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Example 6 with ProductionFrontier

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class GameDataExporter method productionFrontiers.

private void productionFrontiers(final GameData data) {
    for (final String frontierName : data.getProductionFrontierList().getProductionFrontierNames()) {
        final ProductionFrontier frontier = data.getProductionFrontierList().getProductionFrontier(frontierName);
        xmlfile.append("        <productionFrontier name=\"").append(frontier.getName()).append("\">\n");
        for (final ProductionRule rule : frontier.getRules()) {
            xmlfile.append("            <frontierRules name=\"").append(rule.getName()).append("\"/>\n");
        xmlfile.append("        </productionFrontier>\n");
Also used : ProductionRule( ProductionFrontier(

Example 7 with ProductionFrontier

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class ParserTest method testPlayerProduction.

public void testPlayerProduction() {
    final ProductionFrontier cf = gameData.getProductionFrontierList().getProductionFrontier("canProd");
    final PlayerID can = gameData.getPlayerList().getPlayerId("chretian");
    assertEquals(cf, can.getProductionFrontier());
Also used : PlayerID( ProductionFrontier( Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)

Example 8 with ProductionFrontier

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class TuvUtils method getResourceCostsForTuv.

 * Return map where keys are unit types and values are resource costs of that unit type, based on a player.
 * Any production rule that produces multiple units
 * (like artillery in NWO, costs 7 but makes 2 artillery, meaning effective price is 3.5 each)
 * will have their costs rounded up on a per unit basis.
 * Therefore, this map should NOT be used for Purchasing information!
public static Map<PlayerID, Map<UnitType, ResourceCollection>> getResourceCostsForTuv(final GameData data, final boolean includeAverageForMissingUnits) {
    final HashMap<PlayerID, Map<UnitType, ResourceCollection>> result = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    final Map<UnitType, ResourceCollection> average = includeAverageForMissingUnits ? TuvUtils.getResourceCostsForTuvForAllPlayersMergedAndAveraged(data) : new HashMap<>();
    final List<PlayerID> players = data.getPlayerList().getPlayers();
    for (final PlayerID p : players) {
        final ProductionFrontier frontier = p.getProductionFrontier();
        // any one will do then
        if (frontier == null) {
            result.put(p, average);
        final Map<UnitType, ResourceCollection> current = result.computeIfAbsent(p, k -> new LinkedHashMap<>());
        for (final ProductionRule rule : frontier.getRules()) {
            if (rule == null || rule.getResults() == null || rule.getResults().isEmpty() || rule.getCosts() == null || rule.getCosts().isEmpty()) {
            final IntegerMap<NamedAttachable> unitMap = rule.getResults();
            final ResourceCollection costPerGroup = new ResourceCollection(data, rule.getCosts());
            final Set<UnitType> units = new HashSet<>();
            for (final NamedAttachable resourceOrUnit : unitMap.keySet()) {
                if (!(resourceOrUnit instanceof UnitType)) {
                units.add((UnitType) resourceOrUnit);
            if (units.isEmpty()) {
            final int totalProduced = unitMap.totalValues();
            if (totalProduced == 1) {
                current.put(units.iterator().next(), costPerGroup);
            } else if (totalProduced > 1) {
       1 / (double) totalProduced);
                for (final UnitType ut : units) {
                    current.put(ut, costPerGroup);
        // we will add any unit types not in our list, based on the list for everyone
        for (final UnitType ut : average.keySet()) {
            if (!current.keySet().contains(ut)) {
                current.put(ut, average.get(ut));
    result.put(null, average);
    return result;
Also used : PlayerID( NamedAttachable( ProductionFrontier( LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) ProductionRule( UnitType( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) Map(java.util.Map) IntegerMap(games.strategy.util.IntegerMap) ResourceCollection( HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 9 with ProductionFrontier

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class PlayerUnitsPanel method getUnitTypes.

 * Return all the unit types available for the given player. A unit type is
 * available if the unit can be purchased or if a player has one on the map.
private Collection<UnitType> getUnitTypes(final PlayerID player) {
    Collection<UnitType> unitTypes = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    final ProductionFrontier frontier = player.getProductionFrontier();
    if (frontier != null) {
        for (final ProductionRule rule : frontier) {
            for (final NamedAttachable type : rule.getResults().keySet()) {
                if (type instanceof UnitType) {
                    unitTypes.add((UnitType) type);
    for (final Territory t : data.getMap()) {
        for (final Unit u : t.getUnits()) {
            if (u.getOwner().equals(player)) {
    // Filter out anything like factories, or units that have no combat ability AND cannot be taken casualty
    unitTypes = CollectionUtils.getMatches(unitTypes, Matches.unitTypeCanBeInBattle(!defender, isLand, player, 1, false, false, false));
    return unitTypes;
Also used : LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) Territory( ProductionRule( NamedAttachable( UnitType( Unit( ProductionFrontier(

Example 10 with ProductionFrontier

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class IndustrialTechnologyAdvance method perform.

public void perform(final PlayerID id, final IDelegateBridge bridge) {
    final ProductionFrontier current = id.getProductionFrontier();
    // they already have it
    if (current.getName().endsWith("IndustrialTechnology")) {
    final String industrialTechName = current.getName() + "IndustrialTechnology";
    final ProductionFrontier advancedTech = bridge.getData().getProductionFrontierList().getProductionFrontier(industrialTechName);
    // it doesnt exist, dont crash
    if (advancedTech == null) {
        Logger.getLogger(TechAdvance.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, "No tech named:" + industrialTechName + " not adding tech");
    final Change prodChange = ChangeFactory.changeProductionFrontier(id, advancedTech);
Also used : Change( ProductionFrontier(


ProductionFrontier ( ProductionRule ( UnitType ( GameData ( NamedAttachable ( PlayerID ( Change ( CompositeChange ( IntegerMap (games.strategy.util.IntegerMap)3 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)3 GameParseException ( Resource ( Territory ( Unit ( ImmutableMap ( ClientLogger (games.strategy.debug.ClientLogger)1 Attachable ( IAttachment ( MutableProperty ( RelationshipType (