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Example 11 with GateRuntimeException

use of gate.util.GateRuntimeException in project gate-core by GateNLP.

the class CreoleXmlHandler method startElement.

// attributes2String()
 * Called when the SAX parser encounts the beginning of an XML element
public void startElement(String uri, String qName, String elementName, Attributes atts) throws SAXException {
    // call characterActions
    if (readCharacterStatus) {
        readCharacterStatus = false;
        charactersAction(new String(contentBuffer).toCharArray(), 0, contentBuffer.length());
    if (DEBUG) {"startElement: ");
        Out.println(elementName + " " + attributes2String(atts));
    // create a new ResourceData when it's a RESOURCE element
    if (elementName.toUpperCase().equals("RESOURCE")) {
        resourceData = new ResourceData();
        currentAutoinstances = new ArrayList<FeatureMap>();
    // End if RESOURCE
    // record the attributes of this element
    currentAttributes = atts;
    // be prepared in order for the resource to be instantiated
    if (elementName.toUpperCase().equals("AUTOINSTANCE")) {
        currentAutoinstanceParams = Factory.newFeatureMap();
    // be prepared in order for the resource to be instantiated
    if (elementName.toUpperCase().equals("HIDDEN-AUTOINSTANCE")) {
        currentAutoinstanceParams = Factory.newFeatureMap();
        Gate.setHiddenAttribute(currentAutoinstanceParams, true);
    // with a value and added to the autoinstanceParams
    if (elementName.toUpperCase().equals("PARAM")) {
        // parser would signal this later....
        if (currentAutoinstanceParams == null)
            currentAutoinstanceParams = Factory.newFeatureMap();
        // Take the param's name and value
        String paramName = currentAttributes.getValue("NAME");
        String paramStrValue = currentAttributes.getValue("VALUE");
        if (paramName == null)
            throw new GateRuntimeException("Found in creole.xml a PARAM element" + " for resource " + resourceData.getClassName() + " without a NAME" + " attribute. Check the file and try again.");
        if (paramStrValue == null)
            throw new GateRuntimeException("Found in creole.xml a PARAM element" + " for resource " + resourceData.getClassName() + " without a VALUE" + " attribute. Check the file and try again.");
        // Add the paramname and its value to the autoinstanceParams
        currentAutoinstanceParams.put(paramName, paramStrValue);
    // process attributes of parameter and GUI elements
    if (elementName.toUpperCase().equals("PARAMETER")) {
        if (DEBUG) {
            for (int i = 0, len = currentAttributes.getLength(); i < len; i++) {
        // End for
        // End if
        currentParam.comment = currentAttributes.getValue("COMMENT");
        currentParam.helpURL = currentAttributes.getValue("HELPURL");
        currentParam.defaultValueString = currentAttributes.getValue("DEFAULT");
        currentParam.optional = Boolean.valueOf(currentAttributes.getValue("OPTIONAL")).booleanValue(); = currentAttributes.getValue("NAME");
        currentParam.runtime = Boolean.valueOf(currentAttributes.getValue("RUNTIME")).booleanValue();
        currentParam.itemClassName = currentAttributes.getValue("ITEM_CLASS_NAME");
        // read the suffixes and transform them to a Set of Strings
        String suffixes = currentAttributes.getValue("SUFFIXES");
        Set<String> suffiexesSet = null;
        if (suffixes != null) {
            suffiexesSet = new HashSet<String>();
            StringTokenizer strTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(suffixes, ";");
            while (strTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
        // End while
        // End if
        currentParam.suffixes = suffiexesSet;
    } else if (elementName.toUpperCase().equals("GUI")) {
        String typeValue = currentAttributes.getValue("TYPE");
        if (typeValue != null) {
            if (typeValue.toUpperCase().equals("LARGE"))
            if (typeValue.toUpperCase().equals("SMALL"))
    // End if
    // (note that they're not disjunctive or previous "/OR" would have got 'em)
    if (elementName.toUpperCase().equals("OR")) {
        if (!currentParamDisjunction.isEmpty()) {
    // End if
// End if
Also used : FeatureMap(gate.FeatureMap) StringTokenizer(java.util.StringTokenizer) GateRuntimeException(gate.util.GateRuntimeException)

Example 12 with GateRuntimeException

use of gate.util.GateRuntimeException in project gate-core by GateNLP.

the class CreoleXmlHandler method endElement.

// checkStack
 * Called when the SAX parser encounts the end of an XML element.
 * This is where ResourceData objects get values set, and where
 * they are added to the CreoleRegister when we parsed their complete
 * metadata entries.
public void endElement(String uri, String qName, String elementName) throws GateSaxException, SAXException {
    // call characterActions
    if (readCharacterStatus) {
        readCharacterStatus = false;
        charactersAction(new String(contentBuffer).toCharArray(), 0, contentBuffer.length());
    if (DEBUG)
        Out.prln("endElement: " + elementName);
    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    if (elementName.toUpperCase().equals("RESOURCE")) {
        // check for validity of the resource data
        if (!resourceData.isValid())
            throw new GateSaxException("Invalid resource data: " + resourceData.getValidityMessage());
        // TODO should this be a URI instead of the URL?
        try {
            resourceData.setXmlFileUrl(new URL(plugin.getBaseURL(), "creole.xml"));
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
            throw new GateSaxException("Couldn't load autoloading resource: " + resourceData.getName() + "; problem was: " + e, e);
        // add the new resource data object to the creole register
        register.put(resourceData.getClassName(), resourceData);
        // if the resource is auto-loading, try and load it
        if (resourceData.isAutoLoading())
            try {
                @SuppressWarnings("unused") Class<?> resClass = resourceData.getResourceClass();
            // Resource res = Factory.createResource(
            // resourceData.getClassName(), Factory.newFeatureMap()
            // );
            // resourceData.makeInstantiationPersistant(res);
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                throw new GateSaxException("Couldn't load autoloading resource: " + resourceData.getName() + "; problem was: " + e);
        // (note that they're not disjunctive or the "/OR" would have got them)
        if (!currentParamDisjunction.isEmpty()) {
        // End if
        // add the parameter list to the resource (and reinitialise it)
        currentParamList = new ParameterList();
        // final initialization of the ResourceData
        try {
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new GateSaxException("Couldn't initialize ResourceData for " + resourceData.getName(), ex);
        if (DEBUG)
            Out.println("added: " + resourceData);
        // Iterate through autoinstances and try to instanciate them
        if (currentAutoinstances != null && !currentAutoinstances.isEmpty()) {
            ResourceData rd = Gate.getCreoleRegister().get(resourceData.getClassName());
            ParameterList existingParameters = null;
            if (rd.getReferenceCount() > 1) {
                // we aren't going to redefine a resource but we do need to use the
                // parameters from the new instance so we get the right base URL and
                // default values etc.
                existingParameters = rd.getParameterList();
            try {
                Iterator<FeatureMap> iter = currentAutoinstances.iterator();
                while (iter.hasNext()) {
                    FeatureMap autoinstanceParams =;
                    FeatureMap autoinstanceFeatures = null;
                    // map and move the hidden attribute there.
                    if (Gate.getHiddenAttribute(autoinstanceParams)) {
                        autoinstanceFeatures = Factory.newFeatureMap();
                        Gate.setHiddenAttribute(autoinstanceFeatures, true);
                    // Try to create the resource.
                    try {
                        // Resource res =
                        Factory.createResource(resourceData.getClassName(), autoinstanceParams, autoinstanceFeatures);
                    // resourceData.makeInstantiationPersistant(res);
                    // all resource instantiations are persistent
                    } catch (ResourceInstantiationException e) {
                        throw new GateSaxException("Couldn't auto-instantiate resource: " + resourceData.getName() + "; problem was: " + e);
                // End try
            // End while
            } finally {
                // resource then put them back before we break something
                if (existingParameters != null)
        // End if
        currentAutoinstances = null;
    // End RESOURCE processing
    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    } else if (elementName.toUpperCase().equals("AUTOINSTANCE") || elementName.toUpperCase().equals("HIDDEN-AUTOINSTANCE")) {
        // Cache the auto-instance into the autoins
        if (currentAutoinstanceParams != null)
    // End AUTOINSTANCE processing
    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    } else if (elementName.toUpperCase().equals("PARAM")) {
    // End PARAM processing
    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    } else if (elementName.toUpperCase().equals("NAME")) {
        checkStack("endElement", "NAME");
    // End NAME processing
    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    } else if (elementName.toUpperCase().equals("IVY")) {
        if (!contentStack.isEmpty())
    // End IVY processing
    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    } else if (elementName.toUpperCase().equals("REQUIRES")) {
        if (!contentStack.isEmpty())
    // End REQUIRES processing
    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    } else if (elementName.toUpperCase().equals("JAR")) {
        checkStack("endElement", "JAR");
        // add jar file name
        String jarFileName = contentStack.pop();
        if (resourceData != null) {
        // add jar file URL if there is one
        // if(sourceUrl != null) {
        String sourceUrlName = plugin.getBaseURL().toExternalForm();
        String separator = "/";
        if (sourceUrlName.endsWith(separator))
            separator = "";
        URL jarFileUrl = null;
        try {
            jarFileUrl = new URL(sourceUrlName + separator + jarFileName);
            if (resourceData != null) {
        // We no longer need to add the jar URL to the class loader, as this
        // is done before the SAX parse
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
            throw new GateSaxException("bad URL " + jarFileUrl + e);
    // End try
    // }// End if
    // End JAR processing
    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    } else if (elementName.toUpperCase().equals("CLASS")) {
        checkStack("endElement", "CLASS");
    // End CLASS processing
    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    } else if (elementName.toUpperCase().equals("COMMENT")) {
        checkStack("endElement", "COMMENT");
    // End COMMENT processing
    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    } else if (elementName.toUpperCase().equals("HELPURL")) {
        checkStack("endElement", "HELPURL");
    // End HELPURL processing
    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    } else if (elementName.toUpperCase().equals("INTERFACE")) {
        checkStack("endElement", "INTERFACE");
    // End INTERFACE processing
    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    } else if (elementName.toUpperCase().equals("ICON")) {
        checkStack("endElement", "ICON");
    // End ICON processing
    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    } else if (elementName.toUpperCase().equals("OR")) {
    // End OR processing
    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    } else if (elementName.toUpperCase().equals("PARAMETER")) {
        checkStack("endElement", "PARAMETER");
        currentParam.typeName = contentStack.pop();
        String priorityStr = currentAttributes.getValue("PRIORITY");
        // if no priority specified, assume lowest (i.e. parameters with an
        // explicit priority come ahead of those without).
        Integer priority = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        try {
            if (priorityStr != null)
                priority = Integer.valueOf(priorityStr);
        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            throw new GateRuntimeException("Found in creole.xml a PARAM element" + " for resource " + resourceData.getClassName() + " with a non-numeric" + " PRIORITY attribute. Check the file and try again.");
        List<Parameter> paramList = currentParamDisjunction.get(priority);
        if (paramList == null) {
            paramList = new ArrayList<Parameter>();
            currentParamDisjunction.put(priority, paramList);
        if (DEBUG)
            Out.prln("added param: " + currentParam);
        currentParam = new Parameter(plugin);
    // End PARAMETER processing
    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    } else if (elementName.toUpperCase().equals("AUTOLOAD")) {
    // End AUTOLOAD processing
    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    } else if (elementName.toUpperCase().equals("PRIVATE")) {
    // End PRIVATE processing
    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    } else if (elementName.toUpperCase().equals("TOOL")) {
    // End TOOL processing
    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    } else if (elementName.toUpperCase().equals("MAIN_VIEWER")) {
    // End MAIN_VIEWER processing
    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    } else if (elementName.toUpperCase().equals("RESOURCE_DISPLAYED")) {
        checkStack("endElement", "RESOURCE_DISPLAYED");
        String resourceDisplayed = contentStack.pop();
        try {
            @SuppressWarnings("unused") Class<?> resourceDisplayedClass = Gate.getClassLoader().loadClass(resourceDisplayed);
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
            throw new GateRuntimeException("Couldn't get resource class from the resource name :" + resourceDisplayed + " " + ex);
    // End try
    // End RESOURCE_DISPLAYED processing
    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    } else if (elementName.toUpperCase().equals("ANNOTATION_TYPE_DISPLAYED")) {
        checkStack("endElement", "ANNOTATION_TYPE_DISPLAYED");
    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    } else if (elementName.toUpperCase().equals("GUI")) {
    // End GUI processing
    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    } else if (elementName.toUpperCase().equals("CREOLE")) {
    // End CREOLE processing
    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    } else if (elementName.toUpperCase().equals("CREOLE-DIRECTORY")) {
    // End CREOLE-DIRECTORY processing
    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    } else {
        // arbitrary elements get added as features of the resource data
        if (resourceData != null)
            resourceData.getFeatures().put(elementName.toUpperCase(), ((contentStack.isEmpty()) ? null : contentStack.pop()));
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Also used : MalformedURLException( GateSaxException(gate.util.GateSaxException) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) URL( GateRuntimeException(gate.util.GateRuntimeException) MalformedURLException( GateSaxException(gate.util.GateSaxException) SAXParseException(org.xml.sax.SAXParseException) SAXException(org.xml.sax.SAXException) FeatureMap(gate.FeatureMap) GateRuntimeException(gate.util.GateRuntimeException) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List)

Example 13 with GateRuntimeException

use of gate.util.GateRuntimeException in project gate-core by GateNLP.

the class Utils method expandUriString.

 * Expand both namespace prefixes and base-uris, if possible.
 * This will expand the String toExpand according to the following rules:
 * <ul>
 * <li>if toExpand is a qName and does start with a name prefix in the form
 * "somens:" or ":", then the name prefix is looked up in the prefixes
 * map and replaced with the URI prefix found there. If the prefix could not
 * be found a GateRuntimeException is thrown.
 * <li>if toExpand does not start with a name prefix, the entry with
 * an empty string as the key is retrieved from the prefixes map and
 * used as a baseURI: the result is the baseURI and the toExpand String
 * concatenated. If no entry with an empty string is found in the map, a
 * GateRuntimeException is thrown.   *
 * </ul>
 * This method can therefore be used to expand both base uris and namespaces.
 * <p>
 * If the map only contains a basename uri (if the only entry is for the
 * empty string key) then name space prefixes are not checked: in this
 * case, the toExpand string may contain an unescaped colon.
 * If the map does not contain a basename URI (if there is no entry for the
 * empty string key) then all toExpand strings are expected to be qNames.
 * <p>
 * NOTE: the name prefixes in the prefixes map must include the trailing colon!
 * @param toExpand the URI portion to expand as a String
 * @param prefixes a map from name prefixes to URI prefixes
 * @return a String with name prefixes or base URI expanded
public static String expandUriString(String toExpand, Map<String, String> prefixes) {
    // lets see if we have a basename entry in the map
    String baseUri = prefixes.get("");
    // it, no matter what
    if (baseUri != null && prefixes.size() == 1) {
        return baseUri + toExpand;
    // if the toExpand string starts with .*:, interpret this as the name space
    Matcher m = nsQNamePattern.matcher(toExpand);
    if (m.matches()) {
        String prefix =;
        String lname =;
        String uriPrefix = prefixes.get(prefix);
        if (uriPrefix == null) {
            throw new GateRuntimeException("name prefix not found in prefix map for  " + toExpand);
        } else {
            return uriPrefix + lname;
    } else {
        // this is not a qName, try to expand with the baseURI
        if (baseUri == null) {
            throw new GateRuntimeException("No base Uri in prefix map for " + toExpand);
        } else {
            return baseUri + toExpand;
Also used : Matcher(java.util.regex.Matcher) GateRuntimeException(gate.util.GateRuntimeException)

Example 14 with GateRuntimeException

use of gate.util.GateRuntimeException in project gate-core by GateNLP.

the class LuceneDataStoreImpl method documentRemoved.

// Corpus Events
 * This method is invoked whenever a document is removed from a corpus
public void documentRemoved(CorpusEvent ce) {
    Object docLRID = ce.getDocumentLRID();
     * we need to remove this document from the index
    if (docLRID != null) {
        ArrayList<Object> removed = new ArrayList<Object>();
        try {
            synchronized (indexer) {
        } catch (IndexException ie) {
            throw new GateRuntimeException(ie);
    // queueForIndexing(docLRID);
Also used : IndexException(gate.creole.annic.IndexException) GateRuntimeException(gate.util.GateRuntimeException) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 15 with GateRuntimeException

use of gate.util.GateRuntimeException in project gate-core by GateNLP.

the class SerialDataStore method adopt.

// delete(lr)
 * Adopt a resource for persistence.
public LanguageResource adopt(LanguageResource lr) throws PersistenceException {
    // ignore security info
    // check the LR's current DS
    DataStore currentDS = lr.getDataStore();
    if (currentDS == null) {
        // an orphan - do the adoption
        LanguageResource res = lr;
        if (lr instanceof Corpus) {
            FeatureMap features1 = Factory.newFeatureMap();
            features1.put("transientSource", lr);
            try {
                // here we create the persistent LR via Factory, so it's registered
                // in GATE
                res = (LanguageResource) Factory.createResource("gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl", features1);
            // Here the transient corpus is not deleted from the CRI, because
            // this might not always be the desired behaviour
            // since we chose that it is for the GUI, this functionality is
            // now move to the 'Save to' action code in NameBearerHandle
            } catch (gate.creole.ResourceInstantiationException ex) {
                throw new GateRuntimeException(ex.getMessage());
        // let the world know
        fireResourceAdopted(new DatastoreEvent(this, DatastoreEvent.RESOURCE_ADOPTED, lr, null));
        return res;
    } else if (// adopted already here
        return lr;
    else {
        // someone else's child
        throw new PersistenceException("Can't adopt a resource which is already in a different datastore");
Also used : FeatureMap(gate.FeatureMap) LanguageResource(gate.LanguageResource) DataStore(gate.DataStore) GateRuntimeException(gate.util.GateRuntimeException) DatastoreEvent(gate.event.DatastoreEvent) Corpus(gate.Corpus)


GateRuntimeException (gate.util.GateRuntimeException)42 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)12 URL ( FeatureMap (gate.FeatureMap)5 PersistenceException (gate.persist.PersistenceException)5 GateException (gate.util.GateException)5 Point (java.awt.Point)5 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)5 DataStore (gate.DataStore)4 ResourceInstantiationException (gate.creole.ResourceInstantiationException)4 InvalidOffsetException (gate.util.InvalidOffsetException)4 GridBagConstraints (java.awt.GridBagConstraints)4 GridBagLayout (java.awt.GridBagLayout)4 MalformedURLException ( List (java.util.List)4 JButton (javax.swing.JButton)4 JPanel (javax.swing.JPanel)4 Annotation (gate.Annotation)3 AnnotationSet (gate.AnnotationSet)3 Corpus (gate.Corpus)3