use of georegression.geometry.UtilVector3D_F32 in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class TestNarrowToWidePtoP_F32 method checkFOVBounds.
* Request points at the border and see if it has the expected vertical and horizontal FOV
public void checkFOVBounds() {
NarrowToWidePtoP_F32 alg = createAlg();
Point2D_F32 foundA = new Point2D_F32();
Point2D_F32 foundB = new Point2D_F32();
Point3D_F32 vA = new Point3D_F32();
Point3D_F32 vB = new Point3D_F32();
// Compute the horizontal FOV
alg.compute(0, 250, foundA);
alg.compute(500, 250, foundB);
Point2Transform3_F32 wideToSphere = createModelWide().undistortPtoS_F32();
wideToSphere.compute(foundA.x, foundA.y, vA);
wideToSphere.compute(foundB.x, foundB.y, vB);
float found = UtilVector3D_F32.acute(new Vector3D_F32(vA), new Vector3D_F32(vB));
float expected = 2.0f * (float) Math.atan(250.0f / 400.0f);
assertEquals(expected, found, 0.01f);
// Compute the vertical FOV
alg.compute(250, 0, foundA);
alg.compute(250, 500, foundB);
wideToSphere.compute(foundA.x, foundA.y, vA);
wideToSphere.compute(foundB.x, foundB.y, vB);
found = UtilVector3D_F32.acute(new Vector3D_F32(vA), new Vector3D_F32(vB));
expected = 2.0f * (float) Math.atan(250.0f / 400.0f);
assertEquals(expected, found, 0.001f);
use of georegression.geometry.UtilVector3D_F32 in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class DisplayFisheyeCalibrationPanel method setPinholeCenter.
public void setPinholeCenter(double pixelX, double pixelY) {
this.pixelX = pixelX;
this.pixelY = pixelY;
Point3D_F32 norm = new Point3D_F32();
fisheyeDistort.undistortPtoS_F32().compute((float) pixelX, (float) pixelY, norm);
Rodrigues_F32 rotation = new Rodrigues_F32();
Vector3D_F32 canonical = new Vector3D_F32(0, 0, 1);
rotation.theta = UtilVector3D_F32.acute(new Vector3D_F32(norm), canonical);
GeometryMath_F32.cross(canonical, norm, rotation.unitAxisRotation);
FMatrixRMaj R = ConvertRotation3D_F32.rodriguesToMatrix(rotation, null);
distortImage.setModel(new PointToPixelTransform_F32(distorter));