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Example 6 with Unit

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class BattleCalculator method individuallyFiredAaCasualties.

 * Choose plane casualties based on individual AA shots at each aircraft.
private static CasualtyDetails individuallyFiredAaCasualties(final boolean defending, final Collection<Unit> planes, final Collection<Unit> defendingAa, final DiceRoll dice, final IDelegateBridge bridge, final boolean allowMultipleHitsPerUnit) {
    // if we have aa guns that are not infinite, then we need to randomly decide the aa casualties since there are not
    // enough rolls to have
    // a single roll for each aircraft, or too many rolls
    // normal behavior is instant kill, which means planes.size()
    final int planeHitPoints = (allowMultipleHitsPerUnit ? getTotalHitpointsLeft(planes) : planes.size());
    if (DiceRoll.getTotalAAattacks(defendingAa, planes) != planeHitPoints) {
        return randomAaCasualties(planes, dice, bridge, allowMultipleHitsPerUnit);
    final Triple<Integer, Integer, Boolean> triple = DiceRoll.getTotalAaPowerThenHitsAndFillSortedDiceThenIfAllUseSameAttack(null, null, !defending, defendingAa, planes, bridge.getData(), false);
    final boolean allSameAttackPower = triple.getThird();
    if (!allSameAttackPower) {
        return randomAaCasualties(planes, dice, bridge, allowMultipleHitsPerUnit);
    final Tuple<Integer, Integer> attackThenDiceSides = DiceRoll.getAAattackAndMaxDiceSides(defendingAa, bridge.getData(), !defending);
    final int highestAttack = attackThenDiceSides.getFirst();
    // int chosenDiceSize = attackThenDiceSides[1];
    final CasualtyDetails finalCasualtyDetails = new CasualtyDetails();
    final int hits = dice.getHits();
    final List<Unit> planesList = new ArrayList<>();
    for (final Unit plane : planes) {
        final int hpLeft = allowMultipleHitsPerUnit ? (UnitAttachment.get(plane.getType()).getHitPoints() - plane.getHits()) : (Math.min(1, UnitAttachment.get(plane.getType()).getHitPoints() - plane.getHits()));
        for (int hp = 0; hp < hpLeft; ++hp) {
            // if allowMultipleHitsPerUnit, then because the number of rolls exactly equals the hitpoints of all units,
            // we roll multiple times for any unit with multiple hitpoints
    // We need to choose which planes die based on their position in the list and the individual AA rolls
    if (hits > planeHitPoints) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot have more hits than number of die rolls");
    if (hits < planeHitPoints) {
        final List<Die> rolls = dice.getRolls(highestAttack);
        for (int i = 0; i < rolls.size(); i++) {
            final Die die = rolls.get(i);
            if (die.getType() == DieType.HIT) {
                final Unit unit = planesList.get(i);
                if (allowMultipleHitsPerUnit && (Collections.frequency(finalCasualtyDetails.getDamaged(), unit) < (getTotalHitpointsLeft(unit) - 1))) {
                } else {
    } else {
        for (final Unit plane : planesList) {
            if (finalCasualtyDetails.getKilled().contains(plane)) {
            } else {
    return finalCasualtyDetails;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Unit( CasualtyDetails(games.strategy.triplea.delegate.dataObjects.CasualtyDetails)

Example 7 with Unit

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class BattleCalculator method getDefaultCasualties.

 * A unit with two hitpoints will be listed twice if they will die. The first time they are listed it is as damaged.
 * The second time they
 * are listed, it is dead.
private static Tuple<CasualtyList, List<Unit>> getDefaultCasualties(final Collection<Unit> targetsToPickFrom, final int hits, final boolean defending, final PlayerID player, final Collection<Unit> enemyUnits, final boolean amphibious, final Collection<Unit> amphibiousLandAttackers, final Territory battlesite, final IntegerMap<UnitType> costs, final Collection<TerritoryEffect> territoryEffects, final GameData data, final boolean allowMultipleHitsPerUnit, final boolean bonus) {
    final CasualtyList defaultCasualtySelection = new CasualtyList();
    // Sort units by power and cost in ascending order
    final List<Unit> sorted = sortUnitsForCasualtiesWithSupport(targetsToPickFrom, defending, player, enemyUnits, amphibious, amphibiousLandAttackers, battlesite, costs, territoryEffects, data, bonus);
    // Remove two hit bb's selecting them first for default casualties
    int numSelectedCasualties = 0;
    if (allowMultipleHitsPerUnit) {
        for (final Unit unit : sorted) {
            // Stop if we have already selected as many hits as there are targets
            if (numSelectedCasualties >= hits) {
                return Tuple.of(defaultCasualtySelection, sorted);
            final UnitAttachment ua = UnitAttachment.get(unit.getType());
            final int extraHitPoints = Math.min((hits - numSelectedCasualties), (ua.getHitPoints() - (1 + unit.getHits())));
            for (int i = 0; i < extraHitPoints; i++) {
    // Select units
    for (final Unit unit : sorted) {
        // Stop if we have already selected as many hits as there are targets
        if (numSelectedCasualties >= hits) {
            return Tuple.of(defaultCasualtySelection, sorted);
    return Tuple.of(defaultCasualtySelection, sorted);
Also used : UnitAttachment(games.strategy.triplea.attachments.UnitAttachment) CasualtyList(games.strategy.triplea.delegate.dataObjects.CasualtyList) Unit(

Example 8 with Unit

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class BattleDelegate method scramblingCleanup.

private void scramblingCleanup() {
    // return scrambled units to their original territories, or let them move 1 or x to a new territory.
    final GameData data = getData();
    if (!Properties.getScrambleRulesInEffect(data)) {
    final boolean mustReturnToBase = Properties.getScrambledUnitsReturnToBase(data);
    for (final Territory t : data.getMap().getTerritories()) {
        int carrierCostOfCurrentTerr = 0;
        final Collection<Unit> wasScrambled = t.getUnits().getMatches(Matches.unitWasScrambled());
        for (final Unit u : wasScrambled) {
            final CompositeChange change = new CompositeChange();
            final Territory originatedFrom = TripleAUnit.get(u).getOriginatedFrom();
            Territory landingTerr = null;
            final String historyText;
            if (!mustReturnToBase || !Matches.isTerritoryAllied(u.getOwner(), data).test(originatedFrom)) {
                final Collection<Territory> possible = whereCanAirLand(Collections.singletonList(u), t, u.getOwner(), data, battleTracker, carrierCostOfCurrentTerr, 1, !mustReturnToBase);
                if (possible.size() > 1) {
                    landingTerr = getRemotePlayer(u.getOwner()).selectTerritoryForAirToLand(possible, t, "Select territory for air units to land. (Current territory is " + t.getName() + "): " + MyFormatter.unitsToText(Collections.singletonList(u)));
                } else if (possible.size() == 1) {
                    landingTerr = possible.iterator().next();
                if (landingTerr == null || landingTerr.equals(t)) {
                    carrierCostOfCurrentTerr += AirMovementValidator.carrierCost(Collections.singletonList(u));
                    historyText = "Scrambled unit stays in territory " + t.getName();
                } else {
                    historyText = "Moving scrambled unit from " + t.getName() + " to " + landingTerr.getName();
            } else {
                landingTerr = originatedFrom;
                historyText = "Moving scrambled unit from " + t.getName() + " back to originating territory: " + landingTerr.getName();
            // if null, we leave it to die
            if (landingTerr != null) {
                change.add(ChangeFactory.moveUnits(t, landingTerr, Collections.singletonList(u)));
                change.add(Route.getFuelChanges(Collections.singleton(u), new Route(t, landingTerr), u.getOwner(), data));
            change.add(ChangeFactory.unitPropertyChange(u, null, TripleAUnit.ORIGINATED_FROM));
            change.add(ChangeFactory.unitPropertyChange(u, false, TripleAUnit.WAS_SCRAMBLED));
            if (!change.isEmpty()) {
                bridge.getHistoryWriter().startEvent(historyText, u);
Also used : Territory( GameData( TripleAUnit(games.strategy.triplea.TripleAUnit) Unit( CompositeChange( Route(

Example 9 with Unit

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class BattleDelegate method doKamikazeSuicideAttacks.

 * KamikazeSuicideAttacks are attacks that are made during an Opponent's turn, using Resources that you own that have
 * been designated.
 * The resources are designated in PlayerAttachment, and hold information like the attack power of the resource.
 * KamikazeSuicideAttacks are done in any territory that is a kamikazeZone, and the attacks are done by the original
 * owner of that
 * territory.
 * The user has the option not to do any attacks, and they make target any number of units with any number of resource
 * tokens.
 * The units are then attacked individually by each resource token (meaning that casualties do not get selected
 * because the attacks are
 * targeted).
 * The enemies of current player should decide all their attacks before the attacks are rolled.
private void doKamikazeSuicideAttacks() {
    final GameData data = getData();
    if (!Properties.getUseKamikazeSuicideAttacks(data)) {
    // the current player is not the one who is doing these attacks, it is the all the enemies of this player who will
    // do attacks
    final Collection<PlayerID> enemies = CollectionUtils.getMatches(data.getPlayerList().getPlayers(), Matches.isAtWar(player, data));
    if (enemies.isEmpty()) {
    final Predicate<Unit> canBeAttackedDefault = Matches.unitIsOwnedBy(player).and(Matches.unitIsSea()).and(Matches.unitIsNotTransportButCouldBeCombatTransport()).and(Matches.unitIsNotSub());
    final boolean onlyWhereThereAreBattlesOrAmphibious = Properties.getKamikazeSuicideAttacksOnlyWhereBattlesAre(data);
    final Collection<Territory> pendingBattles = battleTracker.getPendingBattleSites(false);
    // create a list of all kamikaze zones, listed by enemy
    final Map<PlayerID, Collection<Territory>> kamikazeZonesByEnemy = new HashMap<>();
    for (final Territory t : data.getMap().getTerritories()) {
        final TerritoryAttachment ta = TerritoryAttachment.get(t);
        if (ta == null || !ta.getKamikazeZone()) {
        final PlayerID owner = !Properties.getKamikazeSuicideAttacksDoneByCurrentTerritoryOwner(data) ? ta.getOriginalOwner() : t.getOwner();
        if (owner == null) {
        if (enemies.contains(owner)) {
            if (t.getUnits().getUnits().stream().noneMatch(Matches.unitIsOwnedBy(player))) {
            if (onlyWhereThereAreBattlesOrAmphibious) {
                // if no battle or amphibious from here, ignore it
                if (!pendingBattles.contains(t)) {
                    if (!Matches.territoryIsWater().test(t)) {
                    boolean amphib = false;
                    final Collection<Territory> landNeighbors = data.getMap().getNeighbors(t, Matches.territoryIsLand());
                    for (final Territory neighbor : landNeighbors) {
                        final IBattle battle = battleTracker.getPendingBattle(neighbor, false, BattleType.NORMAL);
                        if (battle == null) {
                            final Map<Territory, Collection<Unit>> whereFrom = battleTracker.getFinishedBattlesUnitAttackFromMap().get(neighbor);
                            if (whereFrom != null && whereFrom.containsKey(t)) {
                                amphib = true;
                        if (battle.isAmphibious() && ((battle instanceof MustFightBattle && ((MustFightBattle) battle).getAmphibiousAttackTerritories().contains(t)) || (battle instanceof NonFightingBattle && ((NonFightingBattle) battle).getAmphibiousAttackTerritories().contains(t)))) {
                            amphib = true;
                    if (!amphib) {
            final Collection<Territory> currentTerrs = kamikazeZonesByEnemy.getOrDefault(owner, new ArrayList<>());
            kamikazeZonesByEnemy.put(owner, currentTerrs);
    if (kamikazeZonesByEnemy.isEmpty()) {
    for (final Entry<PlayerID, Collection<Territory>> entry : kamikazeZonesByEnemy.entrySet()) {
        final PlayerID currentEnemy = entry.getKey();
        final PlayerAttachment pa = PlayerAttachment.get(currentEnemy);
        if (pa == null) {
        Predicate<Unit> canBeAttacked = canBeAttackedDefault;
        final Set<UnitType> suicideAttackTargets = pa.getSuicideAttackTargets();
        if (suicideAttackTargets != null) {
            canBeAttacked = Matches.unitIsOwnedBy(player).and(Matches.unitIsOfTypes(suicideAttackTargets));
        // See if the player has any attack tokens
        final IntegerMap<Resource> resourcesAndAttackValues = pa.getSuicideAttackResources();
        if (resourcesAndAttackValues.size() <= 0) {
        final IntegerMap<Resource> playerResourceCollection = currentEnemy.getResources().getResourcesCopy();
        final IntegerMap<Resource> attackTokens = new IntegerMap<>();
        for (final Resource possible : resourcesAndAttackValues.keySet()) {
            final int amount = playerResourceCollection.getInt(possible);
            if (amount > 0) {
                attackTokens.put(possible, amount);
        if (attackTokens.size() <= 0) {
        // now let the enemy decide if they will do attacks
        final Collection<Territory> kamikazeZones = entry.getValue();
        final HashMap<Territory, Collection<Unit>> possibleUnitsToAttack = new HashMap<>();
        for (final Territory t : kamikazeZones) {
            final List<Unit> validTargets = t.getUnits().getMatches(canBeAttacked);
            if (!validTargets.isEmpty()) {
                possibleUnitsToAttack.put(t, validTargets);
        final Map<Territory, HashMap<Unit, IntegerMap<Resource>>> attacks = getRemotePlayer(currentEnemy).selectKamikazeSuicideAttacks(possibleUnitsToAttack);
        if (attacks == null || attacks.isEmpty()) {
        // now validate that we have the resources and those units are valid targets
        for (final Entry<Territory, HashMap<Unit, IntegerMap<Resource>>> territoryEntry : attacks.entrySet()) {
            final Territory t = territoryEntry.getKey();
            final Collection<Unit> possibleUnits = possibleUnitsToAttack.get(t);
            if (possibleUnits == null || !possibleUnits.containsAll(territoryEntry.getValue().keySet())) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Player has chosen illegal units during Kamikaze Suicide Attacks");
            for (final IntegerMap<Resource> resourceMap : territoryEntry.getValue().values()) {
        if (!attackTokens.isPositive()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Player has chosen illegal resource during Kamikaze Suicide Attacks");
        for (final Entry<Territory, HashMap<Unit, IntegerMap<Resource>>> territoryEntry : attacks.entrySet()) {
            final Territory location = territoryEntry.getKey();
            for (final Entry<Unit, IntegerMap<Resource>> unitEntry : territoryEntry.getValue().entrySet()) {
                final Unit unitUnderFire = unitEntry.getKey();
                final IntegerMap<Resource> numberOfAttacks = unitEntry.getValue();
                if (numberOfAttacks != null && numberOfAttacks.size() > 0 && numberOfAttacks.totalValues() > 0) {
                    fireKamikazeSuicideAttacks(unitUnderFire, numberOfAttacks, resourcesAndAttackValues, currentEnemy, location);
Also used : PlayerID( GameData( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) TripleAUnit(games.strategy.triplea.TripleAUnit) Unit( PlayerAttachment(games.strategy.triplea.attachments.PlayerAttachment) UnitType( IntegerMap(games.strategy.util.IntegerMap) Territory( TerritoryAttachment(games.strategy.triplea.attachments.TerritoryAttachment) Resource( Collection(java.util.Collection) ResourceCollection(

Example 10 with Unit

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class BattleDelegate method resetMaxScrambleCount.

private static void resetMaxScrambleCount(final IDelegateBridge bridge) {
    // reset the tripleaUnit property for all airbases that were used
    final GameData data = bridge.getData();
    if (!Properties.getScrambleRulesInEffect(data)) {
    final CompositeChange change = new CompositeChange();
    for (final Territory t : data.getMap().getTerritories()) {
        final Collection<Unit> airbases = t.getUnits().getMatches(Matches.unitIsAirBase());
        for (final Unit u : airbases) {
            final UnitAttachment ua = UnitAttachment.get(u.getType());
            final int currentMax = ((TripleAUnit) u).getMaxScrambleCount();
            final int allowedMax = ua.getMaxScrambleCount();
            if (currentMax != allowedMax) {
                change.add(ChangeFactory.unitPropertyChange(u, allowedMax, TripleAUnit.MAX_SCRAMBLE_COUNT));
    if (!change.isEmpty()) {
        bridge.getHistoryWriter().startEvent("Preparing Airbases for Possible Scrambling");
Also used : UnitAttachment(games.strategy.triplea.attachments.UnitAttachment) Territory( GameData( CompositeChange( TripleAUnit(games.strategy.triplea.TripleAUnit) Unit( TripleAUnit(games.strategy.triplea.TripleAUnit)


Unit ( TripleAUnit (games.strategy.triplea.TripleAUnit)301 Territory ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)204 PlayerID ( GameData ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)92 Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)91 Route ( UnitType ( CompositeChange ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)64 IntegerMap (games.strategy.util.IntegerMap)61 UnitAttachment (games.strategy.triplea.attachments.UnitAttachment)58 Collection (java.util.Collection)58 ITestDelegateBridge ( List (java.util.List)48 ScriptedRandomSource (games.strategy.engine.random.ScriptedRandomSource)47 Change ( Set (java.util.Set)43