use of games.strategy.triplea.attachments.UnitAttachment in project triplea by triplea-game.
the class MoveValidator method getCanCarry.
private static Collection<Unit> getCanCarry(final Unit carrier, final Collection<Unit> selectFrom, final PlayerID playerWhoIsDoingTheMovement, final GameData data) {
final UnitAttachment ua = UnitAttachment.get(carrier.getType());
final Collection<Unit> canCarry = new ArrayList<>();
int available = ua.getCarrierCapacity();
final TripleAUnit taCarrier = (TripleAUnit) carrier;
for (final Unit plane : selectFrom) {
final TripleAUnit taPlane = (TripleAUnit) plane;
final UnitAttachment planeAttachment = UnitAttachment.get(plane.getType());
final int cost = planeAttachment.getCarrierCost();
if (available >= cost) {
// this is to test if they started in the same sea zone or not, and its not a very good way of testing it.
if ((taCarrier.getAlreadyMoved() == taPlane.getAlreadyMoved()) || (Matches.unitHasNotMoved().test(plane) && Matches.unitHasNotMoved().test(carrier)) || (Matches.unitIsOwnedBy(playerWhoIsDoingTheMovement).negate().test(plane) && Matches.alliedUnit(playerWhoIsDoingTheMovement, data).test(plane))) {
available -= cost;
if (available == 0) {
return canCarry;
use of games.strategy.triplea.attachments.UnitAttachment in project triplea by triplea-game.
the class MoveValidator method validateTransport.
private static MoveValidationResult validateTransport(final boolean isNonCombat, final GameData data, final List<UndoableMove> undoableMoves, final Collection<Unit> units, final Route route, final PlayerID player, final Collection<Unit> transportsToLoad, final MoveValidationResult result) {
final boolean isEditMode = getEditMode(data);
if (!units.isEmpty() && {
return result;
if (!route.hasWater()) {
return result;
// If there are non-sea transports return
final boolean seaOrNoTransportsPresent = transportsToLoad.isEmpty() ||;
if (!seaOrNoTransportsPresent) {
return result;
final Territory routeEnd = route.getEnd();
final Territory routeStart = route.getStart();
// if unloading make sure length of route is only 1
if (!isEditMode && route.isUnload()) {
if (route.hasMoreThenOneStep()) {
return result.setErrorReturnResult("Unloading units must stop where they are unloaded");
for (final Unit unit : TransportTracker.getUnitsLoadedOnAlliedTransportsThisTurn(units)) {
final Collection<Unit> transports = TransportUtils.mapTransports(route, units, null).values();
final boolean isScramblingOrKamikazeAttacksEnabled = Properties.getScrambleRulesInEffect(data) || Properties.getUseKamikazeSuicideAttacks(data);
final boolean submarinesPreventUnescortedAmphibAssaults = Properties.getSubmarinesPreventUnescortedAmphibiousAssaults(data);
final Predicate<Unit> enemySubmarineMatch = Matches.unitIsEnemyOf(data, player).and(Matches.unitIsSub());
final Predicate<Unit> ownedSeaNonTransportMatch = Matches.unitIsOwnedBy(player).and(Matches.unitIsSea()).and(Matches.unitIsNotTransportButCouldBeCombatTransport());
for (final Unit transport : transports) {
if (!isNonCombat && route.numberOfStepsIncludingStart() == 2) {
if (Matches.territoryHasEnemyUnits(player, data).test(routeEnd) || Matches.isTerritoryEnemyAndNotUnownedWater(player, data).test(routeEnd)) {
// this is an amphibious assault
if (submarinesPreventUnescortedAmphibAssaults && !Matches.territoryHasUnitsThatMatch(ownedSeaNonTransportMatch).test(routeStart) && Matches.territoryHasUnitsThatMatch(enemySubmarineMatch).test(routeStart)) {
// stops our unloading for amphibious assault
for (final Unit unit : TransportTracker.transporting(transport)) {
} else if (!AbstractMoveDelegate.getBattleTracker(data).wasConquered(routeEnd)) {
// this is an unload to a friendly territory
if (isScramblingOrKamikazeAttacksEnabled || !Matches.territoryIsEmptyOfCombatUnits(data, player).test(routeStart)) {
// TODO: should we use the battle tracker for this instead?
for (final Unit unit : TransportTracker.transporting(transport)) {
// in which they perform their actions. check whether transport has already unloaded
if (TransportTracker.hasTransportUnloadedInPreviousPhase(transport)) {
for (final Unit unit : TransportTracker.transporting(transport)) {
// check whether transport is restricted to another territory
} else if (TransportTracker.isTransportUnloadRestrictedToAnotherTerritory(transport, route.getEnd())) {
final Territory alreadyUnloadedTo = getTerritoryTransportHasUnloadedTo(undoableMoves, transport);
for (final Unit unit : TransportTracker.transporting(transport)) {
result.addDisallowedUnit(TRANSPORT_HAS_ALREADY_UNLOADED_UNITS_TO + alreadyUnloadedTo.getName(), unit);
// Check if the transport has already loaded after being in combat
} else if (TransportTracker.isTransportUnloadRestrictedInNonCombat(transport)) {
for (final Unit unit : TransportTracker.transporting(transport)) {
// if we are land make sure no water in route except for transport situations
final Collection<Unit> land = CollectionUtils.getMatches(units, Matches.unitIsLand());
final Collection<Unit> landAndAir = CollectionUtils.getMatches(units, Matches.unitIsLand().or(Matches.unitIsAir()));
// make sure we can be transported
final Predicate<Unit> cantBeTransported = Matches.unitCanBeTransported().negate();
for (final Unit unit : CollectionUtils.getMatches(land, cantBeTransported)) {
result.addDisallowedUnit("Not all units can be transported", unit);
// make sure that the only the first or last territory is land don't want situation where they go sea land sea
if (!isEditMode && route.hasLand() && !(route.getStart().isWater() || route.getEnd().isWater())) {
// carried by the air and that the air has enough capacity
if (nonParatroopersPresent(player, landAndAir)) {
return result.setErrorReturnResult("Invalid move, only start or end can be land when route has water.");
// TODO handle this
if (!isEditMode && !route.getEnd().isWater() && !route.getStart().isWater() && nonParatroopersPresent(player, landAndAir)) {
return result.setErrorReturnResult("Must stop units at a transport on route");
if (route.getEnd().isWater() && route.getStart().isWater()) {
// make sure units and transports stick together
for (final Unit unit : units) {
final UnitAttachment ua = UnitAttachment.get(unit.getType());
// make sure transports dont leave their units behind
if (ua.getTransportCapacity() != -1) {
final Collection<Unit> holding = TransportTracker.transporting(unit);
if (!units.containsAll(holding)) {
result.addDisallowedUnit("Transports cannot leave their units", unit);
// make sure units dont leave their transports behind
if (ua.getTransportCost() != -1) {
final Unit transport = TransportTracker.transportedBy(unit);
if (transport != null && !units.contains(transport)) {
result.addDisallowedUnit("Unit must stay with its transport while moving", unit);
if (route.isLoad()) {
if (!isEditMode && !route.hasExactlyOneStep() && nonParatroopersPresent(player, landAndAir)) {
return result.setErrorReturnResult("Units cannot move before loading onto transports");
final Predicate<Unit> enemyNonSubmerged = Matches.enemyUnit(player, data).and(Matches.unitIsSubmerged().negate());
if (!Properties.getUnitsCanLoadInHostileSeaZones(data) && route.getEnd().getUnits().anyMatch(enemyNonSubmerged) && nonParatroopersPresent(player, landAndAir) && !onlyIgnoredUnitsOnPath(route, player, data, false) && !AbstractMoveDelegate.getBattleTracker(data).didAllThesePlayersJustGoToWarThisTurn(player, route.getEnd().getUnits().getUnits(), data)) {
return result.setErrorReturnResult("Cannot load when enemy sea units are present");
final Map<Unit, Unit> unitsToTransports = TransportUtils.mapTransports(route, land, transportsToLoad);
if (!isEditMode) {
for (final Unit baseUnit : land) {
final TripleAUnit unit = (TripleAUnit) baseUnit;
if (Matches.unitHasMoved().test(unit)) {
result.addDisallowedUnit("Units cannot move before loading onto transports", unit);
final Unit transport = unitsToTransports.get(unit);
if (transport == null) {
if (TransportTracker.hasTransportUnloadedInPreviousPhase(transport)) {
} else if (TransportTracker.isTransportUnloadRestrictedToAnotherTerritory(transport, route.getEnd())) {
Territory alreadyUnloadedTo = getTerritoryTransportHasUnloadedTo(undoableMoves, transport);
for (final Unit transportToLoad : transportsToLoad) {
final TripleAUnit trn = (TripleAUnit) transportToLoad;
if (!TransportTracker.isTransportUnloadRestrictedToAnotherTerritory(trn, route.getEnd())) {
final UnitAttachment ua = UnitAttachment.get(unit.getType());
if (TransportTracker.getAvailableCapacity(trn) >= ua.getTransportCost()) {
alreadyUnloadedTo = null;
if (alreadyUnloadedTo != null) {
result.addDisallowedUnit(TRANSPORT_HAS_ALREADY_UNLOADED_UNITS_TO + alreadyUnloadedTo.getName(), unit);
if (!unitsToTransports.keySet().containsAll(land)) {
// some units didn't get mapped to a transport
final Collection<UnitCategory> unitsToLoadCategories = UnitSeperator.categorize(land);
if (unitsToTransports.size() == 0 || unitsToLoadCategories.size() == 1) {
// set all unmapped units as disallowed if there are no transports or only one unit category
for (final Unit unit : land) {
if (unitsToTransports.containsKey(unit)) {
final UnitAttachment ua = UnitAttachment.get(unit.getType());
if (ua.getTransportCost() != -1) {
result.addDisallowedUnit("Not enough transports", unit);
} else {
// set all units as unresolved if there is at least one transport and mixed unit categories
for (final Unit unit : land) {
final UnitAttachment ua = UnitAttachment.get(unit.getType());
if (ua.getTransportCost() != -1) {
result.addUnresolvedUnit("Not enough transports", unit);
return result;
use of games.strategy.triplea.attachments.UnitAttachment in project triplea by triplea-game.
the class MustFightBattle method sortAmphib.
* In an amphibious assault, sort on who is unloading from transports first as this will allow the marines with higher
* scores to get killed last.
private void sortAmphib(final List<Unit> units) {
final Comparator<Unit> decreasingMovement = UnitComparator.getLowestToHighestMovementComparator();
units.sort(Comparator.comparing(Unit::getType, Comparator.comparing(UnitType::getName)).thenComparing((u1, u2) -> {
final UnitAttachment ua = UnitAttachment.get(u1.getType());
final UnitAttachment ua2 = UnitAttachment.get(u2.getType());
if (ua.getIsMarine() != 0 && ua2.getIsMarine() != 0) {
return compareAccordingToAmphibious(u1, u2);
return 0;
use of games.strategy.triplea.attachments.UnitAttachment in project triplea by triplea-game.
the class EndTurnDelegate method createUnits.
private String createUnits(final IDelegateBridge bridge) {
final StringBuilder endTurnReport = new StringBuilder();
final GameData data = getData();
final PlayerID player = data.getSequence().getStep().getPlayerId();
final Predicate<Unit> myCreatorsMatch = Matches.unitIsOwnedBy(player).and(Matches.unitCreatesUnits());
final CompositeChange change = new CompositeChange();
for (final Territory t : data.getMap().getTerritories()) {
final Collection<Unit> myCreators = CollectionUtils.getMatches(t.getUnits().getUnits(), myCreatorsMatch);
if (myCreators != null && !myCreators.isEmpty()) {
final Collection<Unit> toAdd = new ArrayList<>();
final Collection<Unit> toAddSea = new ArrayList<>();
final Collection<Unit> toAddLand = new ArrayList<>();
for (final Unit u : myCreators) {
final UnitAttachment ua = UnitAttachment.get(u.getType());
final IntegerMap<UnitType> createsUnitsMap = ua.getCreatesUnitsList();
final Collection<UnitType> willBeCreated = createsUnitsMap.keySet();
for (final UnitType ut : willBeCreated) {
if (UnitAttachment.get(ut).getIsSea() && Matches.territoryIsLand().test(t)) {
toAddSea.addAll(ut.create(createsUnitsMap.getInt(ut), player));
} else if (!UnitAttachment.get(ut).getIsSea() && !UnitAttachment.get(ut).getIsAir() && Matches.territoryIsWater().test(t)) {
toAddLand.addAll(ut.create(createsUnitsMap.getInt(ut), player));
} else {
toAdd.addAll(ut.create(createsUnitsMap.getInt(ut), player));
if (!toAdd.isEmpty()) {
final String transcriptText = player.getName() + " creates " + MyFormatter.unitsToTextNoOwner(toAdd) + " in " + t.getName();
bridge.getHistoryWriter().startEvent(transcriptText, toAdd);
endTurnReport.append(transcriptText).append("<br />");
final Change place = ChangeFactory.addUnits(t, toAdd);
if (!toAddSea.isEmpty()) {
final Predicate<Territory> myTerrs = Matches.territoryIsWater();
final Collection<Territory> waterNeighbors = data.getMap().getNeighbors(t, myTerrs);
if (waterNeighbors != null && !waterNeighbors.isEmpty()) {
final Territory tw = getRandomTerritory(waterNeighbors, bridge);
final String transcriptText = player.getName() + " creates " + MyFormatter.unitsToTextNoOwner(toAddSea) + " in " + tw.getName();
bridge.getHistoryWriter().startEvent(transcriptText, toAddSea);
endTurnReport.append(transcriptText).append("<br />");
final Change place = ChangeFactory.addUnits(tw, toAddSea);
if (!toAddLand.isEmpty()) {
final Predicate<Territory> myTerrs = Matches.isTerritoryOwnedBy(player).and(Matches.territoryIsLand());
final Collection<Territory> landNeighbors = data.getMap().getNeighbors(t, myTerrs);
if (landNeighbors != null && !landNeighbors.isEmpty()) {
final Territory tl = getRandomTerritory(landNeighbors, bridge);
final String transcriptText = player.getName() + " creates " + MyFormatter.unitsToTextNoOwner(toAddLand) + " in " + tl.getName();
bridge.getHistoryWriter().startEvent(transcriptText, toAddLand);
endTurnReport.append(transcriptText).append("<br />");
final Change place = ChangeFactory.addUnits(tl, toAddLand);
if (!change.isEmpty()) {
return endTurnReport.toString();
use of games.strategy.triplea.attachments.UnitAttachment in project triplea by triplea-game.
the class DiceRoll method getTotalAAattacks.
static int getTotalAAattacks(final Collection<Unit> defendingEnemyAa, final Collection<Unit> validAttackingUnitsForThisRoll) {
if (defendingEnemyAa.isEmpty() || validAttackingUnitsForThisRoll.isEmpty()) {
return 0;
int totalAAattacksNormal = 0;
int totalAAattacksSurplus = 0;
for (final Unit aa : defendingEnemyAa) {
final UnitAttachment ua = UnitAttachment.get(aa.getType());
if (ua.getMaxAaAttacks() == -1) {
totalAAattacksNormal = validAttackingUnitsForThisRoll.size();
} else {
if (ua.getMayOverStackAa()) {
totalAAattacksSurplus += ua.getMaxAaAttacks();
} else {
totalAAattacksNormal += ua.getMaxAaAttacks();
totalAAattacksNormal = Math.min(totalAAattacksNormal, validAttackingUnitsForThisRoll.size());
return totalAAattacksNormal + totalAAattacksSurplus;