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Example 1 with Resource

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class ChangeResourceChange method perform.

protected void perform(final GameData data) {
    final Resource resource = data.getResourceList().getResource(m_resource);
    final ResourceCollection resources = data.getPlayerList().getPlayerId(m_player).getResources();
    if (m_quantity > 0) {
        resources.addResource(resource, m_quantity);
    } else if (m_quantity < 0) {
        resources.removeResource(resource, -m_quantity);
Also used : Resource( ResourceCollection(

Example 2 with Resource

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class BattleDelegate method doKamikazeSuicideAttacks.

 * KamikazeSuicideAttacks are attacks that are made during an Opponent's turn, using Resources that you own that have
 * been designated.
 * The resources are designated in PlayerAttachment, and hold information like the attack power of the resource.
 * KamikazeSuicideAttacks are done in any territory that is a kamikazeZone, and the attacks are done by the original
 * owner of that
 * territory.
 * The user has the option not to do any attacks, and they make target any number of units with any number of resource
 * tokens.
 * The units are then attacked individually by each resource token (meaning that casualties do not get selected
 * because the attacks are
 * targeted).
 * The enemies of current player should decide all their attacks before the attacks are rolled.
private void doKamikazeSuicideAttacks() {
    final GameData data = getData();
    if (!Properties.getUseKamikazeSuicideAttacks(data)) {
    // the current player is not the one who is doing these attacks, it is the all the enemies of this player who will
    // do attacks
    final Collection<PlayerID> enemies = CollectionUtils.getMatches(data.getPlayerList().getPlayers(), Matches.isAtWar(player, data));
    if (enemies.isEmpty()) {
    final Predicate<Unit> canBeAttackedDefault = Matches.unitIsOwnedBy(player).and(Matches.unitIsSea()).and(Matches.unitIsNotTransportButCouldBeCombatTransport()).and(Matches.unitIsNotSub());
    final boolean onlyWhereThereAreBattlesOrAmphibious = Properties.getKamikazeSuicideAttacksOnlyWhereBattlesAre(data);
    final Collection<Territory> pendingBattles = battleTracker.getPendingBattleSites(false);
    // create a list of all kamikaze zones, listed by enemy
    final Map<PlayerID, Collection<Territory>> kamikazeZonesByEnemy = new HashMap<>();
    for (final Territory t : data.getMap().getTerritories()) {
        final TerritoryAttachment ta = TerritoryAttachment.get(t);
        if (ta == null || !ta.getKamikazeZone()) {
        final PlayerID owner = !Properties.getKamikazeSuicideAttacksDoneByCurrentTerritoryOwner(data) ? ta.getOriginalOwner() : t.getOwner();
        if (owner == null) {
        if (enemies.contains(owner)) {
            if (t.getUnits().getUnits().stream().noneMatch(Matches.unitIsOwnedBy(player))) {
            if (onlyWhereThereAreBattlesOrAmphibious) {
                // if no battle or amphibious from here, ignore it
                if (!pendingBattles.contains(t)) {
                    if (!Matches.territoryIsWater().test(t)) {
                    boolean amphib = false;
                    final Collection<Territory> landNeighbors = data.getMap().getNeighbors(t, Matches.territoryIsLand());
                    for (final Territory neighbor : landNeighbors) {
                        final IBattle battle = battleTracker.getPendingBattle(neighbor, false, BattleType.NORMAL);
                        if (battle == null) {
                            final Map<Territory, Collection<Unit>> whereFrom = battleTracker.getFinishedBattlesUnitAttackFromMap().get(neighbor);
                            if (whereFrom != null && whereFrom.containsKey(t)) {
                                amphib = true;
                        if (battle.isAmphibious() && ((battle instanceof MustFightBattle && ((MustFightBattle) battle).getAmphibiousAttackTerritories().contains(t)) || (battle instanceof NonFightingBattle && ((NonFightingBattle) battle).getAmphibiousAttackTerritories().contains(t)))) {
                            amphib = true;
                    if (!amphib) {
            final Collection<Territory> currentTerrs = kamikazeZonesByEnemy.getOrDefault(owner, new ArrayList<>());
            kamikazeZonesByEnemy.put(owner, currentTerrs);
    if (kamikazeZonesByEnemy.isEmpty()) {
    for (final Entry<PlayerID, Collection<Territory>> entry : kamikazeZonesByEnemy.entrySet()) {
        final PlayerID currentEnemy = entry.getKey();
        final PlayerAttachment pa = PlayerAttachment.get(currentEnemy);
        if (pa == null) {
        Predicate<Unit> canBeAttacked = canBeAttackedDefault;
        final Set<UnitType> suicideAttackTargets = pa.getSuicideAttackTargets();
        if (suicideAttackTargets != null) {
            canBeAttacked = Matches.unitIsOwnedBy(player).and(Matches.unitIsOfTypes(suicideAttackTargets));
        // See if the player has any attack tokens
        final IntegerMap<Resource> resourcesAndAttackValues = pa.getSuicideAttackResources();
        if (resourcesAndAttackValues.size() <= 0) {
        final IntegerMap<Resource> playerResourceCollection = currentEnemy.getResources().getResourcesCopy();
        final IntegerMap<Resource> attackTokens = new IntegerMap<>();
        for (final Resource possible : resourcesAndAttackValues.keySet()) {
            final int amount = playerResourceCollection.getInt(possible);
            if (amount > 0) {
                attackTokens.put(possible, amount);
        if (attackTokens.size() <= 0) {
        // now let the enemy decide if they will do attacks
        final Collection<Territory> kamikazeZones = entry.getValue();
        final HashMap<Territory, Collection<Unit>> possibleUnitsToAttack = new HashMap<>();
        for (final Territory t : kamikazeZones) {
            final List<Unit> validTargets = t.getUnits().getMatches(canBeAttacked);
            if (!validTargets.isEmpty()) {
                possibleUnitsToAttack.put(t, validTargets);
        final Map<Territory, HashMap<Unit, IntegerMap<Resource>>> attacks = getRemotePlayer(currentEnemy).selectKamikazeSuicideAttacks(possibleUnitsToAttack);
        if (attacks == null || attacks.isEmpty()) {
        // now validate that we have the resources and those units are valid targets
        for (final Entry<Territory, HashMap<Unit, IntegerMap<Resource>>> territoryEntry : attacks.entrySet()) {
            final Territory t = territoryEntry.getKey();
            final Collection<Unit> possibleUnits = possibleUnitsToAttack.get(t);
            if (possibleUnits == null || !possibleUnits.containsAll(territoryEntry.getValue().keySet())) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Player has chosen illegal units during Kamikaze Suicide Attacks");
            for (final IntegerMap<Resource> resourceMap : territoryEntry.getValue().values()) {
        if (!attackTokens.isPositive()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Player has chosen illegal resource during Kamikaze Suicide Attacks");
        for (final Entry<Territory, HashMap<Unit, IntegerMap<Resource>>> territoryEntry : attacks.entrySet()) {
            final Territory location = territoryEntry.getKey();
            for (final Entry<Unit, IntegerMap<Resource>> unitEntry : territoryEntry.getValue().entrySet()) {
                final Unit unitUnderFire = unitEntry.getKey();
                final IntegerMap<Resource> numberOfAttacks = unitEntry.getValue();
                if (numberOfAttacks != null && numberOfAttacks.size() > 0 && numberOfAttacks.totalValues() > 0) {
                    fireKamikazeSuicideAttacks(unitUnderFire, numberOfAttacks, resourcesAndAttackValues, currentEnemy, location);
Also used : PlayerID( GameData( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) TripleAUnit(games.strategy.triplea.TripleAUnit) Unit( PlayerAttachment(games.strategy.triplea.attachments.PlayerAttachment) UnitType( IntegerMap(games.strategy.util.IntegerMap) Territory( TerritoryAttachment(games.strategy.triplea.attachments.TerritoryAttachment) Resource( Collection(java.util.Collection) ResourceCollection(

Example 3 with Resource

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class UnitAttachment method setCreatesResourcesList.

private void setCreatesResourcesList(final String value) throws GameParseException {
    final String[] s = value.split(":");
    if (s.length <= 0 || s.length > 2) {
        throw new GameParseException("createsResourcesList cannot be empty or have more than two fields" + thisErrorMsg());
    final String resourceToProduce = s[1];
    // validate that this resource exists in the xml
    final Resource r = getData().getResourceList().getResource(resourceToProduce);
    if (r == null) {
        throw new GameParseException("createsResourcesList: No resource called:" + resourceToProduce + thisErrorMsg());
    final int n = getInt(s[0]);
    m_createsResourcesList.put(r, n);
Also used : Resource( GameParseException(

Example 4 with Resource

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class UnitAttachment method toStringShortAndOnlyImportantDifferences.

 * Displays all unit options in a short description form that's user friendly rather than as XML.
 * Shows all except for: m_constructionType, m_constructionsPerTerrPerTypePerTurn, m_maxConstructionsPerTypePerTerr,
 * m_canBeGivenByTerritoryTo, m_destroyedWhenCapturedBy, m_canBeCapturedOnEnteringBy.
public String toStringShortAndOnlyImportantDifferences(final PlayerID player, final boolean useHtml, final boolean includeAttachedToName) {
    final StringBuilder stats = new StringBuilder();
    final UnitType unitType = (UnitType) this.getAttachedTo();
    if (includeAttachedToName && unitType != null) {
        stats.append(unitType.getName()).append(":  ");
    if (getIsAir()) {
        stats.append("Air unit, ");
    } else if (getIsSea()) {
        stats.append("Sea unit, ");
    } else {
        stats.append("Land unit, ");
    final int attackRolls = getAttackRolls(player);
    final int defenseRolls = getDefenseRolls(player);
    if (getAttack(player) > 0) {
        stats.append(attackRolls > 1 ? (attackRolls + "x ") : "").append(getAttack(player)).append(" Attack, ");
    if (getDefense(player) > 0) {
        stats.append(defenseRolls > 1 ? (defenseRolls + "x ") : "").append(getDefense(player)).append(" Defense, ");
    if (getMovement(player) > 0) {
        stats.append(getMovement(player)).append(" Movement, ");
    if (getHitPoints() > 1) {
        stats.append(getHitPoints()).append(" Hitpoints, ");
    if (getCanProduceUnits() && getCanProduceXUnits() < 0) {
        stats.append("can Produce Units Up To Territory Value, ");
    } else if (getCanProduceUnits() && getCanProduceXUnits() > 0) {
        stats.append("can Produce ").append(getCanProduceXUnits()).append(" Units, ");
    if (getCreatesUnitsList() != null && getCreatesUnitsList().size() > 0) {
        if (getCreatesUnitsList().size() > 4) {
            stats.append("Produces ").append(getCreatesUnitsList().totalValues()).append(" Units Each Turn, ");
        } else {
            stats.append("Produces ");
            for (final Entry<UnitType, Integer> entry : getCreatesUnitsList().entrySet()) {
                stats.append(entry.getValue()).append("x").append(entry.getKey().getName()).append(" ");
            stats.append("Each Turn, ");
    if (getCreatesResourcesList() != null && getCreatesResourcesList().size() > 0) {
        if (getCreatesResourcesList().size() > 4) {
            stats.append("Produces ").append(getCreatesResourcesList().totalValues()).append(" Resources Each Turn, ");
        } else {
            stats.append("Produces ");
            for (final Entry<Resource, Integer> entry : getCreatesResourcesList().entrySet()) {
                stats.append(entry.getValue()).append("x").append(entry.getKey().getName()).append(" ");
            stats.append("Each Turn, ");
    if (getFuelCost() != null && getFuelCost().size() > 0) {
        if (getFuelCost().size() > 4) {
            stats.append("Uses ").append(m_fuelCost.totalValues()).append(" Resources Each movement point, ");
        } else {
            stats.append("Uses ");
            for (final Entry<Resource, Integer> entry : getFuelCost().entrySet()) {
                stats.append(entry.getValue()).append("x").append(entry.getKey().getName()).append(" ");
            stats.append("Each movement point, ");
    if (getFuelFlatCost() != null && getFuelFlatCost().size() > 0) {
        if (getFuelFlatCost().size() > 4) {
            stats.append("Uses ").append(m_fuelFlatCost.totalValues()).append(" Resources Each turn if moved, ");
        } else {
            stats.append("Uses ");
            for (final Entry<Resource, Integer> entry : getFuelFlatCost().entrySet()) {
                stats.append(entry.getValue()).append("x").append(entry.getKey().getName()).append(" ");
            stats.append("Each turn if moved, ");
    if ((getIsAaForCombatOnly() || getIsAaForBombingThisUnitOnly() || getIsAaForFlyOverOnly()) && (getAttackAa(player) > 0 || getOffensiveAttackAa(player) > 0)) {
        if (getOffensiveAttackAa(player) > 0) {
            stats.append(getOffensiveAttackAa(player)).append("/").append(getOffensiveAttackAaMaxDieSides() != -1 ? getOffensiveAttackAaMaxDieSides() : getData().getDiceSides()).append(" att ");
        if (getAttackAa(player) > 0) {
            stats.append(getAttackAa(player)).append("/").append(getAttackAaMaxDieSides() != -1 ? getAttackAaMaxDieSides() : getData().getDiceSides()).append(" def ");
        if (getIsAaForCombatOnly() && getIsAaForBombingThisUnitOnly() && getIsAaForFlyOverOnly()) {
            stats.append(getTypeAa()).append(", ");
        } else if (getIsAaForCombatOnly() && getIsAaForFlyOverOnly() && !Properties.getAaTerritoryRestricted(getData())) {
            stats.append(getTypeAa()).append(" for Combat & Move Through, ");
        } else if (getIsAaForBombingThisUnitOnly() && getIsAaForFlyOverOnly() && !Properties.getAaTerritoryRestricted(getData())) {
            stats.append(getTypeAa()).append(" for Raids & Move Through, ");
        } else if (getIsAaForCombatOnly()) {
            stats.append(getTypeAa()).append(" for Combat, ");
        } else if (getIsAaForBombingThisUnitOnly()) {
            stats.append(getTypeAa()).append(" for Raids, ");
        } else if (getIsAaForFlyOverOnly()) {
            stats.append(getTypeAa()).append(" for Move Through, ");
        if (getMaxAaAttacks() > -1) {
            stats.append(getMaxAaAttacks()).append(" ").append(getTypeAa()).append(" Attacks, ");
    if (getIsRocket() && playerHasRockets(player)) {
        stats.append("can Rocket Attack, ");
        final int bombingBonus = getBombingBonus();
        if ((getBombingMaxDieSides() != -1 || bombingBonus != 0) && Properties.getUseBombingMaxDiceSidesAndBonus(getData())) {
            stats.append(bombingBonus != 0 ? bombingBonus + 1 : 1).append("-").append(getBombingMaxDieSides() != -1 ? getBombingMaxDieSides() + bombingBonus : getData().getDiceSides() + bombingBonus).append(" Rocket Damage, ");
        } else {
            stats.append("1-").append(getData().getDiceSides()).append(" Rocket Damage, ");
    // line break
    if (useHtml) {
        stats.append("<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ");
    if (getIsInfrastructure()) {
        stats.append("can be Captured, ");
    if (getIsConstruction()) {
        stats.append("can be Placed Without Factory, ");
    if ((getCanBeDamaged()) && Properties.getDamageFromBombingDoneToUnitsInsteadOfTerritories(getData())) {
        stats.append("can be Damaged By Raids, ");
        if (getMaxOperationalDamage() > -1) {
            stats.append(getMaxOperationalDamage()).append(" Max Operational Damage, ");
        if ((getCanProduceUnits()) && getCanProduceXUnits() < 0) {
            stats.append("Total Damage up to ").append(getMaxDamage() > -1 ? getMaxDamage() : 2).append("x Territory Value, ");
        } else if (getMaxDamage() > -1) {
            stats.append(getMaxDamage()).append(" Max Total Damage, ");
        if (getCanDieFromReachingMaxDamage()) {
            stats.append("will Die If Max Damage Reached, ");
    } else if (getCanBeDamaged()) {
        stats.append("can be Attacked By Raids, ");
    if (getIsAirBase() && Properties.getScrambleRulesInEffect(getData())) {
        stats.append("can Allow Scrambling, ");
    if (getCanScramble() && Properties.getScrambleRulesInEffect(getData())) {
        stats.append("can Scramble ").append(getMaxScrambleDistance() > 0 ? getMaxScrambleDistance() : 1).append(" Distance, ");
    if (getArtillery()) {
        stats.append("can Give Attack Bonus To Other Units, ");
    } else {
        final List<UnitSupportAttachment> supports = CollectionUtils.getMatches(UnitSupportAttachment.get(unitType), Matches.unitSupportAttachmentCanBeUsedByPlayer(player));
        if (supports.size() > 0) {
            if (supports.size() > 2) {
                stats.append("can Modify Power Of Other Units, ");
            } else {
                for (final UnitSupportAttachment support : supports) {
                    if (support.getUnitType() == null || support.getUnitType().isEmpty()) {
                    stats.append("gives ").append(support.getBonus()).append(support.getStrength() && support.getRoll() ? " Power&Rolls" : (support.getStrength() ? " Power" : " Rolls")).append(" to ").append(support.getNumber()).append(support.getAllied() && support.getEnemy() ? " Allied&Enemy " : (support.getAllied() ? " Allied " : " Enemy ")).append(support.getUnitType().size() > 4 ? "Units" : MyFormatter.defaultNamedToTextList(support.getUnitType(), "/", false)).append(" when ").append(support.getOffence() && support.getDefence() ? "Att/Def" : (support.getOffence() ? "Attacking" : "Defending")).append(", ");
    if (getArtillerySupportable()) {
        stats.append("can Receive Attack Bonus From Other Units, ");
    if (getIsMarine() != 0) {
        stats.append(getIsMarine()).append(" Amphibious Attack Modifier, ");
    if (getCanBlitz(player)) {
        stats.append("can Blitz, ");
    if (!getReceivesAbilityWhenWith().isEmpty()) {
        if (getReceivesAbilityWhenWith().size() <= 2) {
            for (final String ability : getReceivesAbilityWhenWith()) {
                stats.append("receives ").append(ability.split(":")[0]).append(" when paired with ").append(ability.split(":")[1]).append(", ");
        } else {
            stats.append("receives Abilities When Paired with Other Units, ");
    if (getIsStrategicBomber()) {
        stats.append("can Perform Raids, ");
        final int bombingBonus = getBombingBonus();
        if ((getBombingMaxDieSides() != -1 || bombingBonus != 0) && Properties.getUseBombingMaxDiceSidesAndBonus(getData())) {
            stats.append(bombingBonus != 0 ? bombingBonus + 1 : 1).append("-").append(getBombingMaxDieSides() != -1 ? getBombingMaxDieSides() + bombingBonus : getData().getDiceSides() + bombingBonus).append(" Raid Damage, ");
        } else {
            stats.append("1-").append(getData().getDiceSides()).append(" Raid Damage, ");
    final int airAttack = getAirAttack(player);
    final int airDefense = getAirDefense(player);
    if (airAttack > 0 && (getIsStrategicBomber() || getCanEscort() || getCanAirBattle())) {
        stats.append(attackRolls > 1 ? (attackRolls + "x ") : "").append(airAttack).append(" Air Attack, ");
    if (airDefense > 0 && (getCanIntercept() || getCanAirBattle())) {
        stats.append(defenseRolls > 1 ? (defenseRolls + "x ") : "").append(airAttack).append(" Air Defense, ");
    if (getIsSub()) {
        stats.append("is Stealth, ");
    if (getIsDestroyer()) {
        stats.append("is Anti-Stealth, ");
    if (getCanBombard(player) && getBombard() > 0) {
        stats.append(getBombard()).append(" Bombard, ");
    if (getBlockade() > 0) {
        stats.append(getBlockade()).append(" Blockade Loss, ");
    if (getIsSuicide()) {
        stats.append("Suicide/Munition Unit, ");
    if (getIsSuicideOnHit()) {
        stats.append("SuicideOnHit Unit, ");
    if (getIsAir() && (getIsKamikaze() || Properties.getKamikazeAirplanes(getData()))) {
        stats.append("can use All Movement To Attack Target, ");
    if ((getIsInfantry() || getIsLandTransportable()) && playerHasMechInf(player)) {
        stats.append("can be Transported By Land, ");
    if (getIsLandTransport() && playerHasMechInf(player)) {
        stats.append("is a Land Transport, ");
    if (getIsAirTransportable() && playerHasParatroopers(player)) {
        stats.append("can be Transported By Air, ");
    if (getIsAirTransport() && playerHasParatroopers(player)) {
        stats.append("is an Air Transport, ");
    if (getIsCombatTransport() && getTransportCapacity() > 0) {
        stats.append("is a Combat Transport, ");
    } else if (getTransportCapacity() > 0 && getIsSea()) {
        stats.append("is a Sea Transport, ");
    if (getTransportCost() > -1) {
        stats.append(getTransportCost()).append(" Transporting Cost, ");
    if (getTransportCapacity() > 0 && getIsSea()) {
        stats.append(getTransportCapacity()).append(" Transporting Capacity, ");
    } else if (getTransportCapacity() > 0 && getIsAir() && playerHasParatroopers(player)) {
        stats.append(getTransportCapacity()).append(" Transporting Capacity, ");
    } else if (getTransportCapacity() > 0 && playerHasMechInf(player) && !getIsSea() && !getIsAir()) {
        stats.append(getTransportCapacity()).append(" Transporting Capacity, ");
    if (getCarrierCost() > -1) {
        stats.append(getCarrierCost()).append(" Carrier Cost, ");
    if (getCarrierCapacity() > 0) {
        stats.append(getCarrierCapacity()).append(" Carrier Capacity, ");
    if (!getWhenCombatDamaged().isEmpty()) {
        stats.append("when hit this unit loses certain abilities, ");
    // line break
    if (useHtml) {
        stats.append("<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ");
    if (getMaxBuiltPerPlayer() > -1) {
        stats.append(getMaxBuiltPerPlayer()).append(" Max Built Allowed, ");
    if (getRepairsUnits() != null && !getRepairsUnits().isEmpty() && Properties.getTwoHitPointUnitsRequireRepairFacilities(getData()) && (Properties.getBattleshipsRepairAtBeginningOfRound(getData()) || Properties.getBattleshipsRepairAtEndOfRound(getData()))) {
        if (getRepairsUnits().size() <= 4) {
            stats.append("can Repair: ").append(MyFormatter.integerDefaultNamedMapToString(getRepairsUnits(), " ", "=", false)).append(", ");
        } else {
            stats.append("can Repair Some Units, ");
    if (getGivesMovement() != null && getGivesMovement().totalValues() > 0 && Properties.getUnitsMayGiveBonusMovement(getData())) {
        if (getGivesMovement().size() <= 4) {
            stats.append("can Modify Unit Movement: ").append(MyFormatter.integerDefaultNamedMapToString(getGivesMovement(), " ", "=", false)).append(", ");
        } else {
            stats.append("can Modify Unit Movement, ");
    if (getConsumesUnits() != null && getConsumesUnits().totalValues() == 1) {
        stats.append("unit is an Upgrade Of ").append(getConsumesUnits().keySet().iterator().next().getName()).append(", ");
    } else if (getConsumesUnits() != null && getConsumesUnits().totalValues() > 0) {
        if (getConsumesUnits().size() <= 4) {
            stats.append("unit Consumes On Placement: ").append(MyFormatter.integerDefaultNamedMapToString(getConsumesUnits(), " ", "x", true)).append(", ");
        } else {
            stats.append("unit Consumes Other Units On Placement, ");
    if (getRequiresUnits() != null && getRequiresUnits().size() > 0 && Properties.getUnitPlacementRestrictions(getData())) {
        final List<String> totalUnitsListed = new ArrayList<>();
        for (final String[] list : getRequiresUnits()) {
        if (totalUnitsListed.size() > 4) {
            stats.append("unit Requires Other Units Present To Be Placed, ");
        } else {
            stats.append("unit can only be Placed Where There Is: ");
            stats.append(", ");
    if (getRequiresUnitsToMove() != null && !getRequiresUnitsToMove().isEmpty()) {
        final List<String> totalUnitsListed = new ArrayList<>();
        for (final String[] list : getRequiresUnitsToMove()) {
        if (totalUnitsListed.size() > 4) {
            stats.append("unit Requires Other Units Present To Be Moved, ");
        } else {
            stats.append("unit can only be Moved Where There Is: ");
            stats.append(", ");
    if (getUnitPlacementRestrictions() != null && Properties.getUnitPlacementRestrictions(getData())) {
        stats.append("has Placement Restrictions, ");
    if (getCanOnlyBePlacedInTerritoryValuedAtX() > 0 && Properties.getUnitPlacementRestrictions(getData())) {
        stats.append("must be Placed In Territory Valued >=").append(getCanOnlyBePlacedInTerritoryValuedAtX()).append(", ");
    if (getCanNotMoveDuringCombatMove()) {
        stats.append("cannot Combat Move, ");
    if (getMovementLimit() != null) {
        if (getMovementLimit().getFirst() == Integer.MAX_VALUE && (getIsAaForBombingThisUnitOnly() || getIsAaForCombatOnly()) && !(Properties.getWW2V2(getData()) || Properties.getWW2V3(getData()) || Properties.getMultipleAaPerTerritory(getData()))) {
            stats.append("max of 1 ").append(getMovementLimit().getSecond()).append(" moving per territory, ");
        } else if (getMovementLimit().getFirst() < 10000) {
            stats.append("max of ").append(getMovementLimit().getFirst()).append(" ").append(getMovementLimit().getSecond()).append(" moving per territory, ");
    if (getAttackingLimit() != null) {
        if (getAttackingLimit().getFirst() == Integer.MAX_VALUE && (getIsAaForBombingThisUnitOnly() || getIsAaForCombatOnly()) && !(Properties.getWW2V2(getData()) || Properties.getWW2V3(getData()) || Properties.getMultipleAaPerTerritory(getData()))) {
            stats.append("max of 1 ").append(getAttackingLimit().getSecond()).append(" attacking per territory, ");
        } else if (getAttackingLimit().getFirst() < 10000) {
            stats.append("max of ").append(getAttackingLimit().getFirst()).append(" ").append(getAttackingLimit().getSecond()).append(" attacking per territory, ");
    if (getPlacementLimit() != null) {
        if (getPlacementLimit().getFirst() == Integer.MAX_VALUE && (getIsAaForBombingThisUnitOnly() || getIsAaForCombatOnly()) && !(Properties.getWW2V2(getData()) || Properties.getWW2V3(getData()) || Properties.getMultipleAaPerTerritory(getData()))) {
            stats.append("max of 1 ").append(getPlacementLimit().getSecond()).append(" placed per territory, ");
        } else if (getPlacementLimit().getFirst() < 10000) {
            stats.append("max of ").append(getPlacementLimit().getFirst()).append(" ").append(getPlacementLimit().getSecond()).append(" placed per territory, ");
    if (stats.indexOf(", ") > -1) {
        stats.delete(stats.lastIndexOf(", "), stats.length() - 1);
    return stats.toString();
Also used : Resource( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) UnitType(

Example 5 with Resource

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class PoliticsDelegate method checkEnoughMoney.

 * @param paa
 *        The Political Action the player should be charged for.
 * @return false if the player can't afford the action
private boolean checkEnoughMoney(final PoliticalActionAttachment paa) {
    final Resource pus = getData().getResourceList().getResource(Constants.PUS);
    final int cost = paa.getCostPu();
    final int has = bridge.getPlayerId().getResources().getQuantity(pus);
    return has >= cost;
Also used : Resource(


Resource ( PlayerID ( IntegerMap (games.strategy.util.IntegerMap)16 GameData ( Unit ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)15 Territory ( UnitType ( Change ( CompositeChange ( ProductionRule ( TripleAUnit (games.strategy.triplea.TripleAUnit)10 NamedAttachable ( ResourceCollection ( PlayerAttachment (games.strategy.triplea.attachments.PlayerAttachment)7 GameParseException ( UnitAttachment (games.strategy.triplea.attachments.UnitAttachment)6 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)6 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)6 Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)5