use of gartham.c10ver.economy.items.Item in project c10ver by Gartham.
the class AddCommand method exec.
public void exec(CommandInvocation inv) {
var ecouser = trade.getManager().getClover().getEconomy().getUser(inv.event.getAuthor().getId());
UserEntry<?> e;
try {
int x = Integer.parseInt(inv.args[0]) - 1;
if (ecouser.getInventory().getEntryCount() < x) {
e = ecouser.getInventory().get(x);
} else {
trade.getInitialChannel().sendMessage(inv.event.getAuthor().getAsMention() + ", you only have `" + ecouser.getInventory().getEntryCount() + "` items! Please use a number between `1` and `" + ecouser.getInventory().getEntryCount() + "` or use the item's ID.").queue();
} catch (NumberFormatException e1) {
if ((e = ecouser.getInventory().get(inv.args[0])) == null)
if ((e = ecouser.getInventory().get(inv.args[0].toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH))) == null) {
inv.event.getChannel().sendMessage(inv.event.getAuthor().getAsMention() + ", you don't have any items with that ID.").queue();
BigInteger amt;
final UserEntry<?>.UserItemStack i;
if (inv.args.length == 0) {
// +loot-crate
amt = BigInteger.ONE;
i = e.get(0);
} else if (inv.args.length == 1) {
if (e.getStacks().size() == 1) {
amt = BigInteger.ONE;
i = e.get(0);
} else {
inv.event.getChannel().sendMessage("You need to specify which of that item you want to add. (There are different types of `" + e.getName() + "` items.)");
} else if (// +item 7
inv.args.length == 2)
if (e.getStacks().size() == 1) {
// +pizza 3
try {
amt = new BigInteger(inv.args[1]);
} catch (NumberFormatException e2) {
// If item does not have more stacks.
int amount = (int) (Math.random() * 10) + 1;
inv.event.getChannel().sendMessage(inv.event.getAuthor().getAsMention() + " please provide an amount: `" + Utilities.strip(inv.cmdName + inv.args[0] + ' ' + amount) + "` for `" + amount + "` items.").queue();
if (amt.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) < 0) {
// If amt < 1
inv.event.getChannel().sendMessage(inv.event.getAuthor().getAsMention() + " you can't add less than 1 items to a trade...").queue();
i = e.get(0);
} else {
// +loot-crate 2
int x;
try {
x = Integer.parseInt(inv.args[1]);
} catch (NumberFormatException e2) {
inv.event.getChannel().sendMessage(inv.event.getAuthor().getAsMention() + " please specify which type of that item you want to trade. For example, `+" + e.getType() + " 1` to add some of the first type of that item, or: `+" + e.getType() + " 2` to add some of the second.").queue();
if (x > e.getStacks().size()) {
inv.event.getChannel().sendMessage(inv.event.getAuthor().getAsMention() + " that's not a valid index! You only have `" + e.getStacks().size() + "` different types of that item.").queue();
if (x < 1) {
inv.event.getChannel().sendMessage(inv.event.getAuthor().getAsMention() + " that's not a valid index! Indices must be greater than 0.");
i = e.get(x - 1);
amt = BigInteger.ONE;
else if (inv.args.length == 3) {
// + item 3 9
// For two numbers, the index is always first.
int x;
try {
x = Integer.parseInt(inv.args[1]);
} catch (NumberFormatException e1) {
inv.event.getChannel().sendMessage(inv.event.getAuthor().getAsMention() + " the index has to be a number.").queue();
if (x > e.getStacks().size()) {
inv.event.getChannel().sendMessage(inv.event.getAuthor().getAsMention() + " that's not a valid index! You only have `" + e.getStacks().size() + "` different types of that item.").queue();
if (x < 1) {
inv.event.getChannel().sendMessage(inv.event.getAuthor().getAsMention() + " that's not a valid index! Indices must be greater than 0.").queue();
i = e.get(x - 1);
try {
amt = new BigInteger(inv.args[2]);
} catch (NumberFormatException e2) {
// If item does not have more stacks.
int amount = (int) (Math.random() * 10) + 1;
inv.event.getChannel().sendMessage(inv.event.getAuthor().getAsMention() + " please provide an amount: `" + Utilities.strip(inv.cmdName + inv.args[0] + ' ' + amount) + "` for `" + amount + "` items.").queue();
if (amt.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) < 0) {
// If amt < 1
inv.event.getChannel().sendMessage(inv.event.getAuthor().getAsMention() + " you can't add less than 1 items to a trade...").queue();
} else {
inv.event.getChannel().sendMessage(inv.event.getAuthor().getAsMention() + " too many arguments. Please provide only an amount and an index.").queue();
BigInteger total = amt;
var person = trade.isRecipient(inv.event.getAuthor()) ? trade.getRecip() : trade.getRequester();
if (person.getItems().get((Item) i.getItem()) != null)
total = amt.add(person.getItems().get((Item) i.getItem()).getCount());
if (total.compareTo(i.count()) > 0) {
inv.event.getChannel().sendMessage(inv.event.getAuthor().getAsMention() + " you don't have enough items to add that many to the trade.").queue();
person.getItems().add((Item) i.getItem(), amt);
inv.event.getChannel().sendMessage(inv.event.getAuthor().getAsMention() + " added `" + amt + "` of that item to the trade! Here's what you've listed so far: ").setEmbeds(person.getTrade(new EmbedBuilder()).build()).queue();