;
labelPosition = new Vector3b();
localTransform = new Matrix4();
p01 = new Vector3d();
p02 = new Vector3d();
d01 = -1;
d02 = -1;
a = new Vector3d();
b = new Vector3d();
c = new Vector3d();
d = new Vector3d();
// Init billboard model
mc = new ModelComponent();
Map<String, Object> p = new HashMap<>();
p.put("diameter", 1d);
mc.forceInit = true;
mc.env.set(new ColorAttribute(ColorAttribute.AmbientLight, cc[0], cc[1], cc[2], cc[3]));
// Depth reads, no depth writes
mc.setDepthTest(GL20.GL_LEQUAL, false);
// Initialize annotations vectorR
use of gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d in project gaiasky by langurmonkey.
the class Spacecraft method computeDirectionUp.
public double computeDirectionUp(double dt, Pair<Vector3d, Vector3d> pair) {
// Yaw, pitch and roll
yawf = yawp * responsiveness;
pitchf = pitchp * responsiveness;
rollf = rollp * responsiveness;
// Friction
double friction = (drag * 2e7) * dt;
yawf -= yawv * friction;
pitchf -= pitchv * friction;
rollf -= rollv * friction;
// accel
yawa = yawf / mass;
pitcha = pitchf / mass;
rolla = rollf / mass;
// vel
yawv += yawa * dt;
pitchv += pitcha * dt;
rollv += rolla * dt;
// pos
double yawDiff = (yawv * dt) % 360d;
double pitchDiff = (pitchv * dt) % 360d;
double rollDiff = (rollv * dt) % 360d;
Vector3d direction = pair.getFirst();
Vector3d up = pair.getSecond();
// apply yaw
direction.rotate(up, yawDiff);
// apply pitch
Vector3d aux1 = D31.get().set(direction).crs(up);
direction.rotate(aux1, pitchDiff);
up.rotate(aux1, pitchDiff);
// apply roll
up.rotate(direction, -rollDiff);
return rollDiff;
use of gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d in project gaiasky by langurmonkey.
the class Spacecraft method render.
public void render(LineRenderSystem renderer, ICamera camera, float alpha) {
// Direction
Vector3d d = D31.get().set(direction);
renderer.addLine(this, posf.x, posf.y, posf.z, posf.x + d.x, posf.y + d.y, posf.z + d.z, 1, 0, 0, 1);
// Up
Vector3d u = D31.get().set(up);
renderer.addLine(this, posf.x, posf.y, posf.z, posf.x + u.x, posf.y + u.y, posf.z + u.z, 0, 0, 1, 1);
use of gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d in project gaiasky by langurmonkey.
the class ChangeOfBasisTest method main.
public static void main(String[] args) {
Matrix4d c = Matrix4d.changeOfBasis(new double[] { 0, 0, -1 }, new double[] { 0, 1, 0 }, new double[] { 1, 0, 0 });
Vector3d v = new Vector3d(1, 0, 0);
System.out.println(v + " -> " + (new Vector3d(v)).mul(c));
v = new Vector3d(0, 1, 0);
System.out.println(v + " -> " + (new Vector3d(v)).mul(c));
v = new Vector3d(0, 0, 1);
System.out.println(v + " -> " + (new Vector3d(v)).mul(c));
c = Matrix4d.changeOfBasis(new double[] { 0.5, 0, 0 }, new double[] { -1, 2, 0 }, new double[] { 0, 0, 1 });
v = new Vector3d(4, 1, 0);
System.out.println(v + " -> " + (new Vector3d(v)).mul(c));
v = new Vector3d(0, 1, 0);
System.out.println(v + " -> " + (new Vector3d(v)).mul(c));
use of gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d in project gaiasky by langurmonkey.
the class OctreeNode method computeObservedFast.
* Simplification to compute octant visibility. Angle between camera direction and octant centre
* must be smaller than fov/2 plus a correction (approximates octants to spheres)
* @param cam The camera
* @return Whether the octant is observed
private boolean computeObservedFast(ICamera cam) {
// vector from camera to center of box
Vector3d cpospos = auxD1.set(centre).sub(cam.getPos());
// auxD2 rotation axis
Vector3d axis = auxD2.set(cam.getDirection()).crs(centre);
Vector3d edge = auxD3.set(cam.getDirection()).rotate(axis, cam.getCamera().fieldOfView / 2d);
// get angle at edge (when far side is radius)
double angle1 = FastMath.toDegrees(FastMath.atan(radius / cpospos.len()));
// get actual angle
double angle2 = edge.angle(cpospos);
// We're in the containing sphere or centre is in front of us
return distToCamera <= radius || angle2 < angle1;