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Example 1 with LineSegment2D_F32

use of georegression.struct.line.LineSegment2D_F32 in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.

the class VisualizeLineRansac method process.

public void process(BufferedImage image) {
    int regionSize = 40;
    I input = GeneralizedImageOps.createSingleBand(imageType, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight());
    D derivX = GeneralizedImageOps.createSingleBand(derivType, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight());
    D derivY = GeneralizedImageOps.createSingleBand(derivType, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight());
    GrayF32 edgeIntensity = new GrayF32(input.width, input.height);
    GrayF32 suppressed = new GrayF32(input.width, input.height);
    GrayF32 orientation = new GrayF32(input.width, input.height);
    GrayS8 direction = new GrayS8(input.width, input.height);
    GrayU8 detected = new GrayU8(input.width, input.height);
    ModelManager<LinePolar2D_F32> manager = new ModelManagerLinePolar2D_F32();
    GridLineModelDistance distance = new GridLineModelDistance((float) (Math.PI * 0.75));
    GridLineModelFitter fitter = new GridLineModelFitter((float) (Math.PI * 0.75));
    ModelMatcher<LinePolar2D_F32, Edgel> matcher = new Ransac<>(123123, manager, fitter, distance, 25, 1);
    ImageGradient<I, D> gradient = FactoryDerivative.sobel(imageType, derivType);
    System.out.println("Image width " + input.width + " height " + input.height);
    ConvertBufferedImage.convertFromSingle(image, input, imageType);
    gradient.process(input, derivX, derivY);
    GGradientToEdgeFeatures.intensityAbs(derivX, derivY, edgeIntensity);
    // non-max suppression on the lines
    // GGradientToEdgeFeatures.direction(derivX,derivY,orientation);
    // GradientToEdgeFeatures.discretizeDirection4(orientation,direction);
    // GradientToEdgeFeatures.nonMaxSuppression4(edgeIntensity,direction,suppressed);
    GThresholdImageOps.threshold(edgeIntensity, detected, 30, false);
    GridRansacLineDetector<GrayF32> alg = new ImplGridRansacLineDetector_F32(40, 10, matcher);
    alg.process((GrayF32) derivX, (GrayF32) derivY, detected);
    MatrixOfList<LineSegment2D_F32> gridLine = alg.getFoundLines();
    ConnectLinesGrid connect = new ConnectLinesGrid(Math.PI * 0.01, 1, 8);
    // connect.process(gridLine);
    // LineImageOps.pruneClutteredGrids(gridLine,3);
    List<LineSegment2D_F32> found = gridLine.createSingleList();
    System.out.println("size = " + found.size());
    LineImageOps.mergeSimilar(found, (float) (Math.PI * 0.03), 5f);
    // LineImageOps.pruneSmall(found,40);
    System.out.println("after size = " + found.size());
    ImageLinePanel gui = new ImageLinePanel();
    gui.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(image.getWidth(), image.getHeight()));
    BufferedImage renderedBinary = VisualizeBinaryData.renderBinary(detected, false, null);
    ShowImages.showWindow(renderedBinary, "Detected Edges");
    ShowImages.showWindow(gui, "Detected Lines");
Also used : LinePolar2D_F32(georegression.struct.line.LinePolar2D_F32) ModelManagerLinePolar2D_F32(georegression.fitting.line.ModelManagerLinePolar2D_F32) LineSegment2D_F32(georegression.struct.line.LineSegment2D_F32) ModelManagerLinePolar2D_F32(georegression.fitting.line.ModelManagerLinePolar2D_F32) ImageLinePanel(boofcv.gui.feature.ImageLinePanel) GridLineModelDistance(boofcv.alg.feature.detect.line.gridline.GridLineModelDistance) Ransac(org.ddogleg.fitting.modelset.ransac.Ransac) BufferedImage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage) ConvertBufferedImage( GrayF32(boofcv.struct.image.GrayF32) GrayS8(boofcv.struct.image.GrayS8) Edgel(boofcv.alg.feature.detect.line.gridline.Edgel) ImplGridRansacLineDetector_F32(boofcv.alg.feature.detect.line.gridline.ImplGridRansacLineDetector_F32) ConnectLinesGrid(boofcv.alg.feature.detect.line.ConnectLinesGrid) GrayU8(boofcv.struct.image.GrayU8) GridLineModelFitter(boofcv.alg.feature.detect.line.gridline.GridLineModelFitter)

Example 2 with LineSegment2D_F32

use of georegression.struct.line.LineSegment2D_F32 in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.

the class ConnectLinesGrid method connectInSameElement.

 * Search for lines in the same region for it to be connected to.
 * @param lines All the lines in the region.
private void connectInSameElement(List<LineSegment2D_F32> lines) {
    for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) {
        LineSegment2D_F32 a = lines.get(i);
        int index = findBestCompatible(a, lines, i + 1);
        if (index == -1)
        // remove the line from the index which it is being connected to
        LineSegment2D_F32 b = lines.remove(index);
        // join the two lines by connecting the farthest points from each other
        Point2D_F32 pt0 = farthestIndex < 2 ? a.a : a.b;
        Point2D_F32 pt1 = (farthestIndex % 2) == 0 ? b.a : b.b;
Also used : LineSegment2D_F32(georegression.struct.line.LineSegment2D_F32) Point2D_F32(georegression.struct.point.Point2D_F32)

Example 3 with LineSegment2D_F32

use of georegression.struct.line.LineSegment2D_F32 in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.

the class ConnectLinesGrid method connectTry.

 * See if there is a line that matches in this adjacent region.
 * @param target Line being connected.
 * @param x x-coordinate of adjacent region.
 * @param y y-coordinate of adjacent region.
 * @return true if a connection was made.
private boolean connectTry(LineSegment2D_F32 target, int x, int y) {
    if (!grid.isInBounds(x, y))
        return false;
    List<LineSegment2D_F32> lines = grid.get(x, y);
    int index = findBestCompatible(target, lines, 0);
    if (index == -1)
        return false;
    LineSegment2D_F32 b = lines.remove(index);
    // join the two lines by connecting the farthest points from each other
    Point2D_F32 pt0 = farthestIndex < 2 ? target.a : target.b;
    Point2D_F32 pt1 = (farthestIndex % 2) == 0 ? b.a : b.b;
    // adding the merged one back in allows it to be merged with other lines down
    // the line.  It will be compared against others in 'target's grid though
    return true;
Also used : LineSegment2D_F32(georegression.struct.line.LineSegment2D_F32) Point2D_F32(georegression.struct.point.Point2D_F32)

Example 4 with LineSegment2D_F32

use of georegression.struct.line.LineSegment2D_F32 in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.

the class ConnectLinesGrid method findBestCompatible.

 * Searches for a line in the list which the target is compatible with and can
 * be connected to.
 * @param target Line being connected to.
 * @param candidates List of candidate lines.
 * @param start First index in the candidate list it should start searching at.
 * @return Index of the candidate it can connect to.  -1 if there is no match.
private int findBestCompatible(LineSegment2D_F32 target, List<LineSegment2D_F32> candidates, int start) {
    int bestIndex = -1;
    double bestDistance = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    int bestFarthest = 0;
    float targetAngle = UtilAngle.atanSafe(target.slopeY(), target.slopeX());
    float cos = (float) Math.cos(targetAngle);
    float sin = (float) Math.sin(targetAngle);
    for (int i = start; i < candidates.size(); i++) {
        LineSegment2D_F32 c = candidates.get(i);
        float angle = UtilAngle.atanSafe(c.slopeY(), c.slopeX());
        // see if the two lines have the same slope
        if (UtilAngle.distHalf(targetAngle, angle) > lineSlopeAngleTol)
        // see the distance the two lines are apart and if it could be the best line
        closestFarthestPoints(target, c);
        // two closest end points
        Point2D_F32 pt0 = closestIndex < 2 ? target.a : target.b;
        Point2D_F32 pt1 = (closestIndex % 2) == 0 ? c.a : c.b;
        float xx = pt1.x - pt0.x;
        float yy = pt1.y - pt0.y;
        float distX = Math.abs(cos * xx - sin * yy);
        float distY = Math.abs(cos * yy + sin * xx);
        if (distX >= bestDistance || distX > parallelTol || distY > tangentTol)
        // check the angle of the combined line
        pt0 = farthestIndex < 2 ? target.a : target.b;
        pt1 = (farthestIndex % 2) == 0 ? c.a : c.b;
        float angleCombined = UtilAngle.atanSafe(pt1.y - pt0.y, pt1.x - pt0.x);
        if (UtilAngle.distHalf(targetAngle, angleCombined) <= lineSlopeAngleTol) {
            bestDistance = distX;
            bestIndex = i;
            bestFarthest = farthestIndex;
    if (bestDistance < parallelTol) {
        farthestIndex = bestFarthest;
        return bestIndex;
    return -1;
Also used : LineSegment2D_F32(georegression.struct.line.LineSegment2D_F32) Point2D_F32(georegression.struct.point.Point2D_F32)

Example 5 with LineSegment2D_F32

use of georegression.struct.line.LineSegment2D_F32 in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.

the class ConnectLinesGrid method connectToNeighbors.

 * Connect lines in the target region to lines in neighboring regions.  Regions are selected such that
 * no two regions are compared against each other more than once.
 * @param x target region grid x-coordinate
 * @param y target region grid y-coordinate
private void connectToNeighbors(int x, int y) {
    List<LineSegment2D_F32> lines = grid.get(x, y);
    Iterator<LineSegment2D_F32> iter = lines.iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        LineSegment2D_F32 l =;
        boolean connected = false;
        if (connectTry(l, x + 1, y))
            connected = true;
        if (!connected && connectTry(l, x + 1, y + 1))
            connected = true;
        if (!connected && connectTry(l, x, y + 1))
            connected = true;
        if (!connected && connectTry(l, x - 1, y + 1))
            connected = true;
        // remove it to avoid double counting the line
        if (connected)
Also used : LineSegment2D_F32(georegression.struct.line.LineSegment2D_F32)


LineSegment2D_F32 (georegression.struct.line.LineSegment2D_F32)20 Point2D_F32 (georegression.struct.point.Point2D_F32)8 MatrixOfList (boofcv.struct.feature.MatrixOfList)6 Test (org.junit.Test)5 Edgel (boofcv.alg.feature.detect.line.gridline.Edgel)3 ClosestPoint2D_F32 (georegression.metric.ClosestPoint2D_F32)3 LineParametric2D_F32 (georegression.struct.line.LineParametric2D_F32)3 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 GridLineModelDistance (boofcv.alg.feature.detect.line.gridline.GridLineModelDistance)2 GridLineModelFitter (boofcv.alg.feature.detect.line.gridline.GridLineModelFitter)2 ImageLinePanel (boofcv.gui.feature.ImageLinePanel)2 GrayU8 (boofcv.struct.image.GrayU8)2 ModelManagerLinePolar2D_F32 (georegression.fitting.line.ModelManagerLinePolar2D_F32)2 LinePolar2D_F32 (georegression.struct.line.LinePolar2D_F32)2 Ransac (org.ddogleg.fitting.modelset.ransac.Ransac)2 ConnectLinesGrid (boofcv.alg.feature.detect.line.ConnectLinesGrid)1 ImplGridRansacLineDetector_F32 (boofcv.alg.feature.detect.line.gridline.ImplGridRansacLineDetector_F32)1 ConvertBufferedImage ( GrayF32 (boofcv.struct.image.GrayF32)1 GrayS8 (boofcv.struct.image.GrayS8)1