use of in project gate-core by GateNLP.
the class QueryParser method parse.
* Given a query, this method parses it to convert it into one or more
* lucene queries.
* @throws
public Query[] parse(String field, String query, String baseTokenAnnotationType, String corpusID, String annotationSetToSearchIn) throws {
this.field = field;
this.baseTokenAnnotationType = baseTokenAnnotationType;
this.position = 0;
// at the moment this supports only | operator
// it also support klene operators * and +
// implicit operator is &
// It supports simple String queries
// it supports eight kinds of tokens
// 1. String (without quotes)
// 2. "String" (with quotes)
// 3. {AnnotationType}
// 4. {AnnotationType==String}
// 5. {AnnotationType=="String"}
// 7. {AnnotationType.feature==string}
// 8. {AnnotationType.feature=="string"}
// Steps
// The query would we searched from left to right order
// returned arraylist contains queries where each query is required
// to
// be converted into the Phrase query
queries = SubQueryParser.parseQuery(query);
Query[] q = new Query[queries.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < queries.size(); i++) {
Query phraseQuery = createPhraseQuery(queries.get(i));
// boolean query
if (corpusID == null && annotationSetToSearchIn == null) {
BooleanQuery booleanQuery = new BooleanQuery();
Term t = new Term(Constants.ANNOTATION_SET_ID, Constants.COMBINED_SET);
TermQuery tQuery = new TermQuery(t);
booleanQuery.add(tQuery, false, true);
booleanQuery.add(phraseQuery, true, false);
q[i] = booleanQuery;
} else {
BooleanQuery booleanQuery = new BooleanQuery();
booleanQuery.add(phraseQuery, true, false);
if (corpusID != null) {
Term t = new Term(Constants.CORPUS_ID, corpusID);
TermQuery tQuery = new TermQuery(t);
booleanQuery.add(tQuery, true, false);
if (annotationSetToSearchIn != null) {
Term t = new Term(Constants.ANNOTATION_SET_ID, annotationSetToSearchIn);
TermQuery tQuery = new TermQuery(t);
booleanQuery.add(tQuery, true, false);
} else {
Term t = new Term(Constants.ANNOTATION_SET_ID, Constants.COMBINED_SET);
TermQuery tQuery = new TermQuery(t);
booleanQuery.add(tQuery, false, true);
q[i] = booleanQuery;
return q;
use of in project gate-core by GateNLP.
the class QueryParser method createPhraseQuery.
* This method will create each normalized query into a Phrase or Term
* query If the query has only one term to search, it will be returned
* as a TermQuery otherwise, it will be returned as the PhraseQuery
private Query createPhraseQuery(String query) throws {
// Here we play the actual trick with lucene
// For a query like {Lookup}{Token}{Person.gender=="male"}
// internally this query is converted into the following PhraseQuery
// (Lookup Token Person male)
// these are the four terms which will be searched and they should
// occur
// in this order only
// but what we need is
// a pattern where
// Lookup -> the first annotation is of type Lookup
// Token -> the second annotation type is Token
// Person male -> and the third annotation must have a type person
// and a
// feature gender with male
// that means Person and male should be considered at the same
// location
// By default lucene doesn't do this and look for a position that is
// 1
// step more than the previous one
// so it will search for the first position of Lookup
// let say it is 19 (i.e. 19th annotation in the document)
// then it would consider 20th location for Token
// 21st for Person
// 22nd for male
// but we need, 19th for Lookup, 20th for Token and 21st for both
// Person
// and Male
// so from here itself we send our choice for the Location of
// annotations in this termPositions array :-).
// isn't it a great crack?
position = 0;
PhraseQuery phQuery = new PhraseQuery();
// we will tokenize this query to convert it into different tokens
// query is like {Person}"said" "Hello" {Person.gender=="male"}
// we need to convert this into different tokens
// {Person}
// "said"
// "Hello"
// {Person.gender=="male"}
List<String> tokens = findTokens(query);
// and then convert each token into separate terms
if (tokens.size() == 1) {
List<?>[] termsPos = createTerms(tokens.get(0));
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Term> terms = (List<Term>) termsPos[0];
if (terms.size() == 1) {
if (areAllTermsTokens)
needValidation = false;
needValidation = true;
return new TermQuery(terms.get(0));
} else {
position = 0;
int totalTerms = 0;
boolean hadPreviousTermsAToken = true;
needValidation = false;
// and now for each token we need to create Term(s)
outer: for (int i = 0; i < tokens.size(); i++) {
List<?>[] termpositions = createTerms(tokens.get(i));
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Term> terms = (List<Term>) termpositions[0];
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Integer> pos = (List<Integer>) termpositions[1];
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Boolean> consider = (List<Boolean>) termpositions[2];
boolean allTermsTokens = true;
// lets first find out if there's any token in this terms
for (int k = 0; k < terms.size(); k++) {
Term t = terms.get(k);
if (allTermsTokens)
allTermsTokens = isBaseTokenTerm(t);
if (!hadPreviousTermsAToken) {
needValidation = true;
if (!allTermsTokens) {
// we want to break here
needValidation = true;
if (i > 0)
break outer;
for (int k = 0; k < terms.size(); k++) {
Term t = terms.get(k);
boolean considerValue = consider.get(k).booleanValue();
phQuery.add(t, pos.get(k), considerValue);
if (considerValue)
hadPreviousTermsAToken = allTermsTokens;
return phQuery;
use of in project gate-core by GateNLP.
the class StatsCalculator method freq.
* Allows retriving frequencies for the given parameters. Please make
* sure that you close the searcher on your own. Failing to do so may
* result into many files being opened at the same time and that can
* cause the problem with your OS.
* @throws SearchException
public static int freq(IndexSearcher searcher, String corpusToSearchIn, String annotationSetToSearchIn, String annotationType, String featureName, String value) throws SearchException {
try {
corpusToSearchIn = corpusToSearchIn == null || corpusToSearchIn.trim().length() == 0 ? null : corpusToSearchIn.trim();
annotationSetToSearchIn = annotationSetToSearchIn == null || annotationSetToSearchIn.trim().length() == 0 ? null : annotationSetToSearchIn.trim();
if (annotationType == null)
throw new SearchException("Annotation Type cannot be null");
// term that contains a value to be searched in the index
Term term = null;
if (featureName == null && value == null) {
term = new Term("contents", annotationType, "*");
} else if (featureName != null && value == null) {
term = new Term("contents", annotationType + "." + featureName, "**");
} else if (featureName == null) {
throw new SearchException("FeatureName cannot be null");
} else {
term = new Term("contents", value, annotationType + "." + featureName);
// term query
TermQuery tq = new TermQuery(term);
// indicates whether we want to use booleanQuery
boolean useBooleanQuery = false;
BooleanQuery bq = new BooleanQuery();
if (corpusToSearchIn != null) {
PhraseQuery cq = new PhraseQuery();
cq.add(new Term(Constants.CORPUS_ID, corpusToSearchIn), 0, true);
bq.add(cq, true, false);
useBooleanQuery = true;
if (annotationSetToSearchIn != null) {
PhraseQuery aq = new PhraseQuery();
aq.add(new Term(Constants.ANNOTATION_SET_ID, annotationSetToSearchIn), 0, true);
bq.add(aq, true, false);
useBooleanQuery = true;
Hits corpusHits = null;
if (useBooleanQuery) {
bq.add(tq, true, false);
corpusHits =;
} else {
corpusHits =;
List<?>[] firstTermPositions = searcher.getFirstTermPositions();
// if no result available, set null to our scores
if (firstTermPositions[0].size() == 0) {
return 0;
int size = 0;
// information
for (int hitIndex = 0; hitIndex < corpusHits.length(); hitIndex++) {
int index = firstTermPositions[0].indexOf(new Integer(;
// we fetch all the first term positions for the query
// issued
Integer freq = (Integer) firstTermPositions[4].get(index);
size += freq.intValue();
return size;
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new SearchException(ioe);
} finally {