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Example 16 with Resource

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class GameDataExporter method productionRules.

private void productionRules(final GameData data) {
    for (final ProductionRule pr : data.getProductionRuleList().getProductionRules()) {
        xmlfile.append("        <productionRule name=\"").append(pr.getName()).append("\">\n");
        for (final Resource cost : pr.getCosts().keySet()) {
            xmlfile.append("            <cost resource=\"").append(cost.getName()).append("\" quantity=\"").append(pr.getCosts().getInt(cost)).append("\"/>\n");
        for (final NamedAttachable result : pr.getResults().keySet()) {
            xmlfile.append("            <result resourceOrUnit=\"").append(result.getName()).append("\" quantity=\"").append(pr.getResults().getInt(result)).append("\"/>\n");
        xmlfile.append("        </productionRule>\n");
Also used : ProductionRule( NamedAttachable( Resource(

Example 17 with Resource

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class WeakAi method purchase.

public void purchase(final boolean purchaseForBid, final int pusToSpend, final IPurchaseDelegate purchaseDelegate, final GameData data, final PlayerID player) {
    if (purchaseForBid) {
        // bid will only buy land units, due to weak ai placement for bid not being able to handle sea units
        final Resource pus = data.getResourceList().getResource(Constants.PUS);
        int leftToSpend = pusToSpend;
        final List<ProductionRule> rules = player.getProductionFrontier().getRules();
        final IntegerMap<ProductionRule> purchase = new IntegerMap<>();
        int minCost = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        int i = 0;
        while ((minCost == Integer.MAX_VALUE || leftToSpend >= minCost) && i < 100000) {
            for (final ProductionRule rule : rules) {
                final NamedAttachable resourceOrUnit = rule.getResults().keySet().iterator().next();
                if (!(resourceOrUnit instanceof UnitType)) {
                final UnitType results = (UnitType) resourceOrUnit;
                if (Matches.unitTypeIsSea().test(results) || Matches.unitTypeIsAir().test(results) || Matches.unitTypeIsInfrastructure().test(results) || Matches.unitTypeIsAaForAnything().test(results) || Matches.unitTypeHasMaxBuildRestrictions().test(results) || Matches.unitTypeConsumesUnitsOnCreation().test(results) || Matches.unitTypeIsStatic(player).test(results)) {
                final int cost = rule.getCosts().getInt(pus);
                if (cost < 1) {
                if (minCost == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
                    minCost = cost;
                if (minCost > cost) {
                    minCost = cost;
                // give a preference to cheap units
                if (Math.random() * cost < 2) {
                    if (cost <= leftToSpend) {
                        leftToSpend -= cost;
                        purchase.add(rule, 1);
    final boolean isAmphib = isAmphibAttack(player, data);
    final Route amphibRoute = getAmphibRoute(player, data);
    final int transportCount = countTransports(data, player);
    final int landUnitCount = countLandUnits(data, player);
    int defUnitsAtAmpibRoute = 0;
    if (isAmphib && amphibRoute != null) {
        defUnitsAtAmpibRoute = amphibRoute.getEnd().getUnits().getUnitCount();
    final Resource pus = data.getResourceList().getResource(Constants.PUS);
    final int totalPu = player.getResources().getQuantity(pus);
    int leftToSpend = totalPu;
    final Territory capitol = TerritoryAttachment.getFirstOwnedCapitalOrFirstUnownedCapital(player, data);
    final List<ProductionRule> rules = player.getProductionFrontier().getRules();
    final IntegerMap<ProductionRule> purchase = new IntegerMap<>();
    final List<RepairRule> repairRules;
    final Predicate<Unit> ourFactories = Matches.unitIsOwnedBy(player).and(Matches.unitCanProduceUnits());
    final List<Territory> repairFactories = CollectionUtils.getMatches(Utils.findUnitTerr(data, ourFactories), Matches.isTerritoryOwnedBy(player));
    // figure out if anything needs to be repaired
    if (player.getRepairFrontier() != null && Properties.getDamageFromBombingDoneToUnitsInsteadOfTerritories(data)) {
        repairRules = player.getRepairFrontier().getRules();
        final IntegerMap<RepairRule> repairMap = new IntegerMap<>();
        final HashMap<Unit, IntegerMap<RepairRule>> repair = new HashMap<>();
        final Map<Unit, Territory> unitsThatCanProduceNeedingRepair = new HashMap<>();
        final int minimumUnitPrice = 3;
        int diff;
        int capProduction = 0;
        Unit capUnit = null;
        Territory capUnitTerritory = null;
        int currentProduction = 0;
        // we should sort this
        for (final Territory fixTerr : repairFactories) {
            if (!Matches.territoryIsOwnedAndHasOwnedUnitMatching(player, Matches.unitCanProduceUnitsAndCanBeDamaged()).test(fixTerr)) {
            final Unit possibleFactoryNeedingRepair = TripleAUnit.getBiggestProducer(CollectionUtils.getMatches(fixTerr.getUnits().getUnits(), ourFactories), fixTerr, player, data, false);
            if (Matches.unitHasTakenSomeBombingUnitDamage().test(possibleFactoryNeedingRepair)) {
                unitsThatCanProduceNeedingRepair.put(possibleFactoryNeedingRepair, fixTerr);
            if (fixTerr == capitol) {
                capProduction = TripleAUnit.getHowMuchCanUnitProduce(possibleFactoryNeedingRepair, fixTerr, player, data, true, true);
                capUnit = possibleFactoryNeedingRepair;
                capUnitTerritory = fixTerr;
            currentProduction += TripleAUnit.getHowMuchCanUnitProduce(possibleFactoryNeedingRepair, fixTerr, player, data, true, true);
        // assume minimum unit price is 3, and that we are buying only that... if we over repair, oh well, that is better
        // than under-repairing
        // goal is to be able to produce all our units, and at least half of that production in the capitol
        // if capitol is super safe, we don't have to do this. and if capitol is under siege, we should repair enough to
        // place all our units here
        int maxUnits = (totalPu - 1) / minimumUnitPrice;
        if ((capProduction <= maxUnits / 2 || repairFactories.isEmpty()) && capUnit != null) {
            for (final RepairRule rrule : repairRules) {
                if (!capUnit.getType().equals(rrule.getResults().keySet().iterator().next())) {
                if (!Matches.territoryIsOwnedAndHasOwnedUnitMatching(player, Matches.unitCanProduceUnitsAndCanBeDamaged()).test(capitol)) {
                final TripleAUnit taUnit = (TripleAUnit) capUnit;
                diff = taUnit.getUnitDamage();
                final int unitProductionAllowNegative = TripleAUnit.getHowMuchCanUnitProduce(capUnit, capUnitTerritory, player, data, false, true) - diff;
                if (!repairFactories.isEmpty()) {
                    diff = Math.min(diff, (maxUnits / 2 - unitProductionAllowNegative) + 1);
                } else {
                    diff = Math.min(diff, (maxUnits - unitProductionAllowNegative));
                diff = Math.min(diff, leftToSpend - minimumUnitPrice);
                if (diff > 0) {
                    if (unitProductionAllowNegative >= 0) {
                        currentProduction += diff;
                    } else {
                        currentProduction += diff + unitProductionAllowNegative;
                    repairMap.add(rrule, diff);
                    repair.put(capUnit, repairMap);
                    leftToSpend -= diff;
                    // ideally we would adjust this after each single PU spent, then re-evaluate
                    // everything.
                    maxUnits = (leftToSpend - 1) / minimumUnitPrice;
        int i = 0;
        while (currentProduction < maxUnits && i < 2) {
            for (final RepairRule rrule : repairRules) {
                for (final Unit fixUnit : unitsThatCanProduceNeedingRepair.keySet()) {
                    if (fixUnit == null || !fixUnit.getType().equals(rrule.getResults().keySet().iterator().next())) {
                    if (!Matches.territoryIsOwnedAndHasOwnedUnitMatching(player, Matches.unitCanProduceUnitsAndCanBeDamaged()).test(unitsThatCanProduceNeedingRepair.get(fixUnit))) {
                    // territories
                    if (currentProduction >= maxUnits) {
                    final TripleAUnit taUnit = (TripleAUnit) fixUnit;
                    diff = taUnit.getUnitDamage();
                    final int unitProductionAllowNegative = TripleAUnit.getHowMuchCanUnitProduce(fixUnit, unitsThatCanProduceNeedingRepair.get(fixUnit), player, data, false, true) - diff;
                    if (i == 0) {
                        if (unitProductionAllowNegative < 0) {
                            diff = Math.min(diff, (maxUnits - currentProduction) - unitProductionAllowNegative);
                        } else {
                            diff = Math.min(diff, (maxUnits - currentProduction));
                    diff = Math.min(diff, leftToSpend - minimumUnitPrice);
                    if (diff > 0) {
                        if (unitProductionAllowNegative >= 0) {
                            currentProduction += diff;
                        } else {
                            currentProduction += diff + unitProductionAllowNegative;
                        repairMap.add(rrule, diff);
                        repair.put(fixUnit, repairMap);
                        leftToSpend -= diff;
                        // ideally we would adjust this after each single PU spent, then re-evaluate
                        // everything.
                        maxUnits = (leftToSpend - 1) / minimumUnitPrice;
            if (capUnit != null) {
                unitsThatCanProduceNeedingRepair.put(capUnit, capUnitTerritory);
    int minCost = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    int i = 0;
    while ((minCost == Integer.MAX_VALUE || leftToSpend >= minCost) && i < 100000) {
        for (final ProductionRule rule : rules) {
            final NamedAttachable resourceOrUnit = rule.getResults().keySet().iterator().next();
            if (!(resourceOrUnit instanceof UnitType)) {
            final UnitType results = (UnitType) resourceOrUnit;
            if (Matches.unitTypeIsAir().test(results) || Matches.unitTypeIsInfrastructure().test(results) || Matches.unitTypeIsAaForAnything().test(results) || Matches.unitTypeHasMaxBuildRestrictions().test(results) || Matches.unitTypeConsumesUnitsOnCreation().test(results) || Matches.unitTypeIsStatic(player).test(results)) {
            final int transportCapacity = UnitAttachment.get(results).getTransportCapacity();
            // buy transports if we can be amphibious
            if (Matches.unitTypeIsSea().test(results)) {
                if (!isAmphib || transportCapacity <= 0) {
            final int cost = rule.getCosts().getInt(pus);
            if (cost < 1) {
            if (minCost == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
                minCost = cost;
            if (minCost > cost) {
                minCost = cost;
            // give a preferene to cheap units, and to transports
            // but dont go overboard with buying transports
            int goodNumberOfTransports = 0;
            final boolean isTransport = transportCapacity > 0;
            if (amphibRoute != null) {
                // 25% transports - can be more if frontier is far away
                goodNumberOfTransports = (landUnitCount / 4);
                // boost for transport production
                if (isTransport && defUnitsAtAmpibRoute > goodNumberOfTransports && landUnitCount > defUnitsAtAmpibRoute && defUnitsAtAmpibRoute > transportCount) {
                    final int transports = (leftToSpend / cost);
                    leftToSpend -= cost * transports;
                    purchase.add(rule, transports);
            final boolean buyBecauseTransport = (Math.random() < 0.7 && transportCount < goodNumberOfTransports) || Math.random() < 0.10;
            final boolean dontBuyBecauseTooManyTransports = transportCount > 2 * goodNumberOfTransports;
            if ((!isTransport && Math.random() * cost < 2) || (isTransport && buyBecauseTransport && !dontBuyBecauseTooManyTransports)) {
                if (cost <= leftToSpend) {
                    leftToSpend -= cost;
                    purchase.add(rule, 1);
Also used : IntegerMap(games.strategy.util.IntegerMap) Territory( NamedAttachable( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Resource( RepairRule( TripleAUnit(games.strategy.triplea.TripleAUnit) Unit( TripleAUnit(games.strategy.triplea.TripleAUnit) ProductionRule( UnitType( Route(

Example 18 with Resource

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class ProTechAi method tech.

static void tech(final ITechDelegate techDelegate, final GameData data, final PlayerID player) {
    if (!Properties.getWW2V3TechModel(data)) {
    final Territory myCapitol = TerritoryAttachment.getFirstOwnedCapitalOrFirstUnownedCapital(player, data);
    final float enemyStrength = getStrengthOfPotentialAttackers(myCapitol, data, player);
    float myStrength = (myCapitol == null || myCapitol.getUnits() == null) ? 0.0F : strength(myCapitol.getUnits().getUnits(), false, false, false);
    final List<Territory> areaStrength = getNeighboringLandTerritories(data, player, myCapitol);
    for (final Territory areaTerr : areaStrength) {
        myStrength += strength(areaTerr.getUnits().getUnits(), false, false, false) * 0.75F;
    final boolean capDanger = myStrength < (enemyStrength * 1.25F + 3.0F);
    final Resource pus = data.getResourceList().getResource(Constants.PUS);
    final int pusRemaining = player.getResources().getQuantity(pus);
    final Resource techtokens = data.getResourceList().getResource(Constants.TECH_TOKENS);
    final int techTokensQuantity = player.getResources().getQuantity(techtokens);
    int tokensToBuy = 0;
    if (!capDanger && techTokensQuantity < 3 && pusRemaining > Math.random() * 160) {
        tokensToBuy = 1;
    if (techTokensQuantity > 0 || tokensToBuy > 0) {
        final List<TechnologyFrontier> cats = TechAdvance.getPlayerTechCategories(player);
        // retaining 65% chance of choosing land advances using basic ww2v3 model.
        if (data.getTechnologyFrontier().isEmpty()) {
            if (Math.random() > 0.35) {
                techDelegate.rollTech(techTokensQuantity + tokensToBuy, cats.get(1), tokensToBuy, null);
            } else {
                techDelegate.rollTech(techTokensQuantity + tokensToBuy, cats.get(0), tokensToBuy, null);
        } else {
            final int rand = (int) (Math.random() * cats.size());
            techDelegate.rollTech(techTokensQuantity + tokensToBuy, cats.get(rand), tokensToBuy, null);
Also used : Territory( Resource( TechnologyFrontier(

Example 19 with Resource

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class ProPurchaseUtils method getCost.

 * How many PU's does it cost the given player to produce the given unit including any dependents.
public static double getCost(final Unit unit) {
    final Resource pus = unit.getData().getResourceList().getResource(Constants.PUS);
    final Collection<Unit> units = TransportTracker.transportingAndUnloaded(unit);
    double cost = 0.0;
    for (final Unit u : units) {
        final ProductionRule rule = getProductionRule(u.getType(), u.getOwner());
        if (rule == null) {
            cost += ProData.unitValueMap.getInt(u.getType());
        } else {
            cost += ((double) rule.getCosts().getInt(pus)) / rule.getResults().totalValues();
    return cost;
Also used : ProductionRule( Resource( TripleAUnit(games.strategy.triplea.TripleAUnit) Unit(

Example 20 with Resource

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class AiUtils method getCost.

 * How many PU's does it cost the given player to produce the given unit type.
 * <p>
 * If the player cannot produce the given unit, return Integer.MAX_VALUE
 * </p>
static int getCost(final UnitType unitType, final PlayerID player, final GameData data) {
    final Resource pus = data.getResourceList().getResource(Constants.PUS);
    final ProductionRule rule = getProductionRule(unitType, player);
    return (rule == null) ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : rule.getCosts().getInt(pus);
Also used : ProductionRule( Resource(


Resource ( PlayerID ( IntegerMap (games.strategy.util.IntegerMap)16 GameData ( Unit ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)15 Territory ( UnitType ( Change ( CompositeChange ( ProductionRule ( TripleAUnit (games.strategy.triplea.TripleAUnit)10 NamedAttachable ( ResourceCollection ( PlayerAttachment (games.strategy.triplea.attachments.PlayerAttachment)7 GameParseException ( UnitAttachment (games.strategy.triplea.attachments.UnitAttachment)6 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)6 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)6 Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)5