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Example 6 with CompositeChange

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class AbstractPlaceDelegate method moveAirOntoNewCarriers.

// TODO Here's the spot for special air placement rules
protected String moveAirOntoNewCarriers(final Territory at, final Territory producer, final Collection<Unit> units, final PlayerID player, final CompositeChange placeChange) {
    if (!at.isWater()) {
        return null;
    if (!canMoveExistingFightersToNewCarriers() || AirThatCantLandUtil.isLhtrCarrierProduction(getData())) {
        return null;
    if ( {
        return null;
    // do we have any spare carrier capacity
    int capacity = AirMovementValidator.carrierCapacity(units, at);
    // subtract fighters that have already been produced with this carrier
    // this turn.
    capacity -= AirMovementValidator.carrierCost(units);
    if (capacity <= 0) {
        return null;
    if (!Matches.territoryIsLand().test(producer)) {
        return null;
    if (!producer.getUnits().anyMatch(Matches.unitCanProduceUnits())) {
        return null;
    final Predicate<Unit> ownedFighters = Matches.unitCanLandOnCarrier().and(Matches.unitIsOwnedBy(player));
    if (!producer.getUnits().anyMatch(ownedFighters)) {
        return null;
    if (wasConquered(producer)) {
        return null;
    if (getAlreadyProduced(producer).stream().anyMatch(Matches.unitCanProduceUnits())) {
        return null;
    final List<Unit> fighters = producer.getUnits().getMatches(ownedFighters);
    final Collection<Unit> movedFighters = getRemotePlayer().getNumberOfFightersToMoveToNewCarrier(fighters, producer);
    if (movedFighters == null || movedFighters.isEmpty()) {
        return null;
    final Change change = ChangeFactory.moveUnits(producer, at, movedFighters);
    return MyFormatter.unitsToTextNoOwner(movedFighters) + " moved from " + producer.getName() + " to " + at.getName();
Also used : CompositeChange( Change( TripleAUnit(games.strategy.triplea.TripleAUnit) Unit(

Example 7 with CompositeChange

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class AbstractPlaceDelegate method performPlaceFrom.

 * @param producer
 *        territory that produces the new units.
 * @param placeableUnits
 *        the new units
 * @param at
 *        territory where the new units get placed
protected void performPlaceFrom(final Territory producer, final Collection<Unit> placeableUnits, final Territory at, final PlayerID player) {
    final CompositeChange change = new CompositeChange();
    // make sure we can place consuming units
    final boolean didIt = canWeConsumeUnits(placeableUnits, at, true, change);
    if (!didIt) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Something wrong with consuming/upgrading units");
    final Collection<Unit> factoryAndInfrastructure = CollectionUtils.getMatches(placeableUnits, Matches.unitIsInfrastructure());
    if (!factoryAndInfrastructure.isEmpty()) {
        change.add(OriginalOwnerTracker.addOriginalOwnerChange(factoryAndInfrastructure, player));
    // can we move planes to land there
    final String movedAirTranscriptTextForHistory = moveAirOntoNewCarriers(at, producer, placeableUnits, player, change);
    final Change remove = ChangeFactory.removeUnits(player, placeableUnits);
    final Change place = ChangeFactory.addUnits(at, placeableUnits);
    final UndoablePlacement currentPlacement = new UndoablePlacement(change, producer, at, placeableUnits);
    final String transcriptText = MyFormatter.unitsToTextNoOwner(placeableUnits) + " placed in " + at.getName();
    bridge.getHistoryWriter().startEvent(transcriptText, currentPlacement.getDescriptionObject());
    if (movedAirTranscriptTextForHistory != null) {
    updateProducedMap(producer, placeableUnits);
Also used : CompositeChange( Change( CompositeChange( TripleAUnit(games.strategy.triplea.TripleAUnit) Unit(

Example 8 with CompositeChange

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class TriggerAttachment method removeUnits.

private static void removeUnits(final TriggerAttachment t, final Territory terr, final IntegerMap<UnitType> utMap, final PlayerID player, final IDelegateBridge bridge) {
    final CompositeChange change = new CompositeChange();
    final Collection<Unit> totalRemoved = new ArrayList<>();
    for (final UnitType ut : utMap.keySet()) {
        final int removeNum = utMap.getInt(ut);
        final Collection<Unit> toRemove = CollectionUtils.getNMatches(terr.getUnits().getUnits(), removeNum, Matches.unitIsOwnedBy(player).and(Matches.unitIsOfType(ut)));
        if (!toRemove.isEmpty()) {
            change.add(ChangeFactory.removeUnits(terr, toRemove));
    if (!change.isEmpty()) {
        final String transcriptText = MyFormatter.attachmentNameToText(t.getName()) + ": has removed " + MyFormatter.unitsToTextNoOwner(totalRemoved) + " owned by " + player.getName() + " in " + terr.getName();
        bridge.getHistoryWriter().startEvent(transcriptText, totalRemoved);
Also used : UnitType( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) CompositeChange( Unit(

Example 9 with CompositeChange

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class TriggerAttachment method triggerRelationshipChange.

public static void triggerRelationshipChange(final Set<TriggerAttachment> satisfiedTriggers, final IDelegateBridge bridge, final String beforeOrAfter, final String stepName, final boolean useUses, final boolean testUses, final boolean testChance, final boolean testWhen) {
    final GameData data = bridge.getData();
    Collection<TriggerAttachment> trigs = CollectionUtils.getMatches(satisfiedTriggers, relationshipChangeMatch());
    if (testWhen) {
        trigs = CollectionUtils.getMatches(trigs, whenOrDefaultMatch(beforeOrAfter, stepName));
    if (testUses) {
        trigs = CollectionUtils.getMatches(trigs, availableUses);
    final CompositeChange change = new CompositeChange();
    for (final TriggerAttachment t : trigs) {
        if (testChance && !t.testChance(bridge)) {
        if (useUses) {
        for (final String relationshipChange : t.getRelationshipChange()) {
            final String[] s = relationshipChange.split(":");
            final PlayerID player1 = data.getPlayerList().getPlayerId(s[0]);
            final PlayerID player2 = data.getPlayerList().getPlayerId(s[1]);
            final RelationshipType currentRelation = data.getRelationshipTracker().getRelationshipType(player1, player2);
            if (s[2].equals(Constants.RELATIONSHIP_CONDITION_ANY) || (s[2].equals(Constants.RELATIONSHIP_CONDITION_ANY_NEUTRAL) && Matches.relationshipTypeIsNeutral().test(currentRelation)) || (s[2].equals(Constants.RELATIONSHIP_CONDITION_ANY_ALLIED) && Matches.relationshipTypeIsAllied().test(currentRelation)) || (s[2].equals(Constants.RELATIONSHIP_CONDITION_ANY_WAR) && Matches.relationshipTypeIsAtWar().test(currentRelation)) || currentRelation.equals(data.getRelationshipTypeList().getRelationshipType(s[2]))) {
                final RelationshipType triggerNewRelation = data.getRelationshipTypeList().getRelationshipType(s[3]);
                change.add(ChangeFactory.relationshipChange(player1, player2, currentRelation, triggerNewRelation));
                bridge.getHistoryWriter().startEvent(MyFormatter.attachmentNameToText(t.getName()) + ": Changing Relationship for " + player1.getName() + " and " + player2.getName() + " from " + currentRelation.getName() + " to " + triggerNewRelation.getName());
                AbstractMoveDelegate.getBattleTracker(data).addRelationshipChangesThisTurn(player1, player2, currentRelation, triggerNewRelation);
           * creation of new battles is handled at the beginning of the battle delegate, in
           * "setupUnitsInSameTerritoryBattles", not here.
           * if (Matches.relationshipTypeIsAtWar().test(triggerNewRelation))
           * triggerMustFightBattle(player1, player2, aBridge);
    if (!change.isEmpty()) {
Also used : PlayerID( GameData( RelationshipType( CompositeChange(

Example 10 with CompositeChange

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class TriggerAttachment method triggerTerritoryPropertyChange.

public static void triggerTerritoryPropertyChange(final Set<TriggerAttachment> satisfiedTriggers, final IDelegateBridge bridge, final String beforeOrAfter, final String stepName, final boolean useUses, final boolean testUses, final boolean testChance, final boolean testWhen) {
    Collection<TriggerAttachment> trigs = CollectionUtils.getMatches(satisfiedTriggers, territoryPropertyMatch());
    if (testWhen) {
        trigs = CollectionUtils.getMatches(trigs, whenOrDefaultMatch(beforeOrAfter, stepName));
    if (testUses) {
        trigs = CollectionUtils.getMatches(trigs, availableUses);
    final CompositeChange change = new CompositeChange();
    final HashSet<Territory> territoriesNeedingReDraw = new HashSet<>();
    for (final TriggerAttachment t : trigs) {
        if (testChance && !t.testChance(bridge)) {
        if (useUses) {
        for (final Tuple<String, String> property : t.getTerritoryProperty()) {
            for (final Territory territory : t.getTerritories()) {
                String newValue = property.getSecond();
                boolean clearFirst = false;
                // test if we are resetting the variable first, and if so, remove the leading "-reset-" or "-clear-"
                if (newValue.length() > 0 && (newValue.startsWith(PREFIX_CLEAR) || newValue.startsWith(PREFIX_RESET))) {
                    newValue = newValue.replaceFirst(PREFIX_CLEAR, "").replaceFirst(PREFIX_RESET, "");
                    clearFirst = true;
                // covers TerritoryAttachment, CanalAttachment
                if (t.getTerritoryAttachmentName().getFirst().equals("TerritoryAttachment")) {
                    final TerritoryAttachment attachment = TerritoryAttachment.get(territory, t.getTerritoryAttachmentName().getSecond());
                    if (attachment == null) {
                        // water territories may not have an attachment, so this could be null
                        throw new IllegalStateException("Triggers: No territory attachment for:" + territory.getName());
                    if (newValue.equals(attachment.getRawPropertyString(property.getFirst()))) {
                    if (clearFirst && newValue.length() < 1) {
                        change.add(ChangeFactory.attachmentPropertyReset(attachment, property.getFirst()));
                    } else {
                        change.add(ChangeFactory.attachmentPropertyChange(attachment, newValue, property.getFirst(), clearFirst));
                    bridge.getHistoryWriter().startEvent(MyFormatter.attachmentNameToText(t.getName()) + ": Setting " + property.getFirst() + (newValue.length() > 0 ? " to " + newValue : " cleared ") + " for " + t.getTerritoryAttachmentName().getSecond() + " attached to " + territory.getName());
                } else if (t.getTerritoryAttachmentName().getFirst().equals("CanalAttachment")) {
                    final CanalAttachment attachment = CanalAttachment.get(territory, t.getTerritoryAttachmentName().getSecond());
                    if (newValue.equals(attachment.getRawPropertyString(property.getFirst()))) {
                    if (clearFirst && newValue.length() < 1) {
                        change.add(ChangeFactory.attachmentPropertyReset(attachment, property.getFirst()));
                    } else {
                        change.add(ChangeFactory.attachmentPropertyChange(attachment, newValue, property.getFirst(), clearFirst));
                    bridge.getHistoryWriter().startEvent(MyFormatter.attachmentNameToText(t.getName()) + ": Setting " + property.getFirst() + (newValue.length() > 0 ? " to " + newValue : " cleared ") + " for " + t.getTerritoryAttachmentName().getSecond() + " attached to " + territory.getName());
            // TODO add other attachment changes here if they attach to a territory
    if (!change.isEmpty()) {
        for (final Territory territory : territoriesNeedingReDraw) {
Also used : Territory( CompositeChange( HashSet(java.util.HashSet)


CompositeChange ( Unit ( TripleAUnit (games.strategy.triplea.TripleAUnit)40 GameData ( Territory ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)22 PlayerID ( Change ( UnitType ( Resource ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)9 UnitAttachment (games.strategy.triplea.attachments.UnitAttachment)8 IntegerMap (games.strategy.util.IntegerMap)8 Tuple (games.strategy.util.Tuple)7 Collection (java.util.Collection)7 RelationshipType ( Set (java.util.Set)6 ProductionFrontier ( ProductionRule ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)4