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Example 51 with FeatureMap

use of gate.FeatureMap in project gate-core by GateNLP.

the class SerialCorpusImpl method get.

public Document get(int index) {
    if (index >= docDataList.size())
        return null;
    Document res = documents.get(index);
    if (DEBUG)
        Out.prln("SerialCorpusImpl: get(): index " + index + "result: " + res);
    // if the document is null, then I must get it from the DS
    if (res == null) {
        FeatureMap parameters = Factory.newFeatureMap();
        parameters.put(DataStore.DATASTORE_FEATURE_NAME, this.dataStore);
        try {
            parameters.put(DataStore.LR_ID_FEATURE_NAME, docDataList.get(index).getPersistentID());
            Document lr = (Document) Factory.createResource(docDataList.get(index).getClassType(), parameters);
            if (DEBUG)
                Out.prln("Loaded document :" + lr.getName());
            // change the result to the newly loaded doc
            res = lr;
            // finally replace the doc with the instantiated version
            documents.set(index, lr);
        } catch (ResourceInstantiationException ex) {
            Err.prln("Error reading document inside a serialised corpus.");
            throw new GateRuntimeException(ex);
    return res;
Also used : FeatureMap(gate.FeatureMap) GateRuntimeException(gate.util.GateRuntimeException) Document(gate.Document) ResourceInstantiationException(gate.creole.ResourceInstantiationException)

Example 52 with FeatureMap

use of gate.FeatureMap in project gate-core by GateNLP.

the class DocumentStaxUtils method writeXcesAnnotations.

 * Save annotations to the given XMLStreamWriter in XCES format. The
 * writer is <i>not</i> closed by this method, that is left to the
 * caller. This method writes just the cesAna element - the XML
 * declaration must be filled in by the caller if required. Characters
 * in feature values that are illegal in XML are replaced by
 * {@link #INVALID_CHARACTER_REPLACEMENT} (a space). Feature <i>names</i>
 * are not modified, nor are annotation types - an illegal character
 * in one of these will cause the serialization to fail.
 * @param annotations the annotations to save, typically an
 *          AnnotationSet
 * @param xsw the XMLStreamWriter to write to
 * @param includeId should we include the annotation IDs (as the "n"
 *          attribute on each <code>struct</code>)?
 * @throws XMLStreamException
public static void writeXcesAnnotations(Collection<Annotation> annotations, XMLStreamWriter xsw, boolean includeId) throws XMLStreamException {
    List<Annotation> annotsToDump = new ArrayList<Annotation>(annotations);
    Collections.sort(annotsToDump, LONGEST_FIRST_OFFSET_COMPARATOR);
    xsw.writeStartElement(XCES_NAMESPACE, "cesAna");
    xsw.writeAttribute("version", XCES_VERSION);
    String indent = "   ";
    String indentMore = indent + indent;
    for (Annotation a : annotsToDump) {
        long start = a.getStartNode().getOffset().longValue();
        long end = a.getEndNode().getOffset().longValue();
        FeatureMap fm = a.getFeatures();
        if (fm == null || fm.size() == 0) {
            xsw.writeEmptyElement(XCES_NAMESPACE, "struct");
        } else {
            xsw.writeStartElement(XCES_NAMESPACE, "struct");
        xsw.writeAttribute("type", a.getType());
        xsw.writeAttribute("from", String.valueOf(start));
        xsw.writeAttribute("to", String.valueOf(end));
        // include the annotation ID as the "n" attribute if requested
        if (includeId) {
            xsw.writeAttribute("n", String.valueOf(a.getId()));
        if (fm != null && fm.size() != 0) {
            for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> att : fm.entrySet()) {
                if (!"isEmptyAndSpan".equals(att.getKey())) {
                    xsw.writeEmptyElement(XCES_NAMESPACE, "feat");
                    xsw.writeAttribute("name", String.valueOf(att.getKey()));
                    xsw.writeAttribute("value", replaceXMLIllegalCharactersInString(String.valueOf(att.getValue())));
Also used : FeatureMap(gate.FeatureMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) FeatureMap(gate.FeatureMap) Annotation(gate.Annotation)

Example 53 with FeatureMap

use of gate.FeatureMap in project gate-core by GateNLP.

the class DocumentStaxUtils method readRelationSet.

public static void readRelationSet(XMLStreamReader xsr, RelationSet relations, Set<Integer> allAnnotIds) throws XMLStreamException {
    while (xsr.nextTag() == XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT) {
        xsr.require(XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT, null, "Relation");
        String type = xsr.getAttributeValue(null, "Type");
        String idString = xsr.getAttributeValue(null, "Id");
        String memberString = xsr.getAttributeValue(null, "Members");
        if (memberString == null)
            throw new XMLStreamException("A relation must have members");
        if (type == null)
            throw new XMLStreamException("A relation must have a type");
        if (idString == null)
            throw new XMLStreamException("A relation must have an id");
        String[] memberStrings = memberString.split(";");
        int[] members = new int[memberStrings.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < members.length; ++i) {
            members[i] = Integer.parseInt(memberStrings[i]);
        xsr.require(XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT, null, "UserData");
        // get the string representation of the user data
        StringBuilder stringRep = new StringBuilder(1024);
        int eventType;
        while ((eventType = != XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT) {
            switch(eventType) {
                case XMLStreamConstants.CHARACTERS:
                case XMLStreamConstants.CDATA:
                    stringRep.append(xsr.getTextCharacters(), xsr.getTextStart(), xsr.getTextLength());
                case XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT:
                    throw new XMLStreamException("Elements not allowed within " + "user data.", xsr.getLocation());
        xsr.require(XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT, null, "UserData");
        FeatureMap features = readFeatureMap(xsr);
        Relation r = new SimpleRelation(Integer.parseInt(idString), type, members);
        if (stringRep.length() > 0) {
            ObjectWrapper wrapper = new ObjectWrapper(stringRep.toString());
Also used : FeatureMap(gate.FeatureMap) Relation(gate.relations.Relation) SimpleRelation(gate.relations.SimpleRelation) XMLStreamException( SimpleRelation(gate.relations.SimpleRelation)

Example 54 with FeatureMap

use of gate.FeatureMap in project gate-core by GateNLP.

the class UimaDocumentFormat method unpackCasMarkup.

 * Convert UIMA CAS markups to GATE markups.
 * @param doc XML document already parsed
 * @throws DocumentFormatException error when parsing the file
private void unpackCasMarkup(Document doc) throws DocumentFormatException {
    AnnotationSet inputAS = doc.getAnnotations("Original markups");
    AnnotationSet outputAS = doc.getAnnotations("Original markups");
    // set format specific names
    String casPrefix;
    String idName;
    if (!inputAS.get("CAS").isEmpty()) {
        casPrefix = "uima.cas.";
        idName = "_id";
    } else if (!inputAS.get("xmi:XMI").isEmpty()) {
        casPrefix = "cas:";
        idName = "xmi:id";
    } else {
        throw new DocumentFormatException("The document \"" + doc.getName() + "\" is neither of XCAS nor XMICAS format.");
    // get array/list contained elements annotations
    for (Annotation annotation : inputAS) {
        if (annotation.getType().matches(casPrefix + "[a-zA-Z]+(List|Array)")) {
            try {
                String elements = doc.getContent().getContent(annotation.getStartNode().getOffset(), annotation.getEndNode().getOffset()).toString();
                // add contained values as a feature to the array annotation
                if (!elements.trim().equals("")) {
                    annotation.getFeatures().put("elements", elements);
            } catch (InvalidOffsetException e) {
                throw new DocumentFormatException(e);
    // get document content from SOFA annotations
    Set<Annotation> sofaSet = inputAS.get(casPrefix + "Sofa");
    if (sofaSet.size() > 1) {
        Out.prln("More than one UIMA SOFA, annotation offsets won't be correct.");
    StringBuilder documentContent = new StringBuilder();
    for (Annotation annotation : sofaSet) {
        documentContent.append((String) annotation.getFeatures().get("sofaString"));
    doc.setContent(new DocumentContentImpl(documentContent.toString()));
    // remove SOFA annotations
    // remove non document annotations
    // get the views members, views will be added later as annotation sets
    List<List<String>> viewList = new ArrayList<List<String>>();
    for (Annotation view : inputAS.get(casPrefix + "View")) {
        viewList.add(Arrays.asList(((String) view.getFeatures().get("members")).split("\\s+")));
    inputAS.removeAll(inputAS.get(casPrefix + "View"));
    // fill a map with the id as key and the entity name as value
    // this is specific to the Temis Luxid CAS format
    Map<String, String> entityMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
    for (Annotation entity : inputAS.get("com.temis.uima.Entity")) {
        FeatureMap features = entity.getFeatures();
        entityMap.put((String) features.get(idName), (String) features.get("value"));
    try {
        // for each UIMA annotation
        for (Annotation annotation : new HashSet<Annotation>(inputAS)) {
            FeatureMap features = Factory.newFeatureMap();
            String start = (String) features.get("begin");
            String end = (String) features.get("end");
            String id = (String) features.get(idName);
            // UIMA feature
            // UIMA feature
            // GATE feature
            // UIMA XCAS feature
            if (start == null || end == null) {
                // no offsets so add it as a GATE document feature
                for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : features.entrySet()) {
                    doc.getFeatures().put(annotation.getType() + '_' + id + '.' + entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
            } else {
                // offsets so add it as a GATE document annotation
                String entityReference = (String) features.get("_ref_entity");
                String type = entityMap.containsKey(entityReference) ? entityMap.get(entityReference) : annotation.getType();
                Integer gateId = outputAS.add(Long.valueOf(start), Long.valueOf(end), type, features);
                int viewCount = 0;
                for (List<String> viewMembers : viewList) {
                    if (viewMembers.contains(id)) {
                        // add the annotation to the annotation set
                        doc.getAnnotations("CasView" + viewCount).add(outputAS.get(gateId));
            // delete UIMA annotation
    } catch (InvalidOffsetException e) {
        throw new DocumentFormatException("Couldn't create annotation.", e);
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) AnnotationSet(gate.AnnotationSet) InvalidOffsetException(gate.util.InvalidOffsetException) Annotation(gate.Annotation) DocumentFormatException(gate.util.DocumentFormatException) FeatureMap(gate.FeatureMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) FeatureMap(gate.FeatureMap) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 55 with FeatureMap

use of gate.FeatureMap in project gate-core by GateNLP.

the class Parameter method calculateValueFromString.

// calculateDefaultValue()
 * Calculate and return the value for this parameter starting from a String
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public Object calculateValueFromString(String stringValue) throws ParameterException {
    // if we have no string we can't construct a value
    Object value = null;
    // get the Class for the parameter via Class.forName or CREOLE register
    Class<?> paramClass = getParameterClass();
    if (substituteClasses.containsKey(paramClass)) {
        paramClass = substituteClasses.get(paramClass);
    // collectionSubstituteClasses and create a value of that type.
    if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(paramClass) && !paramClass.isInterface()) {
        // Create an collection object belonging to paramClass
        Collection<?> colection = null;
        try {
            colection = paramClass.asSubclass(Collection.class).getConstructor(new Class<?>[] {}).newInstance(new Object[] {});
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new ParameterException("Could not construct an object of type " + typeName + " for param " + name + "\nProblem was: " + ex.toString());
        // string tokens to the collection.
        if (itemClassName == null) {
            // Read the tokens from the default value and try to create items
            // belonging to the itemClassName
            StringTokenizer strTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(stringValue, ";");
            while (strTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
                String itemStringValue = strTokenizer.nextToken();
                ((Collection<String>) colection).add(itemStringValue);
        // End while
        } else {
            Class<?> itemClass = null;
            try {
                itemClass = Gate.getClassLoader().loadClass(itemClassName);
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                throw new ParameterException("Could not construct a class object for " + itemClassName + " for param " + name + ", with type name=" + typeName);
            // End try
            // Read the tokens from the default value and try to create items
            // belonging to the itemClassName
            StringTokenizer strTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(stringValue, ";");
            while (strTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
                // Read a string item and construct an object belonging to
                // itemClassName
                String itemStringValue = strTokenizer.nextToken();
                Object itemValue = null;
                try {
                    itemValue = itemClass.getConstructor(new Class<?>[] { String.class }).newInstance(new Object[] { itemStringValue });
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new ParameterException("Could not create an object of " + itemClassName + " for param name " + name + ", with type name =" + typeName);
                // End try
                // Add the item value object to the collection
                ((Collection<Object>) colection).add(itemValue);
        // End while
        // End if(itemClassName == null)
        return colection;
    if (FeatureMap.class.isAssignableFrom(paramClass)) {
        // a null string value means a null FeatureMap
        if (stringValue == null)
            return null;
        FeatureMap fm = null;
        // then just create a normal feature map using the factory
        if (paramClass.isInterface()) {
            fm = Factory.newFeatureMap();
        } else {
            try {
                fm = paramClass.asSubclass(FeatureMap.class).getConstructor(new Class<?>[] {}).newInstance(new Object[] {});
            } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException | NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e) {
                throw new ParameterException("Could not construct an object of type " + typeName + " for param " + name + "\nProblem was: " + e.toString());
        // Read the tokens from the default value and try to create items
        // belonging to the itemClassName
        StringTokenizer strTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(stringValue, ";");
        while (strTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
            String keyAndValue = strTokenizer.nextToken();
            int indexOfEquals = keyAndValue.indexOf('=');
            if (indexOfEquals == -1) {
                throw new ParameterException("Error parsing string \"" + stringValue + "\" for parameter " + name + " of type " + typeName + ". Value string must be of the form " + "name1=value1;name2=value2;...");
            String featName = keyAndValue.substring(0, indexOfEquals);
            String featValue = keyAndValue.substring(indexOfEquals + 1);
            fm.put(featName, featValue);
        return fm;
    // Java 5.0 enum types
    if (paramClass.isEnum()) {
        if (stringValue == null) {
            value = null;
        } else {
            try {
                value = Enum.valueOf(paramClass.<Enum>asSubclass(Enum.class), stringValue);
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                throw new ParameterException("Invalid enum constant name " + stringValue + " for type " + typeName);
    } else if (typeName.equals("gate.creole.ResourceReference")) {
        if (stringValue != null && !stringValue.equals("")) {
            try {
                value = new ResourceReference(plugin, stringValue);
            } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
                throw new ParameterException("Malformed ResourceReference parameter value: " + stringValue, e);
    } else // empty string value, but just leave value as null
    if (typeName.startsWith("java.")) {
        if (typeName.equals("java.lang.Boolean"))
            value = Boolean.valueOf(stringValue);
        else if (typeName.equals("java.lang.Long")) {
            if (stringValue != null && !stringValue.equals("")) {
                value = Long.valueOf(stringValue);
        } else if (typeName.equals("java.lang.Integer")) {
            if (stringValue != null && !stringValue.equals("")) {
                value = Integer.valueOf(stringValue);
        } else if (typeName.equals("java.lang.String"))
            value = stringValue;
        else if (typeName.equals("java.lang.Double")) {
            if (stringValue != null && !stringValue.equals("")) {
                value = Double.valueOf(stringValue);
        } else if (typeName.equals("java.lang.Float")) {
            if (stringValue != null && !stringValue.equals("")) {
                value = Float.valueOf(stringValue);
        } else if (typeName.equals("")) {
            try {
                if (stringValue != null && !stringValue.equals("")) {
                    value = new URL(plugin.getBaseURL(), stringValue);
            } catch (MalformedURLException mue) {
                // value = null;
                throw new ParameterException("Malformed URL parameter value: " + stringValue, mue);
        } else {
            // e.g. for URLs
            try {
                if (!paramClass.isAssignableFrom(String.class)) {
                    value = paramClass.getConstructor(new Class<?>[] { String.class }).newInstance(new Object[] { stringValue });
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new ParameterException("Unsupported parameter type " + typeName);
    } else {
        // null string value means null target value
        if (stringValue != null) {
            // otherwise, if it's a GATE resource type pick the first registered instance
            if (resData == null)
                resData = Gate.getCreoleRegister().get(typeName);
            if (resData == null) {
                // unknown type
                return null;
            List<Resource> instantiations = resData.getInstantiations();
            if (!instantiations.isEmpty())
                value = instantiations.get(0);
    return value;
Also used : MalformedURLException( URISyntaxException( URL( Resource(gate.Resource) MalformedURLException( URISyntaxException( InvocationTargetException(java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException) GateRuntimeException(gate.util.GateRuntimeException) InvocationTargetException(java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException) FeatureMap(gate.FeatureMap) StringTokenizer(java.util.StringTokenizer) Collection(java.util.Collection)


FeatureMap (gate.FeatureMap)55 Document (gate.Document)15 URL ( ResourceInstantiationException (gate.creole.ResourceInstantiationException)11 File ( Resource (gate.Resource)8 GateRuntimeException (gate.util.GateRuntimeException)7 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)7 List (java.util.List)7 PersistenceException (gate.persist.PersistenceException)6 Annotation (gate.Annotation)5 AnnotationSet (gate.AnnotationSet)5 DataStore (gate.DataStore)5 LanguageResource (gate.LanguageResource)5 TestDocument (gate.corpora.TestDocument)4 ResourceData (gate.creole.ResourceData)4 SerialDataStore (gate.persist.SerialDataStore)4 InvalidOffsetException (gate.util.InvalidOffsetException)4 Corpus (gate.Corpus)3 ProcessingResource (gate.ProcessingResource)3