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Example 1 with BinomialFitter

use of gdsc.smlm.fitting.BinomialFitter in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.

the class PCPALMClusters method fitBinomial.

	 * Fit a zero-truncated Binomial to the cumulative histogram
	 * @param histogramData
	 * @return
private double[] fitBinomial(HistogramData histogramData) {
    // Get the mean and sum of the input histogram
    double mean;
    double sum = 0;
    count = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < histogramData.histogram[1].length; i++) {
        count += histogramData.histogram[1][i];
        sum += histogramData.histogram[1][i] * i;
    mean = sum / count;
    String name = "Zero-truncated Binomial distribution";
    Utils.log("Mean cluster size = %s", Utils.rounded(mean));
    Utils.log("Fitting cumulative " + name);
    // Convert to a normalised double array for the binomial fitter
    double[] histogram = new double[histogramData.histogram[1].length];
    for (int i = 0; i < histogramData.histogram[1].length; i++) histogram[i] = histogramData.histogram[1][i] / count;
    // Plot the cumulative histogram
    String title = TITLE + " Cumulative Distribution";
    Plot2 plot = null;
    if (showCumulativeHistogram) {
        // Create a cumulative histogram for fitting
        double[] cumulativeHistogram = new double[histogram.length];
        sum = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < histogram.length; i++) {
            sum += histogram[i];
            cumulativeHistogram[i] = sum;
        double[] values = Utils.newArray(histogram.length, 0.0, 1.0);
        plot = new Plot2(title, "N", "Cumulative Probability", values, cumulativeHistogram);
        plot.setLimits(0, histogram.length - 1, 0, 1.05);
        plot.addPoints(values, cumulativeHistogram, Plot2.CIRCLE);
        Utils.display(title, plot);
    // Do fitting for different N
    double bestSS = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
    double[] parameters = null;
    int worse = 0;
    int N = histogram.length - 1;
    int min = minN;
    final boolean customRange = (minN > 1) || (maxN > 0);
    if (min > N)
        min = N;
    if (maxN > 0 && N > maxN)
        N = maxN;
    Utils.log("Fitting N from %d to %d%s", min, N, (customRange) ? " (custom-range)" : "");
    // Since varying the N should be done in integer steps do this
    // for n=1,2,3,... until the SS peaks then falls off (is worse then the best 
    // score several times in succession)
    BinomialFitter bf = new BinomialFitter(new IJLogger());
    for (int n = min; n <= N; n++) {
        PointValuePair solution = bf.fitBinomial(histogram, mean, n, true);
        if (solution == null)
        double p = solution.getPointRef()[0];
        Utils.log("Fitted %s : N=%d, p=%s. SS=%g", name, n, Utils.rounded(p), solution.getValue());
        if (bestSS > solution.getValue()) {
            bestSS = solution.getValue();
            parameters = new double[] { n, p };
            worse = 0;
        } else if (bestSS < Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
            if (++worse >= 3)
        if (showCumulativeHistogram)
            addToPlot(n, p, title, plot, new Color((float) n / N, 0, 1f - (float) n / N));
    // Add best it in magenta
    if (showCumulativeHistogram && parameters != null)
        addToPlot((int) parameters[0], parameters[1], title, plot, Color.magenta);
    return parameters;
Also used : Color(java.awt.Color) BinomialFitter(gdsc.smlm.fitting.BinomialFitter) Plot2(ij.gui.Plot2) ClusterPoint(gdsc.core.clustering.ClusterPoint) IJLogger(gdsc.core.ij.IJLogger) PointValuePair(org.apache.commons.math3.optim.PointValuePair)


ClusterPoint (gdsc.core.clustering.ClusterPoint)1 IJLogger (gdsc.core.ij.IJLogger)1 BinomialFitter (gdsc.smlm.fitting.BinomialFitter)1 Plot2 (ij.gui.Plot2)1 Color (java.awt.Color)1 PointValuePair (org.apache.commons.math3.optim.PointValuePair)1