use of in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class GenericCalibrationGrid method createObservations.
* Creates a set of observed points in pixel coordinates given zhang parameters and a calibration
* grid.
public static List<CalibrationObservation> createObservations(Zhang99AllParam config, List<Point2D_F64> grid) {
List<CalibrationObservation> ret = new ArrayList<>();
Point3D_F64 cameraPt = new Point3D_F64();
Point2D_F64 pixelPt = new Point2D_F64();
Zhang99IntrinsicParam intrinsic = config.getIntrinsic();
for (Zhang99AllParam.View v : config.views) {
CalibrationObservation set = new CalibrationObservation();
Se3_F64 se = new Se3_F64();
ConvertRotation3D_F64.rodriguesToMatrix(v.rotation, se.getR());
se.T = v.T;
for (int i = 0; i < grid.size(); i++) {
Point2D_F64 grid2D = grid.get(i);
Point3D_F64 grid3D = new Point3D_F64(grid2D.x, grid2D.y, 0);
// Put the point in the camera's reference frame
SePointOps_F64.transform(se, grid3D, cameraPt);
// project and distort the point
intrinsic.project(cameraPt, pixelPt);
set.add(pixelPt, i);
return ret;
use of in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class TestZhang99ComputeTargetHomography method basicTest.
public void basicTest(boolean removeAFew) {
// create a grid an apply an arbitrary transform to it
List<Point2D_F64> layout = GenericCalibrationGrid.standardLayout();
DMatrixRMaj R = ConvertRotation3D_F64.eulerToMatrix(EulerType.XYZ, 0.02, -0.05, 0.01, null);
Vector3D_F64 T = new Vector3D_F64(0, 0, -1000);
Se3_F64 motion = new Se3_F64(R, T);
CalibrationObservation observations = GenericCalibrationGrid.observations(motion, layout);
if (removeAFew) {
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
// compute the homography
Zhang99ComputeTargetHomography alg = new Zhang99ComputeTargetHomography(layout);
DMatrixRMaj H = alg.getHomography();
// test this homography property: x2 = H*x1
for (int i = 0; i < observations.size(); i++) {
int gridIndex = observations.get(i).index;
Point2D_F64 p = observations.get(i);
Point2D_F64 a = GeometryMath_F64.mult(H, layout.get(gridIndex), new Point2D_F64());
double diff = a.distance(p);
assertEquals(0, diff, 1e-8);
use of in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class ChecksMotionNPoint method planarTest.
* Test a set of random points in general position
* @param N number of observed point objects
public void planarTest(int N) {
Se3_F64 motion = new Se3_F64();
motion.getR().set(ConvertRotation3D_F64.eulerToMatrix(EulerType.XYZ, 0.05, -0.03, 0.02, null));
motion.getT().set(0.1, -0.1, 0.01);
checkMotion(N, motion, true);
use of in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class TestPnPDistanceReprojectionSq method checkErrorSingle.
* Provide an observation with a known solution and see if it is computed correctly
public void checkErrorSingle() {
DMatrixRMaj K = new DMatrixRMaj(3, 3, true, 100, 0.01, 200, 0, 150, 200, 0, 0, 1);
Se3_F64 worldToCamera = new Se3_F64();
worldToCamera.getT().set(0.1, -0.1, 0.2);
// Point location in world frame
Point3D_F64 X = new Point3D_F64(0.1, -0.04, 2.3);
double deltaX = 0.1;
double deltaY = -0.2;
// create a noisy observed
Point2D_F64 observed = PerspectiveOps.renderPixel(worldToCamera, K, X);
observed.x += deltaX;
observed.y += deltaY;
// convert to normalized image coordinates
PerspectiveOps.convertPixelToNorm(K, observed, observed);
PnPDistanceReprojectionSq alg = new PnPDistanceReprojectionSq(K.get(0, 0), K.get(1, 1), K.get(0, 1));
double found = alg.computeDistance(new Point2D3D(observed, X));
double expected = deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY;
assertEquals(expected, found, 1e-8);
use of in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class TestPnPJacobianRodrigues method compareToNumerical.
private void compareToNumerical(double noise) {
Se3_F64 worldToCamera = new Se3_F64();
ConvertRotation3D_F64.eulerToMatrix(EulerType.XYZ, 0.1, 1, -0.2, worldToCamera.getR());
worldToCamera.getT().set(-0.3, 0.4, 1);
List<Point2D3D> observations = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {
Point2D3D p = new Point2D3D();
p.location.set(rand.nextGaussian() * 0.1, rand.nextGaussian() * 0.2, 3 + rand.nextGaussian());
p.observation = PerspectiveOps.renderPixel(worldToCamera, null, p.location);
p.observation.x += rand.nextGaussian() * noise;
p.observation.y += rand.nextGaussian() * noise;
PnPJacobianRodrigues alg = new PnPJacobianRodrigues();
double[] param = new double[codec.getParamLength()];
codec.encode(worldToCamera, param);
// DerivativeChecker.jacobianPrint(func, alg, param, 1e-6);
assertTrue(DerivativeChecker.jacobian(func, alg, param, 1e-6));