Search in sources :

Example 11 with ResourceCollection

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class ProductionRepairPanel method setLeft.

protected void setLeft(final ResourceCollection left) {
    final ResourceCollection total = getResources();
    this.left.setText("<html>You have " + left + " left.<br>Out of " + total + "</html>");
Also used : ResourceCollection(

Example 12 with ResourceCollection

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class TuvUtils method getResourceCostsForTuvForAllPlayersMergedAndAveraged.

 * Return a map where key are unit types and values are the AVERAGED for all players.
 * Any production rule that produces multiple units
 * (like artillery in NWO, costs 7 but makes 2 artillery, meaning effective price is 3.5 each)
 * will have their costs rounded up on a per unit basis.
 * Therefore, this map should NOT be used for Purchasing information!
private static Map<UnitType, ResourceCollection> getResourceCostsForTuvForAllPlayersMergedAndAveraged(final GameData data) {
    final Map<UnitType, ResourceCollection> average = new HashMap<>();
    final Resource pus;
    try {
        pus = data.getResourceList().getResource(Constants.PUS);
    } finally {
    final IntegerMap<Resource> defaultMap = new IntegerMap<>();
    defaultMap.put(pus, 1);
    final ResourceCollection defaultResources = new ResourceCollection(data, defaultMap);
    final Map<UnitType, List<ResourceCollection>> backups = new HashMap<>();
    final Map<UnitType, ResourceCollection> backupAveraged = new HashMap<>();
    for (final ProductionRule rule : data.getProductionRuleList().getProductionRules()) {
        if (rule == null || rule.getResults() == null || rule.getResults().isEmpty() || rule.getCosts() == null || rule.getCosts().isEmpty()) {
        final IntegerMap<NamedAttachable> unitMap = rule.getResults();
        final ResourceCollection costPerGroup = new ResourceCollection(data, rule.getCosts());
        final Set<UnitType> units = new HashSet<>();
        for (final NamedAttachable resourceOrUnit : unitMap.keySet()) {
            if (!(resourceOrUnit instanceof UnitType)) {
            units.add((UnitType) resourceOrUnit);
        if (units.isEmpty()) {
        final int totalProduced = unitMap.totalValues();
        if (totalProduced == 1) {
            final UnitType ut = units.iterator().next();
            final List<ResourceCollection> current = backups.computeIfAbsent(ut, k -> new ArrayList<>());
        } else if (totalProduced > 1) {
   1 / (double) totalProduced);
            for (final UnitType ut : units) {
                final List<ResourceCollection> current = backups.computeIfAbsent(ut, k -> new ArrayList<>());
    for (final Entry<UnitType, List<ResourceCollection>> entry : backups.entrySet()) {
        final ResourceCollection avgCost = new ResourceCollection(entry.getValue().toArray(new ResourceCollection[0]), data);
        if (entry.getValue().size() > 1) {
   1 / (double) entry.getValue().size());
        backupAveraged.put(entry.getKey(), avgCost);
    final Map<PlayerID, Map<UnitType, ResourceCollection>> allPlayersCurrent = getResourceCostsForTuv(data, false);
    for (final UnitType ut : data.getUnitTypeList().getAllUnitTypes()) {
        final List<ResourceCollection> costs = new ArrayList<>();
        for (final Map<UnitType, ResourceCollection> entry : allPlayersCurrent.values()) {
            if (entry.get(ut) != null) {
        if (costs.isEmpty()) {
            final ResourceCollection backup = backupAveraged.get(ut);
            if (backup != null) {
            } else {
        final ResourceCollection avgCost = new ResourceCollection(costs.toArray(new ResourceCollection[0]), data);
        if (costs.size() > 1) {
   1 / (double) costs.size());
        average.put(ut, avgCost);
    return average;
Also used : IntegerMap(games.strategy.util.IntegerMap) Unit( Collection(java.util.Collection) Constants(games.strategy.triplea.Constants) Set(java.util.Set) UnitAttachment(games.strategy.triplea.attachments.UnitAttachment) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) NamedAttachable( Resource( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) GameData( List(java.util.List) PlayerID( ResourceCollection( ProductionFrontier( Matches(games.strategy.triplea.delegate.Matches) Map(java.util.Map) Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) UnitType( ProductionRule( CollectionUtils(games.strategy.util.CollectionUtils) IntegerMap(games.strategy.util.IntegerMap) PlayerID( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) NamedAttachable( Resource( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ProductionRule( UnitType( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) Map(java.util.Map) IntegerMap(games.strategy.util.IntegerMap) ResourceCollection( HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 13 with ResourceCollection

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class TuvUtils method getResourceCostsForTuv.

 * Return map where keys are unit types and values are resource costs of that unit type, based on a player.
 * Any production rule that produces multiple units
 * (like artillery in NWO, costs 7 but makes 2 artillery, meaning effective price is 3.5 each)
 * will have their costs rounded up on a per unit basis.
 * Therefore, this map should NOT be used for Purchasing information!
public static Map<PlayerID, Map<UnitType, ResourceCollection>> getResourceCostsForTuv(final GameData data, final boolean includeAverageForMissingUnits) {
    final HashMap<PlayerID, Map<UnitType, ResourceCollection>> result = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    final Map<UnitType, ResourceCollection> average = includeAverageForMissingUnits ? TuvUtils.getResourceCostsForTuvForAllPlayersMergedAndAveraged(data) : new HashMap<>();
    final List<PlayerID> players = data.getPlayerList().getPlayers();
    for (final PlayerID p : players) {
        final ProductionFrontier frontier = p.getProductionFrontier();
        // any one will do then
        if (frontier == null) {
            result.put(p, average);
        final Map<UnitType, ResourceCollection> current = result.computeIfAbsent(p, k -> new LinkedHashMap<>());
        for (final ProductionRule rule : frontier.getRules()) {
            if (rule == null || rule.getResults() == null || rule.getResults().isEmpty() || rule.getCosts() == null || rule.getCosts().isEmpty()) {
            final IntegerMap<NamedAttachable> unitMap = rule.getResults();
            final ResourceCollection costPerGroup = new ResourceCollection(data, rule.getCosts());
            final Set<UnitType> units = new HashSet<>();
            for (final NamedAttachable resourceOrUnit : unitMap.keySet()) {
                if (!(resourceOrUnit instanceof UnitType)) {
                units.add((UnitType) resourceOrUnit);
            if (units.isEmpty()) {
            final int totalProduced = unitMap.totalValues();
            if (totalProduced == 1) {
                current.put(units.iterator().next(), costPerGroup);
            } else if (totalProduced > 1) {
       1 / (double) totalProduced);
                for (final UnitType ut : units) {
                    current.put(ut, costPerGroup);
        // we will add any unit types not in our list, based on the list for everyone
        for (final UnitType ut : average.keySet()) {
            if (!current.keySet().contains(ut)) {
                current.put(ut, average.get(ut));
    result.put(null, average);
    return result;
Also used : PlayerID( NamedAttachable( ProductionFrontier( LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) ProductionRule( UnitType( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) Map(java.util.Map) IntegerMap(games.strategy.util.IntegerMap) ResourceCollection( HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 14 with ResourceCollection

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class ResourceCollectionUtilsTest method testExcludeByResources_ShouldExcludeSpecifiedResources.

public void testExcludeByResources_ShouldExcludeSpecifiedResources() {
    final ResourceCollection unfiltered = createResourceCollection(pus, techTokens, vps);
    final ResourceCollection filtered = ResourceCollectionUtils.exclude(unfiltered, pus, vps);
    assertThat(filtered.getQuantity(pus), is(0));
    assertThat(filtered.getQuantity(techTokens), is(unfiltered.getQuantity(techTokens)));
    assertThat(filtered.getQuantity(vps), is(0));
Also used : ResourceCollection( Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)

Example 15 with ResourceCollection

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class BattleDelegate method doScrambling.

private void doScrambling() {
    // first, figure out all the territories where scrambling units could scramble to
    // then ask the defending player if they wish to scramble units there, and actually move the units there
    final GameData data = getData();
    if (!Properties.getScrambleRulesInEffect(data)) {
    final boolean fromIslandOnly = Properties.getScrambleFromIslandOnly(data);
    final boolean toSeaOnly = Properties.getScrambleToSeaOnly(data);
    final boolean toAnyAmphibious = Properties.getScrambleToAnyAmphibiousAssault(data);
    final boolean toSbr = Properties.getCanScrambleIntoAirBattles(data);
    int maxScrambleDistance = 0;
    for (final UnitType unitType : data.getUnitTypeList()) {
        final UnitAttachment ua = UnitAttachment.get(unitType);
        if (ua.getCanScramble() && maxScrambleDistance < ua.getMaxScrambleDistance()) {
            maxScrambleDistance = ua.getMaxScrambleDistance();
    final Predicate<Unit> airbasesCanScramble = Matches.unitIsEnemyOf(data, player).and(Matches.unitIsAirBase()).and(Matches.unitIsNotDisabled()).and(Matches.unitIsBeingTransported().negate());
    final Predicate<Territory> canScramble = PredicateBuilder.of(Matches.territoryIsWater().or(Matches.isTerritoryEnemy(player, data))).and(Matches.territoryHasUnitsThatMatch(Matches.unitCanScramble().and(Matches.unitIsEnemyOf(data, player)).and(Matches.unitIsNotDisabled()))).and(Matches.territoryHasUnitsThatMatch(airbasesCanScramble)).andIf(fromIslandOnly, Matches.territoryIsIsland()).build();
    final Set<Territory> territoriesWithBattles = battleTracker.getPendingBattleSites().getNormalBattlesIncludingAirBattles();
    if (toSbr) {
    final Set<Territory> territoriesWithBattlesWater = new HashSet<>(CollectionUtils.getMatches(territoriesWithBattles, Matches.territoryIsWater()));
    final Set<Territory> territoriesWithBattlesLand = new HashSet<>(CollectionUtils.getMatches(territoriesWithBattles, Matches.territoryIsLand()));
    final Map<Territory, Set<Territory>> scrambleTerrs = new HashMap<>();
    for (final Territory battleTerr : territoriesWithBattlesWater) {
        final Set<Territory> canScrambleFrom = new HashSet<>(CollectionUtils.getMatches(data.getMap().getNeighbors(battleTerr, maxScrambleDistance), canScramble));
        if (!canScrambleFrom.isEmpty()) {
            scrambleTerrs.put(battleTerr, canScrambleFrom);
    for (final Territory battleTerr : territoriesWithBattlesLand) {
        if (!toSeaOnly) {
            final Set<Territory> canScrambleFrom = new HashSet<>(CollectionUtils.getMatches(data.getMap().getNeighbors(battleTerr, maxScrambleDistance), canScramble));
            if (!canScrambleFrom.isEmpty()) {
                scrambleTerrs.put(battleTerr, canScrambleFrom);
        final IBattle battle = battleTracker.getPendingBattle(battleTerr, false, BattleType.NORMAL);
        // it.
        if (battle != null && battle.isAmphibious() && battle instanceof DependentBattle) {
            final Collection<Territory> amphibFromTerrs = ((DependentBattle) battle).getAmphibiousAttackTerritories();
            for (final Territory amphibFrom : amphibFromTerrs) {
                final Set<Territory> canScrambleFrom = scrambleTerrs.getOrDefault(amphibFrom, new HashSet<>());
                if (toAnyAmphibious) {
                    canScrambleFrom.addAll(CollectionUtils.getMatches(data.getMap().getNeighbors(amphibFrom, maxScrambleDistance), canScramble));
                } else if (canScramble.test(battleTerr)) {
                if (!canScrambleFrom.isEmpty()) {
                    scrambleTerrs.put(amphibFrom, canScrambleFrom);
    // now scrambleTerrs is a list of places we can scramble from
    if (scrambleTerrs.isEmpty()) {
    final Map<Tuple<Territory, PlayerID>, Collection<Map<Territory, Tuple<Collection<Unit>, Collection<Unit>>>>> scramblersByTerritoryPlayer = new HashMap<>();
    for (final Territory to : scrambleTerrs.keySet()) {
        // find who we should ask
        PlayerID defender = null;
        if (battleTracker.hasPendingBattle(to, false)) {
            defender = AbstractBattle.findDefender(to, player, data);
        final Map<Territory, Tuple<Collection<Unit>, Collection<Unit>>> scramblers = new HashMap<>();
        for (final Territory from : scrambleTerrs.get(to)) {
            if (defender == null) {
                defender = AbstractBattle.findDefender(from, player, data);
            // find how many is the max this territory can scramble
            final Collection<Unit> airbases = from.getUnits().getMatches(airbasesCanScramble);
            final int maxCanScramble = getMaxScrambleCount(airbases);
            final Route toBattleRoute = data.getMap().getRoute_IgnoreEnd(from, to, Matches.territoryIsNotImpassable());
            final Collection<Unit> canScrambleAir = from.getUnits().getMatches(Matches.unitIsEnemyOf(data, player).and(Matches.unitCanScramble()).and(Matches.unitIsNotDisabled()).and(Matches.unitWasScrambled().negate()).and(Matches.unitCanScrambleOnRouteDistance(toBattleRoute)));
            if (maxCanScramble > 0 && !canScrambleAir.isEmpty()) {
                scramblers.put(from, Tuple.of(airbases, canScrambleAir));
        if (defender == null || scramblers.isEmpty()) {
        final Tuple<Territory, PlayerID> terrPlayer = Tuple.of(to, defender);
        final Collection<Map<Territory, Tuple<Collection<Unit>, Collection<Unit>>>> tempScrambleList = scramblersByTerritoryPlayer.getOrDefault(terrPlayer, new ArrayList<>());
        scramblersByTerritoryPlayer.put(terrPlayer, tempScrambleList);
    // now scramble them
    for (final Tuple<Territory, PlayerID> terrPlayer : scramblersByTerritoryPlayer.keySet()) {
        final Territory to = terrPlayer.getFirst();
        final PlayerID defender = terrPlayer.getSecond();
        if (defender == null || defender.isNull()) {
        boolean scrambledHere = false;
        for (final Map<Territory, Tuple<Collection<Unit>, Collection<Unit>>> scramblers : scramblersByTerritoryPlayer.get(terrPlayer)) {
            // verify that we didn't already scramble any of these units
            final Iterator<Territory> territoryIter = scramblers.keySet().iterator();
            while (territoryIter.hasNext()) {
                final Territory t =;
                if (scramblers.get(t).getSecond().isEmpty()) {
            if (scramblers.isEmpty()) {
            final Map<Territory, Collection<Unit>> toScramble = getRemotePlayer(defender).scrambleUnitsQuery(to, scramblers);
            if (toScramble == null) {
            // verify max allowed
            if (!scramblers.keySet().containsAll(toScramble.keySet())) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Trying to scramble from illegal territory");
            for (final Territory t : scramblers.keySet()) {
                if (toScramble.get(t) == null) {
                if (toScramble.get(t).size() > getMaxScrambleCount(scramblers.get(t).getFirst())) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("Trying to scramble " + toScramble.get(t).size() + " out of " + t.getName() + ", but max allowed is " + scramblers.get(t).getFirst());
            // Validate players have enough fuel to move there and back
            final Map<PlayerID, ResourceCollection> playerFuelCost = new HashMap<>();
            for (final Entry<Territory, Collection<Unit>> entry : toScramble.entrySet()) {
                final Map<PlayerID, ResourceCollection> map = Route.getScrambleFuelCostCharge(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey(), to, data);
                for (final Entry<PlayerID, ResourceCollection> playerAndCost : map.entrySet()) {
                    if (playerFuelCost.containsKey(playerAndCost.getKey())) {
                    } else {
                        playerFuelCost.put(playerAndCost.getKey(), playerAndCost.getValue());
            for (final Entry<PlayerID, ResourceCollection> playerAndCost : playerFuelCost.entrySet()) {
                if (!playerAndCost.getKey().getResources().has(playerAndCost.getValue().getResourcesCopy())) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("Not enough fuel to scramble, player: " + playerAndCost.getKey() + ", needs: " + playerAndCost.getValue());
            final CompositeChange change = new CompositeChange();
            for (final Territory t : toScramble.keySet()) {
                final Collection<Unit> scrambling = toScramble.get(t);
                if (scrambling == null || scrambling.isEmpty()) {
                int numberScrambled = scrambling.size();
                final Collection<Unit> airbases = t.getUnits().getMatches(airbasesCanScramble);
                final int maxCanScramble = getMaxScrambleCount(airbases);
                if (maxCanScramble != Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
                    // TODO: maybe sort from biggest to smallest first?
                    for (final Unit airbase : airbases) {
                        final int allowedScramble = ((TripleAUnit) airbase).getMaxScrambleCount();
                        if (allowedScramble > 0) {
                            final int newAllowed;
                            if (allowedScramble >= numberScrambled) {
                                newAllowed = allowedScramble - numberScrambled;
                                numberScrambled = 0;
                            } else {
                                newAllowed = 0;
                                numberScrambled -= allowedScramble;
                            change.add(ChangeFactory.unitPropertyChange(airbase, newAllowed, TripleAUnit.MAX_SCRAMBLE_COUNT));
                        if (numberScrambled <= 0) {
                for (final Unit u : scrambling) {
                    change.add(ChangeFactory.unitPropertyChange(u, t, TripleAUnit.ORIGINATED_FROM));
                    change.add(ChangeFactory.unitPropertyChange(u, true, TripleAUnit.WAS_SCRAMBLED));
                    change.add(Route.getFuelChanges(Collections.singleton(u), new Route(t, to), u.getOwner(), data));
                // should we mark combat, or call setupUnitsInSameTerritoryBattles again?
                change.add(ChangeFactory.moveUnits(t, to, scrambling));
                bridge.getHistoryWriter().startEvent(defender.getName() + " scrambles " + scrambling.size() + " units out of " + t.getName() + " to defend against the attack in " + to.getName(), scrambling);
                scrambledHere = true;
            if (!change.isEmpty()) {
        if (!scrambledHere) {
        // make sure the units join the battle, or create a new battle.
        final IBattle bombing = battleTracker.getPendingBattle(to, true, null);
        IBattle battle = battleTracker.getPendingBattle(to, false, BattleType.NORMAL);
        if (battle == null) {
            final List<Unit> attackingUnits = to.getUnits().getMatches(Matches.unitIsOwnedBy(player));
            if (bombing != null) {
            // into an air battle / air raid
            if (attackingUnits.isEmpty()) {
            bridge.getHistoryWriter().startEvent(defender.getName() + " scrambles to create a battle in territory " + to.getName());
            // TODO: the attacking sea units do not remember where they came from, so they cannot retreat anywhere. Need to
            // fix.
            battleTracker.addBattle(new RouteScripted(to), attackingUnits, player, bridge, null, null);
            battle = battleTracker.getPendingBattle(to, false, BattleType.NORMAL);
            if (battle instanceof MustFightBattle) {
                // this is an ugly mess of hacks, but will have to stay here till all transport related code is gutted and
                // refactored.
                final MustFightBattle mfb = (MustFightBattle) battle;
                final Collection<Territory> neighborsLand = data.getMap().getNeighbors(to, Matches.territoryIsLand());
                if ( {
                    // first, we have to reset the "transportedBy" setting for all the land units that were offloaded
                    final CompositeChange change1 = new CompositeChange();
                    mfb.reLoadTransports(attackingUnits, change1);
                    if (!change1.isEmpty()) {
                    // after that is applied, we have to make a map of all dependencies
                    final Map<Unit, Collection<Unit>> dependenciesForMfb = TransportTracker.transporting(attackingUnits, attackingUnits);
                    for (final Unit transport : CollectionUtils.getMatches(attackingUnits, Matches.unitIsTransport())) {
                        // BUT it must still hold all transports
                        if (!dependenciesForMfb.containsKey(transport)) {
                            dependenciesForMfb.put(transport, new ArrayList<>());
                    final Map<Territory, Map<Unit, Collection<Unit>>> dependencies = new HashMap<>();
                    dependencies.put(to, dependenciesForMfb);
                    for (final Territory t : neighborsLand) {
                        // All other maps, must hold only the transported units that in their territory
                        final Collection<Unit> allNeighborUnits = new ArrayList<>(CollectionUtils.getMatches(attackingUnits, Matches.unitIsTransport()));
                        final Map<Unit, Collection<Unit>> dependenciesForNeighbors = TransportTracker.transporting(CollectionUtils.getMatches(allNeighborUnits, Matches.unitIsTransport()), CollectionUtils.getMatches(allNeighborUnits, Matches.unitIsTransport().negate()));
                        dependencies.put(t, dependenciesForNeighbors);
                    for (final Territory territoryNeighborToNewBattle : neighborsLand) {
                        final IBattle battleInTerritoryNeighborToNewBattle = battleTracker.getPendingBattle(territoryNeighborToNewBattle, false, BattleType.NORMAL);
                        if (battleInTerritoryNeighborToNewBattle instanceof MustFightBattle) {
                            final MustFightBattle mfbattleInTerritoryNeighborToNewBattle = (MustFightBattle) battleInTerritoryNeighborToNewBattle;
                        } else if (battleInTerritoryNeighborToNewBattle instanceof NonFightingBattle) {
                            final NonFightingBattle nfbattleInTerritoryNeighborToNewBattle = (NonFightingBattle) battleInTerritoryNeighborToNewBattle;
                if ( {
                    // TODO: for now, we will hack and say that the attackers came from Everywhere, and hope the user will
                    // choose the correct place
                    // to retreat to! (TODO: Fix this)
                    final Map<Territory, Collection<Unit>> attackingFromMap = new HashMap<>();
                    final Collection<Territory> neighbors = data.getMap().getNeighbors(to, (Matches.territoryIsLand().test(to) ? Matches.territoryIsLand() : Matches.territoryIsWater()));
                    // neighbors.removeAll(Matches.getMatches(neighbors, Matches.territoryHasEnemyUnits(player, data)));
                    for (final Territory t : neighbors) {
                        attackingFromMap.put(t, attackingUnits);
        } else if (battle instanceof MustFightBattle) {
            ((MustFightBattle) battle).resetDefendingUnits(player, data);
        // now make sure any amphibious battles that are dependent on this 'new' sea battle have their dependencies set.
        if (to.isWater()) {
            for (final Territory t : data.getMap().getNeighbors(to, Matches.territoryIsLand())) {
                final IBattle battleAmphib = battleTracker.getPendingBattle(t, false, BattleType.NORMAL);
                if (battleAmphib != null) {
                    if (!battleTracker.getDependentOn(battle).contains(battleAmphib)) {
                        battleTracker.addDependency(battleAmphib, battle);
                    if (battleAmphib instanceof MustFightBattle) {
                        // and we want to reset the defenders if the scrambling air has left that battle
                        ((MustFightBattle) battleAmphib).resetDefendingUnits(player, data);
Also used : PlayerID( GameData( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Set(java.util.Set) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) TripleAUnit(games.strategy.triplea.TripleAUnit) Unit( UnitAttachment(games.strategy.triplea.attachments.UnitAttachment) UnitType( CompositeChange( Route( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Territory( RouteScripted( TripleAUnit(games.strategy.triplea.TripleAUnit) Collection(java.util.Collection) ResourceCollection( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) IntegerMap(games.strategy.util.IntegerMap) Tuple(games.strategy.util.Tuple) ResourceCollection(


ResourceCollection ( Resource ( Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)6 PlayerID ( ProductionRule ( IntegerMap (games.strategy.util.IntegerMap)4 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)4 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)4 Territory ( Unit ( UnitType ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 Collection (java.util.Collection)3 Map (java.util.Map)3 GameData ( NamedAttachable ( ProductionFrontier ( RepairRule ( TripleAUnit (games.strategy.triplea.TripleAUnit)2 UnitAttachment (games.strategy.triplea.attachments.UnitAttachment)2