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Example 11 with Description

use of in project Nexus by ProjectEdenGG.

the class HoursCommand method top2.

// TODO Update paginate to support database-level pagination
@Description("View the play time leaderboard for any year, month, or day")
@Path("top [args...]")
void top2(@Arg("1") HoursTopArguments args, @Switch boolean onlyStaff) {
    int page = args.getPage();
    List<PageResult> results = service.getPage(args);
    String onlyStaffSwitch = "";
    if (onlyStaff) {
        onlyStaffSwitch = " --onlyStaff";
        results.removeIf(result -> !Rank.of(result.getUuid()).isStaff());
    if (results.size() == 0)
        error("&cNo results on page " + page);
    int totalHours = 0;
    for (PageResult result : results) totalHours += result.getTotal();
    send(PREFIX + "Total: " + Timespan.ofSeconds(totalHours).format() + (page > 1 ? "&e  |  &3Page " + page : ""));
    BiFunction<PageResult, String, JsonBuilder> formatter = (result, index) -> json(index + " &e" + Nerd.of(result.getUuid()).getColoredName() + " &7- " + Timespan.ofSeconds(result.getTotal()).format());
    paginate(results, formatter, "/hours top " + args.getInput() + onlyStaffSwitch, page);
Also used : JsonBuilder( JsonBuilder( BiFunction(java.util.function.BiFunction) Async(gg.projecteden.annotations.Async) Arg( ConverterFor( Player(org.bukkit.entity.Player) AFK( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Hours( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) PlayerUtils( Nickname( TimespanBuilder(gg.projecteden.utils.TimeUtils.Timespan.TimespanBuilder) Timespan(gg.projecteden.utils.TimeUtils.Timespan) Nexus( Description( Path( Nerd( Rank( Koda( CustomCommand( Tasks( Set(java.util.Set) GroupChange( Collectors( Aliases( TickTime(gg.projecteden.utils.TimeUtils.TickTime) Switch( HoursTopArguments( List(java.util.List) Jingle( CommandEvent( LocalDate(java.time.LocalDate) HoursService( TabCompleterFor( OnlinePlayers( PageResult( PageResult( Path( Description( Async(gg.projecteden.annotations.Async)

Example 12 with Description

use of in project Nexus by ProjectEdenGG.

the class ModReviewCommand method request.

@Cooldown(value = TickTime.SECOND, x = 30)
@Path("request <name> [notes...]")
@Description("Request a mod to be reviewed by the staff team")
void request(String name, String notes) {
    ModReviewRequest request = new ModReviewRequest(uuid(), name, notes);
    send(PREFIX + "Requested mod &e" + name + " &3to be reviewed");
    String message = "&e" + name() + " &3has requested mod &e" + name + " &3to be reviewed";
    Broadcast.staff().prefix("ModReview").message(json(message).command("/modreview requests")).send();
Also used : ModReviewRequest( Path( Description( Cooldown(

Example 13 with Description

use of in project Nexus by ProjectEdenGG.

the class BankCommand method wallet.

@Description("Displays all currencies owned by the player")
void wallet(@Arg("self") Nerd nerd) {
    send(PREFIX + "&e" + nerd.getNickname() + "&3's Wallet: ");
    // Store Credit
    Contributor contributor = new ContributorService().get(nerd);
    send("&3Store Credit: &e" + contributor.getCreditFormatted());
    // Vote Points
    Voter voter = new VoterService().get(nerd);
    send("&3Vote Points: &e" + voter.getPoints());
    // Event Store
    EventUser eventUser = new EventUserService().get(nerd);
    send("&3Event Tokens: &e" + eventUser.getTokens());
    // Minigames
    PerkOwner perkOwner = new PerkOwnerService().get(nerd);
    send("&3Minigame Tokens: &e" + perkOwner.getTokens());
    // Economy
    send("&3Economy Balances: &e");
    Banker banker = new BankerService().get(nerd);
    Map<ShopGroup, BigDecimal> balances = banker.getBalances();
    for (ShopGroup shopGroup : balances.keySet()) {
        String name = StringUtils.camelCase(shopGroup);
        String bal = banker.getBalanceFormatted(shopGroup);
        send("&3 - " + name + ": &e" + bal);
Also used : PerkOwner( Banker( Contributor( VoterService( BigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal) PerkOwnerService( ShopGroup( ContributorService( EventUser( Voter( BankerService( EventUserService( Path( Description(

Example 14 with Description

use of in project Nexus by ProjectEdenGG.

the class Pugmas20Command method advent.

@Description("Open the Advent menu")
void advent() {
    LocalDate now =;
    if (!isAdmin()) {
        if (isBeforePugmas(now))
            error("Soon™ (" + timeLeft + ")");
        if (isPastPugmas(now))
            error("Next year!");
        if (isSecondChance(now))
            now = now.withYear(2020).withMonth(12).withDayOfMonth(25);
    AdventMenu.openAdvent(player(), now);
Also used : LocalDate(java.time.LocalDate) Path( Description(

Example 15 with Description

use of in project Nexus by ProjectEdenGG.

the class Pugmas20Command method waypoint.

@Path("waypoint <day>")
@Description("Get directions to a chest you have already found")
void waypoint(int day) {
    if (!pugmasUser.getLocatedDays().contains(day))
        error("You have not located that chest yet");
    AdventChest adventChest = AdventChests.getAdventChest(day);
    if (adventChest == null)
        error("Advent chest is null");
    showWaypoint(adventChest, player());
Also used : AdventChest( Path( Description(


Description ( Path ( Permission ( LocalDate (java.time.LocalDate)5 JsonBuilder ( ItemStack (org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack)4 RadioUtils.getListenedRadio ( RadioUtils.isInRangeOfRadiusRadio ( Radio ( Player (org.bukkit.entity.Player)3 AdventChest ( ConverterFor ( Switch ( TabCompleterFor ( CommandEvent ( Nerd ( Rank ( Nickname ( RadioSong ( PlayerUtils (